16,143 research outputs found

    Wave packet dynamics of potassium dimers attached to helium nanodroplets

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    The dynamics of vibrational wave packets excited in K2_2 dimers attached to superfluid helium nanodroplets is investigated by means of femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy. The employed resonant three-photon-ionization scheme is studied in a wide wavelength range and different pathways leading to K2+^+_2-formation are identified. While the wave packet dynamics of the electronic ground state is not influenced by the helium environment, perturbations of the electronically excited states are observed. The latter reveal a strong time dependence on the timescale 3-8 ps which directly reflects the dynamics of desorption of K2_2 off the helium droplets

    Generalized Green'S Equivalences on the Subsemigroups of the Bicyclic Monoid

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    We study generalized Green's equivalences on all subsemigroups of the bicyclic monoid B and determine the abundant (and adequate) subsemigroups of B. © 2010 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC

    Metastable states of a flux line lattice studied by transport and Small Angle Neutron Scattering

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    Flux Lines Lattice (FLL) states have been studied using transport measurements and Small Angle Neutron Scattering in low Tc_c materials. In Pb-In, the bulk dislocations in the FLL do not influence the transport properties. In Fe doped NbSe2_{2}, transport properties can differ after a Field Cooling (FC) or a Zero Field Cooling (ZFC) procedure, as previously reported. The ZFC FLL is found ordered with narrow Bragg Peaks and is linked to a linear V(I) curve and to a superficial critical current. The FC FLL pattern exhibits two Bragg peaks and the corresponding V(I) curve shows a S-shape. This can be explained by the coexistence of two ordered FLL slightly tilted from the applied field direction by different superficial currents. These currents are wiped out when the transport current is increased.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Structure factor and thermodynamics of rigid dendrimers in solution

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    The ''polymer reference interaction site model'' (PRISM) integral equation theory is used to determine the structure factor of rigid dendrimers in solution. The theory is quite successful in reproducing experimental structure factors for various dendrimer concentrations. In addition, the structure factor at vanishing scattering vector is calculated via the compressibility equation using scaled particle theory and fundamental measure theory. The results as predicted by both theories are systematically smaller than the experimental and PRISM data for platelike dendrimers.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, submitte

    Signed zeros of Gaussian vector fields-density, correlation functions and curvature

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    We calculate correlation functions of the (signed) density of zeros of Gaussian distributed vector fields. We are able to express correlation functions of arbitrary order through the curvature tensor of a certain abstract Riemann-Cartan or Riemannian manifold. As an application, we discuss one- and two-point functions. The zeros of a two-dimensional Gaussian vector field model the distribution of topological defects in the high-temperature phase of two-dimensional systems with orientational degrees of freedom, such as superfluid films, thin superconductors and liquid crystals.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, uses iopart.cls, improved presentation, to appear in J. Phys.

    Phase Separation in Binary Fluid Mixtures with Continuously Ramped Temperature

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    We consider the demixing of a binary fluid mixture, under gravity, which is steadily driven into a two phase region by slowly ramping the temperature. We assume, as a first approximation, that the system remains spatially isothermal, and examine the interplay of two competing nonlinearities. One of these arises because the supersaturation is greatest far from the meniscus, creating inversion of the density which can lead to fluid motion; although isothermal, this is somewhat like the Benard problem (a single-phase fluid heated from below). The other is the intrinsic diffusive instability which results either in nucleation or in spinodal decomposition at large supersaturations. Experimental results on a simple binary mixture show interesting oscillations in heat capacity and optical properties for a wide range of ramp parameters. We argue that these oscillations arise under conditions where both nonlinearities are important

    Slow plasmon modes in polymeric salt solutions

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    The dynamics of polymeric salt solutions are presented. The salt consists of chains A\rm A and B\rm B, which are chemically different and interact with a Flory-interaction parameter χ\chi, the A\rm A chain ends carry a positive charge whereas the B\rm B chain ends are modified by negative charges. The static structure factor shows a peak corresponding to a micro phase separation. At low momentum transfer, the interdiffusion mode is driven by electrostatics and is of the plasmon-type, but with an unusually low frequency, easily accessible by experiments. This is due to the polymer connectivity that introduces high friction and amplifies the charge scattering thus allowing for low charge densities. The interdiffusion mode shows a minimum (critical slowing down) at finite kk when the interaction parameter increases we find then a low kk frequency quasi-plateau.Comment: accepted in Europhys. Let

    The distribution of extremal points of Gaussian scalar fields

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    We consider the signed density of the extremal points of (two-dimensional) scalar fields with a Gaussian distribution. We assign a positive unit charge to the maxima and minima of the function and a negative one to its saddles. At first, we compute the average density for a field in half-space with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Then we calculate the charge-charge correlation function (without boundary). We apply the general results to random waves and random surfaces. Furthermore, we find a generating functional for the two-point function. Its Legendre transform is the integral over the scalar curvature of a 4-dimensional Riemannian manifold.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, corrected published versio

    Why polymer chains in a melt are not random walks

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    A cornerstone of modern polymer physics is the `Flory ideality hypothesis' which states that a chain in a polymer melt adopts `ideal' random-walk-like conformations. Here we revisit theoretically and numerically this pivotal assumption and demonstrate that there are noticeable deviations from ideality. The deviations come from the interplay of chain connectivity and the incompressibility of the melt, leading to an effective repulsion between chain segments of all sizes ss. The amplitude of this repulsion increases with decreasing ss where chain segments become more and more swollen. We illustrate this swelling by an analysis of the form factor F(q)F(q), i.e. the scattered intensity at wavevector qq resulting from intramolecular interferences of a chain. A `Kratky plot' of q2F(q)q^2F(q) {\em vs.} qq does not exhibit the plateau for intermediate wavevectors characteristic of ideal chains. One rather finds a conspicuous depression of the plateau, δ(F1(q))=q3/32ρ\delta(F^{-1}(q)) = |q|^3/32\rho, which increases with qq and only depends on the monomer density ρ\rho.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, EPL, accepted January 200