724 research outputs found

    Food Taste Analysis Based on Facial Expression Detection

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    Taste tasting is a critical metrics for a variety of purposes, including predicting long-term market acceptance of a variety of food and beverage products. The main purpose is to use speech, power such as speed and speed of speech to express the secret patterns of tasteful responses. To that end, we’ve compiled a huge database of tasting food. The database contains a collection of video samples of flavoured discourses collected from various topics. This extensive test on websites including OpenCV image processing, deep learning algorithm-CNN editing and GUI Tkinter, this helps to separate between different levels of taste preferences. This project aims to independently estimate your preferred taste using idiomatic illustrations, based on visual, informal, and varied sources

    Human Autoimmune Sera as Molecular Probes for the Identification of an Autoantigen Kinase Signaling Pathway

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    Using human autoimmune sera as molecular probes, we previously described the association of phosphorylated serine/arginine splicing factors (SR splicing factors) with the U1-small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (U1-snRNP) and U3-small nucleolar RNP (snoRNP) in apoptotic cells. SR proteins are highly conserved autoantigens whose activity is tightly regulated by reversible phosphorylation of serine residues by at least eight different SR protein kinase kinases (SRPKs), including SRPK1, SRPK2, and the scleroderma autoantigen topoisomerase I. In this report, we demonstrate that only one of the known SRPKs, SRPK1, is associated with the U1-snRNP autoantigen complex in healthy and apoptotic cells. SRPK1 is activated early during apoptosis, followed by caspase-mediated proteolytic inactivation at later time points. SRPKs are cleaved in vivo after multiple apoptotic stimuli, and cleavage can be inhibited by overexpression of bcl-2 and bcl-xL, and by exposure to soluble peptide caspase inhibitors. Incubation of recombinant caspases with in vitro–translated SRPKs demonstrates that SRPK1 and SRPK2 are in vitro substrates for caspases-8 and -9, respectively. In contrast, topoisomerase I is cleaved by downstream caspases (-3 and -6). Since each of these SRPKs sits at a distinct checkpoint in the caspase cascade, SRPKs may serve an important role in signaling pathways governing apoptosis, alternative mRNA splicing, SR protein trafficking, RNA stability, and possibly the generation of autoantibodies directed against splicing factors

    GODAE systems in operation

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    During the last 15 years, operational oceanography systems have been developed in several countries around the world. These developments have been fostered primarily by the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE), which coordinated these activities, encouraged partnerships, and facilitated constructive competition. This multinational coordination has been very beneficial for the development of operational oceanography. Today, several systems provide routine, real-time ocean analysis, forecast, and reanalysis products. These systems are based on (1) state-of-the-art Ocean General Circulation Model (OGCM) configurations, either global or regional (basin-scale), with resolutions that range from coarse to eddy-resolving, and (2) data assimilation techniques ranging from analysis correction to advanced three- or four-dimensional variational schemes. These systems assimilate altimeter sea level anomalies, sea surface temperature data, and in situ profiles of temperature and salinity, including Argo data. Some systems have implemented downscaling capacities, which consist of embedding higher-resolution local systems in global and basin-scale models (through open boundary exchange of data), especially in coastal regions, where small scale-phenomena are important, and also increasing the spatial resolution for these regional/coastal systems to be able to resolve smaller scales (so-called downscaling). Others have implemented coupling with the atmosphere and/or sea ice. This paper provides a short review of these operational GODAE systems.Published76-914.6. Oceanografia operativa per la valutazione dei rischi in aree marineN/A or not JCRope

    GODAE systems in operation

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    During the last 15 years, operational oceanography systems have emerged in several countries around the world. This emergence has been largely fostered by the GODAE experiment, during which each nation engaged in this activity have organised partnership and constructive competition. This trans-national coordination was very beneficial for the development of operational oceanography, leading to economies of scales and more targeted actions. Today, several systems provide routine real-time ocean analysis and forecast and/or reanalysis products. They are all based on (i) state-of-the-art primitive equation baroclinic Ocean General Circulation Model (OGCM) configurations, either global or regional (basin-scale), with resolutions that range from coarse to eddy resolving and (ii) data assimilation techniques whose complexity ranges from simple analysis correction to advanced 4D variational schemes. They assimilate altimeter sea level anomalies, remotely sensed SST such as GHRSST products and in situ profiles of T and S, including ARGO. Some systems have implemented downscaling capacities in specific regions of interest including shelf/coastal seas. Some also have implemented coupling with the atmosphere and/or the prognostic sea ice in polar regions. They are the GODAE system in operation. They are reviewed in this paper. The GODAE system discussed here include: (1) BLUElink OceanMAPS, (2) C-NOOFS, , (3) ECCO, (4) FOAM, (5) HYCOM/NCODA, (6) MERCATOR, (7) MFS, (8) MOVE/MRI.COM, (9) NLOM/NCOM, (10) NMEFC, (11) RTOFS and (12) TOPAZ.SubmittedNice, France3.11. Oceanografia Operativaope

