5,330 research outputs found
High temperature expansion in supersymmetric matrix quantum mechanics
We formulate the high temperature expansion in supersymmetric matrix quantum
mechanics with 4, 8 and 16 supercharges. The models can be obtained by
dimensionally reducing N=1 U(N) super Yang-Mills theory in D=4,6,10 to 1
dimension, respectively. While the non-zero frequency modes become weakly
coupled at high temperature, the zero modes remain strongly coupled. We find,
however, that the integration over the zero modes that remains after
integrating out all the non-zero modes perturbatively, reduces to the
evaluation of connected Green's functions in the bosonic IKKT model. We perform
Monte Carlo simulation to compute these Green's functions, which are then used
to obtain the coefficients of the high temperature expansion for various
quantities up to the next-leading order. Our results nicely reproduce the
asymptotic behaviors of the recent simulation results at finite temperature. In
particular, the fermionic matrices, which decouple at the leading order, give
rise to substantial effects at the next-leading order, reflecting finite
temperature behaviors qualitatively different from the corresponding models
without fermions.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, (v2) some typos correcte
Efficient network-guided multi-locus association mapping with graph cuts
As an increasing number of genome-wide association studies reveal the
limitations of attempting to explain phenotypic heritability by single genetic
loci, there is growing interest for associating complex phenotypes with sets of
genetic loci. While several methods for multi-locus mapping have been proposed,
it is often unclear how to relate the detected loci to the growing knowledge
about gene pathways and networks. The few methods that take biological pathways
or networks into account are either restricted to investigating a limited
number of predetermined sets of loci, or do not scale to genome-wide settings.
We present SConES, a new efficient method to discover sets of genetic loci
that are maximally associated with a phenotype, while being connected in an
underlying network. Our approach is based on a minimum cut reformulation of the
problem of selecting features under sparsity and connectivity constraints that
can be solved exactly and rapidly.
SConES outperforms state-of-the-art competitors in terms of runtime, scales
to hundreds of thousands of genetic loci, and exhibits higher power in
detecting causal SNPs in simulation studies than existing methods. On flowering
time phenotypes and genotypes from Arabidopsis thaliana, SConES detects loci
that enable accurate phenotype prediction and that are supported by the
Matlab code for SConES is available at
http://webdav.tuebingen.mpg.de/u/karsten/Forschung/scones/Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, accepted at ISMB (International Conference on
Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology) 201
Drag Force Minimizing Shape Identification of Body Located in Compressible Fluid Flow
Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchiv
Phase structure of matrix quantum mechanics at finite temperature
We study matrix quantum mechanics at finite temperature by Monte Carlo
simulation. The model is obtained by dimensionally reducing 10d U(N) pure
Yang-Mills theory to 1d. Following Aharony et al., one can view the same model
as describing the high temperature regime of (1+1)d U(N) super Yang-Mills
theory on a circle. In this interpretation an analog of the deconfinement
transition was conjectured to be a continuation of the black-hole/black-string
transition in the dual gravity theory. Our detailed analysis in the critical
regime up to N=32 suggests the existence of the non-uniform phase, in which the
eigenvalue distribution of the holonomy matrix is non-uniform but gapless. The
transition to the gapped phase is of second order. The internal energy is
constant (giving the ground state energy) in the uniform phase, and rises
quadratically in the non-uniform phase, which implies that the transition
between these two phases is of third order.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, (v2) refined arguments in section 3 ; reference
Mitochondrial haplogroups associated with elite Japanese athlete status
