19 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses  pengembangan bahan ajar pada materi teks fable berbantuan BOT Telegram kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Medan, juga untuk mengetahui tingkat kelayakan bahan ajar materi teks fable berbantuan BOT Telegram Kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Medan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode R&D (Research and Development). Instrumen penelitian ini berupa penyebaran angket kepada siswa, validator materi, validator media, dan guru bahasa Indonesia, dengan menggunakan skala likert. Hasil validasi ahli materi memperoleh 75% (layak), hasil validasi media memperoleh 84% (sangat layak), hasil validasi guru memperoleh 94% (sangat layak). Sehingga rata-rata hitung hasil seluruh validasi yaitu 85% (sangat layak). Didukung dengan hasil uji coba produk bahan ajar yang dilakukan kepada siswa kelas VII-5 SMP Negeri 2 Medan memperoleh nilai 82,3% (sangat layak)

    Pengembangan Materi Ajar Teks Fabel Berbasis Video Animasi Berbantuan Aplikasi KineMaster Pro Pada Siswa Kelas VII SMP Swasta YPK Medan Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023

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    This study aims to describe the process of developing fable text teaching materials based on animated video assisted by the KineMaster Pro application, describe the product form of animated video based fable text teaching materials assisted by the KineMaster Pro application, and analyze the feasibility of fable text teaching materials based on animated videos assisted by the KineMaster Pro application. The development model used in this study is the Borg and Gall model which has ten steps but was modified by researchers into five steps namely, potential and problem, data collection, product design, design validation, and product revision. The research subjects used were 38 class VII students at SMP Swasta YPK Medan. While the object of his research is fable text material based on animated videos assisted by the KineMaster Pro application. Researchers used data collection techniques by interviewing techers and giving questionnaires in the form of questionnaires to students. The research instruments is in the form of a validation questionnaire sheet for material experts and media experts calculated using a likert scale. Data analysis used quantitative and qualitative. The results showed that the product of teaching materials for fable text based on video animation assisted by the KineMaster Pro application obtained a value of 85% from material experts in the “very good” category. While the results of media experts validation obtained a value of 90% in the “very good” category. So it can be stated that the product is very feasible to use. &nbsp

    Management Financing In Improving The Quality Of Education

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    This study aims to determine the management of education financing in relation to efforts to improve the quality of education. This study focuses on the study of how the influence of financial management of education on quality of educationof the PKBM PELITA, Deli Serdang Regency. This research uses qualitative methods based on descriptive studies. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation studies. Data analysis was performed using the Miles and Huberman model stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The data validity test used triangulation and member crosscheck. The results showed that the management of educational finance had been done well 1) the process of budgeting according to the procedure; 2) sources of finance obtained from several sources of funds; 3) the constraining factor in the management of educational finance belongs to the flow of disbursement of funds long enough; 4) supervision and accountability in the educational finance is going well; and 5) Foundations, principals, vice principals, treasurers, school committees, teachers and UPTD Education involved in the education finance management proces

    Komunikasi Lintas Budaya dalam Menjaga toleransi umat beragama di Kelurahan Sesi Kera Hilir II Kecamatan Medan Perjuangan Kota Medan

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    Indonesia is a country that is famous for its diversity of tribes, ethnicities, races, cultures, and religions. Our society is a multicultural society, besides that the Indonesian people are also known as a religious nation. In Indonesia alone, there are at least six nationally recognized religions, namely Christianity, Islam, Hindu Catholicism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. With so many religions in Indonesia, people must have an attitude of tolerance towards fellow religious people. Tolerance is a human attitude to respect the differences that exist, both between individuals and groups. Tolerance is a way of respecting and accepting differences in behavior, culture, religion and race that exist and this world. Tolerance is very important to be fostered both within the community and in other spheres. The attitude of tolerance in religious communities can create an atmosphere of peace, tolerance and mutual respect so that they can live side by side without any sense of difference to others. This study aims to examine how cross-cultural communication in maintaining religious tolerance in Sei Kera Hilir II Village, Medan Perjuangan District, Medan City. So that with this study, it can further foster a sense of tolerance between religious communities in the hearts of everyone who reads this journal, thus making them more respectful of one another, not cornering each other, and respecting the opinions of others, and so on

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Aplikasi Fizzo Novel Terhadap Kemampuan Menulis Teks Drama pada Siswa Kelas XI SMK Negeri 4 Medan Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023

