825 research outputs found
Rôle of the Jahn-Teller Coupling in the Luminescence Spectra of Fe<sup>2+</sup> in Zinc-Blende Compounds
The luminescence spectra of Fe2+ in zinc-blende-type II—VI and III—V compounds do not show an equally spaced set of emission lines as predicted by spin orbit interaction in a plain crystalline field. The unequal separation between these lines is a signature of the Jahn-Teller effect in these systems. Attention is focused here on the general trend of the 5 E-derived energy levels providing the end states for the emission transitions. The intervall between the second and third energy levels (γ4 and γ3) is employed as a sensitive test based on the two following characteristics: First, this is the spacing that varies the most; second, the emissions to these levels are usually quite sharp as they involve energies not overlapping with phonon-assisted transitions. This property is studied in the plane [hω,EJT] (energy of the coupling phonon and the Jahn-Teller energy which is directly related to the coupling strength). The general behaviour is then studied under different theoretical conditions, in particular those that maximize the effect. Application of this theory to each real compound is thus possible by choosing the right combination of the two variables. To this end, the examples of luminescent substitutional Fe2+ ions in ZnS, ZnTe, and CdTe are discussed based on published spectra. The main emphasis is placed on new precise measurements of the ZnSe : Fe2+ emission. With crystals containing different iron concentrations, changing line shapes, including self-inversion of several emission lines, have been obtained in the 2600 to 2800 cm-1 spectral range. The properties of the four host/impurity systems are satisfactorily explained while an overall description emerges for the whole family of these compounds from a compilation of the derived coupling parameters
Infrared luminescence and application of a vibronic-coupling Hamiltonian to the level structure of CdTe:Fe<sup>2+</sup>
Samples of crystalline CdTe doped with two different concentrations of iron were prepared by the vertical high-pressure Bridgman method. Absorption and emission spectra were recorded at liquid-helium temperature in the region of the 5T2(D)? 5E(D) infrared transitions of substitutional Fe2+(d6) ions. Especially in the range between 2200 and 2300 cm−1, a rich structure is resolved comprising more lines than predicted from plain crystal-field theory. The explanation of all the important lines is found after introducing a vibronic Jahn-Teller term to the Hamiltonian. A linear coupling between the double-degenerate vibrational mode ε (or γ3) to the electronic orbitals of the atomic multiplet of symmetry 5D leads to the diagonalization of the total Hamiltonian in a set of vibronic functions. Just one free parameter is used in the adjustment: the so-called Jahn-Teller energy representing the strength of the coupling. The corresponding value that we report here is 3 cm−1. The energies thus found are in good agreement with the positions of the observed lines in the spectra. With the final wave functions we can calculate the relative intensities of the most important transitions and approximate theoretical line shape. This is also in good agreement with the experiment. Using these same energies and wave functions a calculation was performed to explain data existing in the literature about far-infrared absorption for the system CdTe:Fe2+. Again, good agreement between experiment and theory is found
An RNAi-based system for loss-of-function analysis identifies Raf1 as a crucial mediator of BCR-ABL - Driven leukemogenesis
Genetic loss-of-function studies in murine tumor models have been essential in the analysis of downstream mediators of oncogenic transformation. Unfortunately, these studies are frequently limited by the availability of genetically modified mouse strains. Here we describe a versatile method allowing the efficient expression of an oncogene and simultaneous knockdown of targets of interest (TOI) from a single retroviral vector. Both oncogene and TOI-specific miR30-based shRNA are under the control of the strong viral long terminal repeat promoter, resulting in a single shared RNA transcript. Using this vector in a murine syngeneic BM transplantation model for BCR-ABL - induced chronic myeloid leukemia, we find that oncogene expression andtargetknockdownin primary hematopoietic cells with this vector is efficient both in vitro and in vivo, and demonstrate that Raf1, but not BRAF, modulates BCR-ABL - dependent ERK activation and transformation of hematopoietic cells. This expression system could facilitate genetic loss-of-function studies and allow the rapid validation of potential drug targets in a broad range of oncogene-driven murine tumor models. © 2011 by The American Society of Hematology
Hematopoietic chimerism after allogeneic stem cell transplantation: a comparison of quantitative analysis by automated DNA sizing and fluorescent in situ hybridization
BACKGROUND: Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) is performed mainly in patients with high-risk or advanced hematologic malignancies and congenital or acquired aplastic anemias. In the context of the significant risk of graft failure after allo-HSCT from alternative donors and the risk of relapse in recipients transplanted for malignancy, the precise monitoring of posttransplant hematopoietic chimerism is of utmost interest. Useful molecular methods for chimerism quantification after allogeneic transplantation, aimed at distinguishing precisely between donor's and recipient's cells, are PCR-based analyses of polymorphic DNA markers. Such analyses can be performed regardless of donor's and recipient's sex. Additionally, in patients after sex-mismatched allo-HSCT, fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) can be applied. METHODS: We compared different techniques for analysis of posttransplant chimerism, namely FISH and PCR-based molecular methods with automated detection of fluorescent products in an ALFExpress DNA Sequencer (Pharmacia) or ABI 310 Genetic Analyzer (PE). We used Spearman correlation test. RESULTS: We have found high correlation between results obtained from the PCR/ALF Express and PCR/ABI 310 Genetic Analyzer. Lower, but still positive correlations were found between results of FISH technique and results obtained using automated DNA sizing technology. CONCLUSIONS: All the methods applied enable a rapid and accurate detection of post-HSCT chimerism
