58 research outputs found

    Die haufigkeit der parafunktzionen bei parodontotischen erkrankungen

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    Podaci iz literature pokazuju, da je učestalost parafunkcija, u pacijenata s parodontolizarna, veoma velika. U više od 80% oboljelih, koji su bili liječeni u Zavodu za parodontologiju Stomatološkog fakulteta u Zagrebu , mogle su se registrirati i parafunkcije. Od okluzijskih parafunkcija, najčešće je bilo škripanje i stiskanje zubi, a od oralnih, guranje zubi jezikom. Za pravilan tretman parodontalnih bolesti, veoma je važno prepoznavanje i liječenje tih navika. Budući da su nesvjesne radnje česte, dijagnosticiranje može biti teško, a terapija dugotrajna. Ako ih ne odstranimo, postat će etiološki faktor okluzalnog traumatizma, jer su to sile, jačeg intenziteta i duljeg trajanja, od sila, koje izaziva žvačna funkcija. Budući da je trajanje ovih sila konstantno, reparabilni mehanizmi nemaju mogućnosti djelovanja. U području dezmodontnih ligamenata, prekinuta je opskrba krvlju, što može izazvati traumatske lezije, kojih su posljedice prekomjerna mobilnost zubi i migracija zubi, u pacijenata oboljelih od parodontopatija.The literature data show a rather high incidence of parafunctions in patients with parodontolysis. Parafunctions were observed in over 80% of patients treated at the Institute of Parodontology of the Faculty of Dentistry ,Zagreb . The most frequent occlusive parafunctions were the gnashing and clenching of the teeth, while the pushing of the tongue was the most frequent oral parafunction. The early recognition and treatment of these habits is very important for a successful treatment of periodontal diseases. The making of diagnosis may be d ifficult and therapy long-term as these movements are often unconscious. If they are not removed they become the etiological factor of occlusive traumatism as they are of greater intensity and longer duration than the forces emerging in the course of masticatory function. Since the duration of these forces is constant the reparable mechanisms have no opportunity toact. The supply with blood in the region of desmodontic ligaments is interrupted which may cause traumatic lesions and consequently an excessive mobility and migration of the teeth in patients with parodontal diseases.Angaben aus der Literatur weisen darauf hin, dass die Häufigkeit der Parafunktionen bei Patienten m it Parodontolysen sehr gross ist. Bei über 80% unserer Patienten konnten auch Parafunktionen festgestellt werden. Von okklusal bedingten Parafunktionen waren Pressen und Zähneknirschen die häufigsten, von den oral bedingten Zungendrücken auf die Zähne. Die Erkennung und Behandlung dieser Gewohnheiten ist für die richtige Therapie ausschlaggebend. Da diese Gewohnheiten meist unbewusst verlaufen, kann es diagnostische Schwierigkeiten geben und eine Langzeitbehandlung erfordern. Diese Kräfte sind nach Intensität und Dauer schwerwiegender als Kräfte bei der Kaufunktion, daher sie zum aethiologischen Faktor des Okklusionstraumas werden. Wegen ihrer Beständigkeit kommen die Reparationsmehanismen nicht zum Ausdruck. Im Bereiche der Desmodontfasen ist die Blutversorgung unterbrochen, was traumatische Läsionen erzeugt, deren Folgen eine vergrösserte Zahnbeweglichkeit und Zahnwaderungen bei Parodontose-Patienten, ist

