922 research outputs found

    Effect of intra-ply voids on the homogenized behavior of a ply in multidirectional laminates

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    This work focuses on the effect of intra-ply voids on the homogenized nonlinear behavior of a ply in multidirectional composites. Voids were modeled explicitly on the fiber scale and linked to the ply-scale by the recently developed two-scale framework which couples Classical Laminate Theory on the macro-scale with Finite Element analysis on the micro-scale. Laminates [+/- 45](2s) and [+/- 67.5](2s) were used as validation cases. The computed homogenized behavior of plies with and without voids for each laminate were compared against existing experimental data on manufactured plates. The nonlinearity of the homogenized stress-strain curves of all models is in a good agreement with experiments up to 1% of applied deformation for a laminate [+/- 45](2s) and up to 0.4% for a laminate [+/- 67.5](2s). The effect of voids was assessed only virtually and it is shown that 4% of void content decreases the ply strength by 30%, transversal Young's and shear moduli by around 10% and 8% respectively, whereas longitudinal stiffness is only slightly affected by the presence of voids. This work is the first step towards automatization of the virtual identification of the complete set of damage-plasticity parameters for the LMT-Cachan damage model accounting for the presence of intra-ply voids

    Anatomy of coronary sinus ostium

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    Background: The coronary sinus is the main cardiac vein and it has become a clinically important structure especially through its role in providing access for different cardiac procedures. Materials and methods: The study was carried out on 100 randomly selected adult human cadaver hearts fixed in 10% formalin. The transverse and craniocaudal diameters of the coronary sinus ostium (CSO) were directly measured. The presence of the Thebesian valve was noted and the anatomical details of the valve were documented in each case in terms of the shape and extent of coverage of the CSO. Results: Considerable variations in the diameter of the CSO were observed. The mean craniocaudal diameter of the CSO was 8.1 ± 1.51 mm, and the mean transverse diameter was 7.67 ± 1.72 mm. Heart specimens without Thebesian valve tended to have larger ostia. The mean craniocaudal diameter and the mean transverse diameter of the CSO were statistically larger in the specimens without Thebesian valves (p = 0.000 and p = 0.001, respectively). Conclusions: The Thebesian valves were observed in 86 hearts, and a wide variety of their morphology was seen. The majority of the Thebesian valves were semilunar in shape (74.42%). The extent to which the valve covered the ostium was variable, including remnant valves that covered < 15% of the CSO (35%), and valves that were large and covered at least 75% of the CSO (22.09%). In 3 specimens the valve completely occluded the ostium.


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    The changes taking place in the modern Russian labor market with regard to the organization of labor of employees, the content of freelancing have been considered. The socio-economic essence of freelancing has been revealed. A сharacteristic of self-employed, including the number, their social affiliation and economic activities has been given. The prerequisites, that caused the development of freelancing in Russia, have been determined. Based on the data of a number of studies, the positive aspects of freelance have been analyzed and problems in its development have been named. The main attention has been paid to the definition of the prospects of freelance development in modern Russia in the conditions of wide application of information and communication technologies

    Morphologic characteristics of sacra associated with assimilation of the last lumbar vertebra

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    Background: The impact of lumbosacral transitional states on biomechanics of load transmission between the spine and the legs has been sporadically reported. The aims of the study were to identify morphostructural alterations of sacra associated with assimilation of the last lumbar vertebra and to analyse them in the light of their biomechanical impact. Materials and methods: Linear dimensions of sacrum, its body and base and articular surfaces were measured in 31 normal and 41 transitory sacra. Nineteen sacra presented articular and 22 osseous fusion of the last lumbar vertebra. Measured parameters were compared between normal sacra and the two variations of transitory sacra. Results: Sacra with articular fusion of the last lumbar vertebra showed more pronounced concavity of the sacral curvature and wider than long sacral bodies. The first sacral segment was modified, broaden, ventrally wider and elevated. Almost the whole segment bore at its sides auricular surfaces. Very small portion of the segment was non-articular with less pronounced wedging. Sacra with osseous fusion of the last lumbar vertebra showed similar concavity of the sacral curvature as normal sacra, but longer than wide sacral bodies. The ventral sloping half of the newly formed first segment bore auricular surfaces. The non-articular part was enlarged with pronounced wedging. Conclusions: The term “sacralisation“ includes both types of transitory sacra with mutually different morphostructural characteristics in contrast to the normal sacra. Analysis of these morphologic variations may help in understanding the different biomechanical properties and patterns of load transmissio


