11,593 research outputs found

    Yangians, Grassmannians and T-duality

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    We investigate the Yangian symmetry of scattering amplitudes in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory and show that its formulations in twistor and momentum twistor space can be interchanged. In particular we show that the full symmetry can be thought of as the Yangian of the dual superconformal algebra, annihilating the amplitude with the MHV part factored out. The equivalence of this picture with the one where the ordinary superconformal symmetry is thought of as fundamental is an algebraic expression of T-duality. Motivated by this, we analyse some recently proposed formulas, which reproduce different contributions to amplitudes through a Grassmannian integral. We prove their Yangian invariance by directly applying the generators.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figure; v2: minor correction

    Hexagon OPE Resummation and Multi-Regge Kinematics

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    We analyse the OPE contribution of gluon bound states in the double scaling limit of the hexagonal Wilson loop in planar N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. We provide a systematic procedure for perturbatively resumming the contributions from single-particle bound states of gluons and expressing the result order by order in terms of two-variable polylogarithms. We also analyse certain contributions from two-particle gluon bound states and find that, after analytic continuation to the 2→42\to 4 Mandelstam region and passing to multi-Regge kinematics (MRK), only the single-particle gluon bound states contribute. From this double-scaled version of MRK we are able to reconstruct the full hexagon remainder function in MRK up to five loops by invoking single-valuedness of the results.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures, 4 ancillary file

    Superstring amplitudes and the associator

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    We investigate a pattern in the α′\alpha' expansion of tree-level open superstring amplitudes which correlates the appearance of higher depth multiple zeta values with that of simple zeta values in a particular way. We rephrase this relationship in terms of the coaction on motivic multiple zeta values and show that the pattern takes a very simple form, which can be simply explained by relating the amplitudes to the Drinfel'd associator derived from the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation. Given this correspondence we show that, at least in the simplest case of the four-point amplitude, the associator can be used to extract the form of the amplitude.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur

    Codimension zero superembeddings

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    Superembeddings which have bosonic codimension zero are studied in 3,4 and 6 dimensions. The worldvolume multiplets of these branes are off-shell vector multiplets in these dimensions, and their self-interactions include a Born-Infeld term. It is shown how they can be written in terms of standard vector multiplets in flat superspace by working in the static gauge. The action formula is used to determine both Green-Schwarz type actions and superfield actions.Comment: Improved spelling, one reference adde

    Exciton and biexciton energies in bilayer systems

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    We report calculations of the energies of excitons and biexcitons in ideal two-dimensional bilayer systems within the effective-mass approximation with isotropic electron and hole masses. The exciton energies are obtained by a simple numerical integration technique, while the biexciton energies are obtained from diffusion quantum Monte Carlo calculations. The exciton binding energy decays as the inverse of the separation of the layers, while the binding energy of the biexciton with respect to dissociation into two separate excitons decays exponentially

    The UK NHS Economic Evaluation Database : Economic issues in evaluations of health technology

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    Objective: The U.K. NHS Economic Evaluation Database (EED) project is commissioned to identify papers on economic evaluations of health technologies and to disseminate their findings to NHS decision makers by means of structured abstracts that are available through a public database and the Cochrane Library. This paper discusses current issues relating to the economic aspects of producing NHS EED abstracts. Methods: A review of NHS EED was undertaken between 1994 and 1999 to determine the methodologies adopted and issues that influence the usefulness of economic evaluations. Methods adopted to improve the quality of NHS EED abstracts are also reported. Results: Eighty-five percent of NHS EED abstracts are cost-effectiveness analyses (CEAs), 9.3% are cost-utility analyses (CUAs), and only 1.4% are cost-benefit analyses (CBAs). Of the total abstracts, 65.9% are based on single studies, 19.5% on reviews, 3.9% on estimates of effectiveness, and 10.7% on combinations of these sources. Models are utilized in 16.7% of CEAs, 60.2% of CUAs, and 20% of CBAs. Analyses of CBA studies reveal a degree of misuse of well-established definitions. NHS EED internal control mechanisms are reported that provide a means of ensuring that abstracts are based on sound academic principles. Conclusions: Most economic evaluations are conducted by means of CEA, followed by CUA, while CBA accounts for an extreme minority of cases. Single studies form the principal source of effectiveness data, although models are widely used, principally in CUA. The structure of NHS EED abstracts provides decision makers with the principal results and an interpretation of the relative strengths and weaknesses of economic evaluations

    A new dawn? The Roman Catholic Church and environmental issues

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    This is a PDF version of an article published in New Blackfriars© 1997. The definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.com.This article discusses the stance of the Roman Catholic Church on environmental issues and argues that the Church tends to stay on the fringe rather than get involved. Some of the ways in which Roman Catholic theologians have incorporated environmental issues into theological reflection is discussed, as are environmental challenges facing the Church in Britain (conservation, resources, biodiversity, animal welfare, biotechnology, cooperate/individual ethics, environmental justice, economics/policy development, and global issues)
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