146 research outputs found

    Convergence Estimates of a Family of Approximation Operators of Exponential Type

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    [EN] The main object of this article is to consider a family of approximation operators of exponential type, which has presumably not been studied earlier due mainly to their seemingly complicated behavior. We estimate and establish a quantitative asymptotic formula in terms of the modulus of continuity with exponential growth, a Korovkin-type result for exponential functions and also a Voronovskaja-type asymptotic formula in the simultaneous approximation.The authors wish to thank the referee for a careful reading of their submission and for a number of valuable comments and suggestions which have significantly improved this paper. The second-named author is supported by Grant PGC2018-094431-B-I00 of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain.Gupta, V.; López Pellicer, M.; Srivastava, HM. (2020). Convergence Estimates of a Family of Approximation Operators of Exponential Type. Filomat. 34(13):4329-4341. https://doi.org/10.2298/FIL2013329GS43294341341

    The teaching of ethics in occupational risks prevention through the debate on ethical dilemmas

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    [EN] It seems reasonable to think that ethics and occupational risk prevention always go hand in hand. However, very little is known about the International Code of Ethics for Occupational Health Professionals, whose third edition was published in 2014 by the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH). Moreover, some circumstances in occupational risk prevention can lead to controversial issues and ethical dilemmas. Despite this, most occupational risk prevention master¿s studies do not include ethics in professional practice matters. This paper presents the teaching experiences in professional practice ethics workshops in the Master¿s Degree in Occupational Risks Prevention of the Universitat Politècnica de València. In these workshops, ethical issues are included in their curricula, and ethical dilemmas are discussed through academic debates. The results of the experience were positive and encouraging. The students learn to open their minds to a different point of view and understand the problems they will have to face in their professional careers.Pellicer, TM.; López-Mateu, V.; Gimenez-Carbo, E. (2022). The teaching of ethics in occupational risks prevention through the debate on ethical dilemmas. IATED. 10039-10045. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2022.2426100391004

    Sustainable rural development through vocational education: Sot River landscape restoration workshop

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    [EN] Most of the small towns in the inner area of Spain have problems with the loss of population, low economic development, and unemployment. This is a widespread phenomenon in many areas, such as the Valencia region, where significant differences exist between the periphery coastal zone and the interior. Some of these towns have natural resources like highlands, rivers, and vegetation as significant tourist attractions. Vocational education programs are oriented to increase the employment of the residents while keeping the characteristics of its population and its territory in the different municipalities. Sot de Chera, located in the region of the Serranía (70 km from Valencia), is one of these municipalities. This paper presents the educational experience using one of these programs and workshops for the recovery of an area of outstanding landscape and environmental value. During the last decade, some efforts have been made to combine these natural resources with other activities to increase the area¿s population and economic activity. The case presented uses a combination of teaching methodologies and practical training connected with the daily life and activities of the people in the town. It has also involved all the inhabitants, including their different opinions and participation. The results obtained during the training and occupational project demonstrate the great potential of these interventions. These types of activities and programs have become a substantial improvement for the sustainable development of these areas.This project was carried out thanks to the funding received from the Servicio Valenciano de Empleo y Formación (SERVEF), with the project Taller de Empleo restauración paisajística del Rio Sot 2014 (ETCOTE file FOTAE 2014/47/46), with the collaboration of the Sot de Chera Town hall. The authors thank the staff of SERVEF and the Sot de Chera town hall for providing the support and resources needed to carry out the activities.López-Mateu, V.; Pellicer, TM.; Blanch Vanacloig, J. (2022). Sustainable rural development through vocational education: Sot River landscape restoration workshop. IATED. 9951-9959. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2022.24009951995

    Quasi-Suslin weak duals

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    AbstractCascales, Ka̧kol, and Saxon (CKS) ushered Kaplansky and Valdivia into the grand setting of Cascales/Orihuela spaces E by proving:(K)If E is countably tight, then so is the weak space (E,σ(E,E′)), and(V)(E,σ(E,E′)) is countably tight iff weak dual (E′,σ(E′,E)) is K-analytic. The ensuing flow of quasi-Suslin weak duals that are not K-analytic, a la Valdivia's example, continues here, where we argue that locally convex spaces E with quasi-Suslin weak duals are (K, V)'s best setting: largest by far, optimal vis-a-vis Valdivia. The vaunted CKS setting proves not larger, in fact, than Kaplansky's. We refine and exploit the quasi-LB strong dual interplay

