481 research outputs found

    On the local Lorentz invariance in N=1 supergravity

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    We discuss the local Lorentz invariance in the context of N=1 supergravity and show that a previous attempt to find explicit solutions to the Lorentz constraint in terms of γ\gamma-matrices is not correct. We improve that solution by using a different representation of the Lorentz operators in terms of the generators of the rotation group, and show its compatibility with the matrix representation of the fermionic field. We find the most general wave functional that satisfies the Lorentz constraint in this representation

    The labour of patronage of Miguel Francisco de Gambarte in Navarra

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    Miguel Francisco de Gambarte fue un navarro establecido en el Virreinato de Nueva España hacia mediados del siglo XVIII. Siguiendo la práctica que fue habitual entre los indianos que lograron triunfar en América, remitió a su tierra natal distintos legados de plata labrada y pinturas. Este artículo sintetiza su labor de patronazgo artístico a través de nueva documentación procedente del Archivo General de Indias.Miguel Francisco de Gambarte was born in Navarre but took up residence in the Viceroyalty of New Spain in the mid-18th century. Following a common practice among the «Indianos» who managed to succeed in America, he sent several legacies of carved silverwork and paintings back to his homeland. This article summarises his work of artistic patronage through new documentation from the Archivo General de Indias

    Hierarchically-structured metalloprotein composite coatings biofabricated from co-existing condensed liquid phases

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    Complex hierarchical structure governs emergent properties in biopolymeric materials; yet, the material processing involved remains poorly understood. Here, we investigated the multi-scale structure and composition of the mussel byssus cuticle before, during and after formation to gain insight into the processing of this hard, yet extensible metal cross-linked protein composite. Our findings reveal that the granular substructure crucial to the cuticle’s function as a wear-resistant coating of an extensible polymer fiber is pre-organized in condensed liquid phase secretory vesicles. These are phase-separated into DOPA-rich proto-granules enveloped in a sulfur-rich proto-matrix which fuses during secretion, forming the sub-structure of the cuticle. Metal ions are added subsequently in a site-specific way, with iron contained in the sulfur-rich matrix and vanadium coordinated by DOPA-catechol in the granule. We posit that this hierarchical structure self-organizes via phase separation of specific amphiphilic proteins within secretory vesicles, resulting in a meso-scale structuring that governs cuticle function

    Incidentes en el comercio entre Sevilla y América en el s. XVIII: La milagrosa intercesión de la Virgen de Consolación de Utrera en el naufragio de la flota de 1713.

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    Durante el regreso a España de la flota de Indias de 1713 una fuerte tormenta perturbó la marcha del convoy, dispersando o hundiendo algunas de las naves. En tales circunstancias, los tripulantes del galeón Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, temiendo por sus vidas, decidieron ponerse bajo la protección de la Virgen de Consolación, venerada en la localidad sevillana de Utrera. Llegados sanos y salvos a Sevilla, como gesto de agradecimiento, quisieron regalar a dicha sagrada imagen unas alhajas de plata.During their return from America to Spain in 1713, the fleet was surprised by a strong storm and the progress of their convoy was disturbed. Several of their ships were dispersed or sunk. In such circumstances, the crew of the galleon Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, fearing for their lives, decided to ask Virgin of Consolation, who was revered in the Seville’s locality of Utrera, for protection. As they arrived to Seville safe and sound, as a gesture of their gratitude they wished to donate to the Virgin some silver jewelry

    Spherulitic Crystal Growth Drives Mineral Deposition Patterns in Collagen-Based Materials

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    The formation of the hard tissues that provide support and mobility to organisms is achieved through the interplay of inorganic crystals and an organic framework composed of collagen and a small percentage of non-collagenous proteins. Despite their clinical relevance, the mechanisms governing mineralization of the extracellular matrix are still poorly understood. By using 3D electron tomography and high-resolution electron microscopy imaging and spectroscopy, it has been demonstrated that mineralization proceeds through a spherulitic-like crystal growth process. First, aggregates of disordered crystals form in the interfibrillar spaces, which lead to the mineralization of adjacent fibrils. Mineral propagates steadily through the inter- and intrafibrillar spaces of the collagen structure forming layered spherulites that grow to confluence. The structure of the collagen fibrils serves as a protein scaffold to guide the formation of a myriad of platelet-shaped crystallites that make up each of these spherulites. At their periphery, nanosized unmineralized areas remain, leading to the formation of the characteristic lacy pattern observed in the transversal cross-section of mature calcified tissues. This study provides fundamental insights into the bone formation process and represents a potential strategy for complex materials designProjekt DEA

    IFML-based Model-Driven Front-End Modernization

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    Since late 90’s the use of web application frameworks has been the default choice to develop software applications inside the web domain. In parallel, Model Driven Web Engineering approaches have been defined and successfully applied to reduce the effort of web application development and reuse, fostering the independence of the implementation technology. A direct result of the success of these approaches is the elaboration of the Interaction Flow Modeling Language (IFML) as an Object Management Group (OMG) standard. However, the real fact is that there is a huge amount of legacy web systems that were developed before MDWE approaches were mainstream. The work presented herein tries to leverage IFML to modernize the front-ends of framework-based legacy web applications. In concrete, a systematic model driven reverse engineering process to generate an IFML representation from such applications is presented

    Impact of an enhanced screening program on the detection of non-AIDS neoplasias in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection

