205 research outputs found

    The lost sunspot cycle: New support from Be10 measurements

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    It has been suggested that the deficit in the number of spots on the surface of the Sun between 1790 and 1830, known as the Dalton minimum, contained an extra cycle that was not identified in the original sunspot record by Wolf. Though this cycle would be shorter and weaker than the average solar cycle, it would shift the magnetic parity of the solar magnetic field of the earlier cycles. This extra cycle is sometimes referred to as the 'lost solar cycle' or 'cycle 4b'. Here we reanalyse Be10 measurements with annual resolution from the NGRIP ice core in Greenland in order to investigate if the hypothesis regarding a lost sunspot cycle is supported by these measurements. Specifically, we make use of the fact that the Galactic cosmic rays, responsible for forming Be10 in the Earth's atmosphere, are affected differently by the open solar magnetic field during even and odd solar cycles. This fact enables us to evaluate if the numbering of cycles earlier than cycle 5 is correct. For the evaluation, we use Bayesian analysis, which reveals that the lost sunspot cycle hypothesis is likely to be correct. We also discuss if this cycle 4b is a real cycle, or a phase catastrophe, and what implications this has for our understanding of stellar activity cycles in general.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Magnetic activity, differential rotation and dynamo action in the pulsating F9IV star KIC 5955122

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    We present photometric spot modeling of the nearly four-year long light-curve of the Kepler target KIC 5955122 in terms of persisting dark circular surface features. With a Bayesian technique, we produced a plausible surface map that shows dozens of small spots. After some artifacts are removed, the residuals are at ±0.16\pm 0.16\,mmag. The shortest rotational period found is P=16.4±0.2P = 16.4 \pm 0.2 days. The equator-to-pole extrapolated differential rotation is 0.25±0.020.25 \pm 0.02 rad/d. The spots are roughly half as bright as the unperturbed stellar photosphere. Spot latitudes are restricted to the zone ±60∘\pm 60^\circ latitude. There is no indication for any near-pole spots. In addition, the p-mode pulsations enabled us to determine the evolutionary status of the star, the extension of the convective zone, and its radius and mass. We discuss the possibility that the clear signature of active regions in the light curve of the F9IV star KIC 5955122 is produced by a flux-transport dynamo action at the base of the convection zone. In particular, we argue that this star has evolved from an active to a quiet status during the Q0--Q16 period of observation, and we predict, according to our dynamo model, that the characteristic activity cycle is of the order of the solar one.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, to be published on A&

    The connection between stellar granulation and oscillation as seen by the Kepler mission

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    The long and almost continuous observations by Kepler show clear evidence of a granulation background signal in a large sample of stars, which is interpreted as the surface manifestation of convection. It has been shown that its characteristic timescale and rms intensity fluctuation scale with the peak frequency (\nu_{max}) of the solar-like oscillations. Various attempts have been made to quantify the observed signal, to determine scaling relations, and to compare them to theoretical predictions. We use a probabilistic method to compare different approaches to extracting the granulation signal. We fit the power density spectra of a large set of Kepler targets, determine the granulation and global oscillation parameter, and quantify scaling relations between them. We establish that a depression in power at about \nu_{max}/2, known from the Sun and a few other main-sequence stars, is also statistically significant in red giants and that a super-Lorentzian function with two components is best suited to reproducing the granulation signal in the broader vicinity of the pulsation power excess. We also establish that the specific choice of the background model can affect the determination of \nu_{max}, introducing systematic uncertainties that can significantly exceed the random uncertainties. We find the characteristic background frequency and amplitude to tightly scale with \nu_{max} for a wide variety of stars, and quantify a mass dependency of the latter. To enable comparison with theoretical predictions, we computed effective timescales and intensity fluctuations and found them to approximately scale as \tau_{eff} \propto g^{-0.85}\,T^{-0.4} and A_{gran} \propto (g^2M)^{-1/4}, respectively. Similarly, the bolometric pulsation amplitude scales approximately as A_{puls} \propto (g^2M)^{-1/3}, which implicitly verifies a separate mass and luminosity dependence of A_{puls}.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, accepted for A&

    Sounding stellar cycles with Kepler - II. Ground-based observations

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    We have monitored 20 Sun-like stars in the Kepler field-of-view for excess flux with the FIES spectrograph on the Nordic Optical Telescope since the launch of Kepler spacecraft in 2009. These 20 stars were selected based on their asteroseismic properties to sample the parameter space (effective temperature, surface gravity, activity level etc.) around the Sun. Though the ultimate goal is to improve stellar dynamo models, we focus the present paper on the combination of space-based and ground-based observations can be used to test the age-rotation-activity relations. In this paper we describe the considerations behind the selection of these 20 Sun-like stars and present an initial asteroseismic analysis, which includes stellar age estimates. We also describe the observations from the Nordic Optical Telescope and present mean values of measured excess fluxes. These measurements are combined with estimates of the rotation periods obtained from a simple analysis of the modulation in photometric observations from Kepler caused by starspots, and asteroseismic determinations of stellar ages, to test relations between between age, rotation and activity.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Modeling Kepler Observations of Solar-like Oscillations in the Red-giant Star HD 186355

