14 research outputs found


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    The electron energy distribution index, p, is a fundamental parameter of the synchrotron emission from a range of astronomical sources. Here we examine one such source of synchrotron emission, gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglows observed by the Swift satellite. Within the framework of the blast wave model, we examine the constraints placed on the distribution of p by the observed X-ray spectral indices and parameterize the distribution. We find that the observed distribution of spectral indices are inconsistent with an underlying distribution of p composed of a single discrete value but consistent with a Gaussian distribution centered at p = 2.36 and having a width of 0.59. Furthermore, accepting that the underlying distribution is a Gaussian, we find that the majority (≳94%) of GRB afterglows in our sample have cooling break frequencies less than the X-ray frequency

    Average Fe Kα emission from distant AGN

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    Context. One of the most important parameters in the XRB (X-ray background) synthesis models is the average efficiency of accretion onto SMBH (super-massive black holes). This can be inferred from the shape of broad relativistic Fe lines seen in X-ray spectra of AGN (active galactic nuclei). Several studies have tried to measure the mean Fe emission properties of AGN at different depths with very different results. Aims. We compute the mean Fe emission from a large and representative sample of AGN X-ray spectra up to redshift ~3.5. Methods. We developed a method of computing the rest-frame X-ray average spectrum and applied it to a large sample (more than 600 objects) of type 1 AGN from two complementary medium sensitivity surveys based on XMM-Newton data, the AXIS and XWAS samples. This method makes use of medium-to-low quality spectra without needing to fit complex models to the individual spectra but with computing a mean spectrum for the whole sample. Extensive quality tests were performed by comparing real to simulated data, and a significance for the detection of any feature over an underlying continuum was derived. Results. We detect with a 99.9% significance an unresolved Fe Kα\alpha emission line around 6.4 keV with an EW ~ 90 eV, but we find no compelling evidence of any significant broad relativistic emission line in the final average spectrum. Deviations from a power law around the narrow line are best represented by a reflection component arising from cold or low-ionization material. We estimate an upper limit for the EW of any relativistic line of 400 eV at a 3σ\sigma confidence level. We also marginally detect the so-called Iwasawa-Taniguchi effect on the EW for the unresolved emission line, which appears weaker for higher luminosity AGN. Conclusions. We computed an upper limit for the average relativistic Fe Kα\alpha line contribution that is significantly lower than previously reported values from similar analyses. Our results, however, are in excellent agreement with individual analyses of local AGN samples. We attribute this difference either to our more sophisticated method of modeling the underlying continuum, to intrinsic differences in source populations, and/or to the uneven data quality of the individual spectra of the various samples

    An X-ray bright ERO hosting a type 2 QSO

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    We present the XMM-Newton and the optical-VLT spectra along with the optical and the near-infrared photometric data of one of the brightest X-ray ( F210 keV1013F_{2{-}10~\rm keV}\sim10^{-13} erg s-1 cm-2) extremely red objects (RK5R-K\ge5) discovered so far. The source, XBS J0216-0435, belongs to the XMM-Newton Bright Serendipitous Survey and it has extreme X-ray-to-optical (~220) and X-ray-to-near-infrared (~60) flux ratios. Thanks to its brightness, the X-ray statistics are good enough for an accurate spectral analysis by which the presence of an X-ray obscured ( NH>1022N_{\rm H}>10^{22} cm-2) QSO ( L210 keV=4×1045L_{2{-}10~\rm keV}=4\times10^{45} erg s-1) is determined. A statistically significant (~99%) excess around 2 keV in the observed-frame suggests the presence of an emission line. By assuming that this feature corresponds to the iron Kα\alpha line at 6.4 keV, a first estimate of the redshift of the source is derived ( zX2z_{\rm X}\sim2). The presence of a high redshift QSO2 has been finally confirmed through dedicated VLT optical spectroscopic observations ( zO=1.985±0.002z_{\rm O}=1.985\pm0.002). This result yields to an optical validation of a new X-ray Line Emitting Object (XLEO) for which the redshift has been firstly derived from the X-ray data. XBS J0216-0435 can be considered one of the few examples of X-ray obscured QSO2 at high redshift for which a detailed X-ray and optical spectral analysis has been possible. The spectral energy distribution from radio to X-rays is also presented. Finally from the near-infrared data the luminosity and the stellar mass of the host galaxy has been estimated finding a new example of the coexistence at high-z between massive galaxies and powerful QSOs