Machine learning assisted real-time deformability cytometry of CD34+ cells allows to identify patients with myelodysplastic syndromes
Diagnosis of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) mainly relies on a manual assessment of the peripheral blood and bone marrow cell morphology. The WHO guidelines suggest a visual screening of 200 to 500 cells which inevitably turns the assessor blind to rare cell populations and leads to low reproducibility. Moreover, the human eye is not suited to detect shifts of cellular properties of entire populations. Hence, quantitative image analysis could improve the accuracy and reproducibility of MDS diagnosis. We used real-time deformability cytometry (RT-DC) to measure bone marrow biopsy samples of MDS patients and age-matched healthy individuals. RT-DC is a high-throughput (1000 cells/s) imaging flow cytometer capable of recording morphological and mechanical properties of single cells. Properties of single cells were quantified using automated image analysis, and machine learning was employed to discover morpho-mechanical patterns in thousands of individual cells that allow to distinguish healthy vs. MDS samples. We found that distribution properties of cell sizes differ between healthy and MDS, with MDS showing a narrower distribution of cell sizes. Furthermore, we found a strong correlation between the mechanical properties of cells and the number of disease-determining mutations, inaccessible with current diagnostic approaches. Hence, machine-learning assisted RT-DC could be a promising tool to automate sample analysis to assist experts during diagnosis or provide a scalable solution for MDS diagnosis to regions lacking sufficient medical experts
Azacitidine for treatment of imminent relapse in MDS or AML patients after allogeneic HSCT: results of the RELAZA trial
This study evaluated azacitidine as treatment of minimal residual disease (MRD) determined by a sensitive donor chimerism analysis of CD34+ blood cells to pre-empt relapse in patients with CD34+ myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) or acute myeloid leukemia (AML) after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). At a median of 169 days after HSCT, 20/59 prospectively screened patients experienced a decrease of CD34+ donor chimerism to <80% and received four azacitidine cycles (75 mg/m2/day for 7 days) while in complete hematologic remission. A total of 16 patients (80%) responded with either increasing CD34+ donor chimerism to ⩾80% (n=10; 50%) or stabilization (n=6; 30%) in the absence of relapse. Stabilized patients and those with a later drop of CD34+ donor chimerism to <80% after initial response were eligible for subsequent azacitidine cycles. A total of 11 patients (55%) received a median of 4 (range, 1–11) additional cycles. Eventually, hematologic relapse occurred in 13 patients (65%), but was delayed until a median of 231 days (range, 56–558) after initial decrease of CD34+ donor chimerism to <80%. In conclusion, pre-emptive azacitidine treatment has an acceptable safety profile and can substantially prevent or delay hematologic relapse in patients with MDS or AML and MRD after allogeneic HSCT
Санитарно-эпидемиологическая экспертиза импортной пищевой продукции и продовольственного сырья как составляющая профилактического направления транспортной медицины
Санітарно епідеміологічна експертиза імпортної харчової продукції й продовольчої сировини (далі експертиза) є одним з пріоритетних напрямів діяльності транспортних підрозділів санепідслужби. Здійснюючи функцію по контролю, виявленню та попередженню впливу небезпечних факторів, пов’язаних з перевезенням вантажів, вона є
однією зі складових частин профілактичного напряму транспортної медицини. Експертиза імпортованої продукції харчового призначення нерозривно пов’язана та базується на загальних принципах всієї державної політики у сфері безпеки харчової продукції та продовольчої сировини. Основою для проведення усього комплексу робіт санітарно епідеміологічного направлення є нормативна база, яка була сформована в нашій країні кілька десятиліть назад. Механізм визначення безпеки продукції та ті критерії оцінки, які були закладені в її основі, вимагають перегляду у відповідності з вимогами сьогодення та враховуючи розвиток міжнародних відносин. Зроблені деякі кроки у цьому напрямку. Наприклад, визначення експертизи у законі «Про внесення змін до закону України «Про якість та безпеку харчових продуктів та продовольчої сировини» поряд зі встановленням відповідності продукції нормативним вимогам передбачає оцінку ризику дії шкідливих факторів у процесі обігу харчових продуктів, що відповідає сучас
ним вимогам до вирішення задач профілактичного напрямку, запобігання шкідливого впливу факторів, керування санітарно-епідеміологічною ситуацією взагалі та на етапі транспортування харчових грузів зокрема. Такий підхід потрібно враховувати при подальшому необхідному перегляді та формуванні нової нормативної бази.Sanіtarу epidemiological examination of imported foodstuffs and edible raw materials (then «examination») is one of the priority directions of transport sanіtarу epidemiological servise. Examination controls, discovers and prevents an influence of dangerous factors while in transportation of loads. So it’s one of the component of the transport medicine preventive activity. Examination of import foodstuffs and edible raw materials inseparably linked with and based on general principles of
