1,564 research outputs found

    Fat Fisher Zeroes

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    We show that it is possible to determine the locus of Fisher zeroes in the thermodynamic limit for the Ising model on planar (``fat'') phi4 random graphs and their dual quadrangulations by matching up the real part of the high and low temperature branches of the expression for the free energy. The form of this expression for the free energy also means that series expansion results for the zeroes may be obtained with rather less effort than might appear necessary at first sight by simply reverting the series expansion of a function g(z) which appears in the solution and taking a logarithm. Unlike regular 2D lattices where numerous unphysical critical points exist with non-standard exponents, the Ising model on planar phi4 graphs displays only the physical transition at c = exp (- 2 beta) = 1/4 and a mirror transition at c=-1/4 both with KPZ/DDK exponents (alpha = -1, beta = 1/2, gamma = 2). The relation between the phi4 locus and that of the dual quadrangulations is akin to that between the (regular) triangular and honeycomb lattices since there is no self-duality.Comment: 12 pages + 6 eps figure

    Anticipatory Effects on Lower Extremity Neuromechanics During a Cutting Task

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    Context: Continued research into the mechanism of noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injury helps to improve clinical interventions and injury-prevention strategies. A better understanding of the effects of anticipation on landing neuromechanics may benefit training interventions. Objective: To determine the effects of anticipation on lower extremity neuromechanics during a single-legged land-and-cut task. Design: Controlled laboratory study. Setting: University biomechanics laboratory. Participants: Eighteen female National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I collegiate soccer players (age = 19.7 ± 0.8 years, height = 167.3 ± 6.0 cm, mass = 66.1 ± 2.1 kg). Intervention(s): Participants performed a single-legged land-and-cut task under anticipated and unanticipated conditions. Main Outcome Measure(s): Three-dimensional initial contact angles, peak joint angles, and peak internal joint moments and peak vertical ground reaction forces and sagittal-plane energy absorption of the 3 lower extremity joints; muscle activation of selected hip- and knee-joint muscles. Results: Unanticipated cuts resulted in less knee flexion at initial contact and greater ankle toe-in displacement. Unanticipated cuts were also characterized by greater internal hip-abductor and external-rotator moments and smaller internal knee-extensor and external-rotator moments. Muscle-activation profiles during unanticipated cuts were associated with greater activation of the gluteus maximus during the precontact and landing phases. Conclusions: Performing a cutting task under unanticipated conditions changed lower extremity neuromechanics compared with anticipated conditions. Most of the observed changes in lower extremity neuromechanics indicated the adoption of a hip-focused strategy during the unanticipated condition

    Spinal and Supraspinal Motor Control Predictors of Rate of Torque Development

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    During explosive movements and potentially injurious situations, the ability to rapidly generate torque is critical. Previous research has suggested that different phases of rate of torque development (RTD) are differentiately controlled. However, the extent to which supraspinal and spinal mechanisms predict RTD at different time intervals is unknown. RTD of the plantarflexors across various phases of contraction (i.e., 0–25, 0–50, 0–100, 0–150, 0–200, and 0–250 ms) was measured in 37 participants. The following predictor variables were also measured: (a) gain of the resting soleus H-reflex recruitment curve; (b) gain of the resting homonymous post-activation depression recruitment curve; (c) gain of the GABAergic presynaptic inhibition recruitment curve; (d) the level of postsynaptic recurrent inhibition at rest; (e) level of supraspinal drive assessed by measuring V waves; and (f) the gain of the resting soleus M wave. Stepwise regression analyses were used to determine which variables significantly predicted allometrically scaled RTD. The analyses indicated that supraspinal drive was the dominant predictor of RTD across all phases. Additionally, recurrent inhibition predicted RTD in all of the time intervals except 0–150 ms. These results demonstrate the importance of supraspinal drive and recurrent inhibition to RTD

    The Association of Dorsiflexion Flexibility on Knee Kinematics and Kinetics during a Drop Vertical Jump in Healthy Female Athletes

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    Purpose While previous studies have examined the association between ankle dorsiflexion flexibility and deleterious landing postures, it is not currently known how landing kinetics are influenced by ankle dorsiflexion flexibility. The purpose of this study was to examine whether ankle dorsiflexion flexibility was associated with landing kinematics and kinetics that have been shown to increase the risk of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury in female athletes. Methods Twenty-three female collegiate soccer players participated in a preseason screening that included the assessment of ankle dorsiflexion flexibility and lower-body kinematics and kinetics during a drop vertical jump task. Results The results demonstrated that females with less ankle dorsiflexion flexibility exhibited greater peak knee abduction moments (r = −.442), greater peak knee abduction angles (r = .355), and less peak knee flexion angles (r = .385) during landing. The range of dorsiflexion flexibility for the current study was between 9° and 23° (mean = 15.0°; SD 3.9°). Conclusion Dorsiflexion flexibility may serve as a useful clinical measure to predict poor landing postures and external forces that have been associated with increased knee injury risk. Rehabilitation specialists can provide interventions aimed at improving dorsiflexion flexibility in order to ameliorate the impact of this modifiable factor on deleterious landing kinematics and kinetics in female athletes

    Hip External Rotator Strength Is Associated With Better Dynamic Control of the Lower Extremity During Landing Tasks

