915 research outputs found

    On the shopfloor: exploring the impact of teacher trade unions on school-based industrial relations

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    Teachers are highly unionised workers and their trade unions exert an important influence on the shaping and implementation of educational policy. Despite this importance there is relatively little analysis of the impact of teacher trade unions in educational management literature. Very little empirical research has sought to establish the impact of teacher unions at school level. In an era of devolved management and quasi-markets this omission is significant. New personnel issues continue to emerge at school level and this may well generate increased trade union activity at the workplace. This article explores the extent to which devolved management is drawing school-based union representation into a more prominent role. It argues that whilst there can be significant differences between individual schools, increased school autonomy is raising the profile of trade union activity in the workplace, and this needs to be better reflected in educational management research


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    Forest ecosystems play a key role in global ecological balance and provide a variety of tangible and intangible ecosystem services that support the livelihoods of rural poor. In addition to the anthropogenic pressure on the forest resources, climate change is also impacting vegetation productivity, biomass and phenological patterns of the forest. There are many studies reported all over the world which use change in Land Use Land Cover (LULC) to assess the impact of climate change on the forest. Land use change (LC) refers to any anthropogenic or natural changes in the terrestrial ecosystem at a variety of spatial or temporal scale. Changes in LULC induced by any causes (natural/anthropogenic) play a major role in global as well as regional scale pattern which in turn affects weather and climate. Remote sensing (RS) data along with Geographic Information System (GIS) help in inventorying, mapping and monitoring of earth resources for effective and sustainable landscape management of forest areas. Accurate information about the current and past LULC including natural forest cover along with accurate means of monitoring the changes are very necessary to design future adaptation strategies and formulation of policies in tune of climate change. Therefore, this study attempts to analyze the changes of LULC of Kanha Tiger Reserve (KTR) due to climate change. The rationale for selecting KTR is to have a largely intact forest area without any interference so that any change in LULC could be attributed to the impact of climate change. The change analysis depicted changes in land use land cover (LULC) pattern by using multi-temporal satellite data over a period of time. Further, these detected changes in different LULC class influence the livelihoods of forest-dependent communities. As the study site is a Sal dominated landscape; the findings could be applied in other Sal dominated landscape of central India in making future policies, adaptation strategies and silvicultural practices for reducing the vulnerability of forest-dependent communities

    Selection of antibody single-chain variable fragments with improved carbohydrate binding by phage display.

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    A single-chain variable fragment (Fv) version of a murine monoclonal antibody, Se155-4, specific for Salmonella serogroup B O-polysaccharide, was used as a model system for testing monovalent phage display as a route for enhancing the relatively low affinities that typify anti-carbohydrate antibodies. Random single-chain Fv mutant libraries generated by chemical and error-prone polymerase chain reaction methods were panned against the serogroup B lipopolysaccharide. Panning of a randomly mutated heavy chain variable domain library indicated selection for improved serogroup B binders and yielded six mutants, five of which showed wild type activity by enzyme immunoassay. Two of these were apparently selected on the basis of better functional single-chain Fv yield in Escherichia coli. A heavy chain mutation (Ile77-->Thr) in one mutant, 3B1, appeared to have a particularly dramatic effect, resulting in yields of approximately 120 mg/liter of functional periplasmic product. The sixth mutant, 4B2, had complementarity determining region 1 (CDR1) and CDR2 mutations and demonstrated 10-fold improved binding, by enzyme immunoassay, relative to the wild type. Extensive analysis of antigen-antibody interactions indicated that the improved binding properties of 4B2 were attributable to a higher association rate constant and interaction with an epitope that is larger than the trisaccharide recognized by the wild type. None of the mutations involved known trisaccharide contact residues; this was consistent with analysis of wild type and mutant single-chain Fvs by titration microcalorimetry. Examination of the structure indicated that two mutations in the heavy chain CDR2 provided improved surface complementarity between the protein and the extended epitope encompassing 2 additional hexose residues. However, introduction of only the CDR2 mutations into the wild type structure failed to confer the improved binding properties of 4B2, indicating an indirect effect by the more distant mutations. Panning of randomly mutated light chain variable domain and full-length single-chain Fv mutant libraries did not yield mutants with improved assembly or binding properties

    CNS cancer immunity cycle and strategies to target this for glioblastoma.

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    Immunotherapeutics have revolutionized the management of solid malignancies over the last few years. Nevertheless, despite relative successes of checkpoint inhibitors in numerous solid tumour types, success in tumours of the central nervous system (CNS) has been lacking. There are several possible reasons for the relative lack of success of immunotherapeutics in this setting, including the immune microenvironment of glioblastoma, lymphocyte tracking through the blood-brain barrier (BBB) into the central nervous system and impairment of drug delivery into the CNS through the BBB. This review utilizes the cancer-immunity cycle as a conceptual framework through which the specific challenges associated with the development of immunotherapeutics for CNS malignancies can be viewed

    Bacterial expression and secretion of various single-chain Fv genes encoding proteins specific for a Salmonella serotype B O-antigen.

