281 research outputs found

    Multivector Field Formulation of Hamiltonian Field Theories: Equations and Symmetries

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    We state the intrinsic form of the Hamiltonian equations of first-order Classical Field theories in three equivalent geometrical ways: using multivector fields, jet fields and connections. Thus, these equations are given in a form similar to that in which the Hamiltonian equations of mechanics are usually given. Then, using multivector fields, we study several aspects of these equations, such as the existence and non-uniqueness of solutions, and the integrability problem. In particular, these problems are analyzed for the case of Hamiltonian systems defined in a submanifold of the multimomentum bundle. Furthermore, the existence of first integrals of these Hamiltonian equations is considered, and the relation between {\sl Cartan-Noether symmetries} and {\sl general symmetries} of the system is discussed. Noether's theorem is also stated in this context, both the ``classical'' version and its generalization to include higher-order Cartan-Noether symmetries. Finally, the equivalence between the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms is also discussed.Comment: Some minor mistakes are corrected. Bibliography is updated. To be published in J. Phys. A: Mathematical and Genera

    Deadly Puppy Infection Caused by an MDR Escherichia coli O39 blaCTX–M–15, blaCMY–2, blaDHA–1, and aac(6)-Ib-cr – Positive in a Breeding Kennel in Central Italy

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    Antimicrobial consumption in veterinary medicine has led to the spread of multi drug-resistance in clinically important bacteria, with the companion animals and their environment involved as emerging reservoirs. While CTX-M-15 and CMY-2 acquired β-lactamases have been widely detected in the bacterial population of companion and breeding animals in European area, DHA-1 enzymes have been rarely reported in veterinary medicine. The aim of the study was to characterize the Escherichia coli associated with mortality of a litter of Bulldog puppies in a breeding kennel located in Pesaro area, Central Italy. The E. coli strains O39 serotype were resistant to 3rd/4th generation cephalosporins, chloramphenicol, aminoglycosides, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and ciprofloxacin, retaining susceptibility to carbapenems, colistin, fosfomycin, and levofloxacin (by Microscan Autoscan4, EUCAST clinical breakpoints). Pulse field gel electrophoreses (PFGE-XbaI) on five E. coli strains revealed the presence of a single profile. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) analysis revealed a complex resistome, harboring blaTEM–1b, blaCTX–M–15, blaOXA–1, aph(6)-Ib, aac(6′)Ib-cr, aac(3)-Ila, aph(6)-Id, aadA1, qnrB1, sul2, catA1, catB3, tetA, and dfrA14 genes located on a 302597 bp IncHI2/HI2A plasmid. Moreover, blaDHA–1, qnrB4, mph(A), sul1, and dfrA17 determinants were carried on an 83,429 bp IncFII plasmid. A blaCMY–2 determinant was carried on a 90,249 bp IncI1 plasmid. Two IncX1 and IncX4 plasmids without antimicrobial resistance genes were also detected. The presence of lpfA, iss, astA, and gad virulence factors was highlighted. This is the first report in Italy on an invasive infection in eight 2-weeks old dogs caused by the same MDR E. coli O39 blaCTX–M–15, blaCMY–2, blaDHA–1, and aac(6′)-Ib-cr positive strain. The above MDR E. coli clone caused the death of the entire litter, despite amoxicillin-clavulanate and enrofloxacin administration. The tank for storage of the water used to prepare the milk-based meal for the litter was the suspected reservoir

    A Large Cross-Sectional Study of Health Attitudes, Knowledge, Behaviour and Risks in the Post-War Croatian Population (The First Croatian Health Project*)

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    As the liberation of occupied Croatian territories ended the war in the country in 1995, the Ministry of Health and Croatian Health Insurance Institute have agreed to create the new framework for developing a long-term strategy of public health planning, prevention and intervention. They provided financial resources to develop the First Cro-atian Health Project, the rest of the support coming from the World Bank loan and the National Institute of Public Health. A large cross-sectional study was designed aiming to assess health attitudes, knowledge, behaviour and risks in the post-war Croatian population. The large field study was carried out by the Institute for Anthropological Research with technical support from the National Institute of Public Health. The field study was completed between 1995–1997. It included about 10,000 adult volunteers from all 21 Croatian counties. The geographic distribution of the sample covered both coastal and continental areas of Croatia and included rural and urban environments. The specific measurements included antropometry (body mass index and blood pressure). From each examinee a blood sample was collected from which the levels of total plasma cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), HDL-cholesterol (High Density Lipoprotein), LDL-cholesterol (Low Density Lipoprotein), lipoprotein Lp(a), and haemostatic risk factor fibrinogen (F) were determined. The detailed data were collected on the general knowledge and attitudes on health issues, followed by specific investigation of smoking history, alcohol consumption, nutrition habits, physical activity, family history of chronic non-communicable diseases and occupational exposures. From the initial database a targeted sample of 5,840 persons of both sexes, aged 18–65, was created corresponding by age, sex and geographic distribution to the general Croatian population. This paper summarises and discusses the main findings of the project within this representative sample of Croatian population

    Pregovori s Europskom unijom, tijek dubinske analize za poglavlje 28. - Zaštita zdravlja i potrošača, dio o zaštiti zdravlja (Negotiations with EU and Progress of In depth Analysis for Chapter 28: Consumer Protection and Health–The Health Care Part)

