93 research outputs found

    Within Resting Period Seasonal Soluble Carbohydrate Profiles of Rotationally Grazed Elephant Grass

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    Recent evidence indicates that carbohydrate-rich grazed herbage is effective for improving milk production (Trevaskis et al., 2004). However, the dynamics of water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) seasonal accumulation as related to forage availability remains unknown, especially during the growth stage of tropical forage grazing systems. The objective of the work was to verify the seasonal WSC profiles of rotationally grazed elephantgrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.), by making measurements within each 30-day resting period

    Estudo preliminar da adsorção de ácido húmico em biocarvão.

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    Com o objetivo de avaliar as propriedades adsortivas do biocarvão utilizou-se ácido húmico extraído de solo como amostra de interesse frente ao adsorvato. Para a obtenção das isotermas de adsorção monitorou-se a concentração remanescente do ácido húmico depois de atingido o equilíbrio de adsorção em 460nm e 660nm, utilizando uma curva de calibração externa. Nos testes realizados, observou-se um comportamento linear com o modelo de adsorção proposto por Freundlich. Entretanto, as constantes relacionadas à capacidade de adsorção apresentaram valores pequenos, indicando a não favorabilidade dos processos de sorção do ácido húmico no biocarvão

    Efeito do sombreamento na anatomia foliar de plantas jovens de andiroba (Carapa guianensis Aubl.).

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    A capacidade de utilização da luz varia entre as espécies, e o sucesso de cada indivíduo depende de suas respostas morfoanatômicas. Este estudo avaliou a influência de diferentes intensidades luminosas sobre a anatomia foliar de mudas de Carapa guianensis Aubl. Folhas sadias do segundo e terceiro nós foram coletadas de plantas jovens desenvolvidas em quatro níveis de sombreamento: 30%, 50%, 70% e 0% (pleno sol), durante oito meses de experimento. Análises anatômicas foram feitas sob Microscopia Óptica (MO), a partir de lâminas temporárias e permanentes e sob Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV). A densidade estomática não apresentou diferenças significativas. As dimensões estomáticas e a espessura dos tecidos da lâmina foliar foram maiores com o aumento da intensidade luminosa. C. guianensis apresenta plasticidade anatômica, possibilitando a sobrevivência na floresta sob distintas condições luminosas

    A cobertura fotográfica dos Jogos Paralímpicos na Folha de São Paulo

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    Objetivo: caracterizar a representação imagética do esporte e do atleta paraolímpico na cobertura fotográfica da Folha de São Paulo (FSP) nas últimas sete edições. Metodologia: estudo observacional de análise semiótica e análise dos enquadramentos fotográficos. Foram analisadas 146 imagens, identificadas em quatro categorias: 1) Esportividade; 2) Melancolia; 3) Nacionalismo; 4) Do grotesco ao ciborgue

    Jogos Paralímpicos Rio/2016 no Twitter

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    caracterizar conteúdos de narrativas transmidiáticas que foram produzidos e circularam acerca do esporte e dos atletas paralímpicos durante a abertura e encerramento dos JP Rio/2016 no Twitter. Mapeamos tweets das hashtags propostas pelas emissoras de tv oficiais do evento, TV Brasil (#VemPraPara) e SporTV (#JogosParalímpicosNoSporTV), e organizamos em três categorias: 1) prática e valores midiáticos-esportivos; 2) nacionalismo no esporte paralímpico; e 3) o senti mento paralímpic

    Innovative substrates for sugarcane seedling production: Sewage sludges and rice husk ash in a waste-to-product strategy.

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    Recent advances in the sucroenergy production chain include a new way of planting sugarcane based on a method of seedling propagation which requires a significant amount of substrate. Since the sucroenergy sector has been noted as having cleaner energy production, it is imperative that sustainable substrates suitable for the production of sugarcane seedlings be developed. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to develop innovative substrates with solar-dried sewage sludges and rice husk ash to compose substrates for sugarcane seedling production. Batches of sewage sludges were collected in open drying beds from three different municipal wastewater treatment plants from the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil: from Passo Fundo city (treated by anaerobic digestion), from Rio Grande city (aerobic digestion) and from Santa Maria city (aerobic digestion). Rice husk ash was obtained from a rice processing industry in the Pelotas industrial region in southern Brazil. The content of trace elements and the pathogenicity of pure sewage sludge (SS) were analyzed. The nutrient content of SS and rice husk ash (RHA) was determined. Twelve substrates with differing ratios of SS, RHA, and vermiculite were formulated to evaluate the subsequent development of sugarcane seedlings. Chemical and physical attributes were determined in all substrates and compared to a commercial substrate. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse using mini-setts of sugarcane of the RB867515 genotype. Fifteen days after planting the seedlings were evaluated for stalk diameter, shoot height, shoot dry weight and root, and the Dickson quality index was determined. Sewage sludge showed low levels of heavy metals and pathogenic organisms and high contents of nutrients, especially nitrogen, phosphorus and micronutrients such as Zn and Cu, showing promising suitability as a substrate component for seedling production. In general, substrates of all tested proportions of SS and RHA promoted greater shoot and root dry weight and a superior Dickson Quality Index than the commercial substrate used as reference, except for the formulation containing 87.5 % SS. The viability of combining sludges from municipal wastewater treatment plants and rice husk ash into one product was confirmed using a set of biometric attributes and nutrient tissue contents obtained from the production of sugarcane seedlings

