598 research outputs found

    Eritrocytic Parameters of the Blood of Calves with Different Birth Weights

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    In the conditions of a dairy farm with the help of the standard clinical, instrumental and laboratory methods the research on particularities of Eritrocytic parameters of the blood of calves (n=299) with different birth weights was carried out. It is shown that Holstein calves with normal intrauterine growth, born with body weight from 36.5 to 29 kg, have no reliable differences in red blood cell count. With a 1 kg reduction in body weight, there is a trend towards hyperchromia, but an increase in weight deficiency promotes of hypovolemia, hypochromia, and polycythaemia. In newborns with a body weight of 27.9–26.9 kg, polycythaemia is derived from hypovolemia, but, with a more pronounced weight deficiency, the role of erythrogenesis disorder in the pathogenesis of the syndrome increases. Hypochromia is a consequence of hematopoietic organs dysfunction and transmembrane loss of hemoglobin. Herein membrane destruction is caused by the increase in the content of toxical metabolites in the blood (sorptivity of red blood cells by 10–12 percent), and by a higher level of adrenaline (modification coefficient of membranes by adrenaline by 20–30 %). This indicates that the response of the fetus to the factors that inhibit its development is similar to a metabolic response against stress. At strong underweight body (b.w. less than 25 kg) exhausting of adaptive capability is observed with the increase in the blood level of toxical metabolites (sorptivity of red blood cells by 15 %), level of membrane destruction (level of ectoglobular hemoglobin in 2,8 times), and heterogeneity of red blood cells. Thus, in newborns with a body weight of less than 29 kg, the significant disturbances in the structure and functions of red blood cells were revealed, which gave grounds for stating that they had antenatal hypotrophy. Herewith, the severity of hematological changes depends on the degree of weight deficiency. Initially, it is hypovolemia and the resulting polycythemia, but, erythropoiesis disorders, and destruction of their membranes with increased polycythemia, and the development of hypochromia occur with the increasing severity of hypotrophy

    Evaluative vocabulary in Russian Federationn language of greek and latin origin

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    The article deals with the evaluative words of Greek-Latin origin. The etymological, semantic and motivational analysis is carried out, semantic groups are allocated.В статье рассмотрены русские оценочные слова греко-латинского происхождения. Проведен этимологический и семантикомотивационный анализ, выделены семантические групп

    Prospects for the measurement of muon-neutrino disappearance at the FNAL-Booster

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    Neutrino physics is nowadays receiving more and more attention as a possible source of information for the long-standing problem of new physics beyond the Standard Model. The recent measurement of the mixing angle θ13\theta_{13} in the standard mixing oscillation scenario encourages us to pursue the still missing results on leptonic CP violation and absolute neutrino masses. However, puzzling measurements exist that deserve an exhaustive evaluation. The NESSiE Collaboration has been setup to undertake conclusive experiments to clarify the muon-neutrino disappearance measurements at small L/EL/E, which will be able to put severe constraints to models with more than the three-standard neutrinos, or even to robustly measure the presence of a new kind of neutrino oscillation for the first time. To this aim the use of the current FNAL-Booster neutrino beam for a Short-Baseline experiment has been carefully evaluated. This proposal refers to the use of magnetic spectrometers at two different sites, Near and Far. Their positions have been extensively studied, together with the possible performances of two OPERA-like spectrometers. The proposal is constrained by availability of existing hardware and a time-schedule compatible with the CERN project for a new more performant neutrino beam, which will nicely extend the physics results achievable at the Booster. The possible FNAL experiment will allow to clarify the current νμ\nu_{\mu} disappearance tension with νe\nu_e appearance and disappearance at the eV mass scale. Instead, a new CERN neutrino beam would allow a further span in the parameter space together with a refined control of systematics and, more relevant, the measurement of the antineutrino sector, by upgrading the spectrometer with detectors currently under R&D study.Comment: 76 pages, 52 figure

    Methods of latin lexis memorizing by medical students

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    Methods of Latin lexis memorizing by medical students are described. Interrogation of freshmen USMU is realized. Effective mnemotechnical methods are detected.В статье рассмотрены методы запоминания латинской лексики студентами медицинских вузов. Для выявления эффективных мнемотехнических приемов проведен опрос с предложенными и открытыми вариантами ответов среди студентов 1-го курса всех факультетов УГМУ

    Medical mythologic terms for mental disorders

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    The article discusses the medical names of mental disorders, etymologically associated with the names of ancient Greek and Roman mythological characters. An onomasiological classification of the terms under consideration is given.В статье рассмотрены медицинские названия психических расстройств, этимологически связанные с именами древнегреческих и римских мифологических персонажей. Приводится ономасиологическая классификация анализируемых терминов

