257 research outputs found

    Keefektivan Konseling Kelompok Teknik Spirituality Cognitive Restructuring untuk Meningkatkan Self Esteem Siswa

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    This study aimed to test the effectiveness of group counseling with spirituality-cognitive restructuring technique to improve students’ self esteem. This was an experimental study with pretest-posttest control group design. There were two groups assigned through purposive sampling based on the result of pre-test conducted by the researcher. The data analysis technique of this study was Wilcoxon Signed-rank-test. The result of Wilcoxon test showed that asymp.sig (2-tailed) was 0.026 < 0.05, so Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected on the experimental group. In other words, group counseling with spirituality-cognitive restructuring technique was effective to Improve Students’ self esteem. This study could be a guideline for the counselor in implementing Group counseling with spirituality-cognitive restructuring technique to improve the students’ self esteem. The future researcher is expected to be able to implement this integrative approach in a broader area


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    Self-efficacy has become one of the important factor in learning, especially learning language, self-efficacy has brought essential effect to learners themselves that could influence the outcome of study development well. Vocabulary carries essential role in mastering a language, so therefore, it is important to find out the influence between both self-efficacy and vocabulary mastery. The objective of this research was to find out the influence of self-efficacy to undergraduate students' vocabulary mastery. The correlation research design was applied in this research. The population of this research was 54 seventh semester students of English education study program at University of PGRI Palembang in academic year 2020/2021. As the sample of the research, 24 seventh semester students of PGRI University of Palembang were selected through purposive sampling, the judgment of selecting the sample was consideration of students’ vocabulary score and the discussion between researcher and the lecturer. The data were collected by using questionnaire and test, they are self-efficacy questionnaire and vocabulary test. The result of the test and questionnaire were analyzed by using simple linear regression analysis. The result analysis showed that the Sig value of simple linear regression was 0.01 which is lower than α 0.05. Based on the regression analysis result, there was a significant influence of self-efficacy to undergraduate students' vocabulary mastery at University of PGRI Palembang. Keywords: self-efficacy, vocabulary master

    Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Pelayanan Publik di Kantor Satuan Administrasi Manunggal Satu Atap (SAMSAT) Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of organizational culture on improving organizational performance in performing public services in North Gorontalo Samsat, so in this study using a quantitative approach where this research uses data in the form of numbers and statistics to evaluate or explain the relationship between variables. The results showed that there was a simultaneous influence between organizational culture variables in the form of idealistic elements (X1) and behavioral elements (X2) on service performance at the North Gorontalo District Samsat office. The influence of organizational culture in the form of idealistic elements (X I ) and behavioral elements (X2) on public services at the Samsat Office of North Gorontalo Regency is 78, I °/c, there is an influence between organizational culture in the form of idealistic elements (X 1) on performance public service (Y) in the North Gorontalo District Samsat Office of 96.6°/c, and there is no influence between organizational culture variables in the form of behavioral elements (X2) on public service performance (Y) in the North Gorontalo District Samsat Office

    Framework for Static and Dynamic Friction Identification for Industrial Manipulators

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    Even if friction modeling and compensation is a very important issue for manipulators, quite simple models are often adopted in the industrial world to avoid too heavy solutions from the computational point of view, and because of the difficulty of finding and identifying a model applicable in any motion condition. This article proposes a general framework for friction identification for industrial manipulators with the goal of solving the previous problems through: first, a complete procedure managing all the steps from data acquisition and model identification up to the generation of the code for the implementation into the robot software architecture, second, the possibility of adopting static or dynamic models of different complexity, and third, the development of some modifications in the dynamic friction model so to achieve a reliable friction torque estimation at any velocity and acceleration regime, avoiding unfeasible peaks and overestimation. The results of experimental tests carried out for different manipulators prove the validity and generality of the proposed friction model and identification procedure

    Kepentingan Indonesia Melakukan Kerjasama dengan Selandia Baru dalam Bidang Energi Geothermal

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    This research discusses about cooperation on New Zealand in Indonesia in in the field of geothermal energi. Indonesia is one country with the greatest potential for geothermal energi in the world. As a renewable and environmental friendly energi , geothermal energi potential need to be improved its contribution to meet domestic energi needs which will reduce Indonesias dependence on fossil energi sources dwindling. Although the potential of Indonesia has big geothermal energi , but the utilization of geothermal energi is not maximized.Indonesia decided to cooperate with New Zealand in order to maximize the utilization of geothermal energi .In this research, the writer uses library research technique. Sources were obtained from journals, website and news.Method that applied in this research is qualitative. This research also uses level of analysis of nation-state and neo-liberalism perspective. Theory of cooperationwill supports to explain the problem in this research.There are two factor behind Indonesia and New Zealand partnership. First, internal factor which geothermal resources in Indonesia has not been maximalize. This geothermal development will increase energy reserves and able to keep Indonesias energy security.Second. external factor which. New Zealand is a country with high experiences and high capabilities in geothermal development. New Zealand is also known as the state which has advantages and capabilities in geothermal technology and geothermal human resources.Keywords: cooperation, investment, energi, geothermal, interes

    Islamic Monetary Management: A Critical Overview

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    The paper aims to provide critical overview of Islamic monetary management. This is literature study based on secondary data taken from some books, articles, and journal discussed related to modern monetary economic and Islamic monetary economic. The references were produced by some authors who are concern in the area of monetary system and monetary policy. The rest of this paper is structured as follow: Section 1 gives an overview of background and monetary policy frameworks where Islamic banks operate; Section 2 explores the monetary management in modern economy; Section 3 gives information about the objective of monetary management; section 4 discusses the monetary policy operational framework for Islamic banks; and Section 5 explains Islamic monetary instrument; meanwhile Section 6 gives a critical overview; and Section 7 is conclusion.     Keywords: Monetary management, Islamic Monetary managemen

    Efektivitas Manajemen Stres Cognitive-Behavioral dalam Menurunkan Tingkat Stres Mahasiswa Tahun Pertama Tahap Sarjana PSPDG UMY

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    Stres dapat dikatakan sebagai proses adaptasi dengan lingkungan yang baru. Beberapa fenomena dan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa stres meningkat pada mahasiswa kedokteran gigi di tahun pertama, disertai adanya efek negatif terhadap akademis dan kesehatan. Cara yang paling tepat dalam mengurangi efek negatif dari stres pada mahasiswa baru adalah adalah dengan manajemen stres Cognitive- behavioral. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai efektivitas manajemen stres metode Cognitive-behavioral dalam menurunkan stres pada mahasiswa tahun pertama tahap sarjana Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter Gigi (PSPDG) UMY. Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasy experimental dengan rancangan pretest-intervention-postest. Sampel terdiri dari 40 mahasiswa tahun pertama PSPDG UMY yang dipilih melalui purposive sampling. Analisis yang digunakan adalah uji Wilcoxon karena distribusi data tidak normal. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan sebelum dan sesudah diberi manajemen stres dengan nilai probabilitas 0,000 (p 0,05). Hasil rata-rata menunjukkan penurunan nilai sebesar 9,60. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa manajemen stres metode Cognitive-behavioral efektif dapat menurunkan tingkat stres mahasiswa tahun pertama PSPDG UMY
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