492 research outputs found

    Toward a Future, Wiser Court: A Blueprint for Overturning District of Columbia v. Heller

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    Strain and dynamic measurements using fiber optic sensors embedded into graphite/epoxy tubes

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    Graphite/epoxy tubes were fabricated with embedded optical fibers to evaluate the feasibility of monitoring strains with a fiber optic technique. Resistance strain gauges were attached to the tubes to measure strain at four locations along the tube for comparison with the fiber optic sensors. Both static and dynamic strain measurements were made with excellent agreement between the embedded fiber optic strain sensor and the strain gauges. Strain measurements of 10(exp -7) can be detected with the optical phase locked loop (OPLL) system using optical fiber. Because of their light weight, compatibility with composites, immunity to electromagnetic interference, and based on the static and dynamic results obtained, fiber optic sensors embedded in composites may be useful as the sensing component of smart structures

    Cultura emotiva y orden moral: miedo y riesgo en la nueva sensibilidad contemporánea

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    A questão desenvolvida neste trabalho é a de que o medo é uma emoção social e uma construção social de sentidos. Parte da hipótese de que o medo é uma emoção forjada nas relações sociais. Este trabalho objetiva compreender as bases da construção social do medo no imaginário do homem comum, como um jogo de manutenção, conformação e transformação de ensaios sociais e individuais, enquanto redes de conflito que informam e formulam culturas emotivas e processos morais. O trabalho analisa as relações entre indivíduos ou grupos, apreendidas como entrelaçadas na presença direta ou indireta do medo.The issue developed in this paper is that fear is a social emotion and a social construction of meanings. It starts from the hypothesis that fear is a forged emotion in social relations. This paper aims to understand the basis of the social construction of fear in the common man’s imagination, as a game of maintenance, conformation and transformation of social and individual essays, as networks of conflict, which inform and formulate emotional cultures and moral processes. The paper analyzes the relationships between individuals or groups, perceived as intertwined in the direct or indirect presence of fear.Le problème développé dans cet article est que la peur est une émotion sociale et une construction sociale de significations. Cela part de l’hypothèse que la peur est une émotion forgée dans les relations sociales. Cet article a pour objectif de comprendre les fondements de la construction sociale de la peur dans l’imagination de l’homme commun, en tant que jeu de maintien, de conformation et de transformation d’essais sociaux et individuels, de réseaux de conflits, qui informent et formulent des cultures émotionnelles et des processus moraux. Le document analyse les relations entre des individus ou des groupes, perçus comme liés dans la présence directe ou indirecte de la peur.El tema desarrollado en este artículo es que el miedo es una emoción social y una construcción social de significados. Se parte de la hipótesis de que el miedo es una emoción forjada en las relaciones sociales. Este artículo tiene como objetivo comprender la base de la construcción social del miedo en la imaginación del hombre común, como un juego de mantenimiento, conformación y transformación de ensayos sociales e individuales, redes de conflicto, que informan y formulan culturas emocionales y procesos morales. El artículo analiza las relaciones entre individuos o grupos, percibidos como entrelazados en la presencia directa o indirecta del miedo

    High‐gain lateral pnp bipolar transistors made using focused ion beam implantation

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    We report the fabrication of lateral pnp bipolar transistors using focused ion beam (FIB) implants of boron and phosphorus for the collector and base, respectively. The implants of B+, P+, and P+ + were all at a dose of 1×1013 /cm2 and a beam voltage of 75 kV. These implants defined spaces between the emitter and collector regions of 0.5–1.50 μm; which, after diffusion and zero voltage depletion width effects were considered, produced effective on‐wafer device basewidths of ∼0.2 μm. For the best devices, values of hFE near 100 were obtained with good junction characteristics and at peak collector currents of 10 μA/μm of device width


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    The increasing demand of electric energy in Brazil, allied to the great consumption in rush hour, has stimulated the study of water heating systems that substitute the electric shower. One of these equipments, the solar collector, is the most viable, with the best cost-benefits relation, because Brazil is a tropical country. A heat pump can be used as a support to solar collectors in places where the climatic conditions and/or the lack of available area of solar collection limit the use of the system. One way to improve this heat pump would be the substitution of its conventional evaporator for a static evaporator. This evaporator is constituted of a metallic plate with conformed canals, inside of which the coil is fixed through which the refrigerator cooling of the heat pump flows. The objective of this paper is the development of a mathematical model in transient regimen to simulate the static evaporator operation of an air-water heat pump. Some simulations had been carried through, that had allowed testing geometric parameters of the system, materials for the pipes and plates and different weather conditions. These computational tests had indicated that the model represents a good tool to project static evaporators