    Die Auswirkung des okklusionstraumas auf Zahnwzrzeln

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    Promjene tkiva, izazvane okluzijskom traumom, primarno su ograničene na potporne strukture zuba, a mogu se zapaziti i na dentinu. Lezije, koje tako nastaju, nisu inflamatorne nego distrofične i destruktivne. Histološki se najčešće može zamijetiti kompresija krvnih žila, staza, tromboza, hemoragija i nekroza. Potporni je aparat zubi, u određenom vremenu, sposoban da se adaptira na jake i neubičajene sile. Ako se ekcesivne sile vrlo često ponavljaju, nužno će dovesti do štetnih posljedica. Veoma je teško razlučiti, kad parodont postaje netolerantan prema porastu djelovanja neke sile. Sila mora doseći određenu granicu, da bi postala patološka. Pritom je najvažniji faktor veličina sile, ali je važna frekvencija, smjer i trajanje, kao i reparabilna sposobnost pojedinca. Pri djelovanju okluzijske traume, mogu nastati lezije, koje se manifestiraju resorpcijom, frakturom korijena i otrgnućem cementa zuba. Ponekad ih možemo uočiti i na rendgenogramu pa nam služe kao vrijedan dijagnostički nalaz okluzijskog traumatizma. Stoga smo, iz naše kazuistike, odabrali tipične primjere djelovanja okluzijske traume, koje su posljedice bile frakture i resorpcije korijena zuba. Otrgnuća cementa se rijetko mogu uočiti na rendgenogramu. Čest su nalaz histološki preparati zubi, na koje je djelovala okluzijska trauma.The changes of tissue caused by occlusive trauma are primarily limited to the supporting structures of the tooth and may be also found on dentine. These lesions are not inflammatory but dystrophic and destructive. The histological findings most frequently show compression of blood vessels, stasis, trombosis, hemorrhage and necrosis. The supporting apparatus of the teeth is capable of adapting to strong and unusual forces during a certain period of time. If the excessive forces are rather frequently repeated they w ill unevitably lead to harmful consequences. It is very d ifficu lt to determine when parodontium becomes intolerant of an increased activity of a force. The force must reach a certain lim it to become pathological. The most important factor is the size of the force, while its frequency, direction and duration as well as reparative individual capacity are also relevant. Occlusive trauma can induce lesions manifested by resorption, root fracture and rupture of tooth cement. They are sometimes visible on roentgenograms which can be therefore used as a valuable diagnostic finding of occlusive traumatism. The paper presents typical examples of occlusive trauma with fractures and tooth root resorption as consequences. The ruptures of cement are rarely visible on roentgenograms. The teeth which have suffered occlusive trauma are frequent histological findings.Gewebsveränderungen, bedingt durch Okklusionstrauma, sind primär auf die Zahnstützgewebe beschränkt, können sich aber auch am Dentin auswirken. Die so entstandenen Läsionen sind nicht entzündlicher Natur, sondern dystrofisch und destruktiv. Histologisch kann meistens eine Kompression der Blutgefässe, Staung, Trombose, Haemorrhagie und Nekrose festgestellt werden. Der Zahnstützapparat hat die Fähigkeit sich auch auf starke und ungewöhnliche Kräfte zu adaptieren. Häufig autretende extrem starke Kräfte führen zwangsweise zu schädlichen Folgen. Es ist schwierig festzustellen wann die Toleranz des Parodonts auf zunehmende Kräfte aufhört. Die Kraft muss eine gewisse Grenze erreichen um sich pathologisch auszuwirken. Dabei ist die Grösse der Kraft ausschlaggebend, aber auch ihre Häufigkeit, Richtung, Dauer und die individuelle Reparationsfähigkeit sind von Bedeutung. Das Okklusionstrauma kann Läsionen hervorrufen welche sich als Resorptionen, Wurzelfrakturen und Zementablösung, manifestieren. Manchmal kann man sie am Röntgenbild entdecken, was als wertvoller diagnostischer Befund des Okklusionstraumatismus gedeutet werden kann. Daber haben w ir aus unserer Kasuistik typische Fälle der Auswirkung des Okklusionstraumas, deren Folgen Wurzelfrakturen und Wurzelresorptione waren, ausgewählt. Zementresorptionen können nur selten auf Röntgenaufnahmen festgestellt werden, doch an histologischen Präparaten sind die Folgen des Okklusionstraumas häufig nachzuweisen

    Electronic Structure and Magnetic Properties of a High-Spin MnIII Complex: [Mn(mesacac)3] (mesacac = 1,3-Bis(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)-propane-1,3-dionato)

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    Metal acetylacetonates of the general formula [M(acac)3] (MIII=Cr, Mn, Fe, Co) are among the best investigated coordination compounds. Many of these first-row transition metal complexes are known to have unique electronic properties. Independently, photophysical research with different β-diketonate ligands pointed towards the possibility of a special effect of the 2,4,6-trimethylphenyl substituted acetylacetonate (mesacac) on the electron distribution between ligand and metal (MLCT). We therefore synthesized and fully characterized the previously unknown octahedral title complex. Its solid-state structure shows a Jahn-Teller elongation with two Mn−O bonds of 2.12/2.15 Å and four Mn−O bonds of 1.93 Å. Thermogravimetric data show a thermal stability up to 270 °C. High-resolution mass spectroscopy helped to identify the decomposition pathways. The electronic state and spin configuration of manganese were characterized with a focus on its magnetic properties by measurement of the magnetic susceptibility and triple-zeta density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The high-spin state of manganese was confirmed by the determination of an effective magnetic moment of 4.85 μB for the manganese center