    Научно-методические основы идентификации пальмового масла в пищевых продуктах

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    In connection with the widespread use of palm oil in the food industry and the recommendations of the World Health Organization to reduce its consumption due to the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and obesity, it is very important to control its content in food. The problems associated with the identification and quantification of fats, fat mixtures in food products due to their similar composition have not been completely resolved. The purpose of the work is to conduct comprehensive studies to develop an algorithm for identifying and quantifying the components of the fat composition of food products and detecting the presence of palm oil in them. As a result of studies of the component composition of palm oil and its fractions, various types of vegetable fats, model mixtures of fats, methodological approaches to the identification of palm oil in food products have been developed. The feasibility of using chromatographic and isotope spectral analysis methods to solve applied problems in the food industry is theoretically substantiated and experimentally confirmed. In order to identify the fat base of food products, the following markers of the presence of palm oil have been established: phytosterols: sitosterol, campasterol, stigmasterol in a quantitative ratio of about 50 : 25 : 25; sitosterol – the prevailing component (66–200 μg/g); traces or lack of brassicosterol; substances with E-vitamin activity (enantomers of vitamin E); up to 90 % are represented by tocotrienols, the remaining 10 % are represented by tocopherols. The analysis of the isotopic composition revealed differences in the isotopic composition of carbon and hydrogen depending on the type of oil and fat, and also determined which group of fixation of atmospheric carbon dioxide during photosynthesis (C3 or C ) belongs to the plant from which the analyzed oil is made. The results of scientific research can be used to identify and quantify palm oil and its fractions in food products, which will improve the food security of the Republic of Belarus and provide the domestic market with high-quality domestic food products. В связи с широким применением в пищевой промышленности пальмового масла и рекомендациями Всемирной организации здравоохранения снизить его потребление из-за риска развития сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний весьма актуальным является контроль содержания его в продуктах питания. Проблемы, связанные с идентификацией и количественным определением жиров, жировых смесей в пищевых продуктах ввиду схожего их состава, полностью не решены. Цель работы – проведение комплексных исследований для разработки алгоритма идентификации и количественного определения компонентов жирового состава пищевых продуктов и выявления присутствия в них пальмового масла. В результате проведенных исследований компонентного состава пальмового масла и его фракций, различных видов растительных жиров, модельных смесей жиров были разработаны методические подходы к идентификации пальмового масла в пищевых продуктах. Теоретически обоснована и экспериментально подтверждена целесообразность использования хроматографического и изотопно-спектрального методов анализа для решения прикладных задач в пищевой отрасли. В целях идентификации жировой основы пищевых продуктов установлены следующие маркеры присутствия пальмового масла: фитостерины: ситостерин, кампастерин, стигмастерин в количественном соотношении около 50 : 25 : 25; ситостерин – превалирующий компонент (66–200 мкг/г); следы либо отсутствие брассикостерина; вещества, обладающие Е-витаминной активностью (энантомеры витамина Е), представлены до 90 % токотриенолами, оставшиеся 10 % – токоферолами. Анализ изотопного состава позволил выявить различия в изотопном составе углерода и водорода в зависимости от вида масел и жиров, а также определить к какой группе фиксации атмосферного диоксида углерода при фотосинтезе (С3 или С4) относится растение, из которого изготовлено анализируемое масло. Результаты научных исследований могут быть использованы для идентификации и количественного определения пальмового масла и его фракций в пищевых продуктах, что позволит повысить продовольственную безопасность Республики Беларусь, обеспечить внутренний рынок качественными продуктами питания.

    DCC gene network in the prefrontal cortex is associated with total brain volume in childhood

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    BACKGROUND: Genetic variation in the guidance cue DCC gene is linked to psychopathologies involving dysfunction in the prefrontal cortex. We created an expression-based polygenic risk score (ePRS) based on the DCC coexpression gene network in the prefrontal cortex, hypothesizing that it would be associated with individual differences in total brain volume. METHODS: We filtered single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from genes coexpressed with DCC in the prefrontal cortex obtained from an adult postmortem donors database (BrainEAC) for genes enriched in children 1.5 to 11 years old (BrainSpan). The SNPs were weighted by their effect size in predicting gene expression in the prefrontal cortex, multiplied by their allele number based on an individual's genotype data, and then summarized into an ePRS. We evaluated associations between the DCC ePRS and total brain volume in children in 2 community-based cohorts: the Maternal Adversity, Vulnerability and Neurodevelopment (MAVAN) and University of California, Irvine (UCI) projects. For comparison, we calculated a conventional PRS based on a genome-wide association study of total brain volume. RESULTS: Higher ePRS was associated with higher total brain volume in children 8 to 10 years old (β = 0.212, p = 0.043; n = 88). The conventional PRS at several different thresholds did not predict total brain volume in this cohort. A replication analysis in an independent cohort of newborns from the UCI study showed an association between the ePRS and newborn total brain volume (β = 0.101, p = 0.048; n = 80). The genes included in the ePRS demonstrated high levels of coexpression throughout the lifespan and are primarily involved in regulating cellular function. LIMITATIONS: The relatively small sample size and age differences between the main and replication cohorts were limitations. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that the DCC coexpression network in the prefrontal cortex is critically involved in whole brain development during the first decade of life. Genes comprising the ePRS are involved in gene translation control and cell adhesion, and their expression in the prefrontal cortex at different stages of life provides a snapshot of their dynamic recruitment