263 research outputs found

    The masked cognate translation priming effect for different-script bilinguals is modulated by the phonological similarity of cognate words: Further support for the phonological account

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    The effect of phonological similarity on L1-L2 cognate translation priming was examined with Japanese-English bilinguals. According to the phonological account, the cognate priming effect for different-script bilinguals consists of additive effects of phonological and conceptual facilitation. If true, then the size of the cognate priming effect would be directly influenced by the phonological similarity of cognate translation equivalents. The present experiment tested and confirmed this prediction: the cognate priming effect was significantly larger for cognate prime-target pairs with high-phonological similarity than pairs with low-phonological similarity. Implications for the nature of lexical processing in same-versus different-script bilinguals are discussed

    Orthographic properties of distractors do influence phonological Stroop effects: Evidence from Japanese Romaji distractors

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    In attempting to understand mental processes, it is important to use a task that appropriately reflects the underlying processes being investigated. Recently, Verdonschot and Kinoshita (Memory & Cognition, 46,410-425, 2018) proposed that a variant of the Stroop task-the "phonological Stroop task"-might be a suitable tool for investigating speech production. The major advantage of this task is that the task is apparently not affected by the orthographic properties of the stimuli, unlike other, commonly used, tasks (e.g., associative-cuing and word-reading tasks). The viability of this proposal was examined in the present experiments by manipulating the script types of Japanese distractors. For Romaji distractors (e.g., "kushi"), color-naming responses were faster when the initial phoneme was shared between the color name and the distractor than when the initial phonemes were different, thereby showing a phoneme-based phonological Stroop effect (Experiment1). In contrast, no such effect was observed when the same distractors were presented in Katakana (e.g., "< ") pound, replicating Verdonschot and Kinoshita's original results (Experiment2). A phoneme-based effect was again found when the Katakana distractors used in Verdonschot and Kinoshita's original study were transcribed and presented in Romaji (Experiment3). Because the observation of a phonemic effectdirectly depended on the orthographic properties of the distractor stimuli, we conclude that the phonological Stroop task is also susceptible to orthographic influences

    Environmental and hydrologic controls on sediment and organic carbon export from a subalpine catchment: insights from a time series

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    Studies engaging in tracking headwater carbon signatures downstream remain sparse, despite their importance for constraining transfer and transformation pathways of organic carbon (OC) and developing regional-scale perspectives on mechanisms influencing the balance between remineralization and carbon export. Based on a 40-month time series, we investigate the dependence of hydrology and seasonality on the discharge of sediment and OC in a small (350 km2) Swiss subalpine watershed (Sihl River basin). We analyze concentrations and isotopic compositions (δ13C, F14C) of particulate OC and use dual-isotope mixing and machine learning frameworks to characterize and estimate source contributions, transport pathways, and export fluxes. The majority of transferred OC is sourced from plant biomass and soil material. The relative amount of bedrock-derived (petrogenic) OC, abundant in headwater streams, progressively decreases downstream in response to a lack of source material and efficient overprinting with biospheric OC, illustrating rapid organic matter alteration over short distances. Large variations in OC isotopic compositions observed during baseflow conditions converge and form a homogenous mixture enriched in OC and characterized by higher POC-F14C values following precipitation-driven events. Particulate OC isotopic data and model results suggest that storms facilitate surface runoff and the inundation of riparian zones, resulting in the entrainment of loose plant-derived debris and surficial soil material. Although particle transport in the Sihl River basin is mainly driven by hydrology, subtle changes in bedrock erosivity, slope angle, and floodplain extent likely have profound effects on the POC composition, age, and export yields.</p