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    The aim of this research is to determine the effect of using the fizzo novel application on the writing ability of class XI students at SMK Negeri 4 Medan for the 2022/2023 academic year. The population in this study was all students in class The research method used is a quantitative experimental method. The research instrument is a drama text writing test which is assessed based on content aspects and linguistic aspects of the drama text. The results of the research show that there is an influence of using the fizzo novel application on the ability to write drama texts in class XI students at SMK Negeri 4 Medan. This is proven by hypothesis testing which shows that the value of Tcount > Ttable is 11.6 > 1.71 with a significance level of 5%


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    Setiap orang pasti pernah merasakan menjadi seorang pemimpin, entah itu di lingkungan sekolah, tempat kerja, pertemanan, keluarga, atau untuk dirinya sendiri. Momen tersebut akan membantu memunculkan kualitas dan gaya kepemimpinan dalam diri. Dalam lingkungan sekolah, seorang kepala sekolah sebaiknya memaksimalkan kemampuan yang ia miliki, terutama kemampuan dalam memimpin. Seorang kepala sekolah harus menerapkan gaya kepemimpinan dalam menjalankan tugas dan tanggungjawabnya sebagai pemimpin, karena gaya kepemimpinan adalah cara yang digunakan pemimpin untuk berinteraksi dengan bawahannya. Rumusan masalah yang ingin dianalisis, yaitu bagaimana gaya kepemimpinan otokratis dan bagaimanakah pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan otokratis kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan kinerja guru ? Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan melakukan studi pustaka dan observasi langsung terhadap lingkungan pendidikan khususnya sekolah dan kajian pustakaan. Dari hasil analisis tersebut diperoleh hasil bahwa gaya kepemimpinan otokratis berpengaruh langsung kepada kinerja guru, antara lain, guru lebih memiliki pola proses kerja yang efisien, guru memiliki manajemen krisis yang cepat, guru akan berusaha menjaga ketertiban & disiplin, guru memiliki target yang terfokus, guru akan meningkatan produktivitas diri dan guru akan memiliki komunikasi yang jelas

    Project-Based Learning Governance on Natural Materials Improving the Creativity of Class VIII Students of SMP Negeri 1 Sigumpar

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    This research is motivated by the low participation of students of SMP Negeri 1 Sigumpar in participating in scientific work competitions which are their own innovations. According to Bloom and Anderson's taxonomy, creative competence is very necessary for all students because by learning to make something from the materials around it, thinking construction is very important because children will be formed and more critical and innovative. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)-based learning really needs to be empowered from an early age. This research was conducted at SMP N 1 Sigumpar with the aim of knowing whether the application of the project-based learning model in these subjects was effective. Nature can be a material for students' innovative work and improve student learning outcomes. This research method uses a quasi-experimental research design with a one group pretest – post-test design. Data collection methods used in this study was questionnaires, survey and observations in class VIII of 30 students. Data analysis was carried out descriptively and qualitatively. The results showed that project-based learning increased creativity and student learning outcomes. From the results of this study, the researchers found that project-based learning is very good to be applied in teaching students because based on students' experiences it increases the enthusiasm for learning


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    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Konflik dan Efikasi Diri. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh kepemimpinan transformasional, konflik, dan efikasi diri, terhadap kinerja kepala sekolah. Penelitian mempergunakan desain eksplanatoris, dengan populasi kepala SD di Kota Medan, dan melalui teknik sampling acak proporsional diperoleh sampel sebesar 200 orang. Teknik analisis jalur digunakan untuk analisis data dengan menggunakan program aplikasi AMOS. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa kepemimpinan transformasional, konflik dan efikasi diri berkontribusi terhadap kinerja kepala sekolah


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    Canva merupakan salah satu aplikasi yang sangat populer di dunia pendidikan saat ini. Selain membantu pembentukan media pembelajaran, canva juga memiliki banyak manfaat seperti penyampaian informasi melalui Flyer, poster bahkan twibbon yang memiliki pesan bahkan informasi tertentu. Penelitian  ini memiliki tujuan agar mengetahui  bagaimanakah manfaat penyampaian informasi menggunakan media  berbasis  aplikasi  canva.  Penelitian  ini  menggunakan metode deskriptif dimana penelitian ini akan dilakukan dengan cara studi pustaka serta observasi langsung di sekolah MTs S Tahfidzul Qur’an Nurul Azmi dan SMP Islam Bintang Batang Kuis. Adapun hasil penelitian diungkapkan bahwa penggunaan media canva sebagai sumber penyampaian informasi berbasis visual sangatlah penting dalam mendukung  pelaksanaan program sekolah dan kebijakan-kebijakan yang disampaikan oleh kepala sekolah