1,467 research outputs found

    Lp-cohomology of negatively curved manifolds

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    We compute the LpL^p-cohomology spaces of some negatively curved manifolds. We deal with two cases: manifolds with finite volume and sufficiently pinched negative curvature, and conformally compact manifolds

    Disordered Flat Phase and Phase Diagram for Restricted Solid on Solid Models of Fcc(110) Surfaces

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    We discuss the results of a study of restricted solid-on-solid models for fcc (110) surfaces. These models are simple modifications of the exactly solvable BCSOS model, and are able to describe a (2×1)(2\times 1) missing-row reconstructed surface as well as an unreconstructed surface. They are studied in two different ways. The first is by mapping the problem onto a quantum spin-1/2 one-dimensional hamiltonian of the Heisenberg type, with competing SizSjzS^z_iS^z_j couplings. The second is by standard Monte Carlo simulations. We find phase diagrams with the following features, which we believe to be quite generic: (i) two flat, ordered phases (unreconstructed and missing-row reconstructed); a rough, disordered phase; an intermediate disordered flat (DF) phase, characterized by monoatomic steps, whose physics is shown to be akin to that of a dimer spin state. (ii) a transition line from the (2×1)(2\times 1) reconstructed phase to the DF phase showing exponents which appear to be close, within our numerical accuracy, to the 2D-Ising universality class. (iii) a critical (preroughening) line with variable exponents, separating the unreconstructed phase from the DF phase. Possible signatures and order parameters of the DF phase are investigated.Comment: Revtex (22 pages) + 15 figures (uuencoded file

    Measuring sap flow through small diameter stems

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    Most techniques for measuring xylem sap flow involve the use of heat as a tracer, and the insertion of linear probes radially into the secondary xylem. The disruption caused means probe based techniques can generally only be used with stems larger than approximately 10 mm in diameter. For smaller diameter stems, constant power heat balance gauges are available, but they can be difficult and expensive to use, and may not resolve very small flows. As part of our studies of kiwifruit fruit development we need to better understand factors affecting the movement of water and solutes into and out of the fruit via the pedicel. There are also many other potential applications for measurement of sap flow through small diameter stems and roots. We therefore set out to develop gauges capable of measuring sap flow in both directions through stems as small as 1 mm in diameter. We describe a modification of the ‘heat ratio’ heat pulse technique. Instead of probes as heating and sensing elements, a chip resistor is used as a miniature heater, and both the heater and temperature sensing thermocouples are pressed against the surface of the stem. For calibration, excised Actinidia deliciosa fruit pedicels were connected to a pressurized water supply and actual flow measured gravimetrically. Heat pulse velocity measured using the gauge was linearly related to actual sap flow in both the acropetal and basipetal directions. On intact fruit pedicels the gauges were used to measure sap flow into Actinidia fruit from shoot, and from the fruit to the shoot when the shoot was allowed to dehydrate. Development of the technique is continuing with further calibration and modelling of the propagation of the heat pulse through the bark, phloem and xylem

    Asymptotic gluing of asymptotically hyperbolic solutions to the Einstein constraint equations

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    We show that asymptotically hyperbolic solutions of the Einstein constraint equations with constant mean curvature can be glued in such a way that their asymptotic regions are connected.Comment: 37 pages; 2 figure

    Stability in Designer Gravity

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    We study the stability of designer gravity theories, in which one considers gravity coupled to a tachyonic scalar with anti-de Sitter boundary conditions defined by a smooth function W. We construct Hamiltonian generators of the asymptotic symmetries using the covariant phase space method of Wald et al.and find they differ from the spinor charges except when W=0. The positivity of the spinor charge is used to establish a lower bound on the conserved energy of any solution that satisfies boundary conditions for which WW has a global minimum. A large class of designer gravity theories therefore have a stable ground state, which the AdS/CFT correspondence indicates should be the lowest energy soliton. We make progress towards proving this, by showing that minimum energy solutions are static. The generalization of our results to designer gravity theories in higher dimensions involving several tachyonic scalars is discussed.Comment: 29 page

