38 research outputs found

    Photoionization of ultracold and Bose-Einstein condensed Rb atoms

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    Photoionization of a cold atomic sample offers intriguing possibilities to observe collective effects at extremely low temperatures. Irradiation of a rubidium condensate and of cold rubidium atoms within a magneto-optical trap with laser pulses ionizing through 1-photon and 2-photon absorption processes has been performed. Losses and modifications in the density profile of the remaining trapped cold cloud or the remaining condensate sample have been examined as function of the ionizing laser parameters. Ionization cross-sections were measured for atoms in a MOT, while in magnetic traps losses larger than those expected for ionization process were measured.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    An integrative approach to more nuanced estimates of personality–job–performance relations

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordData availability statement: The data that support the findings of this study are openly available on OSF at https://osf.io/ys72j/?view_only=f48aeaf9414d46fb81019186030afbdcRecent research has suggested that self- and other-ratings of personality may provide different information about personality, which can be captured in the trait–reputation–identity (TRI) model. Based on the TRI model, we investigate the link between personality and aligned job performance criteria on domain and aspect levels of the Big Five personality traits. In five samples (overall N = 571 triplets of target self-ratings and two coworker other-ratings), we investigated the relationships between the shared information on personality and shared information about job performance. We found that all personality domains showed substantial criterion validity in predicting the corresponding job-performance dimensions. Furthermore, we found stronger estimates for aspects of agreeableness and openness. We discuss theoretical and practical implications for target replacement and performance management

    Professional conceptualisation and accomplishment of patient safety in mental healthcare: an ethnographic approach

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This study seeks to broaden current understandings of what patient safety means in mental healthcare and how it is accomplished. We propose a qualitative observational study of how safety is produced or not produced in the complex context of everyday professional mental health practice. Such an approach intentionally contrasts with much patient safety research which assumes that safety is achieved and improved through top-down policy directives. We seek instead to understand and articulate the connections and dynamic interactions between people, materials, and organisational, legal, moral, professional and historical safety imperatives as they come together at particular times and places to perform safe or unsafe practice. As such we advocate an understanding of patient safety 'from the ground up'.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>The proposed project employs a six-phase data collection framework in two mental health settings: an inpatient unit and a community team. The first four phases comprise multiple modes of focussed, unobtrusive observation of professionals at work, to enable us to trace the conceptualisation and enactment of safety as revealed in dialogue and narrative, use of artefacts and space, bodily activity and patterns of movement, and in the accomplishment of specific work tasks. An interview phase and a social network analysis phase will subsequently be conducted to offer comparative perspectives on the observational data. This multi-modal and holistic approach to studying patient safety will complement existing research, which is dominated by instrumentalist approaches to discovering factors contributing to error, or developing interventions to prevent or manage adverse events.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This ethnographic research framework, informed by the principles of practice theories and in particular actor-network ideas, provides a tool to aid the understanding of patient safety in mental healthcare. The approach is novel in that it seeks to articulate an 'anatomy of patient safety' as it actually occurs, in terms of the networks of elements coalescing to enable the conceptual and material performance of safety in mental health settings. By looking at <it>how </it>patient safety happens or does not happen, this study will enable us to better understand how we might in future productively tackle its improvement.</p

    Dietary Heterogeneity among Western Industrialized Countries Reflected in the Stable Isotope Ratios of Human Hair

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    Although the globalization of food production is often assumed to result in a homogenization of consumption patterns with a convergence towards a Western style diet, the resources used to make global food products may still be locally produced (glocalization). Stable isotope ratios of human hair can quantify the extent to which residents of industrialized nations have converged on a standardized diet or whether there is persistent heterogeneity and glocalization among countries as a result of different dietary patterns and the use of local food products. Here we report isotopic differences among carbon, nitrogen and sulfur isotope ratios of human hair collected in thirteen Western European countries and in the USA. European hair samples had significantly lower δ13C values (−22.7 to −18.3‰), and significantly higher δ15N (7.8 to 10.3‰) and δ34S (4.8 to 8.3‰) values than samples from the USA (δ13C: −21.9 to −15.0‰, δ15N: 6.7 to 9.9‰, δ34S: −1.2 to 9.9‰). Within Europe, we detected differences in hair δ13C and δ34S values among countries and covariation of isotope ratios with latitude and longitude. This geographic structuring of isotopic data suggests heterogeneity in the food resources used by citizens of industrialized nations and supports the presence of different dietary patterns within Western Europe despite globalization trends. Here we showed the potential of stable isotope analysis as a population-wide tool for dietary screening, particularly as a complement of dietary surveys, that can provide additional information on assimilated macronutrients and independent verification of data obtained by those self-reporting instruments

    12b,24b‐Diborahexabenzo[a,c,fg,l,n,qr]pentacene: A Low‐LUMO Boron‐Doped Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon

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    Herein we devise and execute a new synthesis of a pristine boron-doped nanographene. Our target boron-doped nanographene was designed based on DFT calculations to possess a low LUMO energy level and a narrow band gap derived from its precise geometry and B-doping arrangement. Our synthesis of this target, a doubly B-doped hexabenzopentacene (B2_2-HBP), employs six net C−H borylations of an alkene, comprising consecutive hydroboration/electrophilic borylation/dehydrogenation and BBr3_3/AlCl3_3/2,6-dichloropyridine-mediated C−H borylation steps. As predicted by our calculations, B2_2-HBP absorbs strongly in the visible region and emits in the NIR up to 1150 nm in o-dichlorobenzene solutions. Furthermore, B2-HBP possesses a very low LUMO level, showing two reversible reductions at −1.00 V and −1.17 V vs. Fc+/Fc. Our methodology is surprisingly selective despite its implementation of unfunctionalized precursors and offers a new approach to the synthesis of pristine B-doped polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

    PAHs Containing both Heptagon and Pentagon: Corannulene Extension by [5+2] Annulation

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    Utilizing Pd‐catalyzed [5+2] annulation a series of heptagon‐extended corannulenes could be synthesized from a borinic acid precursor furnished by C−H borylation strategy. Single‐crystal X‐ray analysis revealed the presence of two conformational enantiomers crystallizing in a racemic mixture. Through their embedded five‐ and seven‐membered rings these polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) exhibit both negative and positive curvature and UV/Vis/NIR absorption spectroscopy as well as cyclic voltammetry experiments provided insights into the influence of larger flanking aromatic systems and electron‐donating substituents encompassing the heptagonal ring. Through [5+2] annulation of acenaphthylene an azulene‐containing PAH with intriguing optoelectronical properties including a very small bandgap and absorption over the whole visible spectrum could be obtained. Theoretical calculations were employed to elucidate the long‐wavelength absorption and aromaticity