649 research outputs found

    Analisa Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penilaian Kinerja Kepala Sekolah Tingkat SMP Kabupaten X

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    Pengambilan keputusan pada kondisi semi-terstruktur merupakan hal yang sangat penting. Dinas Pendidikan seharusnya mengambil sebuah keputusan berdasarkan perhitungan dan pemikiran jangka panjang agar keputusan yang diambil menjadi tepat. Untuk menjaga kualitas kinerja kepala sekolah, setiap tahunnya Dinas Pendidikan melakukan penilaian kinerja untuk mengukur pencapaian kerja setiap kepala sekolah. Penilaian tersebut memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama karena melalui beberapa tahap perhitungan dan musyawarah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode topsis,yaitu salah satu metode pengambilan keputusan dimana alternative yang terpilih merupakan alternatif terbaik yang mempunyai jarak terdekat dari solusi ideal positif dan terjauh dari solusi ideal negatif. Dengan sistem yang akan dibangun diharapkan dapat memberikan alternatif pada Dinas Pendidikan untuk melakukan penilaian dengan cepat dan mempengaruhi kinerja kepala sekolah untuk berkompetisi secara baik dengan menunjukkan kualitas


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    This research tries to explore the issue of beta stationarity on Jakarta Stock Exchange. The tests indicate that the stationarity beta is dependent on the estimation interval. Investor will be better off using a longer estimation period. Understanding beta make it easier for investors to predict their future investments. By using 92 samples listed in BEJ, correlation analysis convey that beta tends not to stay in the same risk class from one period to the next.Keywords: Stasionarity, Beta, correlation coefficien

    Analisis Stationeritas Beta di Bursa Efek Jakarta

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    This research tries to explore the issue of beta stationarity on Jakarta Stock Exchange. The tests indicate that the stationarity beta is dependent on the estimation interval. Investor will be better off using a longer estimation period. Understanding beta make it easier for investors to predict their future investments. By using 92 samples listed in BEJ, correlation analysis convey that beta tends not to stay in the same risk class from one period to the next

    Besaran stok cadangan beras untuk Indonesia

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    Almost all Asian countries, including Indonesia, adopt rice reserve stock policy. The purpose of the policy is to reduce food insecurity risk due to natural calamity and man-made disaster, as well as to stabilize rice price. In the last 20 years, Bulog has maintained rice reserve stock to I million tons for those purposes. The last few years, the environments have changed rapidly due to expanding of transportation and telecommunication, rice trade now has became more transparent, and market information more perfectly. Rice policy in Indonesia has also changed rapidly since 1998. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the optimum size of rice reserve for Indonesia by applying 3 approaches, namely, NFA (National Food Authority) of the Philippines, Stock to Utilization Ratio of FAO, and Usual Marketing Requirement. It is found that the size of rice reserve should be 0.75 million tons at the lowest and 3.4 million ton at the highest. The results were compared to rice released for emergency and price stabilization purposes by Bulog, and released for emergency purposes by NGO, and bilateral (G to G. It is concluded that Indonesia only needs 0.750 million tons of rice for reserve stock. This size of reserve includes rice reserve stock for East Asian/ Asean Rice Reserve System. Key words: rice, reserve stock, food insecurity, natural calamity, man-made disaste

    Lunturnya Permainan Tradisional

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    Zaman sekarang ini, semakin maju terknologi akan merubah secara perlahan pola pikir dan kehidupan sosial suatu masyarakat. Salah satunya permainan tradisional yang sudah perlahan luntur dan tergeser dengan adanya permainan modern. Dewasa sekarang ini, anak-anak lebih menyukai atau mengemari permainan modern dibanding dengan permainan tradisional. Seiring dengan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, bermain tidak lagi menjadi aktivitas fisik dalam daya tumbuh kembang seorang anak. Dalam penelitiannya ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif, menganalisis tentang fakta sosial. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada tiga hal, yang pertama adanya pergeseran budaya dan nilai terhadap suatu permainan, kedua, kurangnya ketertarikan permainan tradisional karena tidak adanya tantangan dalam suatu permainan dan ketiga, pengaruh lingkungan dan pola interaksi yang menyebabkan tingkatnya kontak langsung dengan anak-anak yang bermain permainan modern


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    This research tries to explore the issue of beta stationarity on Jakarta Stock Exchange. The tests indicate that the stationarity beta is dependent on the estimation interval. Investor will be better off using a longer estimation period. Understanding beta make it easier for investors to predict their future investments. By using 92 samples listed in BEJ, correlation analysis convey that beta tends not to stay in the same risk class from one period to the next.Keywords: Stasionarity, Beta, correlation coefficien