    Phase diagram of the restricted solid-on-solid model coupled to the Ising model

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    We study the phase transitions of a restricted solid-on-solid model coupled to an Ising model, which can be derived from the coupled XY-Ising model. There are two kinds of phase transition lines. One is a Ising transition line and the other is surface roughening transition line. The latter is a KT transition line from the viewpoint of the XY model. Using a microcanonical Monte Carlo technique, we obtain a very accurate two dimensional phase diagram. The two transition lines are separate in all the parameter space we study. This result is strong evidence that the fully frustrated XY model orders by two separate transitions and that roughening and reconstruction transitions of crystal surfaces occur separately.Comment: 17 pages, source RevTeX file and 8 PS figures are tarred and compressed via uufile

    Roughening Induced Deconstruction in (100) Facets of CsCl Type Crystals

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    The staggered 6-vertex model describes the competition between surface roughening and reconstruction in (100) facets of CsCl type crystals. Its phase diagram does not have the expected generic structure, due to the presence of a fully-packed loop-gas line. We prove that the reconstruction and roughening transitions cannot cross nor merge with this loop-gas line if these degrees of freedom interact weakly. However, our numerical finite size scaling analysis shows that the two critical lines merge along the loop-gas line, with strong coupling scaling properties. The central charge is much larger than 1.5 and roughening takes place at a surface roughness much larger than the conventional universal value. It seems that additional fluctuations become critical simultaneously.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figure

    Thermal roughening of an SOS-model with elastic interaction

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    We analyze the effects of a long-ranged step-step interaction on thermal roughening within the framework of a solid-on-solid model of a crystal surface by means of Monte Carlo simulation. A repulsive step-step interaction is modeled by elastic dipoles located on sites adjacent to the steps. In order to reduce the computational effort involved in calculating interaction energy based on long-ranged potentials, we employ a multi-grid scheme. As a result of the long-range character of the step interaction, the roughening temperature increases drastically compared to a system with short-range cutoff as a consequence of anti-correlations between surface defects

    Equilibrium shapes and faceting for ionic crystals of body-centered-cubic type

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    A mean field theory is developed for the calculation of the surface free energy of the staggered BCSOS, (or six vertex) model as function of the surface orientation and of temperature. The model approximately describes surfaces of crystals with nearest neighbor attractions and next nearest neighbor repulsions. The mean field free energy is calculated by expressing the model in terms of interacting directed walks on a lattice. The resulting equilibrium shape is very rich with facet boundaries and boundaries between reconstructed and unreconstructed regions which can be either sharp (first order) or smooth (continuous). In addition there are tricritical points where a smooth boundary changes into a sharp one and triple points where three sharp boundaries meet. Finally our numerical results strongly suggest the existence of conical points, at which tangent planes of a finite range of orientations all intersect each other. The thermal evolution of the equilibrium shape in this model shows strong similarity to that seen experimentally for ionic crystals.Comment: 14 Pages, Revtex and 10 PostScript figures include

    Digital restoration of colour cinematic films using imaging spectroscopy and machine learning

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    Digital restoration is a rapidly growing methodology within the field of heritage conservation, especially for early cinematic films which have intrinsically unstable dye colourants that suffer from irreversible colour fading. Although numerous techniques to restore film digitally have emerged recently, complex degradation remains a challenging problem. This paper proposes a novel vector quantization (VQ) algorithm for restoring movie frames based on the acquisition of spectroscopic data with a custom-made push-broom VNIR hyperspectral camera (380–780 nm). The VQ algorithm utilizes what we call a multi-codebook that correlates degraded areas with corresponding non-degraded ones selected from reference frames. The spectral-codebook was compared with a professional commercially available film restoration software (DaVinci Resolve 17) tested both on RGB and on hyperspectral providing better results in terms of colour reconstruction
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