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    Forecast, that the production of beef and veal in 2020 will attain a level the commodity producers in Lviv area 13,1 thousands of tons, that in 2,0 times less than in 2013 years. Due to the use of modern technologies and increase of intensification of production in 2020 to agricultural producers of area it will be succeeded to produce 75,3 thousands of tons of pork, that in 1,9 times more volumes than in 2013 years. Applying modern facilities of mechanization and automation of technological processes at the small charges of labour and facilities calculating per unit of products we forecasting that farmers in Lviv area are able to increase production of poultry meat to  118,8 thousands of tons due to 2020 year.    Прогнозируется, что производство говядины и телятины товаропроизводителями Львовщины в 2020 году  достигнет уровня 13,1 тыс. тонн, что в 2,0 раза меньше, чем в 2013 году. За счет использования современных технологий и повышения интенсификации производства в 2020 году сельхозтоваропроизводителям области удастся выработать 75,3 тыс. тонн свинины, что в 1,9 раза больше объемов 2013 года. Применяя современные средства механизации и автоматизации технологических процессов при небольших затратах труда и средств в расчете на единицу продукции сельхозпредприятия Львовщины смогут выработать в 2020 году  118,8 тыс. тонн мяса птицы.Прогнозується, що виробництво яловичини і телятини товаровиробниками Львівщини у 2020 р. досягне рівня 13,1 тис. тонн, що у 2,0 рази менше ніж у 2013 році. За рахунок використання сучасних технологій та підвищення інтенсифікації виробництва у 2020 р.  сільгосптоваровиробникам області вдасться виробити 75,3 тис. тонн свинини, що в 1,9 рази більше обсягів 2013 року. Застосовуючи сучасні засоби механізації й автоматизації технологічних процесів при невеликих витратах праці і засобів з розрахунку на одиницю продукції, сільгосппідприємства Львівщини зможуть виробити у 2020 р. 118,8 тис. тонн м'яса птиці. &nbsp

    GPGPU-assisted polymer nanocomposite modelling and characterisation

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    Poster "Advanced Hybrid Materials I I: design and applications" (Simposio P)Development of the hybrid materials with predefined properties by addition of inorganic nanoinclusions to a polymer material constitutes a hard challenge due to significant properties’ variations depending on inclusion’s distribution and interaction. To understand structure-property relations in such materials optical image analysis and numeric modeling are widely used, however matching such data with properties’ measurements for industrial nanocomposites requires a link to be established between experimental and modeling length scales. In this work a computer code was developed to create a model composite structure with a predefined distribution probability of inclusions using NVIDIA CUDA GPGPU approach. The code is capable of randomly populating and analyzing samples of the typical size of microphotographs used for experimental characterization and typical nanoinclusions’ concentrations avoiding unphysical intersections and thus allow correlating the results of both optical characterization and statistical computer modeling. The initial probability distribution can be taken from experimental samples and further varied to investigate the effect of distribution on a desired property. Application to study the effect of carbon nanotubes and carbon nanofibers in a polymer matrix on the composite electrical and mechanical properties is discussed.FEDER - Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade (COMPETE)Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - CONC-REEQ/443/EEI/2005, PEst-C-FIS/UI607/2011-201

    Protein delivery based on uncoated and chitosan-coated mesoporous silicon microparticles

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    Mesoporous silicon is a biocompatible, biodegradable material that is receiving increased attention for pharmaceutical applications due to its extensive specific surface. This feature enables to load a variety of drugs in mesoporous silicon devices by simple adsorption-based procedures. In this work, we have addressed the fabrication and characterization of two new mesoporous silicon devices prepared by electrochemistry and intended for protein delivery, namely: (i) mesoporous silicon microparticles and (ii) chitosan-coated mesoporous silicon microparticles. Both carriers were investigated for their capacity to load a therapeutic protein (insulin) and a model antigen (bovine serum albumin) by adsorption. Our results show that mesoporous silicon microparticles prepared by electrochemical methods present moderate affinity for insulin and high affinity for albumin. However, mesoporous silicon presents an extensive capacity to load both proteins, leading to systems were protein could represent the major mass fraction of the formulation. The possibility to form a chitosan coating on the microparticles surface was confirmed both qualitatively by atomic force microscopy and quantitatively by a colorimetric method. Mesoporous silicon microparticles with mean pore size of 35 nm released the loaded insulin quickly, but not instantaneously. This profile could be slowed to a certain extent by the chitosan coating modification. With their high protein loading, their capacity to provide a controlled release of insulin over a period of 60-90 min, and the potential mucoadhesive effect of the chitosan coating, these composite devices comprise several features that render them interesting candidates as transmucosal protein delivery systems

    Chronopharmacology of hypertension

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    Chronopathology and chronotherapy of peptic ulcer

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