22 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Elemen-elemen dasar biaya dan  manfaat dalam analisis kelayakan proyek jarang diwakili oleh hanya satu nilai yang benar dan pasti. Dengan demikian hasil studi kelayakan ekonomi proyek juga bukanlah kepastian. Untuk itu perlu dilihat sejauh mana perubahan elemen biaya dan manfaat terhadap kelayakan ekonomi proyek. Cara sederhana untuk melakukan hal tersebut adalah dengan melakukan analisis sensitivitas. Pada analisis sensitivitas kelayakan ekonomi ini dilihat sejauh mana perubahan tingkat kelayakan jika terjadi perubahan pada komponen biaya dan manfaat. Analisis sensitivitas pada kajian ini dilakukan pada rencana proyek pembangunan jembatan Lawe Alas – Pedesi di Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara Provinsi Aceh. Skenario sensitivitas yang dilakukan di sini mencoba melihat pengaruh pertambahan biaya dan berkurangnya manfaat terhadap kelayakan ekonomi proyek pembangunan jembatan tersebut. Dengan demikian tingkat resiko kelayakan ekonomi dapat diketahui. Kata kunci: Study kelayakan, kelayakan ekonomi, analisis sensitivitas   Abstract The basic elements of costs and benefits in a project feasibility analysis are not  represented by a single one as a definite value. Consequently, the results of the project's economic feasibility study are also uncertain. Based on that reason, it is necessary to see the influence of variability of the elements of costs and benefits to the economic feasibility of the project. A simple way to determine the feasibility variability  is by doing sensitivity analysis scenario. In this feasibility sensitivity analysis, the variability of costs and benefitsare done by increasing the cost and lowering the benefit. The sensitivity analysis in this study was applied to the new  Lawe Alas - Pedesi bridge construction project in Aceh Tenggara District Aceh Province. The sensitivity scenario done in order to determined the effect of increased costs and reduced benefits on the economic feasibility. Thus the level of risk of economic feasibility can be also determined. Keywords: feasibility study, economic feasibility, sensitivity analysi

    Juz Amma Zaman Now. Aplikasi Penghafal Juz Amma (Tahfidz Qur\u27an) Berbasis Android

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    Abstrak Saat ini jumlah hafidz atau penghafal Al-Qur’an di Indonesia dinilai sangat tidak ideal, menurut data Kementrian Agama dari 250 juta penduduk ternyata jumlah penghafal baru mencapai 30 ribu. Beberapa waktu terakhir minat dan animo sejumlah kalangan terhadap Al-Qur’an kian besar dan umat islam dari lintas generasi banyak yang tertarik menghafal dan memahami Al-Qur’an. Juz Amma Zaman Now. Aplikasi Penghafal Juz Amma (Tahfidz Qu’an) Berbasis Android. Merupakan aplikasi yang dapat digunakan oleh semua umur baik laki-laki atau perempuan, anak-anak maupun orangtua. Ada beberapa fitur yang disediakan dalam aplikasi ini diantaranya pengguna memilih Surah mana yang terlebih dahulu akan dihafal dengan kemudian pengguna dapat melakukan Play audio surah yang ada didalam aplikasi, memilih Jadwal hafalan sesuai dengan waktu yang dipilih lalu ada Catatan untuk menampilkan surah apa saja yang telah dihafal. Kata kunci: Juz Amma, Hafala

    Perancangan Dan Pengujian Piranti Pemantauan Visual Untuk Menentukan Volume Lalu Lintas

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    Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) applies information and communication technologies for transportation management. The problem in the study is the importance of computer vision tools to determine the volume of traffic on the highway. The design of computer vision device is performed using a static camera and the bounding box method for determining the traffic volume based on vehicle type, namely light vehicles, heavy vehicles (trucks) and motorcycles that are applied on the Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM). The classification is based on the pixel area of vehicle objects. The tests were carried out at Jalan T. Nyak Arief, Jambotape, Banda Aceh. The test results of the system achieved an accuracy of 79.32%

