460 research outputs found

    Platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor blockade in coronary artery disease

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    Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors represent a new promising class of antiplatelet medications. Their use in acute coronary syndromes and for patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention has been the subject of a number of large controlled trials using both the intravenous and the oral forms. In this review, we present a systematic overview of these trials

    Molecular Detection and Identification of Candida Species Isolates from Oral by RFLP-PCR

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    In this study, 10 local isolates from a total of 50 samples of Candida sp. were collected from oral swabs of patients with oral infections in Mosul hospitals. The isolates were diagnosed based on culturing, microscopic and biochemical characteristics, and then molecular methods. The first diagnosis by culturing, microscopic and biochemical tests found the isolates were identified as Candida sp. The ITS region was amplified using universal primers (ITS4-ITS5), The PCR product was size (510-721) bp. Performing RFLP-PCR using MspI, HhaI,and EcoRI, restriction enzyme to detect and identify Candida species, the results showed the presence of the cutting sequence of MspI and HhaI enzymes in the genomic DNA content of local isolate and the absence of the sequences for the EcoRI restriction enzyme. Two Candida species were identified (C. krusei and C. the basis of size and fragment sequences then compared with sequences of standard strains from the gene bank in previous studies. Therefore, it can be observed that there is a genetic variation between the local isolates and that there are different genotypes of rDNA 5.8S have been diagnosed in 10 isolates after the cutting process with three restriction enzymes. We conclude from this study that the RFLP-PCR technique was the best in diagnosing and identifying Candida species compared with traditional methods. and we are d the genetic variation between local isolates.

    Scanning Capacitance Spectroscopy on n\u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e-p Asymmetrical Junctions in Multicrystalline Si Solar Cells

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    We report on a scanning capacitance spectroscopy (SCS) study on the n+-p junction of multicrystalline silicon solar cells. We found that the spectra taken at space intervals of ∼10 nm exhibit characteristic features that depend strongly on the location relative to the junction. The capacitance-voltage spectra exhibit a local minimum capacitance value at the electrical junction, which allows the junction to be identified with ∼10-nm resolution. The spectra also show complicated transitions from the junction to the n-region with two local capacitance minima on the capacitance-voltage curves; similar spectra to that have not been previously reported in the literature. These distinctive spectra are due to uneven carrier-flow from both the n- and p-sides. Our results contribute significantly to the SCS study on asymmetrical junctions

    Effect of Heat Treatment on Properties of Titanium Biomedical Alloy

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    الهدف من هذا العمل هو لدراسة تأثير المعاملات الحرارية على السبيكة Ti6Al4V) ) التي انتجت بطريقة ميتالورجيا المساحيق وتتكون من خليط من المساحيق التالية : تيتانيوم ٪90 المنيوم ٪6 فناديوم ٪4 المعاملات الحرارية (التلبيد) تحدث في فترات مكوث مختلفة ·السبيكة Ti6Al4V)) تستخدم كمواد حياتية في المجال الطبي نتيجة الى خواصها الممتازة مثل مقاومة تأكل عالية ٬ مقاومة بلى عالية ٬ مقاومة عالية للكسر٬ مطيلية عالية ٬ غير سام وغير مغناطيسي ٬معامل مرونة مناسب حيث تستخدم كبديل لاستبدال الانسجة الصلبة التالفة مثل تقويم و تثبيت العظم ٬مفصل الورك ٬مفصل الركبة و زروعات الاسنان ·العناصروزنت بواسطة ميزان الكتروني عالي الحساسية ٬المساحيق خلطت لخمس ساعات ثم ضغط المساحيق بأستخدام جهاز المكبس مع ضغط 700 ميكا باسكال للانتقال الى النماذج الاسطوانية الخضراء مع قطر للعينات 13 ملم . عملية التلبيد تجري بدرجة حرارة 1100 °م. المسامية للعينات تقل في درجات الحرارة العالية وزمن المكوث الطويل الى حد معين ثم تزداد المسامية في درجات الحرارة المرتفعة جدا بسبب النمو الحبيبي وتمدد الغازات. كثافة النماذج بعدعملية التلبيد تزداد مع زيادة درجة الحرارة بسبب زيادة انتشار الجسيمات و نقصان المسامية التي تزيد نقاط التماس بين الجسيمات.عملية التلبيد تؤدي الى زيادة الصلادة ٬حيث الصلادة اختبرت بطريقة فيكرز. البلى يزداد بواسطة زيادة (الحمل ٬الزمن ٬ مسافة الانزلاق). وزيادة الصلادة تؤدي الى انخفاض الحجم المفقود (كمية المعدن المفقود قليلة) حيث العلاقة بينهم علاقة عكسية. لدراسة سلوك التآكل للنماذج التي اجري لها عمليات تلبيد في فترات مكوث مختلفة ولاداء هذا الاختبار (اختبار تافل) في محلول 0٫9 كلوريد الصوديوم ٬ حيث النموذج تعرض الى درجة حرارة عالية وفترة مكوث طويلة وهذا يؤدي الى زيادة الانتشار وزيادة نقاط التماس بين الجسيمات وزيادة قوى الاواصر بين الجسيمات وهذا يؤدي الى زيادة تيار التاكل ولذلك عملية الاكسدة على درجة عالية وهذا يؤدي الى معدل التآكل.The aim of this work to study the effects of heat treatments on the alloy (Ti6Al4V) which produced by powder metallurgy methods and consists of a mixture of the following powders (titanium 90%, aluminum 6%  and vanadium 4%).The heat treatments (sintering process) take place in different time of stay. The alloy (Ti6Al4V) used as biomaterials in the medical field due to their  excellent properties such as : high corrosion resistance, high wear resistance, high breaking strength, higher ductility, non-toxic and non-magnetic, suitable elasticity coefficient, where  used as  an alternative to replacing damaged hard tissues such  as  orthopaedic, osteosynthesis, full hip joint, knee joint and dental implants. The elements were weighed by a highly sensitive electronic balance, the powder was mixed for five hours, Then press with a pressure (700 MPa) to transition to green cylindrical samples with a diameter of 13 mm. The sintering process was carried out at 1100 °C. The porosity of the samples decreases at high temperatures and time of stay to a certain extent and then increase porosity at very high temperatures due to the growth of particle and the expansion of gases. The density of the samples after the sintering process increases with increasing the temperature because increase the mass diffusion of particles and reduces porosities that increase contact points between particles. The sintering processes lead to increase the hardness, where the hardness was tested in the Vickers hardness method. The wear increased by increasing (load, time and sliding distance), and increase the hardness leads to a low volume loss (the amount of metal lost a few) as the relationship between them is inverse. To study the corrosion behavior of the samples that have been sintering processes under different time of stay and to perform this test (tafel Extrapolation test) in 0.9 NaCl solution, where the sample is subjected to high temperature and a long period of stay and therefore This lead to increases the diffusion and increases the contact points between the particles and increase the forces of bonds between the particles and this leads to increased corrosion current and therefore the oxidation process to be a high degree and this leads to the higher rate of corrosion