    Nikodym boundedness property for webs in sigma-algebras

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    [EN] A subset B of an algebra A of subsets of Omega is said to have property N if a B-pointwise bounded subset M of ba(A ) is uniformly bounded on A , where ba(A ) is the Banach space of the real (or complex) finitely additive measures of bounded variation defined on A with the norm variation. Moreover B is said to have property sN if for each increasing countable covering (B_m)_m of B there exists B_n which has property N and B is said to have property wN if given the increasing countable coverings (B_m_1 )_m_1 of B and (B_m_1m_2...m_pm_(p+1) )_m_(p+1) of B_m_1m_2...m_p , for each p,m_i &#8712; N, 1<= i <= p + 1, there exists a sequence (n_i )_i such that each B_n_1n_2...n_r , r &#8712; N, has property N. For a &#963;-algebra S of subsets of Omega it has been proved that S has property N (Nikodym Grothendieck), property sN (Valdivia) and property w(sN) (Kakol López-Pellicer). We give a proof of property wN for a &#963;-algebra S which is independent of properties N and sN. This result and the equivalence of properties wN and w2N enable us to give some applications to localization of bounded additive vector measures.This work was supported for the second named author by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under Grant MTM2014-58159-PLópez Alfonso, S.; Mas Marí, J.; Moll López, SE. (2016). Nikodym boundedness property for webs in sigma-algebras. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales Serie A Matemáticas. 110(2):711-722. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13398-015-0260-4S7117221102Diestel, J.: Sequences and Series in Banach Spaces. Springer, New York (1984)Diestel, J., Uhl, J.J.: Vector Measures. Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 15. American Mathematical Society, Providence (1977)Dieudonné, J.: Sur la convergence de suites de measures de Radon. An. Acad. Brasi. Ciên. 23, 277–282 (1951)Ferrando, J.C.: Strong barrelledness properties in certain l_{0}^{\infty }({{\fancyscript {A}}} ) l 0 ∞ ( A ) spaces. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 190, 194–202 (1995)Ferrando, J.C., López-Pellicer, M.: Strong barrelledness properties in l0(X,A)l_{0}^{\infty }(X,{\cal A}) l 0 ∞ ( X , A ) and bounded finite additive measures. Math. Ann. 287, 727–736 (1990)Kakol, J., López-Pellicer, M.: On Valdivia strong version of Nikodym boundedness property, preprintKöthe, G.: Topological Vector Spaces I and II. Springer, Berlin (1979)López-Pellicer, M.: Webs and bounded finitely additive measures. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 210, 257–267 (1997)Nikodym, O.M.: Sur les familles bornées de fonctions parfaitement additives d’ensembles abstrait. Monatsh. Math. U. Phys. 40, 418–426 (1933)Schachermayer, W.: On some classical measure-theoretic theorems for non-sigma-complete Boolean algebras. Dissertationes Math. (Rozprawy Mat.) 214, 33 pp., 1982Valdivia, M.: On the closed graph theorem. Collect. Math. 22, 51–72 (1971)Valdivia, M.: On certain barrelled normed spaces. Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 29, 39–56 (1979)Valdivia, M.: On Nikodym boundedness property, RACSAM Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. 107, 355–372, 201

    Buenas prácticas en la gestión de residuos de la construcción y demolición: ejemplos y oportunidades de mejora en el marco del proyecto CONDEREFF

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    [EN] This paper establishes a brief review through the existing literature of what is considered a ¿good practice¿ in general: definitions and most relevant characteristics, and limitations in the scope of the member countries of the European Un- ion. Subsequently, good practices application to environmental aspects is considered. Particularly, their advantages of the in the construction and demolition waste management field based on this specific context and current situation. Finally, the paper describes the methodology followed using an example, expressing how to collect, compare and evaluate these good practices. All these aspects are based on the experience developed in the research carried out within the European Interreg CONDEREFF project.Este trabajo ha sido desarrollado en el marco del Proyecto Europeo CONDEREFF, dentro del Programa INTERREG de la Unión Europea. Asimismo, los autores agradecen la colaboración de Clara Andrada Monrós y Laura Molina Cañamero en la recopilación y gestión de las fichas de las buenas prácticas de los socios del proyecto.López Mateu, V.; Pellicer, TM.; Peñalvo-López, E.; Cárcel-Carrasco, J. (2021). Buenas prácticas en la gestión de residuos de la construcción y demolición: ejemplos y oportunidades de mejora en el marco del proyecto CONDEREFF. Área de Innovación y Desarrollo,S.L. 211-216. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/19066421121