    X-ray selected BALQSOs

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    We study a sample of six X-ray selected broad absorption line (BAL) quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) from the XMM-Newton Wide Angle Survey. All six objects are classified as BALQSOs using the classic balnicity index, and together they form the largest sample of X-ray selected BALQSOs. We find evidence for absorption in the X-ray spectra of all six objects. An ionized absorption model applied to an X-ray spectral shape that would be typical for non-BAL QSOs (a power law with energy index α = 0.98) provides acceptable fits to the X-ray spectra of all six objects. The optical to X-ray spectral indices, αOX, of the X-ray selected BALQSOs, have a mean value of 〈αOX〉 = 1.69 ± 0.05, which is similar to that found for X-ray selected and optically selected non-BAL QSOs of similar ultraviolet luminosity. In contrast, optically-selected BALQSOs typically have much larger αOX and so are characterised as being X-ray weak. The results imply that X-ray selection yields intrinsically X-ray bright BALQSOs, but their X-ray spectra are absorbed by a similar degree to that seen in optically-selected BALQSO samples; X-ray absorption appears to be ubiquitous in BALQSOs, but X-ray weakness is not. We argue that BALQSOs sit at one end of a spectrum of X-ray absorption properties in QSOs related to the degree of ultraviolet absorption in C IV 1550Å

    X-ray selected BALQSOs

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    We study a sample of six X-ray selected broad absorption line (BAL) quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) from the XMM-Newton Wide Angle Survey. All six objects are classified as BALQSOs using the classic balnicity index, and together they form the largest sample of X-ray selected BALQSOs. We find evidence for absorption in the X-ray spectra of all six objects. An ionized absorption model applied to an X-ray spectral shape that would be typical for non-BAL QSOs (a power law with energy index α = 0.98) provides acceptable fits to the X-ray spectra of all six objects. The optical to X-ray spectral indices, αOX, of the X-ray selected BALQSOs, have a mean value of 〈αOX〉 = 1.69 ± 0.05, which is similar to that found for X-ray selected and optically selected non-BAL QSOs of similar ultraviolet luminosity. In contrast, optically-selected BALQSOs typically have much larger αOX and so are characterised as being X-ray weak. The results imply that X-ray selection yields intrinsically X-ray bright BALQSOs, but their X-ray spectra are absorbed by a similar degree to that seen in optically-selected BALQSO samples; X-ray absorption appears to be ubiquitous in BALQSOs, but X-ray weakness is not. We argue that BALQSOs sit at one end of a spectrum of X-ray absorption properties in QSOs related to the degree of ultraviolet absorption in C IV 1550Å

    X-ray-selected broad absorption line quasi-stellar objects

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    We study a sample of six X-ray-selected broad absorption line (BAL) quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) from the XMM–Newton Wide Angle Survey. All six objects are classified as BALQSOs using the classic balnicity index, and together they form the largest sample of X-ray-selected BALQSOs. We find evidence for absorption in the X-ray spectra of all six objects. An ionized absorption model applied to an X-ray spectral shape that would be typical for non-BAL QSOs (a power law with energy index α = 0.98) provides acceptable fits to the X-ray spectra of all six objects. The optical to X-ray spectral indices, αOX, of the X-ray-selected BALQSOs, have a mean value of 〈αOX〉 = 1.69 ± 0.05, which is similar to that found for X-ray-selected and optically selected non-BAL QSOs of a similar ultraviolet luminosity. In contrast, optically selected BALQSOs typically have much larger αOX and so are characterized as being X-ray weak. The results imply that X-ray selection yields intrinsically X-ray bright BALQSOs, but their X-ray spectra are absorbed by a similar degree to that seen in optically selected BALQSO samples; X-ray absorption appears to be ubiquitous in BALQSOs, but X-ray weakness is not. We argue that BALQSOs sit at one end of a spectrum of X-ray absorption properties in QSOs related to the degree of ultraviolet absorption in C IV 1550 Å

