13,922 research outputs found

    The academic and industrial embrace of space-time methods

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    [Guest Editors introduction to: Special issue on space-time transmission, reception, coding and signal processing] Every episode of the classic 1966–1969 television series Star Trek begins with Captain Kirk’s (played by William Shatner) famous words : “Space: The final frontier….” While space may not be the final frontier for the information and communication theory community, it is proving to be an important and fruitful one. In the information theory community, the notion of space can be broadly defined as the simultaneous use of multiple, possibly coupled, channels. The notions of space–time and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels are therefore often used interchangeably. The connection between space and MIMO is most transparent when we view the multiple channels as created by two or more spatially separated antennas at a wireless transmitter or receiver. A large component of the current interest in space–time methods can be attributed to discoveries in the late 1980s and early 1990s that a rich wireless scattering environment can be beneficial when multiple antennas are used on a point-to-point link. We now know that adding antennas in a rich environment provides proportional increases in point-to-point data rates, without extra transmitted power or bandwidth

    A quantum computational semantics for epistemic logical operators. Part I: epistemic structures

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    Some critical open problems of epistemic logics can be investigated in the framework of a quantum computational approach. The basic idea is to interpret sentences like “Alice knows that Bob does not understand that π is irrational” as pieces of quantum information (generally represented by density operators of convenient Hilbert spaces). Logical epistemic operators (to understand, to know. . .) are dealt with as (generally irreversible) quantum operations, which are, in a sense, similar to measurement-procedures. This approach permits us to model some characteristic epistemic processes, that concern both human and artificial intelligence. For instance, the operation of “memorizing and retrieving information” can be formally represented, in this framework, by using a quantum teleportation phenomenon

    A generalized Kramers-Kronig transform for Casimir effect computations

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    Recent advances in experimental techniques now permit to measure the Casimir force with unprecedented precision. In order to achieve a comparable precision in the theoretical prediction of the force, it is necessary to accurately determine the electric permittivity of the materials constituting the plates along the imaginary frequency axis. The latter quantity is not directly accessible to experiments, but it can be determined via dispersion relations from experimental optical data. In the experimentally important case of conductors, however, a serious drawback of the standard dispersion relations commonly used for this purpose, is their strong dependence on the chosen low-frequency extrapolation of the experimental optical data, which introduces a significant and not easily controllable uncertainty in the result. In this paper we show that a simple modification of the standard dispersion relations, involving suitable analytic window functions, resolves this difficulty, making it possible to reliably determine the electric permittivity at imaginary frequencies solely using experimental optical data in the frequency interval where they are available, without any need of uncontrolled data extrapolations.Comment: 10 pages, 6 encapsulated figures. A few typos corrected, some references added. The new version matches the one accepted for publication on Phys. Rev.

    Domain wall suppression in trapped mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensates

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    The ground state energy of a binary mixture of Bose-Einstein condensates can be estimated for large atomic samples by making use of suitably regularized Thomas-Fermi density profiles. By exploiting a variational method on the trial densities the energy can be computed by explicitly taking into account the normalization condition. This yields analytical results and provides the basis for further improvement of the approximation. As a case study, we consider a binary mixture of 87^{87}Rb atoms in two different hyperfine states in a double well potential and discuss the energy crossing between density profiles with different numbers of domain walls, as the number of particles and the inter-species interaction vary.Comment: 9 page

    Making precise predictions of the Casimir force between metallic plates via a weighted Kramers-Kronig transform

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    The possibility of making precise predictions for the Casimir force is essential for the theoretical interpretation of current precision experiments on the thermal Casimir effect with metallic plates, especially for sub-micron separations. For this purpose it is necessary to estimate very accurately the dielectric function of a conductor along the imaginary frequency axis. This task is complicated in the case of ohmic conductors, because optical data do not usually extend to sufficiently low frequencies to permit an accurate evaluation of the standard Kramers-Kronig integral used to compute ϵ(iξ)\epsilon(i \xi). By making important improvements in the results of a previous paper by the author, it is shown that this difficulty can be resolved by considering suitable weighted dispersions relations, which strongly suppress the contribution of low frequencies. The weighted dispersion formulae presented in this paper permit to estimate accurately the dielectric function of ohmic conductors for imaginary frequencies, on the basis of optical data extending from the IR to the UV, with no need of uncontrolled data extrapolations towards zero frequency that are instead necessary with standard Kramers-Kronig relations. Applications to several sets of data for gold films are presented to demonstrate viability of the new dispersion formulae.Comment: 18 pages, 15 encapsulated figures. In the revised version important improvements have been made, which affect the main conclusions of the pape

