5,728 research outputs found

    Hierarchical bounding structures for efficient virial computations: Towards a realistic molecular description of cholesterics

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    We detail the application of bounding volume hierarchies to accelerate second-virial evaluations for arbitrary complex particles interacting through hard and soft finite-range potentials. This procedure, based on the construction of neighbour lists through the combined use of recursive atom-decomposition techniques and binary overlap search schemes, is shown to scale sub-logarithmically with particle resolution in the case of molecular systems with high aspect ratios. Its implementation within an efficient numerical and theoretical framework based on classical density functional theory enables us to investigate the cholesteric self-assembly of a wide range of experimentally-relevant particle models. We illustrate the method through the determination of the cholesteric behaviour of hard, structurally-resolved twisted cuboids, and report quantitative evidence of the long-predicted phase handedness inversion with increasing particle thread angles near the phenomenological threshold value of 45∘45^\circ. Our results further highlight the complex relationship between microscopic structure and helical twisting power in such model systems, which may be attributed to subtle geometric variations of their chiral excluded-volume manifold

    Polariton states bound to defects in GaAs/AlAs planar microcavities

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    We report on polariton states bound to defects in planar GaAs/AlAs microcavities grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The defect types relevant for the spatial polariton dynamics in these structures are cross-hatch misfit dislocations, and point-like defects extended over several micrometers. We attribute the latter defects to Ga droplets emitted occasionally by the Ga cell during the growth. These defects, also known as oval defects, result in a dome-like local modulation of surface, which is translated into the cavity structure and leads to a lateral modulation of the cavity polariton energy of up to 15\,meV. The resulting spatially localized potential landscape for the in-plane polariton motion creates a series of bound states. These states were characterized by spectrally resolved transmission imaging in real and reciprocal space, and reveal the spatial potential created by the defects. Interestingly, the defect states exhibit long lifetimes in the 10ps range, which we attribute to a spatially smooth confinement potential

    Diagrammatic Analysis of Charmless Three-Body B Decays

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    We express the amplitudes for charmless three-body B decays in terms of diagrams. In addition, we show how to use Dalitz-plot analyses to obtain decay amplitudes which are symmetric or antisymmetric under the exchange of two of the final-state particles. When annihilation-type diagrams are neglected, as in two-body decays, many of the exact, purely isospin-based results are modified, leading to new tests of the standard model (SM). Some of the tests can be performed now, and we find that present data agree with the predictions of the SM. Furthermore, contrary to what was thought previously, it is possible to cleanly extract weak-phase information from three-body decays, and we discuss methods for B -> K pi pi, K K Kbar, K Kbar pi and pi pi pi.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figures, reference updated, sentences added regarding indirect CP violation and CP of the final state. Significant text added describing how to obtain symmetric/antisymmetric decay amplitudes, results of the comparison of the predictions of the SM with present data for several decays, and the momentum dependence of the diagram

    Hadronic B Decays: A General Approach

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    In this paper, we propose a general approach for describing hadronic B decays. Using this method, all amplitudes for such decays can be expressed in terms of contractions, though the matrix elements are not evaluated. Many years ago, Buras and Silvestrini proposed a similar approach. However, our technique goes beyond theirs in several ways. First, we include recent theoretical and experimental developments which indicate which contractions are negligible, and which are expected to be smaller than others. Second, we show that all B-decay diagrams can be simply expressed in terms of contractions. This constitutes a formal proof that the diagrammatic method is rigourous. Third, we show that one reproduces the relations between tree and electroweak-penguin diagrams described by Neubert and Rosner, and by Gronau, Pirjol and Yan. Fourth, although the previous results hold to all orders in alpha_s, we show that it is also possible to work order-by-order in this approach. In this way it is possible to make a connection with the matrix-element evaluation methods of QCD factorization (QCDfac) and perturbative QCD (pQCD). Finally, using the contractions approach, we re-evaluate the question of whether there is a ``B -> pi K puzzle.'' At O(alpha_s^0), we find that the diagram ratio |C'/T| is about 0.17, a factor of 10 too small to explain all the B -> pi K data. Both QCDfac and pQCD find that, at O(\alpha_s^1), the value of |C'/T'| may be raised to only about 2-3 times its lowest-order value. We therefore conclude that, assuming the effect is not a statistical fluctuation, it is likely that the value of |C'/T'| is similar to its O(\alpha_s^0) result, and that there really is a B -> pi K puzzle.Comment: 33 pages, plain latex, 10 figures (included