    Pemanfaatan Potensi Alam Lokal Desa Meloak Sepakat

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    Program KKN Reguler XXI tahun 2024 di Desa Meloak Sepakat, Kecamatan Putri Betung, Kabupaten Gayo Lues, Provinsi Aceh, yaitu pelatihan pembuatan minyak kemiri untuk meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat. Sebelum pelatihan, dilakukan survei untuk memahami kondisi masyarakat dan potensi desa. Hasil survey menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat mengalami kesulitan dalam memasarkan hasil perkebunan, terutama biji kemiri. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam mengolah dan memasarkan produk dari biji kemiri. Tahapan pembuatan minyak kemiri meliputi pemilihan biji kemiri, pengupasan, penggorengan, penggilingan, pemerasan, penyaringan, dan penyimpanan. Peserta pelatihan diajarkan secara langsung setiap tahap proses pembuatan minyak kemiri sehingga mereka mendapatkan keterampilan praktis. Masyarakat sangat antusias mengikuti pelatihan ini karena memberikan mereka pengetahuan baru dan potensi pendapatan tambahan melalui produk minyak kemiri yang bernilai dan bermanfaat. Setelah pelatihan, masyarakat termotivasi untuk mengembangkan produk minyak kemiri sebagai usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM), yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan mereka. Pelaksanaan KKN Reguler XXI tahun 2024, membantu dalam mengembangkan inovasi baru dalam pengolahan, pemasaran, dan promosi hasil produksi desa. Dengan demikian, masyarakat diharapkan mampu berwirausaha secara lebih efektif dan meningkatkan pendapatan melalui produk minyak kemiri

    Simulation of Signalless Intersection Handling Using the VISSIM Model at the Punge Intersection, Banda Aceh City, Indonesia

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    the Punge Intersection is one of the four-armed unsignalized intersections in Banda Aceh City without traffic regulations such as traffic lights, roundabouts, or other warning signs. This condition is very troublesome for road users, especially during peak hours. It is considered necessary to evaluate the performance of the intersection along with alternative treatments that produce the best performance to meet the standards. Most of the previous studies relied heavily on tailor-made simulation tools to evaluate control algorithms, but the use of simulation platforms to make system comparisons through modeling is still very rare, especially in Indonesia. Analysis and modeling at the Punge Intersection using the MKJI method and PTV VISSIM 10.00-02 (VISSIM) software. Traffic volume data (plan), road geometric, and environmental conditions are needed in data processing operations using VISSIM. Three modeling scenarios were carried out with the implementation of a one-way road for arm A in the entry direction, installation of a traffic signaling tool, called APILL, roundabout planning and widening of each arm. A roundabout planning simulation with type R10-22 with widening on each road section can make the Punge Intersection with the best LOS and meet the best service levels

    Using psychometric data from the stated preference (SP) experiments to search explanatory power for appropriateness of congestion charging policy

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    Comprehensive stated preference (SP) experiment was conducted in Jakarta (a capital of Indonesia), where proposal for congestion charge (CC) has been considered as a way to reduce acute traffic congestion. With the government planning a CC scheme, public support is regarded as a prerequisite for its implementation. Therefore, a framework of structural equation model (SEM) is used to search explanatory power for the appropriateness of CC considering unobserved variable (latent variable) from psychometric data obtained from SP questionare.  Causal paths among psychological determinants and their strength are measured and analyzed along with proposal acceptability from a psychological perspective. The findings from analysis with a SEM approach shows that a number of psychological determinants provide an explanation for the acceptability of the proposed scheme. The findings from analysis with a SEM approach shows that a number of psychological determinants provide an explanation for the appropriateness of the proposed scheme. Latent variables representing the validity of the CC scheme, such as ACE, APC and REC appear to have a significant explanation. These emerge as psychological determinants contributing a positive correlation with enhancement of appropriateness CC policy. Empirical result further shows that males have positive scores for the latent variables of car dependency (CDC) and inhibition freedom of movement (IFM). Furthermore, the variable of annual income, it has a positive correlation with recognition of the effects of CC in mitigating congestion and environmental problems (REC), car dependency (CDC) and awareness of the problems of cars in society (APC). This means that respondents with higher incomes are more concerned with the problems manifested by motorization while, on the contrary, the path coefficient between annual income (AI) and car dependency (CDC) has a value of 0.270. This discloses an automobile dependency. These findings should provide insight that designing a more acceptable policy in respecting to the acceptance of public in large

