3,575 research outputs found

    Analytical r-mode solution with gravitational radiation reaction force

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    We present and discuss the analytical r-mode solution to the linearized hydrodynamic equations of a slowly rotating, Newtonian, barotropic, non-magnetized, perfect-fluid star in which the gravitational radiation reaction force is present.Comment: 3 pages, in Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop "New Worlds in Astroparticle Physics", Faro, Portugal, 8-10 January 200

    Two-band superfluidity from the BCS to the BEC limit

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    We analyze the evolution of two-band superfluidity from the weak coupling Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) to the strong coupling Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) limit. When the interband interaction is tuned from negative to positive values, a quantum phase transition occurs from a 0-phase to a π\pi-phase state, depending on the relative phase of two order parameters. Furthermore, population imbalances between the two bands can be created by tuning the intraband or interband interactions. We also find two undamped low energy collective excitations corresponding to in-phase and out-of-phase modes. Lastly, we derive the coupled Ginzburg-Landau equations, and show that they reduce to coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations for two types of bosons in the BEC limit.Comment: 4 pages and 3 figure

    BCS-BEC crossover of collective excitations in two-band superfluids

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    We use the functional integral approach to study low energy collective excitations in a continuum model of neutral two-band superfluids at T=0 for all couplings with a separable pairing interaction. In the long wavelength and low frequency limit, we recover Leggett's analytical results in weak coupling (BCS) for s-wave pairing, and further obtain analytical results in strong coupling (BEC) for both two and three dimensional systems. We also analyse numerically the behavior of the out-of-phase {\it exciton} (finite frequency) mode and the in-phase {\it phonon} (Goldstone) mode from weak to strong coupling limits, including the crossover region. In principle, the evolution of Goldstone and finite frequency modes from weak to strong coupling may be accessible experimentally in the superfluid phase of neutral Fermi atomic gases, and could serve as a test of the validity of the theoretical analysis and approximations proposed here.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to PR

    Lattice Simulation of Nuclear Multifragmentation

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    Motivated by the decade-long debate over the issue of criticality supposedly observed in nuclear multifragmentation, we propose a dynamical lattice model to simulate the phenomenon. Its Ising Hamiltonian mimics a short range attractive interaction which competes with a thermal-like dissipative process. The results here presented, generated through an event-by-event analysis, are in agreement with both experiment and those produced by a percolative (non-dynamical) model.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Temperature Measurement and Phonon Number Statistics of a Nanoelectromechanical Resonator

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    Measuring thermodynamic quantities can be easy or not, depending on the system that is being studied. For a macroscopic object, measuring temperatures can be as simple as measuring how much a column of mercury rises when in contact with the object. At the small scale of quantum electromechanical systems, such simple methods are not available and invariably detection processes disturb the system state. Here we propose a method for measuring the temperature on a suspended semiconductor membrane clamped at both ends. In this method, the membrane is mediating a capacitive coupling between two transmission line resonators (TLR). The first TLR has a strong dispersion, that is, its decaying rate is larger than its drive, and its role is to pump in a pulsed way the interaction between the membrane and the second TLR. By averaging the pulsed measurements of the quadrature of the second TLR we show how the temperature of the membrane can be determined. Moreover the statistical description of the state of the membrane, which is directly accessed in this approach is significantly improved by the addition of a Josephson Junction coupled to the second TLR.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. To appear in New Journal of Physic

    Phase Fluctuations and Vortex Lattice Melting in Triplet Quasi-One-Dimensional Superconductors at High Magnetic Fields

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    Assuming that the order parameter corresponds to an equal spin triplet pairing symmetry state, we calculate the effect of phase fluctuations in quasi-one-dimensional superconductors at high magnetic fields applied along the y (b') axis. We show that phase fluctuations can destroy the theoretically predicted triplet reentrant superconducting state, and that they are responsible for melting the magnetic field induced Josephson vortex lattice above a magnetic field dependent melting temperature Tm.Comment: 4 pages (double column), 1 eps figur

    Validação da BRBN-T: adaptação do Selective Reminding Teste do Word List Generation