    The cosmological properties of AGN in the XMM-Newton Hard Bright Survey

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    Aims. We investigate here the X-ray luminosity function (XLF) of absorbed (NHN_{\rm H} between 4 ×\times 1021 and 1024 cm-2) and unabsorbed (NHN_{\rm H} 1024 cm-2) AGN. Methods. To carry out this investigation, we have used the XMM-Newton Hard Bright Serendipitous Sample (HBSS), a complete sample of bright X-ray sources (fxf_{\rm x} \ga 7 ×\times 10-14 erg cm-2 s-1) at high galactic latitude (|b| > 20°) selected in the 4.5-7.5 keV energy band. The HBSS sample is now almost completely identified (97% spectroscopic identifications) and it can be safely used for a statistical investigation. The HBSS contains 62 AGN out of which 40 are unabsorbed (or marginally absorbed; NHN_{\rm H} < 4 ×\times 1021 cm-2) and 22 are absorbed (NHN_{\rm H} between 4 ×\times 1021 and ~1024 cm-2). Results. Absorbed and unabsorbed AGN are characterised by two different XLF with the absorbed AGN population being described by a steeper XLF, if compared with the unabsorbed ones, at all luminosities. The intrinsic fraction F of absorbed AGN (i.e., the fraction of sources with NHN_{\rm H} between 4 ×\times 1021 and 1024 cm-2 divided the sources with NHN_{\rm H} below 1024 cm-2, corrected for the bias due to the photoelectric absorption) with L210 keVL_{2{-}10~{\rm keV}} \ga 3 ×\times 1042 erg s-1 is 0.57 ±\pm 0.11; we find that F decreases with the intrinsic luminosity, and probably, increases with the redshift. Our data are consistent with a flat Log NHN_{\rm H} distribution for NHN_{\rm H} between 1020 and 1024 cm-2. Finally, by comparing the results obtained here with those obtained using an optically-selected sample of AGN we derive, in an indirect way, the XLF of Compton thick AGN; the latter is well described by a XLF similar, in shape, to that of absorbed AGN, but having a normalization of about a factor of 2 above. The density ratio between Compton thick AGN (NHN_{\rm H} \geq 1024 cm-2) and Compton thin AGN (NHN_{\rm H} \leq 1024 cm-2) decreases from 1.08 ±\pm 0.44 at ~1043 erg s-1 to 0.57 ±\pm 0.22 at ~1044 erg s-1 to 0.23 ±\pm 0.15 at ~1045 erg s-1. Conclusions. The results presented here on the anti-correlation between F and Lx-L_{\rm x} are fully consistent with the hypothesis of a reduction of the covering factor of the gas as a function of the luminosity and are clearly inconsistent with the simplest unified scheme of AGN. These results strongly support the recently proposed radiation-limited clumpy dust torus model although alternative physical models are also consistent with the observations

    The XMM-Newton bright serendipitous survey - Identification and optical spectral properties