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    Active single-chain Fv molecules encoded by synthetic genes have been expressed and secreted to the periplasm of Escherichia coli using the ompA secretory signal. Four different constructs were developed to investigate the effects of peptide linker design and VL-VH orientation on expression, secretion, and binding to a Salmonella O-polysaccharide antigen. Peptide linker sequences derived from the elbow regions of the Fab molecule were used alone or in combination with the flexible (GGGGS)2 sequence. VL and VH domain order in the single chain molecules had a profound effect on the level of secretion but hardly influenced total expression levels, which were approximately 50 mg/liter, chiefly in the form of inclusion bodies. With VL in the NH2-terminal position, the amount of secreted product obtained was 2.4 mg/liter, but when VH occupied this position the yield was less than 5% of this value. Enzyme immunoassays of the four products showed domain order and linker sequence affected antigen binding by less than an order of magnitude. Attempts to express active Fv from dicistronic DNA were unsuccessful, but active Fv was obtained from single-chain Fv by enzymic cleavage at a site in the elbow linker peptide. The thermodynamic binding parameters of intact and cleaved single-chain Fvs determined by titration microcalorimetry were similar to those of bacterially produced Fab and mouse IgG


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    Climate change poses a severe threat to the forest ecosystems by impacting its productivity, species composition and forest biodiversity at global and regional level. The scientific community all over the world is using remote sensing techniques to monitor and assess the impact of climate change on forest ecosystems. The consistent time series data provided by MODIS is immensely used for developing a different type of Vegetation indices like NDVI (Normalized difference vegetation indices) products at different spatial and temporal resolution. These vegetation indices have significant potential to detect forest growth and health, vegetation seasonality and different phenological events like budding and flowering. The current study aims to understand the impact of climate change on Teak and Sal forest of STR (Satpura tiger reserve) in central India by using Landsat and MODIS time series data. The rationale for taking STR as study site was to attribute the changes exclusively to climate change as there is no anthropogenic disturbance in STR. A change detection analysis was carried out to detect changes between the period 2017 and 1990 using Landsat data of October month. To understand the inter-annual and seasonal variation of Teak and Sal forests, freely available MOD13Q1 product (250 m, 16 days’ interval) was used to extract NDVI values for each month and four seasons (DJF, JJAS, ON, MAM) for the period 2000 to 2015. The climatic data (rainfall and temperature) was sourced from IMD (India Meteorological Department) at different resolutions (1, 0.5 and 0.25 degree) for the given period of the study. A correlation analysis was done to establish a causal relationship between climate variable (temperature and rainfall) and vegetation health (NDVI) on a different temporal scale of annual, seasonal and month. The study found an increasing trend in annual mean temperature and no consistent trend in total annual rainfall over the period 2000 to 2015. The maximum percentage change was observed in minimum temperature over the period 2000 to 2015. The average annual NDVI of Teak and Sal forests showed an increasing trend however, no trend was observed in seasonal and monthly NDVI over the same period. The maximum and minimum NDVI was found in the post-monsoon months (ON) and summer months (MAM) respectively. As STR is a Teak and Sal dominated landscape, the findings of the current study can also be applied in developing silvicultural and adaptation strategies for other Teak and Sal dominated landscapes of central India

    Towards Translational ImmunoPET/MR Imaging of Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis: The Humanised Monoclonal Antibody JF5 Detects Aspergillus Lung Infections In Vivo

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    This is the final published versionAvailable from Ivyspring International Publisher via the DOI in this recordInvasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) is a life-threatening lung disease of hematological malignancy and bone marrow transplant patients caused by the ubiquitous environmental fungus Aspergillus fumigatus. Current diagnostic tests for the disease lack sensitivity as well as specificity, and culture of the fungus from invasive lung biopsy, considered the gold standard for IPA detection, is slow and often not possible in critically ill patients. In a previous study, we reported the development of a novel non-invasive procedure for IPA diagnosis based on antibody-guided positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging (immunoPET/MRI) using a [64Cu]DOTA-labeled mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb), mJF5, specific to Aspergillus. To enable translation of the tracer to the clinical setting, we report here the development of a humanised version of the antibody (hJF5), and pre-clinical imaging of lung infection using a [64Cu]NODAGA-hJF5 tracer. The humanised antibody tracer shows a significant increase in in vivo biodistribution in A. fumigatus infected lungs compared to its radiolabeled murine counterpart [64Cu]NODAGA-mJF5. Using reverse genetics of the pathogen, we show that the antibody binds to the antigenic determinant 1,5-galactofuranose (Galf) present in a diagnostic mannoprotein antigen released by the pathogen during invasive growth in the lung. The absence of the epitope Galf in mammalian carbohydrates, coupled with the enhanced imaging capabilities of the hJF5 antibody, means that the [64Cu]NODAGA-hJF5 tracer developed here represents an ideal candidate for the diagnosis of IPA and translation to the clinical setting.This work was supported by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 under Grant 602820, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant WI3777/1-2 to SW), and the Werner Siemens Foundation. We thank Sven Krappman for use of the A. fumigatustdTomato strain, and acknowledge the Imaging Centre Essen (IMCES) for assistance with optical imaging of lungs

    Large Impacts around a Solar Analog Star in the Era of Terrestrial Planet Formation

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    The final assembly of terrestrial planets occurs via massive collisions, which can launch copious clouds of dust that are warmed by the star and glow in the infrared. We report the real-time detection of a debris-producing impact in the terrestrial planet zone around a 35-million year-old solar analog star. We observed a substantial brightening of the debris disk at 3-5 {\mu}m, followed by a decay over a year, with quasi-periodic modulations of the disk flux. The behavior is consistent with the occurrence of a violent impact that produced vapor out of which a thick cloud of silicate spherules condensed that were ground into dust by collisions. These results demonstrate how the time domain can become a new dimension for the study of terrestrial planet formation.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures (fixed a typo in name
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