401 research outputs found

    The development and application of the Explanatory Model of School Dysfunctions

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    This article develops the Explanatory Model of School Dysfunctions based on 80 essays of school principals and their representatives in Gauteng. It reveals the degree and kinds of school dysfunctions, as well as their interconnectedness with actors, networks, and domains. The model provides a basis for theory-based analyses of specific dysfunctions, and for context and culture-sensitive interventions. The main dysfunctions relate to rules (dysfunctional rules, rule bending, and rule breaking), competences (management, finances, and conflict resolution), and roles (role confusion and conflict, abuse of power). The model was developed to invite researchers to explore these and other dysfunctions in relation to their antecedents, motivations, and consequences, as well as to formulate evidence-based interventions and policies

    Sociality Affects REM Sleep Episode Duration Under Controlled Laboratory Conditions in the Rock Hyrax, Procavia capensis.

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    The rock hyrax, Procavia capensis, is a highly social, diurnal mammal. In the current study several physiologically measurable parameters of sleep, as well as the accompanying behavior, were recorded continuously from five rock hyraxes, for 72 h under solitary (experimental animal alone in the recording chamber), and social conditions (experimental animal with 1 or 2 additional, non-implanted animals in the recording chamber). The results revealed no significant differences between solitary and social conditions for total sleep times, number of episodes, episode duration or slow wave activity (SWA) for all states examined. The only significant difference observed between social and solitary conditions was the average duration of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep episodes. REM sleep episode duration was on average 20 s and 40 s longer under social conditions daily and during the dark period, respectively. It is hypothesized that the increase in REM sleep episode duration under social conditions could possibly be attributed to improved thermoregulation strategies, however considering the limited sample size and design of the current study further investigations are needed to confirm this finding. Whether the conclusions and the observations made in this study can be generalized to all naturally socially sleeping mammals remains an open question

    Supernatants derived from chemotherapy-treated cancer cell lines can modify angiogenesis

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    BACKGROUND: There is evidence that tumours produce substances such as cytokines and microvesicular bodies bearing bioactive molecules, which support the carcinogenic process. Furthermore, chemotherapy has also been shown to modify these exudates and in doing so, neutralise their tumourigenic influence. METHODS: In the current study, we have investigated the effect of chemotherapy agents on modifying the cytokine profile and microvesicular cargo of supernatants derived from cancer cell lines. In addition, we have explored the effect of these tumour-derived supernatants on angiogenesis, and how chemotherapy can alter the supernatants rendering them less pro-angiogenic. RESULTS: Herein, we show that supernatants contain a rich cocktail of cytokines, a number of which are potent modulators of angiogenesis. They also contain microvesicular bodies containing RNA transcripts that code for proteins involved in transcription, immune modulation and angiogenesis. These supernatants altered intracellular signalling molecules in endothelial cells and significantly enhanced their tubulogenic character; however, this was severely compromised when supernatants from tumours treated with chemotherapy was used instead. CONCLUSION: This study suggests tumour exudates and bioactive material from tumours can influence cellular functions, and that treatment with some chemotherapy can serve to negate these pro-tumourigenic processes

    Global report on preterm birth and stillbirth (7 of 7): mobilizing resources to accelerate innovative solutions (Global Action Agenda)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Preterm birth and stillbirth are complex local and global health problems requiring an interdisciplinary approach and an international commitment. Stakeholders developed recommendations for a Global Action Agenda (GAA) at the 2009 International Conference on Prematurity and Stillbirth. The primary goal of this GAA is to forge a collaborative effort toward achieving common goals to prevent preterm birth and stillbirth, and to improve related maternal, newborn, and child health outcomes.</p> <p>Conference participants</p> <p>GAPPS co-convened this four-day conference with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, March of Dimes, PATH, Save the Children, UNICEF and the World Health Organization. Participants included about 200 leading international researchers, policymakers, health care practitioners and philanthropists. A near-final draft of this report was sent three weeks in advance to help co-chairs and participants prepare for workgroup discussions.</p> <p>Global Action Agenda</p> <p>Twelve thematic workgroups, composed of interdisciplinary experts, made recommendations on short-, intermediate-, and long-term milestones, and success metrics. Recommendations are based on the following themes: (1) advance discovery of the magnitude, causes and innovative solutions; (2) promote development and delivery of low-cost, proven interventions; (3) improve advocacy efforts to increase awareness that preterm birth and stillbirth are leading contributors to the global health burden; (4) increase resources for research and implementation; and (5) consider ethical and social justice implications throughout all efforts.</p> <p>Summary</p> <p>The conference provided an unprecedented opportunity for maternal, newborn and child health stakeholders to create a collaborative strategy for addressing preterm birth and stillbirth globally. Participants and others have already completed or launched work on key milestones identified in the GAA. Updates will be provided at www.gapps.org.</p

    Inhibition of neointimal hyperplasia in a sheep model of dialysis access failure with the bioabsorbable Vascular Wrap⁎⁎Vascular Wrap is a trademark of Angiotech Pharmaceuticals, Inc. paclitaxel-eluting mesh