the food safety state policy. The foundation of the sanitary service work is the normative base, that was formed in our country about twenty years ago. It is necessary to review the mechanism of the food safety determination and its criteria in accordance with requirements of present day time and with account of the development of the international relations. One of taken steps in this direction is a characteristic of examination in law «About contributing the modification to law of the Ukraine «About quality and safety of foodstuffs and foodraw materials» where along with determination of the products correspondence to the normative requirements is provided forrisk assessment of the harmful factors in process of the turn of the food stuffs. Such approach corresponds with modern requests to decision of the prophylactic
problems, prevention bad influence dangerous factors, management sanіtarу epidemiological situation in general and in step of transportation food cargo in particular. And it should be taken into account during the further necessary process of revision and forming the new normative base
The Atlantic Ocean at the last glacial maximum: 1. Objective mapping of the GLAMAP sea-surface conditions
Recent efforts of the German paleoceanographic community have resulted in a unique data set of reconstructed sea-surface temperature for the Atlantic Ocean during the Last Glacial Maximum, plus estimates for the extents of glacial sea ice. Unlike prior attempts, the contributing research groups based their data on a common definition of the Last Glacial Maximum chronozone and used the same modern reference data for calibrating the different transfer techniques. Furthermore, the number of processed sediment cores was vastly increased. Thus the new data is a significant advance not only with respect to quality, but also to quantity. We integrate these new data and provide monthly data sets of global sea-surface temperature and ice cover, objectively interpolated onto a regular 1°x1° grid, suitable for forcing or validating numerical ocean and atmosphere models. This set is compared to an existing subjective interpolation of the same base data, in part by employing an ocean circulation model. For the latter purpose, we reconstruct sea surface salinity from the new temperature data and the available oxygen isotope measurements
Judgments of learning and improvement
Can learners accurately judge the rate of their learning? Rates of learning may be informative when study time is allocated across materials, and students' judgments of their learning rate have been proposed as a possible metacognitive tool. Participants estimated how much they improved between presentations in multitrial learning situations in which n-gram paragraphs (in Experiments 1 and 2) or word pairs (Experiments 3 and 4) were learned . In the first experiment, participants rated improvement on a percentage scale, whereas on the second and third, judgments were given on a 0–6 scale. Experiment 4 used both a percentage scale and an absolute number scale. The main result was that judgments of improvement were poorly correlated with actual improvement and, in one case, were negatively correlated. Although judgments of improvement were correlated with changes in judgments of learning, they were not reliable indicators of actual improvement. Implications are discussed for theoretical work on metacognition
Assembling proteomics data as a prerequisite for the analysis of large scale experiments
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite the complete determination of the genome sequence of a huge number of bacteria, their proteomes remain relatively poorly defined. Beside new methods to increase the number of identified proteins new database applications are necessary to store and present results of large- scale proteomics experiments.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the present study, a database concept has been developed to address these issues and to offer complete information via a web interface. In our concept, the Oracle based data repository system SQL-LIMS plays the central role in the proteomics workflow and was applied to the proteomes of <it>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</it>, <it>Helicobacter pylori</it>, <it>Salmonella typhimurium </it>and protein complexes such as 20S proteasome. Technical operations of our proteomics labs were used as the standard for SQL-LIMS template creation. By means of a Java based data parser, post-processed data of different approaches, such as LC/ESI-MS, MALDI-MS and 2-D gel electrophoresis (2-DE), were stored in SQL-LIMS. A minimum set of the proteomics data were transferred in our public 2D-PAGE database using a Java based interface (Data Transfer Tool) with the requirements of the PEDRo standardization. Furthermore, the stored proteomics data were extractable out of SQL-LIMS via XML.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The Oracle based data repository system SQL-LIMS played the central role in the proteomics workflow concept. Technical operations of our proteomics labs were used as standards for SQL-LIMS templates. Using a Java based parser, post-processed data of different approaches such as LC/ESI-MS, MALDI-MS and 1-DE and 2-DE were stored in SQL-LIMS. Thus, unique data formats of different instruments were unified and stored in SQL-LIMS tables. Moreover, a unique submission identifier allowed fast access to all experimental data. This was the main advantage compared to multi software solutions, especially if personnel fluctuations are high. Moreover, large scale and high-throughput experiments must be managed in a comprehensive repository system such as SQL-LIMS, to query results in a systematic manner. On the other hand, these database systems are expensive and require at least one full time administrator and specialized lab manager. Moreover, the high technical dynamics in proteomics may cause problems to adjust new data formats. To summarize, SQL-LIMS met the requirements of proteomics data handling especially in skilled processes such as gel-electrophoresis or mass spectrometry and fulfilled the PSI standardization criteria. The data transfer into a public domain via DTT facilitated validation of proteomics data. Additionally, evaluation of mass spectra by post-processing using MS-Screener improved the reliability of mass analysis and prevented storage of data junk.</p
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