    The bone marrow compartment is modified in the absence of galectin-3

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    Galectin-3 (gal-3) is a β-galactoside binding protein present in multivalent complexes with an extracellular matrix and with cell surface glycoconjugates. In this context, it can deliver a variety of intracellular signals to modulate cell activation, differentiation and survival. In the hematopoietic system, it was demonstrated that gal-3 is expressed in myeloid cells and surrounding stromal cells. Furthermore, exogenous and surface gal-3 drive the proliferation of myeloblasts in a granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)-dependent manner. Here, we investigated whether gal-3 regulates the formation of myeloid bone marrow compartments by studying galectin-3−/− mice (gal-3−/−) in the C57BL/6 background. The bone marrow histology of gal-3−/− mice was significantly modified and the myeloid compartments drastically disturbed, in comparison with wild-type (WT) animals. In the absence of gal-3, we found reduced cell density and diaphyseal disorders containing increased trabecular projections into the marrow cavity. Moreover, myeloid cells presented limited capacity to differentiate into mature myeloid cell populations in gal-3−/− mice and the number of hematopoietic multipotent progenitors was increased relative to WT animals. In addition, bone marrow stromal cells of these mice had reduced levels of GM-CSF gene expression. Taken together, our data suggest that gal-3 interferes with hematopoiesis, controlling both precursors and stromal cells and favors terminal differentiation of myeloid progenitors rather than proliferation

    Communication in health practices: integrative literature review

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    Objectivethis study aims to describe the main thematic axes explored in the communication field in health practices in the scenarios of the Unified Health System (SUS). Methodintegrative literature review conducted by means of search for articles in the databases Latin American Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS), International Literature on Health Sciences (MedLine), and Science Direct, using the descriptors: health communication or communication. A crossing of the descriptors communication and health education was provided. Resultfour themes were constructed: 1) communication to establish relationships between health professionals and users; 2) (in)communication: barriers to the communicative act, 3) communication and health professional education; and 4) communicative health models: search for the dialogic model. Conclusionby understanding dialogic communication, which must be observed in communication, the new requirements posed by the legalization of SUS have shown weaknesses of the single-line and vertical communication model and the need to provide health professionals, since the undergraduate course, with knowledge that enable dialogic communication practices. The challenge of reflective and participatory experiences in the various health care settings still remains, in order to promote a sharing of knowledge that leads to understanding between the interlocutors involved in the communicative act.Objetivoeste artigo tem por objetivo descrever os principais eixos temáticos explorados no campo da comunicação nas práticas em saúde nos cenários do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Métodorevisão integrativa da literatura realizada a partir da busca de artigos nas bases de dados Literatura Latino-Americana em Ciências da Saúde (Lilacs), Literatura Internacional em Ciências da Saúde (MedLine) e Science Direct, utilizando os descritores: comunicação em saúde ou comunicação. Procedeu-se ao cruzamento dos descritores comunicação e educação em saúde. Resultadoforam construídas quatro temáticas: 1) a comunicação no estabelecimento de relações entre profissionais da saúde e usuários; 2) (des)comunicação: barreiras ao ato comunicativo; 3) comunicação e formação do profissional da saúde; e 4) modelos comunicativos em saúde: a busca pelo modelo dialógico. Conclusãoa partir do entendimento da comunicação dialógica, que deve estar presente na comunicação, as novas demandas da legalização do SUS vêm mostrando fragilidades do modelo unilinear e verticalizado de comunicação e a necessidade de instrumentalizar os profissionais da saúde, desde a graduação, com saberes que proporcionem práticas comunicativas dialógicas. Persiste o desafio de vivências reflexivas e participativas nos vários cenários de assistência à saúde, de forma a promover um compartilhamento de saberes que conduza ao entendimento entre os interlocutores envolvidos no ato comunicativo.Universidade Federal de PernambucoUniversidade Federal de Pernambuco Departamento de FonoaudiologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Centro de Desenvolvimento do Ensino Superior em SaúdeUniversidade Federal de Pernambuco Departamento de EnfermagemUNIFESP, Centro de Desenvolvimento do Ensino Superior em SaúdeSciEL

    Lack of Galectin-3 Drives Response to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis toward a Th2-Biased Immunity

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    There is recent evidence that galectin-3 participates in immunity to infections, mostly by tuning cytokine production. We studied the balance of Th1/Th2 responses to P. brasiliensis experimental infection in the absence of galectin-3. The intermediate resistance to the fungal infection presented by C57BL/6 mice, associated with the development of a mixed type of immunity, was replaced with susceptibility to infection and a Th2-polarized immune response, in galectin-3-deficient (gal3−/−) mice. Such a response was associated with defective inflammatory and delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) reactions, high IL-4 and GATA-3 expression and low nitric oxide production in the organs of infected animals. Gal3−/− macrophages exhibited higher TLR2 transcript levels and IL-10 production compared to wild-type macrophages after stimulation with P. brasiliensis antigens. We hypothesize that, during an in vivo P. brasiliensis infection, galectin-3 exerts its tuning role on immunity by interfering with the generation of regulatory macrophages, thus hindering the consequent Th2-polarized type of response