    Physical and Emotional Impacts of Paternal Absence on Young Men in College

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    Literature regarding paternal absence infers that young men who experienced childhood are a great risk. Paternal Absence has additionally been connected to various personal issues, such as, substance abuse (Bryson, 2010), psychological distress(, and emotional instability. However, research under-stresses the defensive components that distinguish the ones who resist, or conquer the effects of paternal absence from the individuals who experience the impacts of its risk elements

    On the relevance of bubbles and potential flows for stellar convection

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    Recently Pasetto et al. have proposed a new method to derive a convection theory appropriate for the implementation in stellar evolution codes. Their approach is based on the simple physical picture of spherical bubbles moving within a potential flow in dynamically unstable regions, and a detailed computation of the bubble dynamics. Based on this approach the authors derive a new theory of convection which is claimed to be parameter free, non-local and time-dependent. This is a very strong claim, as such a theory is the holy grail of stellar physics. Unfortunately we have identified several distinct problems in the derivation which ultimately render their theory inapplicable to any physical regime. In addition we show that the framework of spherical bubbles in potential flows is unable to capture the essence of stellar convection, even when equations are derived correctly.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. (Comments and criticism are welcomed

    Improved Superconducting Qubit Readout by Qubit-Induced Nonlinearities

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    In dispersive readout schemes, qubit-induced nonlinearity typically limits the measurement fidelity by reducing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) when the measurement power is increased. Contrary to seeing the nonlinearity as a problem, here we propose to use it to our advantage in a regime where it can increase the SNR. We show analytically that such a regime exists if the qubit has a many-level structure. We also show how this physics can account for the high-fidelity avalanchelike measurement recently reported by Reed {\it et al.} [arXiv:1004.4323v1].Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    A Gravity Dual and LHC Study of Single-Sector Supersymmetry Breaking

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    We propose a gravitational dual of ``single-sector'' models of supersymmetry breaking which contain no messenger sector and naturally explain the scale of supersymmetry breaking and the fermion mass hierarchy. In five dimensions these models can be given a simple interpretation. Inspired by flux-background solutions of type IIB supergravity, a metric background that deviates from AdS_5 in the IR breaks supersymmetry, while the fermion mass hierarchy results from the wavefunction overlap of bulk fermions with a UV-confined Higgs field. The first and second generation squarks and sleptons, which are localized near the IR brane, directly feel the supersymmetry breaking and obtain masses of order 10 TeV. These are interpreted as composite states of the dual 4D theory. The gauginos and third generation squarks and sleptons are elementary states that obtain soft masses of order 1 TeV at the loop level via direct gauge mediation. This particle spectrum leads to distinctive signatures at the LHC, similar to the usual gauge mediation with a neutralino NLSP that decays promptly to a gravitino LSP, but with lower event rates. Nevertheless we show that with 1-10 fb^{-1} of LHC data "single-sector" models can easily be detected above background and distinguished from conventional gravity and gauge mediation.Comment: 35 pages, 6 figures, LaTe

    Improved qubit bifurcation readout in the straddling regime of circuit QED

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    We study bifurcation measurement of a multi-level superconducting qubit using a nonlinear resonator biased in the straddling regime, where the resonator frequency sits between two qubit transition frequencies. We find that high-fidelity bifurcation measurements are possible because of the enhanced qubit-state-dependent pull of the resonator frequency, the behavior of qubit-induced nonlinearities and the reduced Purcell decay rate of the qubit that can be realized in this regime. Numerical simulations find up to a threefold improvement in qubit readout fidelity when operating in, rather than outside of, the straddling regime. High-fidelity measurements can be obtained at much smaller qubit-resonator couplings than current typical experimental realizations, reducing spectral crowding and potentially simplifying the implementation of multi-qubit devices.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure
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