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    ObjectiveThis study evaluated the effect of a bioabsorbable mesh containing paclitaxel on neointimal hyperplasia in a sheep model of dialysis access failure.MethodsForty neutered male sheep were randomized to one of five parallel groups: no mesh; or a 3-cm × 6-cm mesh with 0.0, 0.3, 0.7, or 1.2 μg/mm2 of paclitaxel for a total dose of 0.0, 0.6, 1.3, or 2.2 mg, respectively. Commercially available 6-mm internal diameter expanded polytetrafluoroethylene grafts were surgically placed between the left common carotid artery and the right external jugular vein. For those animals randomized to one of the mesh groups, the mesh was placed around the distal end of the graft and venous anastomosis. Patency was assessed at weekly intervals throughout the study. Animals were euthanized 8 weeks after implantation, and grafts and veins were harvested. After histologic processing, six cross sections were cut at the venous end of the graft and vessel. The primary and secondary efficacy outcome measures, respectively, were the area and capillary density of the neointima at the graft-vein anastomosis. Histologic analyses were also performed to investigate the effects of the paclitaxel-eluting mesh on the anastomotic site.ResultsGrafts occluded before the scheduled sacrifice in five animals, and they were excluded from the study and not replaced. Control animals developed significant neointimal hyperplasia at the cross section taken perpendicular to the graft at its most distal end: the neointimal area measured 10.5 ± 6.8 mm2 in the no mesh group and 6.4 ± 3.2 mm2 in the zero-dose mesh group (P = .28). In contrast, neointimal area was significantly reduced in the paclitaxel mesh groups: 0.9 ± 1.4 mm2 in the 0.3 μg/mm2 group (P = .008 vs zero-dose mesh), 1.3 ± 1.5 mm2 in the 0.7 μg/mm2 group (P = .004 vs zero-dose mesh), and 1.2 ± 1.4 mm2 in the 1.2 μg/mm2 group (P = .008 vs zero-dose mesh). Capillary density in the neointima at the graft-vein anastomosis decreased with paclitaxel and was significantly reduced in the paclitaxel mesh groups with 0.3 and 1.2 μg/mm2 compared with the zero-dose mesh control (3.6 ± 2.9 vs 8.9 ± 5.6 per mm2 [P = .022] and 1.1 ± 1.7 vs 8.9 ± 5.6 per mm2 [P = .001] respectively). The paclitaxel mesh had no significant effect on healing of the anastomosis or on the thickness of the adjacent vein.ConclusionsIn this model, the paclitaxel-eluting mesh significantly reduced neointimal hyperplasia and neointimal capillary density without apparent toxicity to the adjacent vein.Clinical RelevanceAlthough synthetic grafts (most commonly expanded polytetrafluoroethylene) are currently used in approximately 40% of hemodialysis patients who require a permanent vascular access, primary patency rates remain poor. Most graft failures are caused by venous neointimal hyperplasia, and there are no proven pharmacologic interventions that effectively prevent it. This study provides evidence of the safety and efficacy of a bioabsorbable paclitaxel-eluting mesh for inhibition of neointimal hyperplasia in a sheep model of dialysis access graft failure

    Canopy Management to Improve Grape Yield and Wine Quality - Principles and Practices

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    This paper reviews the subject of canopy management with an attempt to develop principles. These principles provide guidelines for canopy surface area amount; spacing between canopies; within canopy shade, especially for the fruiting/ renewal zone; balance between fruit and shoot growth; and uniformity of location of fruit/renewal zones, shoot tips and cane bases. Field techniques of point quadrat analysis and canopy scoring are introduced as an aid to defining problem canopies. These techniques are cheap, quick and effective. A set of twenty-one numeric indices and descriptors to assess winegrape canopies is then presented as a winegrape canopy ideotype, which can be further used as management guidelines. Recent publications are reviewed from various aspects of canopy management. These include vigour control, shoot trimming, leaf removal in the fruit zone and training system responses. The paper concludes with presentation of the authors' unpublished data on the effects of canopy microclimate on yield and wine quality. The trial was conducted with the cultivar Cabernet franc on a deep, fertile soil in a cool, high rainfall region. Canopy division using the Ruakura Twin Two Tier doubled yield compared to dense, vertical shoot positioned canopies which are common in New Zealand. Shade caused reduction in all yield components, and also delayed fruit ripening and reduced wine quality. Similar results were obtained by comparing fruit production at different heights with the Te Kauwhata Three Tier trellis system, where lower tiers were shaded at the canopy exterior. The results confirm that grape yield and wine quaiity can be simultaneously increased by improved canopy management of shaded vineyards

    Inactivity/sleep in two wild free-roaming African elephant matriarchs - Does large body size make elephants the shortest mammalian sleepers?