    Spin-crossover compounds based on iron(II) complexes of 2,6-bis(pyrazol-1-yl)pyridine (bpp) functionalized with carboxylic acid and ethyl carboxylic acid

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    Four new salts of the iron(II) complex of the 2,6-bis( pyrazol-1-yl)pyridine ligand functionalized with a carboxylic acid group (bppCOOH) of formulas [Fe(bppCOOH)2](BF4)2 (1(BF4)2), [Fe(bppCOOH)2] (CF3SO3)2·yMe2CO (1(CF3SO3)2·yMe2CO), [Fe(bppCOOH)2](AsF6)2·yMe2CO (1(AsF6)2·yMe2CO) and [Fe (bppCOOH)2](SbF6)2·yMe2CO (1(SbF6)2·yMe2CO) have been prepared and characterized together with a more complete structural and photomagnetic characterization of the previously reported [Fe (bppCOOH)2](ClO4)2 (1(ClO4)2). Furthermore, the iron(II) complex of the ethyl ester derivative of bppCOOH (bppCOOEt) has been prepared and characterized (compound [Fe(bppCOOEt)2] (ClO4)2·yMe2CO, 2(ClO4)2·yMe2CO). Isostructural 1(BF4)2 and 1(ClO4)2 show an abrupt and reversible spin transition with a much lower T1/2 for the BF4− salt. CF3SO3 , SbF6 and AsF6 counteranions and the bppCOOEt ligand lead to the incorporation of solvent molecules in the structures, which play an important role in the spin-crossover properties of these compounds. In the case of 1(CF3SO3)2·yMe2CO, a spin transition is obtained after desolvation. All these compounds show a LIESST effect

    New binuclear copper(II) coordination polymer based on mixed pyrazolic and oxalate ligands: structural characterization and mechanical properties

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    A new inorganic-organic coordination polymer based on a copper( II) binuclear complex coordinated with pyrazole (L1), 1-(hydroxymethyl)pyrazole) (L2) and oxalate (Ox) ligands has been unexpectedly obtained. The crystal structure of this coordination polymer has been unequivocally determined from single crystal X-ray diffraction. One copper(II) center (Cu1) is fourcoordinated with two nitrogens (N2, L1 and N3, L2), one oxygen (O1, L1) and one chlorine atom, while the other copper(II) nucleus (Cu2) is five-coordinated with one nitrogen (N1, L1), three oxygens (O1, L2; O2 and O3, Ox) and one chlorine atom, giving slightly distorted square-planar and square-pyramidal geometries, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, such coordination environments have never been previously observed to coexist in the same structure. The terminal chlorine (Cl1) forms the connecting bridge between the planar binuclear [Cu2Cl(Ox)0.5-(L1)(L2)]n units ending in an attractive structural framework. An extended layered structure staggered along the b-axis is observed in the supramolecular view. Nanoindentation experiments were carried out and relevant mechanical parameters such as hardness, Young's modulus, indentation energies and elastic recovery were determined. Additionally, a comparative analysis between the supramolecular structure and the mechanical properties is reported

    Liver Gene Therapy: Employing Surgery and Radiology for Translational Research

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    Gene therapy is a therapeutic strategy that aims to employ nucleic acids as drugs for the transient or permanent treatment of inherited or acquired pathologies. Based on the type of vector employed for the gene transfer, gene therapy can be classified as viral gene therapy and nonviral gene therapy. Nonviral gene therapy is less efficient but safer than viral gene therapy. Hydrodynamic naked DNA transfer has shown great translational potential, achieving therapeutic levels of a human protein in the murine model. The translational process of the procedure has already been performed. Different radiologic and surgical approaches permitted pressurizing the liver in vivo by excluding its vascularization partially or totally. These approaches mediated a tissue rate of human alpha-1-antitrypsin protein translation (100–1000 copies per cell) close to those obtained with the mouse gold standard model in a safe mode that could be translated to human settings

    Electron energy-loss spectroscopic tomography of FexCo(3-x)O4 impregnated Co3O4 mesoporous particles: unraveling the chemical information in three dimensions

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    Electron energy-loss spectroscopy-spectrum image (EELS-SI) tomography is a powerful tool to investigate the three dimensional chemical configuration in nanostructures. Here, we demonstrate, for the first time, the possibility to characterize the spatial distribution of Fe and Co cations in a complex FexCo(3-x)O4/Co3O4 ordered mesoporous system. This hybrid material is relevant because of the ferrimagnetic/antiferromagnetic coupling and high surface area. We unambiguously prove that the EELS-SI tomography shows a sufficiently high resolution to simultaneously unravel the pore structure and the chemical signal