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    Background The incidence of non-AIDS defining cancer (NADC) is higher in people living with HIV (PLWH) than in the general population, and it is already one of the leading causes of death in the HIV-infected population. It is estimated that the situation will be aggravated by the progressive aging of PLWH. Early diagnosis through intensive cancer screening may improve the ability for therapeutic interventions and could be critical in reducing mortality, but it might also increase expenditure and harms associated with adverse events. The aim of this study is to evaluate an enhanced screening program for early diagnosis of cancer in PLWH compared to standard practice. The specific objectives are (1) to compare the frequency of cancer diagnosed at an early stage, (2) to analyze safety of the enhanced program: adverse events and unnecessary interventions, (3) to analyze the cost-utility of the program, and (4) to estimate the overall and site-specific incidence of NADC in PLWH. Methods We will conduct a multicenter, non-blinded, randomized, controlled trial, comparing two parallel arms: conventional vs enhanced screening. Data will be recorded in an electronic data collection notebook. Conventional intervention group will follow the standard of care screening in the participating centers, according to the European AIDS Clinical Society recommendations, and the enhanced intervention group will follow an expanded screening aimed to early detection of lung, liver, anal, cervical, breast, prostate, colorectal, and skin cancer. The trial will be conducted within the framework of the Spanish AIDS Research Network Cohort (CoRIS). Discussion The trial will evaluate the efficacy, safety, and efficiency of an enhanced screening program for the early diagnosis of cancer in HIV patients compared to standard of care practice. The information provided will be relevant since there are currently no studies on expanded cancer screening strategies in patients with HIV, and available data estimating cost effectiveness or cost-utility of such as programs are scarce. An enhanced program for NADC screening in patients with HIV could lead to early diagnosis and improve the prognosis of these patients, with an acceptable rate of unnecessary interventions, but it is critical to demonstrate that the benefits clearly outweigh the harms, before the strategy could be implemented

    Una propuesta que facilita el uso eficaz de los libros de texto a los futuros profesores de matemáticas

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    En este trabajo se presentan los primeros resultados de una experiencia piloto desarrollada en el marco del Máster de Formación de Profesores de Matemáticas de Secundaria, Bachillerato e Idiomas (MFP) de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid (URJC), en la que se trata de obtener información, a través de cuestionarios diseñados a tal efecto por el equipo de investigadores que presenta esta propuesta, sobre qué conocimientos matemáticos específicos necesita un profesor de matemáticas para usar de manera eficaz en el aula el libro de texto. Como punto de partida, y a través del trabajo colaborativo de los autores de la propuesta aquí presentada, se ha diseñado un conjunto de ítems para analizar minuciosamente los contenidos de una Unidad Didáctica de un libro de texto

    Synthesis, antibacterial and antifungal activities of naphthoquinone derivatives: a structure–activity relationship study

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    The synthesis of 1,4-naphthoquinone derivatives is of great interest since these compounds exhibit strong activity as antimalarial, antibacterial, antifungal and anticancer agents. A series of 50 naphthoquinone derivatives was synthesized and evaluated for antibacterial and antifungal activity against Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida krusei, Candida parapsilosis and Cryptococcus neoformans using the broth microdilution method. The Candida species were the most susceptible microorganisms. Halogen derivatives of 1,4-naphthoquinone presented strong activity, e.g., 2-bromo-5-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone, which exhibited inhibition at an MIC of 16 lg/ mL in S. aureus, and 2-chloro-5,8-dihydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone, with an MIC of 2 lg/mL in C. krusei. These compounds showed higher activity against fungi, but the antibacterial activities were very low. The study of structure–activity relationships is very important in the search for new antimicrobial drugs due to the limited therapeutic arsenal

    Darunavir/Cobicistat/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide Versus Dolutegravir/Abacavir/Lamivudine in Antiretroviral-Naive Adults (SYMTRI): A Multicenter Randomized Open-Label Study (PReEC/RIS-57)

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    Background. Darunavir/cobicistat/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (D/C/F/TAF) is the reference for combination therapy based on protease inhibitors due to its efficacy, tolerability, and convenience. Head-to-head randomized comparisons between D/C/F/TAF and combination therapy based on integrase inhibitors in antiretroviral-naive patients are lacking. Methods. Adult (>18 years old) human immunodeficiency virus-infected antiretroviral-naive patients (HLA-B∗5701 negative and hepatitis B virus negative), with viral load (VL) ≥500 c/mL, were centrally randomized to initiate D/C/F/TAF or dolutegravir/ abacavir/lamivudine (DTG/3TC/ABC) after stratifying by VL and CD4 count. Clinical and analytical assessments were performed at weeks 0, 4, 12, 24, and 48. The primary endpoint was VL <50 c/mL at week 48 in the intention-to-treat (ITT)-exposed population (US Food and Drug Administration snapshot analysis, 10% noninferiority margin). Results. Between September 2018 and 2019, 316 patients were randomized and 306 patients were included in the ITT-exposed analysis (151 D/C/F/TAF and 155 DTG/3TC/ABC). Almost all (94%) participants were male and their median age was 35 years. Forty percent had a baseline VL >100 000 copies/mL, and 13% had <200 CD4 cells/μL. Median weight was 73 kg and median body mass index was 24 kg/m2 . At 48 weeks, 79% (D/C/F/TAF) versus 82% (DTG/3TC/ABC) had VL <50 c/mL (difference, −2.4%; 95% confidence interval [CI], −11.3 to 6.6). Eight percent versus four percent experienced virologic failure but no resistance-associated mutations emerged. Four percent versus six percent had drug discontinuation due to adverse events. In the per-protocol analysis, 94% versus 96% of patients had VL <50 c/mL (difference, −2%; 95% CI, −8.1 to 3.5). There were no differences in CD4 cell count or weight changes. Conclusions. We could not demonstrate the noninferiority of D/C/F/TAF relative to DTG/ABC/3TC as initial antiretroviral therapy, although both regimens were similarly well tolerated