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    Hip external rotator strength is associated with better dynamic control of the lower extremity during landing tasks. J Strength Cond Res 30(1): 282–291, 2016—The purpose of this study was to determine the association between hip strength and lower extremity kinematics and kinetics during unanticipated single-leg landing and cutting tasks in collegiate female soccer players. Twenty-three National Collegiate Athletic Association division I female soccer players were recruited for strength testing and biomechanical analysis. Maximal isometric hip abduction and external rotation strength were measured using a hand-held dynamometer and expressed as muscle torque (force × femoral length) and normalized to body weight. Three-dimensional lower extremity kinematics and kinetics were assessed with motion analysis and force plates, and an inverse dynamics approach was used to calculate net internal joint moments that were normalized to body weight. Greater hip external rotator strength was significantly associated with greater peak hip external rotation moments (r = 0.47; p = 0.021), greater peak knee internal rotation moments (r = 0.41; p = 0.048), greater hip frontal plane excursion (r = 0.49; p = 0.017), and less knee transverse plane excursion (r = -0.56; p = 0.004) during unanticipated single-leg landing and cutting tasks. In addition, a statistical trend was detected between hip external rotator strength and peak hip frontal plane moments (r = 0.39; p = 0.06). The results suggest that females with greater hip external rotator strength demonstrate better dynamic control of the lower extremity during unanticipated single-leg landing and cutting tasks and provide further support for the link between hip strength and lower extremity landing mechanics

    A Biomechanical Comparison of Successful and Unsuccessful Power Clean Attempts

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    Although the power clean is an almost ubiquitous exercise in the strength and conditioning setting, relatively little is known about the biomechanics of successful and unsuccessful power clean lift attempts. The purpose of this study was to determine biomechanical differences between successful and unsuccessful power clean lift attempts in male collegiate athletes. Fifteen male lacrosse players (Age: 20.1 ± 1.2; Height: 1.78 ± 0.07 m; Body mass: 80.4 ± 8.1 kg; Relative one-repetition maximum power clean: 1.25 ± 0.13 kg/kg) were videotaped during a lifting session that required the completion of maximal effort power cleans to establish a one-repetition maximum. The position of the barbell was digitised and used to calculate the displacement, velocity, acceleration, and acceleration vector of the barbell. The results revealed that unsuccessful attempts were characterised by differences during the second pull phase. Unsuccessful lifts exhibited greater peak forward barbell displacement, lower backward barbell velocities, and lower resultant acceleration angles during the second pull. Strength and conditioning coaches should therefore emphasise limited forward motion of the barbell during the second pull and instruct athletes to generate a more backward-directed force during the second pull in order to lift greater loads during testing and subsequent lifting sessions

    Modeling pN2 through Geological Time: Implications for Planetary Climates and Atmospheric Biosignatures

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    Nitrogen is a major nutrient for all life on Earth and could plausibly play a similar role in extraterrestrial biospheres. The major reservoir of nitrogen at Earth's surface is atmospheric N2, but recent studies have proposed that the size of this reservoir may have fluctuated significantly over the course of Earth's history with particularly low levels in the Neoarchean - presumably as a result of biological activity. We used a biogeochemical box model to test which conditions are necessary to cause large swings in atmospheric N2 pressure. Parameters for our model are constrained by observations of modern Earth and reconstructions of biomass burial and oxidative weathering in deep time. A 1-D climate model was used to model potential effects on atmospheric climate. In a second set of tests, we perturbed our box model to investigate which parameters have the greatest impact on the evolution of atmospheric pN2 and consider possible implications for nitrogen cycling on other planets. Our results suggest that (a) a high rate of biomass burial would have been needed in the Archean to draw down atmospheric pN2 to less than half modern levels, (b) the resulting effect on temperature could probably have been compensated by increasing solar luminosity and a mild increase in pCO2, and (c) atmospheric oxygenation could have initiated a stepwise pN2 rebound through oxidative weathering. In general, life appears to be necessary for significant atmospheric pN2 swings on Earth-like planets. Our results further support the idea that an exoplanetary atmosphere rich in both N2 and O2 is a signature of an oxygen-producing biosphere.Comment: 33 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables (includes appendix), published in Astrobiolog

    Why are hyperlinks to business Websites created? A content analysis

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    Motivations for the creation of hyperlinks to business sites were analyzed through a content analysis approach. Links to 280 North American IT companies (71 Canadian companies and 209 U.S. companies) were searched through Yahoo!. Then a random sample of 808 links was taken from the links retrieved. The content as well as the context of each link was manually examined to determine why the link was created. The country location and the type of the site where the link came from were also identified. The study found that most links were created for business purposes confirming findings from early quantitative studies that links contain useful business information. Links to competitors were extremely rare but competitors were often co-linked, suggesting that co-link analysis is the direction to pursue for information on competitive intelligence. Copyright © 2006 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest. All rights reserved

    Time-Resolved Studies of a Rolled-Up Semiconductor Microtube Laser

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    We report on lasing in rolled-up microtube resonators. Time-resolved studies on these semiconductor lasers containing GaAs quantum wells as optical gain material reveal particularly fast turn-on-times and short pulse emissions above the threshold. We observe a strong red-shift of the laser mode during the pulse emission which is compared to the time evolution of the charge-carrier density calculated by rate equations


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    The purpose of this study was to identify lower extremity kinematic and kinetic patterns during weightlifting movements and to compare them across different external loads. Subjects completed multiple sets of the clean exercise at various percentage loads. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to extract kinematic and kinetics patterns of the hip, knee, and ankle joint across the loads. These patterns were then compared across joint and percentage load. Results indicate that lower extremity kinematics and kinetics can be characterized through combinations of PCA-derived patterns. Patterns differed predominantly between joints, but not across percentage loads. The results point to joint-specific lower extremity function during Olympic weightlifting and quantified important technical aspects
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