    Climate control on terrestrial biospheric carbon turnover

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Eglinton, T. I., Galy, V. V., Hemingway, J. D., Feng, X., Bao, H., Blattmann, T. M., Dickens, A. F., Gies, H., Giosan, L., Haghipour, N., Hou, P., Lupker, M., McIntyre, C. P., Montluçon, D. B., Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B., Ponton, C., Schefuß, E., Schwab, M. S., Voss, B. M., Wacker, L., Wu, Y., & Zhao, M. Climate control on terrestrial biospheric carbon turnover. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(8), (2021): e2011585118, htps://doi.org/ 10.1073/pnas.2011585118.Terrestrial vegetation and soils hold three times more carbon than the atmosphere. Much debate concerns how anthropogenic activity will perturb these surface reservoirs, potentially exacerbating ongoing changes to the climate system. Uncertainties specifically persist in extrapolating point-source observations to ecosystem-scale budgets and fluxes, which require consideration of vertical and lateral processes on multiple temporal and spatial scales. To explore controls on organic carbon (OC) turnover at the river basin scale, we present radiocarbon (14C) ages on two groups of molecular tracers of plant-derived carbon—leaf-wax lipids and lignin phenols—from a globally distributed suite of rivers. We find significant negative relationships between the 14C age of these biomarkers and mean annual temperature and precipitation. Moreover, riverine biospheric-carbon ages scale proportionally with basin-wide soil carbon turnover times and soil 14C ages, implicating OC cycling within soils as a primary control on exported biomarker ages and revealing a broad distribution of soil OC reactivities. The ubiquitous occurrence of a long-lived soil OC pool suggests soil OC is globally vulnerable to perturbations by future temperature and precipitation increase. Scaling of riverine biospheric-carbon ages with soil OC turnover shows the former can constrain the sensitivity of carbon dynamics to environmental controls on broad spatial scales. Extracting this information from fluvially dominated sedimentary sequences may inform past variations in soil OC turnover in response to anthropogenic and/or climate perturbations. In turn, monitoring riverine OC composition may help detect future climate-change–induced perturbations of soil OC turnover and stocks.This work was supported by grants from the US NSF (OCE-0928582 to T.I.E. and V.V.G.; OCE-0851015 to B.P.-E., T.I.E., and V.V.G.; and EAR-1226818 to B.P.-E.), Swiss National Science Foundation (200021_140850, 200020_163162, and 200020_184865 to T.I.E.), and National Natural Science Foundation of China (41520104009 to M.Z.)

    Transposed-letter priming effects in reading aloud words and nonwords

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    A masked nonword prime generated by transposing adjacent inner letters in a word (e.g., jugde) facilitates the recognition of the target word (JUDGE) more than a prime in which the relevant letters are replaced by different letters (e.g., junpe). This transposed-letter (TL) priming effect has been widely interpreted as evidence that the coding of letter position is flexible, rather than precise. Although the TL priming effect has been extensively investigated in the domain of visual word recognition using the lexical decision task, very few studies have investigated this empirical phenomenon in reading aloud. In the present study, we investigated TL priming effects in reading aloud words and nonwords and found that these effects are of equal magnitude for the two types of items. We take this result as support for the view that the TL priming effect arises from noisy perception of letter order within the prime prior to the mapping of orthography to phonology.6 page(s

    A behavioral database for masked form priming

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    Reading involves a process of matching an orthographic input with stored representations in lexical memory. The masked priming paradigm has become a standard tool for investigating this process. Use of existing results from this paradigm can be limited by the precision of the data and the need for cross-experiment comparisons that lack normal experimental controls. Here, we present a single, large, high-precision, multicondition experiment to address these problems. Over 1,000 participants from 14 sites responded to 840 trials involving 28 different types of orthographically related primes (e.g., castfe–CASTLE) in a lexical decision task, as well as completing measures of spelling and vocabulary. The data were indeed highly sensitive to differences between conditions: After correction for multiple comparisons, prime type condition differences of 2.90 ms and above reached significance at the 5% level. This article presents the method of data collection and preliminary findings from these data, which included replications of the most widely agreed-upon differences between prime types, further evidence for systematic individual differences in susceptibility to priming, and new evidence regarding lexical properties associated with a target word’s susceptibility to priming. These analyses will form a basis for the use of these data in quantitative model fitting and evaluation and for future exploration of these data that will inform and motivate new experiments

    Stress Priming in Reading and the Selective Modulation of Lexical and Sub-Lexical Pathways

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    Four experiments employed a priming methodology to investigate different mechanisms of stress assignment and how they are modulated by lexical and sub-lexical mechanisms in reading aloud in Italian. Lexical stress is unpredictable in Italian, and requires lexical look-up. The most frequent stress pattern (Dominant) is on the penultimate syllable [laVOro (work)], while stress on the antepenultimate syllable [MAcchina (car)] is relatively less frequent (non-Dominant). Word and pseudoword naming responses primed by words with non-dominant stress – which require whole-word knowledge to be read correctly – were compared to those primed by nonwords. Percentage of errors to words and percentage of dominant stress responses to nonwords were measured. In Experiments 1 and 2 stress errors increased for non-dominant stress words primed by nonwords, as compared to when they were primed by words. The results could be attributed to greater activation of sub-lexical codes, and an associated tendency to assign the dominant stress pattern by default in the nonword prime condition. Alternatively, they may have been the consequence of prosodic priming, inducing more errors on trials in which the stress pattern of primes and targets was not congruent. The two interpretations were investigated in Experiments 3 and 4. The results overall suggested a limited role of the default metrical pattern in word pronunciation, and showed clear effect of prosodic priming, but only when the sub-lexical mechanism prevailed