5,750 research outputs found

    Was beeinflusst die Lebenszufriedenheit im hohen Alter?: ReprÀsentative Studie zur ambulanten Altenpflege und -betreuung in der Deutschschweiz

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Auch nach Eintritt einer BetreuungsdĂŒrftigkeit wollen die meisten Ă€lteren Menschen in der vertrauten Wohnung verbleiben, was durch unterschiedliche Pflege- und Betreuungsarrangements ermöglicht wird. Die allgemeine Lebenszufriedenheit kann dabei als Kriterium dienen, um deren FunktionalitĂ€t zu beurteilen. Methoden: Basis dieser Studie ist eine 2009/2010 durchgefĂŒhrte standardisierte Befragung (Face-to-face-Interviews, n=712). Grundgesamtheit waren pflege- und unterstĂŒtzungsbedĂŒrftige Personen ab 70Jahre aus 3deutschschweizerischen Kantonen. Der Datensatz stellt fĂŒr die genannte Grundgesamtheit ein reprĂ€sentatives Sample dar. Ergebnisse: In Bezug auf die untersuchte Zielgruppe von zu Hause lebenden, formell und/oder informell unterstĂŒtzten Personen ≄70Jahre zeigt sich: Der Betreuungs- und Pflegebedarf von Personen ≄80Jahre liegt nicht ĂŒber dem von 70- bis 79-JĂ€hrigen und ist fĂŒr die allgemeine Lebenszufriedenheit nicht ausschlaggebend. Wichtiger sind die StĂ€rke des sozialen Netzwerks, das (Nicht-)Vorhandensein von Schmerzen sowie die Zufriedenheit mit erhaltener Pflege. Mit zunehmendem Alter steigt die Wahrscheinlichkeit, zur Gruppe der Lebenszufriedenen zu gehören. Das soziale Netzwerk von Personen ≄80Jahre ist schwĂ€cher ausgeprĂ€gt als das von 70- bis 79-JĂ€hrigen, trĂ€gt aber dennoch zur Lebenszufriedenheit be

    London Creative and Digital Fusion

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    date-added: 2015-03-24 04:16:59 +0000 date-modified: 2015-03-24 04:16:59 +0000date-added: 2015-03-24 04:16:59 +0000 date-modified: 2015-03-24 04:16:59 +0000The London Creative and Digital Fusion programme of interactive, tailored and in-depth support was designed to support the UK capital’s creative and digital companies to collaborate, innovate and grow. London is a globally recognised hub for technology, design and creative genius. While many cities around the world can claim to be hubs for technology entrepreneurship, London’s distinctive potential lies in the successful fusion of world-leading technology with world-leading design and creativity. As innovation thrives at the edge, where better to innovate than across the boundaries of these two clusters and cultures? This booklet tells the story of Fusion’s innovation journey, its partners and its unique business support. Most importantly of all it tells stories of companies that, having worked with London Fusion, have innovated and grown. We hope that it will inspire others to follow and build on our beginnings.European Regional Development Fund 2007-13

    ICAM G241A polymorphism and soluble ICAM-1 serum levels: Evidence for an active immune process in schizophrenia

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    Objectives: We have previously reported reduced serum levels of soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1) in schizophrenic patients. A single-nucleotide polymorphism ( SNP) of the ICAM-1 gene was described at position 241. The G --> A SNP results in a nonsynonymous amino acid exchange of the ICAM-1 protein, and the A allele was shown to be also associated with several immunological disorders like rheumatoid arthritis. Methods: We investigated 70 schizophrenic patients and 128 unrelated healthy control persons regarding the relationship between the serum levels of sICAM-1 and the ICAM-1 G214A polymorphism. Results: We were able to replicate our previous finding of reduced sICAM-1 levels in schizophrenia. Healthy control persons carrying the polymorphic A allele showed markedly lower sICAM-1 serum levels than carriers of the homozygous GG wild type ( p < 0.004). In contrast, no significant difference in the sICAM-1 serum levels were seen regarding the G241A genotype distribution in schizophrenic patients. Conclusion: We hypothesize that the biochemical effect of the G241A SNP is masked in schizophrenic patients, indicating a disease-related mechanism leading to reduced levels of sICAM-1 in schizophrenia. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Glueball condensates as holographic duals of supersymmetric Q-balls and boson stars

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    We study non-spinning Q-balls and boson stars in 4-dimensional Anti-de Sitter (AdS) space-time. We use an exponential scalar field potential that appears in gauge-mediated supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking in the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (MSSM). We investigate the dependence of the charge and mass of these non-topological solitons on the negative cosmological constant, the frequency that appears in the periodic time-dependence as well as on the ratio between the SUSY breaking scale and the Planck mass. Next to fundamental solutions without nodes in the scalar field function we also construct radially excited solutions. In the second part of the paper we put the emphasis on the holographic interpretation of these solutions in terms of Bose-Einstein condensates of scalar glueballs that are described by a strongly coupled Quantum Field Theory (QFT) on the boundary of global AdS.Comment: 17 pages including 11 figures; v2: 19 pages including 13 figures, references added, figures adde

    A low-loss, broadband antenna for efficient photon collection from a coherent spin in diamond

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    We report the creation of a low-loss, broadband optical antenna giving highly directed output from a coherent single spin in the solid-state. The device, the first solid-state realization of a dielectric antenna, is engineered for individual nitrogen vacancy (NV) electronic spins in diamond. We demonstrate a directionality close to 10. The photonic structure preserves the high spin coherence of single crystal diamond (T2>100us). The single photon count rate approaches a MHz facilitating efficient spin readout. We thus demonstrate a key enabling technology for quantum applications such as high-sensitivity magnetometry and long-distance spin entanglement.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures and supplementary information (5 pages, 8 figures). Comments welcome. Further information under http://www.quantum-sensing.physik.unibas.c

    Stable isotope evidence of meat eating and hunting specialization in adult male chimpanzees

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    Observations of hunting and meat eating in our closest living relatives, chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), suggest that among primates, regular inclusion of meat in the diet is not a characteristic unique to Homo. Wild chimpanzees are known to consume vertebrate meat, but its actual dietary contribution is, depending on the study population, often either unknown or minimal. Constraints on continual direct observation throughout the entire hunting season mean that behavioral observations are limited in their ability to accurately quantify meat consumption. Here we present direct stable isotope evidence supporting behavioral observations of frequent meat eating among wild adult male chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in Taï National Park, Cîte d’Ivoire. Meat eating among some of the male chimpanzees is significant enough to result in a marked isotope signal detectable on a short-term basis in their hair keratin and long-term in their bone collagen. Although both adult males and females and juveniles derive their dietary protein largely from daily fruit and seasonal nut consumption, our data indicate that some adult males also derive a large amount of dietary protein from hunted meat. Our results reinforce behavioral observations of male-dominated hunting and meat eating in adult Taï chimpanzees, suggesting that sex differences in food acquisition and consumption may have persisted throughout hominin evolution, rather than being a recent development in the human lineage

    Understanding of the phase transformation from fullerite to amorphous carbon at the microscopic level

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    We have studied the shock-induced phase transition from fullerite to a dense amorphous carbon phase by tight-binding molecular dynamics. For increasing hydrostatic pressures P, the C60-cages are found to polymerise at P<10 GPa, to break at P~40 GPa and to slowly collapse further at P>60 GPa. By contrast, in the presence of additional shear stresses, the cages are destroyed at much lower pressures (P<30 GPa). We explain this fact in terms of a continuum model, the snap-through instability of a spherical shell. Surprisingly, the relaxed high-density structures display no intermediate-range order.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