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    Aims.We present the optical classification and redshift of 348 X-ray selected sources from the XMM-Newton Bright Serendipitous Survey (XBS), which contains a total of 400 objects (identification level = 87%). About 240 are new identifications. In particular, we discuss in detail the classification criteria adopted for the active galactic nuclei (AGNs) population. Methods.By means of systematic spectroscopic campaigns using various telescopes and through the literature search, we have collected an optical spectrum for the large majority of the sources in the XBS survey and applied a well-defined classification "flow chart". Results.We find that the AGNs represent the most numerous population at the flux limit of the XBS survey (~10-13 erg cm-2 s-1) constituting 80% of the XBS sources selected in the 0.5-4.5 keV energy band and 95% of the "hard" (4.5-7.5 keV) selected objects. Galactic sources populate the 0.5-4.5 keV sample significantly (17%) and only marginally (3%) the 4.5-7.5 keV sample. The remaining sources in both samples are clusters/groups of galaxies and normal galaxies (i.e. probably not powered by an AGN). Furthermore, the percentage of type 2 AGNs (i.e. optically absorbed AGNs with AV>2A_{\rm V}>2 mag) dramatically increases going from the 0.5-4.5 keV sample ( f=NAGN2/NAGN=7f=N_{\rm AGN 2}/N_{\rm AGN}=7%) to the 4.5-7.5 keV sample (f=32%). We finally propose two simple diagnostic plots that can be easily used to obtain the spectral classification for relatively low-redshift AGNs even if the quality of the spectrum is not good

    A multi-wavelength survey of AGN in the XMM-LSS field I. Quasar selection via the KX technique

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    Aims. We present a sample of candidate quasars selected using the KX-technique. The data cover 0.68 deg2 of the X-ray Multi-Mirror (XMM) Large-Scale Structure (LSS) survey area where overlapping multi-wavelength imaging data permits an investigation of the physical nature of selected sources. Methods. The KX method identifies quasars on the basis of their optical (R and z') to near-infrared (Ks)(K_{\rm s}) photometry and point-like morphology. We combine these data with optical (u*,g', r',i',z') and mid-infrared (3.6-24  μ\mum) wavebands to reconstruct the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of candidate quasars. Results. Of 93 sources selected as candidate quasars by the KX method, 25 are classified as quasars by the subsequent SED analysis. Spectroscopic observations are available for 12/25 of these sources and confirm the quasar hypothesis in each case. Even more, 90% of the SED-classified quasars show X-ray emission, a property not shared by any of the false candidates in the KX-selected sample. Applying a photometric redshift analysis to the sources without spectroscopy indicates that the 25 sources classified as quasars occupy the interval 0.7 \le z \le 2.5. The remaining 68/93 sources are classified as stars and unresolved galaxies

    Anatomy of a dark burst - The afterglow of GRB 060108

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    We present a multiwavelength study of GRB 060108 – the 100th gamma-ray burst discovered by Swift. The X-ray flux and light curve (three segments plus a flare) detected with the X-ray Telescope are typical of Swift long bursts. We report the discovery of a faint optical afterglow detected in deep BVRi′-band imaging obtained with the Faulkes Telescope North beginning 2.75 min after the burst. The afterglow is below the detection limit of the Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope within 100 s of the burst, while is evident in K-band images taken with the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope 45 min after the burst. The optical light curve is sparsely sampled. Observations taken in the R and i′ bands can be fitted either with a single power-law decay in flux, F(t) ∝t−α where α= 0.43 ± 0.08, or with a two-segment light curve with an initial steep decay α1 < 0.88 ± 0.2, flattening to a slope α2∼ 0.31 ± 0.12. A marginal evidence for rebrightening is seen in the i′ band. Deep R-band imaging obtained ∼12 d post-burst with the Very Large Telescope reveals a faint, extended object (R∼ 23.5 mag) at the location of the afterglow. Although the brightness is compatible with the extrapolation of the slow decay with index α2, significant flux is likely due to a host galaxy. This implies that the optical light curve had a break before 12 d, akin to what observed in the X-rays. We derive the maximum photometric redshift z < 3.2 for GRB 060108. We find that the spectral energy distribution at 1000 s after the burst, from the optical to the X-ray range, is best fitted by a simple power law, Fν∝ν−β, with βOX= 0.54 and a small amount of extinction. The optical to X-ray spectral index (βOX) confirms GRB 060108 to be one of the optically darkest bursts detected. Our observations rule out a high redshift as the reason for the optical faintness of GRB 060108. We conclude that a more likely explanation is a combination of an intrinsic optical faintness of the burst, a hard optical to X-ray spectrum and a moderate amount of extinction in the host galaxy