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    Objective: This study aims to present the Selective Reminding Test (SRI) and Word List Generation (WLG) adaptation to the Portuguese population, within the validation of the Brief Repeatable Battery of Neuropsychological Tests (BRBN-T) for multiple sclerosis .(MS) patients. Method: 66 healthy participants (54.5% female) recruited from the community volunteered to participate in this study. Results: A combination of procedures from Classical Test Theory (OTT) and Item Response Theory (ITR) were applied to item analysis and selection. For each SRT list, 12 words were selected and 3 letters were chosen for WLG to constitute the final versions of these tests for the Portuguese population. Conclusion: The combination of CTT and ITR maximized the decision making process in the adaptation of the SRI and WLG to a different culture and language (Portuguese). The relevance of this study lies on the production of reliable standardized neuropsychological tests, so that they can be used to facilitate a more rigorous monitoring of the evolution of MS, as well as any therapeutic effects and cognitive rehabilitation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dinâmica recente no espaço rural do município de Nossa Senhora da Glória/SE.

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    O objetivo desse artigo é analisar a dinâmica recente no espaço rural de um município do semi-árido sergipano, reconhecido pelo dinamismo da sua economia que gira em torno da produção e processamento do leite por agricultores familiares, a despeito da inexistência de políticas específicas e continuadas para esse fim. A área de pesquisa é o município de Nossa Senhora da Glória localizado no Alto Sertão sergipano. A metodologia privilegiou o contato com atores-chave através de entrevistas, observações de campo, caminhadas transversais para observação da paisagem, participação em reuniões e levantamento de dados secundários. Os principais resultados demonstram que o município de Glória contem na sua totalidade três unidades de desenvolvimento com dinâmicas particulares a depender das estratégias dos agricultores, acesso e qualidade dos recursos naturais e vinculação com os mercados (trabalho, produto e financeiro

    Capacitive Coupling of Two Transmission Line Resonators Mediated by the Phonon Number of a Nanoelectromechanical Oscillator

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    Detection of quantum features in mechanical systems at the nanoscale constitutes a challenging task, given the weak interaction with other elements and the available technics. Here we describe how the interaction between two monomodal transmission-line resonators (TLRs) mediated by vibrations of a nano-electromechanical oscillator can be described. This scheme is then employed for quantum non-demolition detection of the number of phonons in the nano-electromechanical oscillator through a direct current measurement in the output of one of the TLRs. For that to be possible an undepleted field inside one of the TLR works as a amplifier for the interaction between the mechanical resonator and the remaining TLR. We also show how how the non-classical nature of this system can be used for generation of tripartite entanglement and conditioned mechanical coherent superposition states, which may be further explored for detection processes.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Hepatic acute phase response protects the brain from focal inflammation during postnatal window of susceptibility

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    Perinatal inflammation is known to contribute to neurodevelopmental diseases. Animal models of perinatal inflammation have revealed that the inflammatory response within the brain is age dependent, but the regulators of this variation remain unclear. In the adult, the peripheral acute phase response (APR) is known to be pivotal in the downstream recruitment of leukocytes to the injured brain. The relationship between perinatal brain injury and the APR has not been established. Here, we generated focal inflammation in the brain using interleukin (IL)-1β at postnatal day (P)7, P14, P21 and P56 and studied both the central nervous system (CNS) and hepatic inflammatory responses at 4 h. We found that there is a significant window of susceptibility in mice at P14, when compared to mice at P7, P21 and P56. This was reflected in increased neutrophil recruitment to the CNS, as well as an increase in blood–brain barrier permeability. To investigate phenomena underlying this window of susceptibility, we performed a dose response of IL-1β. Whilst induction of endogenous IL-1β or intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1 in the brain and induction of a hepatic APR were dose dependent, the recruitment of neutrophils and associated blood–brain barrier breakdown was inversely proportional. Furthermore, in contrast to adult animals, an additional peripheral challenge (intravenous IL-1β) reduced the degree of CNS inflammation, rather than exacerbating it. Together these results suggest a unique window of susceptibility to CNS injury, meaning that suppressing systemic inflammation after brain injury may exacerbate the damage caused, in an age-dependent manner