Purpose It has been hypothesised that certain mitochondrial haplogroups, which are defined by the presence of a characteristic cluster of tightly linked mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms, would be associated with elite Japanese athlete status. To examine this hypothesis, the frequencies of mitochondrial haplogroups found in elite Japanese athletes were compared with those in the general Japanese population. Methods Subjects comprised 139 Olympic athletes (79 endurance/middle-power athletes (EMA), 60 sprint/power athletes (SPA)) and 672 controls (CON). Two mitochondrial DNA fragments containing the hypervariable sequence I (m16024-m16383) of the major non-coding region and the polymorphic site at m. 5178C>A within the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene were sequenced, and subjects were classified into 12 major mitochondrial haplogroups (ie, F, B, A, N9a, N9b, M7a, M7b, M*, G2, G1, D5 or D4). The mitochondrial haplogroup frequency differences among EMA, SPA and CON were then examined. Results EMA showed an excess of haplogroup G1 (OR 2.52, 95% CI 1.05 to 6.02, p=0.032), with 8.9% compared with 3.7% in CON, whereas SPA displayed a greater proportion of haplogroup F (OR 2.79, 95% CI 1.28 to 6.07, p=0.007), with 15.0% compared with 6.0% in CON. Conclusions The results suggest that mitochondrial haplogroups G1 and F are associated with elite EMA and SPA status in Japanese athletes, respectivel
Exact Computation of Influence Spread by Binary Decision Diagrams
Evaluating influence spread in social networks is a fundamental procedure to
estimate the word-of-mouth effect in viral marketing. There are enormous
studies about this topic; however, under the standard stochastic cascade
models, the exact computation of influence spread is known to be #P-hard. Thus,
the existing studies have used Monte-Carlo simulation-based approximations to
avoid exact computation.
We propose the first algorithm to compute influence spread exactly under the
independent cascade model. The algorithm first constructs binary decision
diagrams (BDDs) for all possible realizations of influence spread, then
computes influence spread by dynamic programming on the constructed BDDs. To
construct the BDDs efficiently, we designed a new frontier-based search-type
procedure. The constructed BDDs can also be used to solve other
influence-spread related problems, such as random sampling without rejection,
conditional influence spread evaluation, dynamic probability update, and
gradient computation for probability optimization problems.
We conducted computational experiments to evaluate the proposed algorithm.
The algorithm successfully computed influence spread on real-world networks
with a hundred edges in a reasonable time, which is quite impossible by the
naive algorithm. We also conducted an experiment to evaluate the accuracy of
the Monte-Carlo simulation-based approximation by comparing exact influence
spread obtained by the proposed algorithm.Comment: WWW'1
Stable periodic waves in coupled Kuramoto-Sivashinsky - Korteweg-de Vries equations
Periodic waves are investigated in a system composed of a
Kuramoto-Sivashinsky - Korteweg-de Vries (KS-KdV) equation, which is linearly
coupled to an extra linear dissipative equation. The model describes, e.g., a
two-layer liquid film flowing down an inclined plane. It has been recently
shown that the system supports stable solitary pulses. We demonstrate that a
perturbation analysis, based on the balance equation for the field momentum,
predicts the existence of stable cnoidal waves (CnWs) in the same system. It is
found that the mean value U of the wave field u in the main subsystem, but not
the mean value of the extra field, affects the stability of the periodic waves.
Three different areas can be distinguished inside the stability region in the
parameter plane (L,U), where L is the wave's period. In these areas, stable
are, respectively, CnWs with positive velocity, constant solutions, and CnWs
with negative velocity. Multistability, i.e., the coexistence of several
attractors, including the waves with several maxima per period, appears at
large value of L. The analytical predictions are completely confirmed by direct
simulations. Stable waves are also found numerically in the limit of vanishing
dispersion, when the KS-KdV equation goes over into the KS one.Comment: a latex text file and 16 eps files with figures. Journal of the
Physical Society of Japan, in pres
A note on the fibre-optic light-guides in the eye photophores of watasenia scintillans
A brief account is given of the anatomy and fibre-optic-like light-guiding properties of rod-like elements in the eye photophores on the ventral surface of the eyeball of the Japanese firefly squid Watasenia scintillans.These light-guiding elements form a dominant proportion of the volume of the photophore (which is assumed to function in counter-illumination) and are aligned such that light from the bioluminescent core is directed in acone downwards from the eye. A coplanar arrangement of lamellae in the light-guides strongly suggests that the light passing through will be narrowly restricted both in wavelength and polarization. These features are discussedwith regard to other recent findings in this species
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