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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat daya tahan VO2max pada pemain Sepakbola Persik Usia 20 Tahun. Dalam penelitian ini pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan teknik penelitian menggunakan survey, sedangkan teknik mengambil datanya menggunakan tes pengukuran. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 25 pemain Sepakbola Persik Usia 20 Tahun dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu sampling jenuh sejumlah 25 pemain. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah menggunakan survey tes dan pengukuran daya tahan aerobik menggunakan beep test. Hasil penelitian hasil tes lari multitahap pada pemain persik usia 20 tahun secara keseluruhan dengan prediksi VO2max dilakukan dari sebanyak 25 pemain yang mendapat kategori sangat baik 7 pemain, kategori baik sebanyak 15 pemain, dan pada kategori sedang sebanyak 3 pemain. Sedangkan nilai rata-rata yang diperoleh adalah 49,67 pada kategori baik. Hasil ini menyimpulkan bahwa 25 pemain persik usia 20 tahun daya tahan (VO2max) pada kategori baik. Hasil Tes ini dapat memberikan pengetahuan bagaimana kondisi kapasitas daya tahan paru-paru atau Vo2max yang dimiliki pemain Persik usia 20 tahun, sehingga para staf pelatih dapat memberikan bentuk latihan yang sesuai kondisi pemain tersebut

    Assessment testing can be used to inform policy decisions : the case of Jordan

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    Over the past two decades, the Jordanian education system has made significant advances. Net enrollment in basic education increased from 89 percent in 2000 to 97 percent in 2006. Transition rates to secondary education increased from 63 to 79 percent in the same period. At the same time, Jordan made significant gains on international surveys of student achievement, with a particularly impressive gain of almost 30 points on the science portion of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study. Changes in test scores over time are presented and analyzed using decomposition analysis. The trends are related to policy changes over time. It is argued that benchmarking education systems and constant feedback between researchers and policymakers contributed to this achievement.Tertiary Education,Education For All,Teaching and Learning,Secondary Education,Primary Education

    Motivasi Indonesia Menandatangani Preferential Trade Agreement Dengan Negara Anggota D-8 Tahun 2006-2010

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    This research will describes about the motivation Indonesia signed a Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) with Member States D-8 on September 9 2011 which is part of wishes to improve the economy in the export and importThe method used in this paper is qualitative research. Some of the data obtained came from books, journals, articles, newspapers, the internet and other media. In this research also uses the perspective of liberalism, decision-making theory, the theory of economic integration as a supporter of the theory and use the concept of national interest in seeing the cases studied.In this research also describes the factors above signatories Preferential Trade Agreement with member states D-8, which aims to increase the volume of trade export import Indonesia 2006-2010Keywords : Motivation, Preferential Trade Agreement,International Organizations, Export, Import

    Problematika Konflik Lima Desa antara Kabupaten Kampar dengan Kabupaten Rokan Hulu terhadap Pelayanan Publik Tahun 2010-2013

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    Five conflict between Kampar Regency Village with Rokan Hulu. Five villages in the territory of the conflict of two districts namely Desa Tanah Datar, Rimba Jaya, Rimba Makmur, and Intan Intan Jaya Muara. The result is uncertainty in the public service to the five villages. This conflict is of course the disadvantaged communities in the five villages, especially the issue of service, level of service both village and district level. During the five people in the village of confusion for siding with anyone for fear of cause horizontal conflict. The same confusion occurs when society requires administrative services, such as KTP, KK or other license, will be dealt to a confused society where the government, and this has gone on long enough without any clarity and firmness of both parties to the dispute this.The purpose of this study was to analyze diadakannnya conflict Prproblematika five villages on the quality of public services 2010-2013. Theory (approach) is used as an analytical tool in this study is the conflict theory and the theory of service. While the methods used in this research is descriptive qualitative research that is intended to provide a systematic overview of the observed phenomena.Based on these results, the problem of service as a result of the conflict has resulted in a five villages: First Flow Confusing service. For example, in the village of Intan Jaya which has double the Village Office, Village Office is representative of the Rokan Hulu and another one is a representative of the Office of Rural Kampar bad service flow is confusing people. Second, Service Being Ineffective. Where errors occur often fatal and can be detrimental to the local community, this is dictated by Riswoyo, one of the villagers of Intan Jaya when taking care of families and ID cards in the Head Office Kunto Darussalam. Third, Inequality Services. The existence of this conflict also resulted in five villages become uneven service reaching all the people residing in five villages in the conflict zone. There is a kind of grouping in five villages among residents who support one district. Fourth, Length of Time and Cost Issues Services. It starts with the process of service that can be said is contrary to the existing service procedures.Keywords: Conflict Five Villages, Kampar, Rokan Hulu, Service
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