    Mobility and Associated CO2 Emissions During and After COVID-19: A Case Study in Indonesia

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    Changes in transportation trends can occur during and after COVID-19, such as travel distance, trip, and choice of transportation mode. The positive benefits from these changes in transportation trends should be maintained, to reduce disaster risk of environmental hazards from the CO2 emissions. Research on changes in mobility, trips, and CO2 emissions during and after COVID-19 in Indonesia is still very limited; whereas, changes in these transportation variables can be an inspiration for determining sustainable transportation policies in the future. This study aims to compare amid COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 transportation variables—travel distances, trips, and associated CO2 emissions. This research was conducted by giving questionnaires to 400 participants in Aceh Besar District. The questionnaire contains questions regarding the distance traveled, trips, fuel spent, and socio-economic characteristics. The CO2 emissions were calculated using IPCC (2006). The travel distance, trips, and transportation-related CO2 emissions during and after COVID-19 were compared respectively based on statistics. The results showed that there were significant differences in travel distances, trips, and transportation-related CO2 emissions between COVID-19 and the post-COVID-19 situation in the District of Aceh Besar. This article also presents several recommendations based on the data analysis results linked to literature studies about the sustainability of transportation as a result of COVID-19 situation; those are: providing quality public transportation, considering teleworking, providing solutions for workers who do not have access to online work, and paying attention to increasing use of private cars and car sharing post COVID-19


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    Tahapan tanggap darurat bencana merupakan tahap paling kritis dan menentukan dalam keberhasilan recovery akibat terjadinya bencana alam. Korban yang mengalami dampak bencana alam harus secepatnya diberikan pertolongan. Salah satu pertolongan yang penting adalah pendistribuasin bantuan logistik. Salah satu tujuan pendistribusian logistik adalah menyelamatkan jiwa korban yang selamat. Gempa bumi di Kabupaten Pidie Jaya terjadi pada Desember 2016. Dampak bencana terjadinya kehilangan nyawa, harta benda, luka-luka dan trauma psikologis. Pasca bencana telah dilakukan pendistrubusian logistik pada masa tanggap darurat. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan evaluasi untuk melihat sejauh mana efektifitas pendistribusian logistik dan kinerja faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pendistribusian logistik tersebut. Untuk itu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk dapat dijadikan pelajaran dan referensi pada masa yang akan datang. Penelitian dilakukan dengan instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner dengan format pernyataan yang dinilai dengan menggunakan skala likert. Populasi merupakan penduduk Kabupaten Pidie Jaya dan relawan kemanusiaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas pendistribusian logistik sudah berjalan dengan baik dan semua kinerja variabel yang mempengaruhi pendistribusian logistik pada masa tanggap darurat juga baik. Kata kunci: Bencana alam, gempa bumi, tanggap darurat, logistik, Pidie Jay

    Kinerja Simpang Punge Blang Cut Kota Banda Aceh Menggunakan Metode MKJI dan Vissim

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    ABSTRACTThe Punge Blang Cut intersection in the city of Banda Aceh is a four-armed unsignalised intersection. The location of this intersection is on Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda, where this road connects the city center to the west side of the city to the Ulee Lheue port. The west to east road direction is a major road and the north to south direction is a minor road. On the west arm there is two lane at each direction with a median, and at the east side there is two lane and two direction with a bridge by length of 20m and whithout median. On the north and south arms side there is a slight incline. Especially at the south side arm is not perpendicular to major line road. At this recent time it is estimated that traffic performance should be at a low level and of course it will be even lower in the future. For this reason, it is necessary to evaluate the traffic performance of the intersection for handling purposes in the future. At the beginning of conducting this research, data needed were: volume and compotition of traffic, intersection geometric, environmental conditions and secondary data as support. Data processing was carried out based on the Indonesian Road Capacity Manual (MKJI) 1997 and Vissim methods