    Sine-Gordon solitons, auxiliary fields, and singular limit of a double pendulums chain

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    We consider the continuum version of an elastic chain supporting topological and non-topological degrees of freedom; this generalizes a model for the dynamics of DNA recently proposed and investigated by ourselves. In a certain limit, the non-topological degrees of freedom are frozen, and the model reduces to the sine-Gordon equations and thus supports well-known topological soliton solutions. We consider a (singular) perturbative expansion around this limit and study in particular how the non-topological field assume the role of an auxiliary field. This provides a more general framework for the slaving of this degree of freedom on the topological one, already observed elsewhere in the context of the mentioned DNA model; in this framework one expects such phenomenon to arise in a quite large class of field-theoretical models.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    A theory of electromagnetic fluctuations for metallic surfaces and van der Waals interactions between metallic bodies

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    A new general expression is derived for the fluctuating electromagnetic field outside a metal surface, in terms of its surface impedance. It provides a generalization to real metals of Lifshitz theory of molecular interactions between dielectric solids. The theory is used to compute the radiative heat transfer between two parallel metal surfaces at different temperatures. It is shown that a measurement of this quantity may provide an experimental resolution of a long-standing controversy about the effect of thermal corrections on the Casimir force between real metal plates.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; typos corrected, minor changes to match the published version in Physical Review Letter

    Planck-scale modifications to Electrodynamics characterized by a space-like symmetry-breaking vector

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    In the study of Planck-scale ("quantum-gravity induced") violations of Lorentz symmetry, an important role was played by the deformed-electrodynamics model introduced by Myers and Pospelov. Its reliance on conventional effective quantum field theory, and its description of symmetry-violation effects simply in terms of a four-vector with nonzero component only in the time-direction, rendered it an ideal target for experimentalists and a natural concept-testing ground for many theorists. At this point however the experimental limits on the single Myers-Pospelov parameter, after improving steadily over these past few years, are "super-Planckian", {\it i.e.} they take the model out of actual interest from a conventional quantum-gravity perspective. In light of this we here argue that it may be appropriate to move on to the next level of complexity, still with vectorial symmetry violation but adopting a generic four-vector. We also offer a preliminary characterization of the phenomenology of this more general framework, sufficient to expose a rather significant increase in complexity with respect to the original Myers-Pospelov setup. Most of these novel features are linked to the presence of spatial anisotropy, which is particularly pronounced when the symmetry-breaking vector is space-like, and they are such that they reduce the bound-setting power of certain types of observations in astrophysics

    Entanglement Trapping in Structured Environments

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    The entanglement dynamics of two independent qubits each embedded in a structured environment under conditions of inhibition of spontaneous emission is analyzed, showing entanglement trapping. We demonstrate that entanglement trapping can be used efficiently to prevent entanglement sudden death. For the case of realistic photonic band-gap materials, we show that high values of entanglement trapping can be achieved. This result is of both fundamental and applicative interest since it provides a physical situation where the entanglement can be preserved and manipulated, e.g. by Stark-shifting the qubit transition frequency outside and inside the gap.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. on Friday 16 May 200

    Configurational entropy of hard spheres

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    We numerically calculate the configurational entropy S_conf of a binary mixture of hard spheres, by using a perturbed Hamiltonian method trapping the system inside a given state, which requires less assumptions than the previous methods [R.J. Speedy, Mol. Phys. 95, 169 (1998)]. We find that S_conf is a decreasing function of packing fraction f and extrapolates to zero at the Kauzmann packing fraction f_K = 0.62, suggesting the possibility of an ideal glass-transition for hard spheres system. Finally, the Adam-Gibbs relation is found to hold.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure