215 research outputs found

    The biopharmaceutical evaluation of four commercial preparations of lidocain-epinephrine for use as local anaesthetic

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    Los ensayos in vivo en humanos, para establecer biodisponibilidad y bioequivalencia de un producto, incluyen aquellos en los cuales el efecto fisiológico apropiado puede ser medido en función del tiempo, siempre y cuando sean aplicadas técnicas de evaluación validadas estadísticamente para seguridad, sensibilidad y reproducibilidad. Específicamente, se señalan como alternativas de valoración importantes, las referidas a productos de acción local con base en la efectividad clínica y la toxicidad. En el presente trabajo se aplicaron conceptos farmacodinámicos para establecer la Bioequivalencia relativa entre cuatro preparados comerciales de lidocaina clorhidrato más epinefrina, utilizados como anestésicos locales en odontología y otras especialidades médicas, con marcadas diferencias entre ellos en cuanto al precio comercial. Las propiedades farmacodinámicas se basaron en el efecto sobre la sensibilidad dolorosa y el comienzo de acción. Los parámetros valorados fueron el efecto máximo alcanzado (Emáx) - amplitud de la conducción -, Tiempo para el efecto máximo (Temáx) y el área bajo la curva de efecto vs tiempo (AUCE). Los productos fueron codificados como A, B, C, y D y se sometieron a los análisis fisicoquímicos requeridos según la farmacopea oficial en Colombia (USP), para establecer la equivalencia farmacéutica entre ellos. Los análisis estadísticos, aplicados a los datos de promedios de amplitud de la conducción y a las áreas bajo la curva, empleando el método de medidas repetidas para el primer caso y de bloques aleatorizados en el segundo, no mostraron diferencias significativas entre los cuatro productos, representados en el nivel de significancia, pudiéndose establecer bioequivalencia entre ellos, para el efecto anestésico local.In vivo tests on humans, to establish the bioavailability and bioequivalence of a product, include those in which the appropriate physiological effect may be measured throughout a determined period of time. Such tests may be carried out providing that statistically validated evaluation techniques are applied to ensure safety, sensitivity and reproducibility. The so-called local action products based on clinical effectiveness and toxicity are specifically indicated, as important evaluation alternatives. In the present work, pharmacodynamic concepts have been applied, in order to establish the relative Bioequivalence of four commercial preparations of lidocaine hydrochloride and epinephrine, used as local anaesthetic in dentistry and other medical specialisations. Substantial differences in the retail price of the preparations were found to exist. The determination of pharmacodynamic properties was based on their effects on sensitivity to pain and the time lapse required for them to produce an effect. The parameters evaluated were; maximum effect achieved (Emax) - conduction amplitude – Time required for maximum effect (Temax) and the area under time vs effect curve (AUCe). The products were codified as A, B, C, & D and were subjected to the required physicochemical analyses in accordance with the official Colombian pharmacopoeia (USP), in order to establish the pharmaceutical equivalence between them. The statistical analyses, applied to the data on average conduction amplitude and to the areas under the curve, using the method of repeated measurements in the former and randomised blocks in the latter, did not show significant differences among the four products, shown as the level of significance, enabling the bioequivalence to be established among them for their effect as local anaesthetic

    Participatory development of low-cost simplified rustic tissue culture for cassava

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    Identificación de portadoras de distrofia muscular de Duchenne y Becker (DMD/DMB) mediante análisis de dosis génica y polimorfismos de ADN

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    Seven carrier and 15 non-carrier women from 16 families affected by Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy (DMD/DMB) were identified by quantitative PCR multiplex gene dosage. DMD/DMB patients showed 31.25% deletions and their mother carrier status was established by quantitative PCR multiplex and gene dosage analysis; no carriers of duplications were observed. X chromosome haplotypes were constructed on the maternal female relatives from both deletion and no deletion patients with dinucleotide intragenic polymorphisms D45 and SKI2 analysis; 63% of the women tested were informative in this study. After this molecular approach genetic counseling was given. thus contributing to their knowledge of risks and DMD/DMB prevention methods.Se identificaron 7 mujeres portadoras y 15 no portadoras de deleción en 16 familias con distrofia muscular de Duchenne o de Becker (DMDIDMB) mediante PCR multiplex cuantitativa y análisis de dosis génica. Los afectados con DMDIDMB mostraron deleciones en 31.25% de los casos y el estado materno de portadora se estableció por PCR multiplex cuantitativa y análisis de dosis génica. En este estudio no se observó ninguna portadora de duplicación. Tanto las mujeres portadoras de deleción como las no portadoras de 23 familias con DMD/DMB se estudiaron con los polimorfismos intragénicos dinucleotidicos D45 y SK12, para construir haplotipos del cromosoma X; 63% de las mujeres analizadas fueron 'informativas' (heterocigotas) en este estudio. Se brindó asesoramiento genético después del análisis molecular descrito, dándoles a conocer los riesgos y los métodos de prevención de la DMD/DMB

    Porous Titanium surfaces to control bacteria growth: mechanical properties and sulfonated polyetheretherketone coating as antibiofounling approaches

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    Here, titanium porous substrates were fabricated by a space holder technique. The relationship between microstructural characteristics (pore equivalent diameter, mean free-path between pores, roughness and contact surface), mechanical properties (Young’s modulus, yield strength and dynamic micro-hardness) and bacterial behavior are discussed. The bacterial strains evaluated are often found on dental implants: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The colony-forming units increased with the size of the spacer for both types of studied strains. An antibiofouling synthetic coating based on a sulfonated polyetheretherketone polymer revealed an effective chemical surface modification for inhibiting MRSA adhesion and growth. These findings collectively suggest that porous titanium implants designed with a pore size of 100–200 µm can be considered most suitable, assuring the best biomechanical and bifunctional anti-bacterial properties.University of Seville VI Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia—US 2018, I.3A

    Bacterias solubilizadoras de fosfato y sus potencialidades de uso en la promoción del crecimiento de cultivos de importância económica

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    La mayoría de los suelos tropicales y subtropicales son deficientes en fósforo biodisponible, por lo que el empleo de bacterias promotoras del crecimiento vegetal, principalmente las solubilizadoras de fosfato, pueden reducir el uso de fertilizantes químicos. El objetivo de este trabajo es ofrecer una panorámica actual acerca de los principales géneros y mecanismos de acción de las bacterias solubilizadoras de fosfatos (BSF), así como analizar su posible empleo en cultivos de importancia económica. La utilización de géneros bacterianos con mayores potencialidades de uso como Pseudomonas y Bacillus unido a aislados promisorios de Azospirillum y Herbaspirilum en cultivos como arroz y café permitiría reducir a largo plazo el uso de productos químicos en la agricultura, así como desarrollar estrategias agronómicas que preserven el medio ambiente. El éxito de estos inoculantes bacterianos depende de la selección de cepas autóctonas eficientes por tipo de suelo, su capacidad de colonizar la rizosfera y de mantener la actividad biológica

    Revising Clonostachys and allied genera in Bionectriaceae

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    Clonostachys (Bionectriaceae, Hypocreales) species are common soil-borne fungi, endophytes, epiphytes, and saprotrophs. Sexual morphs of Clonostachys spp. were placed in the genus Bionectria, which was further segregated into the six subgenera Astromata, Bionectria, Epiphloea, Myronectria, Uniparietina, and Zebrinella. However, with the end of dual nomenclature, Clonostachys became the single depository for sexual and asexual morphtypified species. Species of Clonostachys are typically characterised by penicillate, sporodochial, and, in many cases, dimorphic conidiophores (primary and secondary conidiophores). Primary conidiophores are mononematous, either verticillium-like or narrowly penicillate. The secondary conidiophores generally form imbricate conidial chains that can collapse to slimy masses, particularly on sporodochia. In the present study, we investigated the species diversity within a collection of 420 strains of Clonostachys from the culture collection of, and personal collections at, the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Strains were analysed based on their morphological characters and molecular phylogeny. The latter used DNA sequence data of the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer regions and intervening 5.8S nrDNA (ITS) and partial 28S large subunit (LSU) nrDNA and partial protein encoding genes including the RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (RPB2), translation elongation factor 1-alpha (TEF1) and β-tubulin (TUB2). Based on these results, the subgenera Astromata, Bionectria, Myronectria and Zebrinella are supported within Clonostachys. Furthermore, the genus Sesquicillium is resurrected to accommodate the former subgenera Epiphloea and Uniparietina. The close relationship of Clonostachys and Sesquicillium is strongly supported as both are inferred phylogenetically as sister-genera. New taxa include 24 new species and 10 new combinations. Recognition of Sesquicillium distinguishes species typically forming a reduced perithecial stroma superficially on plant tissue from species in Clonostachys often forming well-developed, through bark erumpent stromata. The patterns of observed perithecial wall anatomies, perithecial wall and stroma interfaces, and asexual morph diversifications described in a previously compiled monograph are used for interpreting ancestral state reconstructions. It is inferred that the common ancestor of Clonostachys and Sesquicillium may have formed perithecia superficially on leaves, possessed a perithecial wall consisting of a single region, and formed intercalary phialides in penicilli of conidiophores. Character interpretation may also allow hypothesising that diversification of morphs occurred then in the two genera independently and that the frequently stroma-linked Clonostachys morphs evolved together with the occupation of woody host niches and mycoparasitism

    New and Interesting Fungi. 1

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    This study introduces two new families, one new genus, 22 new species, 10 new combinations, four epitypes, and 16 interesting new host and / or geographical records. Cylindriaceae (based on Cylindrium elongatum) is introduced as new family, with three new combinations.Xyladictyochaetaceae (based on Xyladictyochaetalusitanica) is introduced to accommodate Xyladictyochaeta. Pseudoanungitea gen. nov. (based on P.syzygii)is described on stems of Vaccinium myrtillus(Germany). New species include: Exophiala eucalypticola on Eucalyptus obliqua leaf litter, Phyllosticta hakeicola on leaves of Hakea sp.,Setophaeosphaeriacitricola on leaves of Citrus australasica, and Sirastachyscyperacearum on leaves of Cyperaceae(Australia); Polyscytalum chilense on leaves of Eucalyptus urophylla (Chile); Pseudoanungitea vaccinii on Vaccinium myrtillus (Germany); Teichospora quercus on branch tissue of Quercus sp. (France); Fusiconidiumlycopodiellae on stems of Lycopodiella inundata,Monochaetiajunipericola on twig of Juniperus communis,Myrmecridiumsorbicola on branch tissues of Sorbus aucuparia, Parathyridariaphiladelphi on twigs of Philadelphus coronarius, and Wettsteininaphiladelphi on twigs of Philadelphus coronarius (Germany); Zygosporium pseudogibbum on leaves of Eucalyptus pellita (Malaysia); Pseudoanungiteavariabilis on dead wood (Spain); Alfaria acaciae on leaves of Acacia propinqua, Dictyochaeta mimusopis on leaves of Mimusops caffra,and Pseudocercosporabreonadiae on leaves of Breonadia microcephala (South Africa); Colletotrichumkniphofiae on leaves of Kniphofia uvaria,Subplenodomusiridicola on Iris sp., and Trochila viburnicola on twig cankers on Viburnum sp. (UK); Polyscytalum neofecundissimum on Quercus robur leaf litter, and Roussoellaeuonymi on fallen branches of Euonymus europaeus (Ukraine). New combinations include: Cylindrium algarvense on leaves of Eucalyptus sp. (Portugal), Cylindrium purgamentum on leaf litter (USA), Cylindrium syzygii on leaves of Syzygium sp. (Australia), Microdochium musae on leaves of Musa sp. (Malaysia), Polyscytalum eucalyptigenum on Eucalyptus grandis × pellita (Malaysia), P. eucalyptorum on leaves of Eucalyptus (Australia), P. grevilleae on leaves of Grevillea (Australia), P. nullicananum on leaves of Eucalyptus (Australia), Pseudoanungiteasyzygii on Syzygium cordatum leaf litter (South Africa), and Setophaeosphaeriasidae on leaves of Sida sp. (Brazil). New records include: Sphaerellopsis paraphysata on leaves of Phragmites sp., Vermiculariopsiella dichapetali on leaves of Melaleuca sp. and Eucalyptus regnans, and Xyladictyochaetalusitanica on leaf litter of Eucalyptus sp. (Australia); Camarosporidiella mackenziei on twigs of Caragana sp. (Finland); Cyclothyriella rubronotata on twigs of Ailanthus altissima, Rhinocladiella quercus on Sorbus aucuparia branches (Germany); Cytospora viticola on stems of Vitis vinifera (Hungary); Echinocatena arthrinioides on leaves of Acacia crassicarpa (Malaysia); Varicosporellopsis aquatilis from garden soil (Netherlands); Pestalotiopsis hollandica on needles of Cupressus sempervirens (Spain), Pseudocamarosporiumafricanum on twigs of Erica sp. (South Africa), Pseudocamarosporium brabeji on branch of Platanus sp. (Switzerland); Neocucurbitaria cava on leaves of Quercus ilex (UK); Chaetosphaeriamyriocarpaon decaying wood of Carpinus betulus,Haplograhium delicatum on decaying Carpinus betulus wood (Ukraine). Epitypes are designated for: Elsinoë mimosae on leaves of Mimosa diplotricha (Brazil), Neohendersonia kickxii on Fagus sylvatica twig bark (Italy), Caliciopsis maxima on fronds of Niphidium crassifolium (Brazil), Dictyochaeta septata on leaves of Eucalyptus grandis ×urophylla (Chile), and Microdochium musae on leaves of Musa sp. (Malaysia)