    GODAE systems in operation

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    During the last 15 years, operational oceanography systems have been developed in several countries around the world. These developments have been fostered primarily by the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE), which coordinated these activities, encouraged partnerships, and facilitated constructive competition. This multinational coordination has been very beneficial for the development of operational oceanography. Today, several systems provide routine, real-time ocean analysis, forecast, and reanalysis products. These systems are based on (1) state-of-the-art Ocean General Circulation Model (OGCM) configurations, either global or regional (basin-scale), with resolutions that range from coarse to eddy-resolving, and (2) data assimilation techniques ranging from analysis correction to advanced three- or four-dimensional variational schemes. These systems assimilate altimeter sea level anomalies, sea surface temperature data, and in situ profiles of temperature and salinity, including Argo data. Some systems have implemented downscaling capacities, which consist of embedding higher-resolution local systems in global and basin-scale models (through open boundary exchange of data), especially in coastal regions, where small scale-phenomena are important, and also increasing the spatial resolution for these regional/coastal systems to be able to resolve smaller scales (so-called downscaling). Others have implemented coupling with the atmosphere and/or sea ice. This paper provides a short review of these operational GODAE systems

    GODAE systems in operation

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    During the last 15 years, operational oceanography systems have emerged in several countries around the world. This emergence has been largely fostered by the GODAE experiment, during which each nation engaged in this activity have organised partnership and constructive competition. This trans-national coordination was very beneficial for the development of operational oceanography, leading to economies of scales and more targeted actions. Today, several systems provide routine real-time ocean analysis and forecast and/or reanalysis products. They are all based on (i) state-of-the-art primitive equation baroclinic Ocean General Circulation Model (OGCM) configurations, either global or regional (basin-scale), with resolutions that range from coarse to eddy resolving and (ii) data assimilation techniques whose complexity ranges from simple analysis correction to advanced 4D variational schemes. They assimilate altimeter sea level anomalies, remotely sensed SST such as GHRSST products and in situ profiles of T and S, including ARGO. Some systems have implemented downscaling capacities in specific regions of interest including shelf/coastal seas. Some also have implemented coupling with the atmosphere and/or the prognostic sea ice in polar regions. They are the GODAE system in operation. They are reviewed in this paper. The GODAE system discussed here include: (1) BLUElink OceanMAPS, (2) C-NOOFS, , (3) ECCO, (4) FOAM, (5) HYCOM/NCODA, (6) MERCATOR, (7) MFS, (8) MOVE/MRI.COM, (9) NLOM/NCOM, (10) NMEFC, (11) RTOFS and (12) TOPAZ

    TiO2-Supported Re as a General and Chemoselective Heterogeneous Catalyst for Hydrogenation of Carboxylic Acids to Alcohols

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    TiO2-supported Re, Re/TiO2, was found to promote selective hydrogenation of carboxylic acids having aromatic and aliphatic moieties to the corresponding alcohols. Re/TiO2 showed superior results compared to other transition-metal-loaded TiO2 and supported Re catalysts for selective hydrogenation of 3-phenylpropionic acid. 3phenylpropanol was produced in 97% yield under mild conditions (5 MPa H-2 at 140 degrees C). Contrary to typical heterogeneous catalysts, Re/TiO2 does not lead to the formation of dearomatized byproducts. The catalyst is recyclable and shows a wide substrate scope in the synthesis of alcohols (22 examples; up to 97% isolated yield)

    B1 SOX Coordinate Cell Specification with Patterning and Morphogenesis in the Early Zebrafish Embryo

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    The B1 SOX transcription factors SOX1/2/3/19 have been implicated in various processes of early embryogenesis. However, their regulatory functions in stages from the blastula to early neurula remain largely unknown, primarily because loss-of-function studies have not been informative to date. In our present study, we systematically knocked down the B1 sox genes in zebrafish. Only the quadruple knockdown of the four B1 sox genes sox2/3/19a/19b resulted in very severe developmental abnormalities, confirming that the B1 sox genes are functionally redundant. We characterized the sox2/3/19a/19b quadruple knockdown embryos in detail by examining the changes in gene expression through in situ hybridization, RT–PCR, and microarray analyses. Importantly, these phenotypic analyses revealed that the B1 SOX proteins regulate the following distinct processes: (1) early dorsoventral patterning by controlling bmp2b/7; (2) gastrulation movements via the regulation of pcdh18a/18b and wnt11, a non-canonical Wnt ligand gene; (3) neural differentiation by regulating the Hes-class bHLH gene her3 and the proneural-class bHLH genes neurog1 (positively) and ascl1a (negatively), and regional transcription factor genes, e.g., hesx1, zic1, and rx3; and (4) neural patterning by regulating signaling pathway genes, cyp26a1 in RA signaling, oep in Nodal signaling, shh, and mdkb. Chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis of the her3, hesx1, neurog1, pcdh18a, and cyp26a1 genes further suggests a direct regulation of these genes by B1 SOX. We also found an interesting overlap between the early phenotypes of the B1 sox quadruple knockdown embryos and the maternal-zygotic spg embryos that are devoid of pou5f1 activity. These findings indicate that the B1 SOX proteins control a wide range of developmental regulators in the early embryo through partnering in part with Pou5f1 and possibly with other factors, and suggest that the B1 sox functions are central to coordinating cell fate specification with patterning and morphogenetic processes occurring in the early embryo