2,813 research outputs found

    Mecho: Year one

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    Environmental challenges to operationalisation of South African rainfall enhancement

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    Most of the atmospheric moisture in systems moving across South Africa leaves the sub-continent as the weather systems move out over the ocean, only a tenth of it falls on the landmass as rain. An increase in the efficiency of the atmospheric moisture delivery system by means of rainfall enhancement is therefore an attractive concept. Rainfall enhancement functions by either providing additional Cloud Condensation Nuclei or Ice forming Nuclei that will beneficially influence the precipitation formation process, improving the efficiency of moisture to rainfall conversion. Systematic South African research into rainfall enhancement started in the 1970s. The South African Rainfall Enhancement Programme (SAREP), initiated in the late 1990\'s, is the most recent in a series of studies and was the first semi-operational rainfall enhancement project to occur in South Africa as a response to drought conditions. In a recent study (DWAF, 2004 in prep) to finalise SAREP and provide guidance on operationalising rainfall enhancement, it was recommended that environmental impact assessment must be undertaken before this technology is implemented further. Rainfall enhancement falls specifically within the jurisdiction of the National Water Act (NWA) and the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA). A licence to undertake rainfall enhancement activities is required from the Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry after an appropriate environmental impact assessment has been undertaken to inform his decision. This paper proposes an approach to fulfil the legal requirements for operationalising future rainfall enhancement. The interaction between the science of rainfall enhancement and the ability of scientific disciplines to determine relevant environmental impacts, to appropriately inform the decision-making process, is specifically highlighted. The data requirements identified by scientists during the study varies in duration and resource needs and does not differentiate between ongoing scientific research and the requisite information required for informed decision making. This paper contemplates an approach which provides for holistic and co-ordinated investigation of South African rainfall enhancement into the future. Water SA Vol. 30 (5) 2005: pp.88-9

    Tracking the policy literacy journey of students in a postgraduate diploma course in disability and rehabilitation studies

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    Health and/or rehabilitation practitioners have to interact with policy decisions. Ideally, they need to be able to understand policies and to engage with them, however, practitioners are often not aware of policies and of how to engage with them. As a post graduate unit with a mandate to develop programmes that respond to practice needs, this article reports on the development of a policy analysis module as part of the Post Graduate Diploma in Disability and Rehabilitation Studies. In this article we report on the development of the module, the approach taken, and on student responses to the module. The course journey of enrolled students is narrated, highlighting the encouragement of student engagement and peer feedback as key to improved learning and understandings in higher education. Facilitators’ use of didactic approaches that centre students and participatory learning seem equally important for meaningful learning

    Geometrical correlations in the nucleosomal DNA conformation and the role of the covalent bonds rigidity

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    We develop a simple elastic model to study the conformation of DNA in the nucleosome core particle. In this model, the changes in the energy of the covalent bonds that connect the base pairs of each strand of the DNA double helix, as well as the lateral displacements and the rotation of adjacent base pairs are considered. We show that because of the rigidity of the covalent bonds in the sugar-phosphate backbones, the base pair parameters are highly correlated, especially, strong twist-roll-slide correlation in the conformation of the nucleosomal DNA is vividly observed in the calculated results. This simple model succeeds to account for the detailed features of the structure of the nucleosomal DNA, particularly, its more important base pair parameters, roll and slide, in good agreement with the experimental results

    Review of Geotechnical Investigations Resulting from the Roermond April 13, 1992 Earthquake

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    In 1987 the Engineering Geology section of the Delft University of Technology carried out a survey of the SE Netherlands to determine which areas were susceptible to liquefaction based on soil profile, groundwater levels and a Richter scale magnitude 6 earthquake along the principal rift fault through the Netherlands, the Peelrand fault system. The fault system has been active since the Triassic and forms part of the Rhine-North Sea rift system. The last major earthquake along the Peelrand fault was in 1933. Recently, in 1992, A 5.8 magnitude earthquake occurred at Roermond, near to the Dutch-German border. Though damage resulting from the earthquake was limited, remedial works to structures amounted to US$ 50 million in the Netherlands. The paper reviews geotechnical investigations associated with the earthquake carried out in the Netherlands. Much of the damage is attributed to liquefaction; excess pore pressures resulting from the earthquake caused sand vent eruptions, river-dyke failures and slope failures. Comparisons are made between the predictions of 1987 and that which occurred in 1992. Site investigation works are recording geotechnical and building data so as to allow for correlations between extents of damage, ground geotechnical profiles and building design. Models for liquefaction are reviewed to describe the slope failure as well as the sand vent phenomena. Densification of subsoil has been inferred from CPTs taken before and after the earthquake for some sites. Pile foundation damage has been investigated for buildings in Roermond for which their susceptibility to earthquake lateral forces in terms of stiffness and pile head working load is given

    Sustainable urban environments research dialogues

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