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    We have analysed oscillations of the red giant star HD 186355 observed by the NASA Kepler satellite. The data consist of the first five quarters of science operations of Kepler, which cover about 13 months. The high-precision time-series data allow us to accurately extract the oscillation frequencies from the power spectrum. We find the frequency of the maximum oscillation power, {\nu}_max, and the mean large frequency separation, {\Delta}{\nu}, are around 106 and 9.4 {\mu}Hz respectively. A regular pattern of radial and non-radial oscillation modes is identified by stacking the power spectra in an echelle diagram. We use the scaling relations of {\Delta}{\nu} and {\nu}_max to estimate the preliminary asteroseismic mass, which is confirmed with the modelling result (M = 1.45 \pm 0.05 M_sun) using the Yale Rotating stellar Evolution Code (YREC7). In addition, we constrain the effective temperature, luminosity and radius from comparisons between observational constraints and models. A number of mixed l = 1 modes are also detected and taken into account in our model comparisons. We find a mean observational period spacing for these mixed modes of about 58 s, suggesting that this red giant branch star is in the shell hydrogen-burning phase.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures and 2 table

    Grand solar minima and maxima deduced from 10Be and 14C: magnetic dynamo configuration and polarity reversal

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    International audienceAims. This study aims to improve our understanding of the occurrence and origin of grand solar maxima and minima.Methods. We first investigate the statistics of peaks and dips simultaneously occurring in the solar modulation potentials reconstructed using the Greenland Ice Core Project (GRIP) 10Be and IntCal13 14C records for the overlapping time period spanning between ~1650 AD to 6600 BC. Based on the distribution of these events, we propose a method to identify grand minima and maxima periods. By using waiting time distribution analysis, we investigate the nature of grand minima and maxima periods identified based on the criteria as well as the variance and significance of the Hale cycle during these kinds of events throughout the Holocene epoch.Results. Analysis of grand minima and maxima events occurring simultaneously in the solar modulation potentials, reconstructed based on the 14C and the 10Be records, shows that the majority of events characterized by periods of moderate activity levels tend to last less than 50 years: grand maxima periods do not last longer than 100 years, while grand minima can persist slightly longer. The power and the variance of the 22-year Hale cycle increases during grand maxima and decreases during grand minima, compared to periods characterized by moderate activity levels.Conclusions. We present the first reconstruction of the occurrence of grand solar maxima and minima during the Holocene based on simultaneous changes in records of past solar variability derived from tree-ring 14C and ice-core 10Be, respectively. This robust determination of the occurrence of grand solar minima and maxima periods will enable systematic investigations of the influence of grand solar minima and maxima episodes on Earth’s climate

    Decline in Etesian winds after large volcanic eruptions in the last millennium

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    The northerly Etesian winds are a stable summertime circulation system in the eastern Mediterranean, emerging from a steep pressure gradient between the central Europe and Balkans high-pressure and the Anatolian low-pressure systems. Etesian winds are influenced by the variability in the Indian summer monsoon (ISM), but their sensitivity to external forcing on interannual and longer timescales is not well understood. Here, for the first time, we investigate the sensitivity of Etesian winds to large volcanic eruptions in a set of model simulations over the last millennium and reanalysis of the 20th century. We provide model evidence for significant volcanic signatures, manifested as a robust reduction in the wind speed and the total number of days with Etesian winds in July and August. These are robust responses to all strong eruptions in the last millennium, and in the extreme case of Samalas, the ensemble-mean response suggests a post-eruption summer without Etesians. The significant decline in the number of days with Etesian winds is attributed to the weakening of the ISM in the post-eruption summers, which is associated with a reduced large-scale subsidence and weakened surface pressure gradients in the eastern Mediterranean. Our analysis identifies a stronger sensitivity of Etesian winds to the Northern Hemisphere volcanic forcing, particularly for volcanoes before the 20th century, while for the latest large eruption of Pinatubo modelled and observed responses are insignificant. These findings could improve seasonal predictions of the wind circulation in the eastern Mediterranean in the summers after large volcanic eruptions.</p

    SPB stars in the open SMC cluster NGC 371

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    Pulsation in beta Cep and SPB stars are driven by the kappa mechanism which depends critically on the metallicity. It has therefore been suggested that beta Cep and SPB stars should be rare in the Magellanic Clouds which have lower metallicities than the solar neighborhood. To test this prediction we have observed the open SMC cluster NGC 371 for 12 nights in order to search for beta Cep and SPB stars. Surprisingly, we find 29 short-period B-type variables in the upper part of the main sequence, many of which are probably SPB stars. This result indicates that pulsation is still driven by the kappa mechanism even in low metallicity environments. All the identified variables have periods longer than the fundamental radial period which means that they cannot be beta Cep stars. Within an amplitude detection limit of 5 mmag no stars in the top of the HR-diagram show variability with periods shorter than the fundamental radial period. So if beta Cep stars are present in the cluster they oscillate with amplitudes below 5 mmag, which is significantly lower than the mean amplitude of beta Cep stars in the Galaxy. We see evidence that multimode pulsation is more common in the upper part of the main sequence than in the lower. We have also identified 5 eclipsing binaries and 3 periodic pulsating Be stars in the cluster field.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA