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    Područje zaštite zdravlja tradicionalno nije pokriveno aquis communitaire-om, nego je uređenje toga područja prepušteno zemljama članicama. članak 152 Amsterdanskog ugovora poziva zemlje članice na koordinaciju i konsolidirane akcije donošenja nacionalnih politika javnog zdravstva za borbu protiv prioritetnih bolesti i preventivne aktivnosti sprječavanja bolesti, očuvanja zdravlja i poboljšanja kvalitete života. Podrška koordiniranim aktivnostima osigurana je kroz Public Health Programme u kojem se godišnje osigurava preko 30 milijuna Eura za projekte u skladu s prioritetnim ciljevima na nivou Europe, a za koje se zemlje članice, samostalno ili udruženo natječu putem prijave projekata. Harmonizacija ovoga područja nije predviđena osim za specifične slučajeve kao što su krv i krvni derivati, tkiva i stanice, zarazne bolesti i duhan, pri kojima se standardi sigurnosti i kvalitete moraju uskladiti radi osiguravanja istovjetnog stupnja zaštite zdravlja stanovništva čitave ujedinjene Europe. Kao instrument koordinirane borbe protiv određenih masovnih ili važnih bolesti donose se rezolucije, preporuke, konvencije, i programi, koje zemlje članice nastoje slijediti sukladno vlastitom izboru prioriteta i mogućnostima djelovanja.S Hrvatske strane na pregovorima su sudjelovali stručnjaci Ministarstva zdravstva i socijalne skrbi, Hrvatskog zavoda za javno zdravstvo i Hrvatskog zavoda za transfuzijsku medicinu. Kroz prezentacije hrvatskih stručnjaka predstavnicima EK prikazana je duga i bogata tradicija preventivne medicine, još od statuta Dalmatinskih gradova srednjega vijeka i dubrovačke karantene do današnjih dana kada je   razvijen vlastiti organizacijski model strukture i funkcionalnosti javnoga zdravstva. Uz legislativno uređenje ovoga područja i usporedbu s europskim propisima prikazani su im i najnoviji statistički podaci i pokazatelji stanja na čemu su nam izrazili zahvalnost

    The Topological Particle and Morse Theory

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    Canonical BRST quantization of the topological particle defined by a Morse function h is described. Stochastic calculus, using Brownian paths which implement the WKB method in a new way providing rigorous tunnelling results even in curved space, is used to give an explicit and simple expression for the matrix elements of the evolution operator for the BRST Hamiltonian. These matrix elements lead to a representation of the manifold cohomology in terms of critical points of h along lines developed by Witten.Comment: 18 page

    Evidence that abscisic acid promotes degradation of SNF1-related protein kinase (SnRK) 1 in wheat and activation of a putative calcium-dependent SnRK2

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    Sucrose nonfermenting-1 (SNF1)-related protein kinases (SnRKs) form a major family of signalling proteins in plants and have been associated with metabolic regulation and stress responses. They comprise three subfamilies: SnRK1, SnRK2, and SnRK3. SnRK1 plays a major role in the regulation of carbon metabolism and energy status, while SnRKs 2 and 3 have been implicated in stress and abscisic acid (ABA)-mediated signalling pathways. The burgeoning and divergence of this family of protein kinases in plants may have occurred to enable cross-talk between metabolic and stress signalling, and ABA-response-element-binding proteins (AREBPs), a family of transcription factors, have been shown to be substrates for members of all three subfamilies. In this study, levels of SnRK1 protein were shown to decline dramatically in wheat roots in response to ABA treatment, although the amount of phosphorylated (active) SnRK1 remained constant. Multiple SnRK2-type protein kinases were detectable in the root extracts and showed differential responses to ABA treatment. They included a 42 kDa protein that appeared to reduce in response to 3 h of ABA treatment but to recover after longer treatment. There was a clear increase in phosphorylation of this SnRK2 in response to the ABA treatment. Fractions containing this 42 kDa SnRK2 were shown to phosphorylate synthetic peptides with amino acid sequences based on those of conserved phosphorylation sites in AREBPs. The activity increased 8-fold with the addition of calcium chloride, indicating that it is calcium-dependent. The activity assigned to the 42 kDa SnRK2 also phosphorylated a heterologously expressed wheat AREBP

    Multiple PLDs Required for High Salinity and Water Deficit Tolerance in Plants

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    High salinity and drought have received much attention because they severely affect crop production worldwide. Analysis and comprehension of the plant's response to excessive salt and dehydration will aid in the development of stress-tolerant crop varieties. Signal transduction lies at the basis of the response to these stresses, and numerous signaling pathways have been implicated. Here, we provide further evidence for the involvement of phospholipase D (PLD) in the plant's response to high salinity and dehydration. A tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) α-class PLD, LePLDα1, is transcriptionally up-regulated and activated in cell suspension cultures treated with salt. Gene silencing revealed that this PLD is indeed involved in the salt-induced phosphatidic acid production, but not exclusively. Genetically modified tomato plants with reduced LePLDα1 protein levels did not reveal altered salt tolerance. In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), both AtPLDα1 and AtPLDδ were found to be activated in response to salt stress. Moreover, pldα1 and pldδ single and double knock-out mutants exhibited enhanced sensitivity to high salinity stress in a plate assay. Furthermore, we show that both PLDs are activated upon dehydration and the knock-out mutants are hypersensitive to hyperosmotic stress, displaying strongly reduced growth