    Exploring Sheraoh Island at South-Eastern Qatar: First Distributional Records of Some Inland and Offshore Biota with Annotated Checklist

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    Sheraoh island is the most remote among Qatari islands, nearly 73.5 km south-eastern of the mainland of the peninsula. In March 2010, a preliminary general survey of the species was conducted. Observations were made partly by wading and snorkeling in the intertidal zone and partly by surveying the inland habitats. In total the 31 species were recorded, 4 species of halophyte plants: Halopeplis perfoliata, Suaeda vermiculata, Salsola baryosoma and Zygophyllum qatarense, one unexpected terrestrial mammal: the cape hare Lepus capensis, 2 species of visiting birds: Motacilla flava and Anthus campestus and one species of sea bird. Phalacrocorax nigrogularis, one dolphin species: Sousa chinensis. The largest richness was found in the marine habitats, 3 species of sea weeds: Colpomenia sinusa, Padina boergesenii and Sargassum boveanum, 3 species of corals: Anomastraea irregularis, Platygyra lamellina and Porites harrisoni, 2 species of nudibranchs: Chromodoris cazae and Chromodoris sp. (unidentified)., 4 crab species: Hermit crab (unidentified), Etisus laevimanus, Grapsus albolineatus and Lambrus prensor, 4 species of echinoderms: Pentacentral mammillatus, Ophiothela venusta, Diadema setosum and Echinometra mathaei, 5 species of bony fish: Doryrhamphus sp. (larva), Cypserulus oligolepis, Lethrinus nebulosus, Cephalopholis miniatus and Hemiramphus marginatus, one species of sea snakes: Hydrophis sp. The most striking result is to collect an unknown nudibranch species and to report the cape hare which is unexpected inhabitant. All figures of this study are published for the first time in Qatar.Qatar Universit

    Agrarian reform in relation to economic development in Iraq /

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    Transmission Electron Microscopy and Nanoprobe Analysis of Ferroelectric Thin Films

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    Thin-film ceramic materials have a variety of electronic applications. Several deposition techniques are currently being used to produce such films with specific properties. For example, rf-sputtered ferroelectric perovskite films, with total thicknesses less than 0.5 μ.m, are being integrated with semiconductor devices as elements for non-volatile memories. Since there is a definite need to characterize these thin films after deposition, electron microscopy has been utilized as one of the most powerful techniques available for examining their morphology and microstructure. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) examination of these oxides proved difficult. New TEM sample preparation techniques had to be developed in order to avoid artifacts. Ion milling had to be kept to a minimum because many ferroelectric materials contain lead or other volatile elements. Even though milling has worked quite well under certain conditions, other techniques, such as microtoming, have been successfully used by the authors. In this work, both kinds of sample preparation are explored and compared. Particular emphasis is placed on the understanding of the compositional and microstructural variability of these films, as they are integrated in semiconductor devices

    Using CRF Tool for Analyzing the Resilience of Cities

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    The new sustainable development goals set by the UN include a goal of making cities inclusive, safe, sustainable, and resilient. Cities are growing at huge rates, and conditions of deteriorating QOL̛s are increasing in the form of poor access to services, and slums are remarkable, especially in the cities of the Middle East; hence, the research problem can arise from a lack of knowledge regarding the in determination of a way to assess the resilience of cities to develop mechanisms that will improve the quality of urban life. In this study, a tool called CRF has been applied for the assessment of the city's resilience principles of health and quality of life, economics and social, infrastructure and environmental systems, and the principles of governance and strategic leadership. The research aims to determine the efficiency of Kufa City in achieving the principles of resilience according to the CRF. The research is based on the descriptive analytical method. The research concluded that the city of Kufa achieves low levels of some indicators of resilience, especially on the imposition of security and the rule of law, transportation, and communications, and achieves reasonable rates of resilience regarding opportunities for creating a sustainable economy and achieving basic needs. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-10-013 Full Text: PD

    Design and manufacture a new solar unit for distillation and water heating in Basrah City

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    In this paper a new solar unit for water heating and distillation has been designed and manufactured. It was operated for a period of 6 month from December 2013 to May 2014 in Basrah city which lies on longitude (47o45 ) and latitude (30o33 ). The average daily productivity of distilled water at the operated month was ranged between (8.4 -14.56) liter/m2 and a hot water at a temperature of 43-70 Co at a normal flow of 65 ml/min. Keywords: solar collector , solar energy , solar distillation , solar water heating , solar still.