    Weed Management Affects Pasture Productivity and Animal Performance

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    Weed can be defined as any plant growing in undesirable locations. Weeds are considered one of the main challenges in agricultural fields. Weeds affect pasture productivity mainly because of the competition for limited resources such as nutrients, water, and light with forage plants. Weeds encroach pastures spontaneously and spread quickly through the farm and neighboring areas, making their control difficult. In addition, weeds can affect forage nutritive value, grazing behaviour, voluntary forage intake, animal health, and consequently animal performance. The low efficiency of mechanical weeding and the global concern about indiscriminate use of herbicides impose challenges for producers in grazing systems. These factors justify the importance of proper weed management to minimize financial losses and environmental impacts and drive the research effort in this area. Currently, some strategies including grazing management, grass and legumes integration, and site-specific weed spraying have demonstrated potential to improve the efficiency of weed supression and increase the productivity and profitability of livestock systems. This review aims to discuss about the main effects of weed encroachment in grasslands regarding pasture productivity and animal performance, as well as emphasize potential strategies for weed management

    A Comprehensive Economic Stimulus for our Failing Economy

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    This paper presents a comprehensive plan to fix the ailing American economy, through a five-step approach. First, the Federal Reserve must continue to broaden the scope of monetary policy, by purchasing and selling long-term securities. Manipulating expectations through FOMC statements is another tool at the Federal Reserve’s disposal. Secondly, the government must enact fiscal stimulus to stabilize the economy in the short and medium runs, through investment in infrastructure projects, green technology, fusion technology, and science education. Additionally, the new fiscal policy must tackle the mortgage meltdown, which is weighing down the entire economy. Third, the regulatory system must be changed to reduce the likelihood of another financial collapse, starting with the nationalization of the ratings agencies. Ratings should be updated faster, with a numeric grading system rather than the pre-existing letter grades. Fourth, our globalized economy insures that a coordinated globalized response is necessary to recover. Global cooperation to reduce inflation and avoid protectionist policies is vital. Finally, the American bailout policy must be made clear, only giving bailouts to companies that are sound but financially strapped and those that are too big to fail

    Estimativas de herdabilidade e correlações para escores visuais, peso e altura ao sobreano em rebanhos da raça Nelore.

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    Os objetivos neste trabalho foram avaliar as relações entre os escores visuais de estrutura corporal, precocidade e musculosidade ao sobreano (aproximadamente 550 dias de idade) com características de crescimento para verificar as possibilidades de utilizar essas características como critérios de seleção. Foram obtidas estimativas dos componentes de covariâncias por máxima verossimilhança restrita empregando-se um modelo animal com o efeito fixo de grupo contemporâneo e a idade como covariável (efeitos linear e quadrático). Os grupos contemporâneos foram definidos pelas variáveis: sexo; ano, estação e fazenda de nascimento; e fazenda e grupo de manejo aos 120, 210, 365 e 550 dias de idade. Foram utilizadas 1.367 observações de estrutura corporal, precocidade e musculosidade. As estimativas de herdabilidade foram de 0,24 ± 0,09 para estrutura corporal; 0,63 ± 0,12 para precocidade e 0,48 ± 0,11 para musculosidade, e as estimativas de correlações genéticas entre os escores foram 0,49 entre estrutura corporal e precocidade; 0,63 entre estrutura corporal e musculosidade; e 0,90 entre precocidade e musculosidade. As correlações genéticas entre os escores de estrutura corporal, precocidade e musculosidade, e o peso ao sobreano foram todas positivas (0,83; 0,42 e 0,50, respectivamente), enquanto as estimativas de correlações genéticas entre altura de posterior e os escores de estrutura corporal, precocidade e musculosidade, respectivamente, foram 0,57, -0,29 e -0,33. As características estrutura corporal, precocidade e musculosidade ao sobreano apresentaram variação genética aditiva de moderada a alta. As correlações genéticas dos escores com altura do posterior indicam que a seleção de animais mais altos, ainda que indireta, pode ocasionar aumento da estrutura corporal média dos animais, que poderão ser menos precoces e menos musculosos ao sobreano. A seleção para os escores visuais, principalmente para estrutura corporal, deve promover aumento no peso ao sobreano dos animais.Meta de 2010