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    The current study provides details of sleep (or inactivity) in two wild, free-roaming African elephant matriarchs studied in their natural habitat with remote monitoring using an actiwatch subcutaneously implanted in the trunk, a standard elephant collar equipped with a GPS system and gyroscope, and a portable weather station. We found that these two elephants were polyphasic sleepers, had an average daily total sleep time of 2 h, mostly between 02:00 and 06:00, and displayed the shortest daily sleep time of any mammal recorded to date. Moreover, these two elephants exhibited both standing and recumbent sleep, but only exhibited recumbent sleep every third or fourth day, potentially limiting their ability to enter REM sleep on a daily basis. In addition, we observed on five occasions that the elephants went without sleep for up to 46 h and traversed around 30 km in 10 h, possibly due to disturbances such as potential predation or poaching events, or a bull elephant in musth. They exhibited no form of sleep rebound following a night without sleep. Environmental conditions, especially ambient air temperature and relative humidity, analysed as wet-bulb globe temperature, reliably predict sleep onset and offset times. The elephants selected novel sleep sites each night and the amount of activity between sleep periods did not affect the amount of sleep. A number of similarities and differences to studies of elephant sleep in captivity are noted, and specific factors shaping sleep architecture in elephants, on various temporal scales, are discussed

    Screening of Neonatal UK Dried Blood Spots Using a Duplex SMN1 Screening Assay

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    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal inherited neuromuscular genetic disease caused, in 95% of cases, by homozygous deletions involving the SMN1 gene exon 7. It remains the leading cause of death in children under 2 years of age. New treatments have been developed and adopted for use in many countries, including the UK. Success of these treatments depends on early diagnosis and intervention in newborn babies, and many countries have implemented a newborn screening (NBS) or pilot NBS program to detect SMN1 exon 7 deletions on dried blood spots. In the UK, there is no current NBS program for SMA, and no pilot studies have commenced. For consideration of adoption of NBS for a new condition, numerous criteria must be satisfied, including critical assessment of a working methodology. This study uses a commercially available real-time PCR assay to simultaneously detect two different DNA segments (SMN1 exon 7 and control gene RPP30) using DNA extracted from a dried blood spot. This study was carried out in a routine clinical laboratory to determine the specificity, sensitivity, and feasibility of SMA screening in a UK NBS lab setting. Just under 5000 normal DBSs were used alongside 43 known SMA positive DBSs. Study results demonstrate that NBS for SMA using real-time PCR is feasible within the current UK NBS Laboratory infrastructure using the proposed algorithm

    The ORF59 DNA polymerase processivity factor homologs of Old World primate RV2 rhadinoviruses are highly conserved nuclear antigens expressed in differentiated epithelium in infected macaques

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    Background ORF59 DNA polymerase processivity factor of the human rhadinovirus, Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), is required for efficient copying of the genome during virus replication. KSHV ORF59 is antigenic in the infected host and is used as a marker for virus activation and replication. Results We cloned, sequenced and expressed the genes encoding related ORF59 proteins from the RV1 rhadinovirus homologs of KSHV from chimpanzee (PtrRV1) and three species of macaques (RFHVMm, RFHVMn and RFHVMf), and have compared them with ORF59 proteins obtained from members of the more distantly-related RV2 rhadinovirus lineage infecting the same non-human primate species (PtrRV2, RRV, MneRV2, and MfaRV2, respectively). We found that ORF59 homologs of the RV1 and RV2 Old World primate rhadinoviruses are highly conserved with distinct phylogenetic clustering of the two rhadinovirus lineages. RV1 and RV2 ORF59 C-terminal domains exhibit a strong lineage-specific conservation. Rabbit antiserum was developed against a C-terminal polypeptide that is highly conserved between the macaque RV2 ORF59 sequences. This anti-serum showed strong reactivity towards ORF59 encoded by the macaque RV2 rhadinoviruses, RRV (rhesus) and MneRV2 (pig-tail), with no cross reaction to human or macaque RV1 ORF59 proteins. Using this antiserum and RT-qPCR, we determined that RRV ORF59 is expressed early after permissive infection of both rhesus primary fetal fibroblasts and African green monkey kidney epithelial cells (Vero) in vitro. RRV- and MneRV2-infected foci showed strong nuclear expression of ORF59 that correlated with production of infectious progeny virus. Immunohistochemical studies of an MneRV2-infected macaque revealed strong nuclear expression of ORF59 in infected cells within the differentiating layer of epidermis corroborating previous observations that differentiated epithelial cells are permissive for replication of KSHV-like rhadinoviruses Conclusion The ORF59 DNA polymerase processivity factor homologs of the Old World primate RV1 and RV2 rhadinovirus lineages are phylogenetically distinct yet demonstrate similar expression and localization characteristics that correlate with their use as lineage-specific markers for permissive infection and virus replication. These studies will aid in the characterization of virus activation from latency to the replicative state, an important step for understanding the biology and transmission of rhadinoviruses, such as KSHV

    The increasing trend in preterm birth in public hospitals in northern Argentina

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    Objective: To identify factors associated with the increasing incidence of preterm birth in northern Argentina. Methods: In an observational study, data were reviewed from a prospective, population-based registry of pregnancy outcomes in six cities in 2009-2012. The primary outcome was preterm birth (at 20-37 weeks). Bivariate tests and generalized estimating equations were used within a conceptual hierarchical framework to estimate the cluster-corrected annual trend in odds of preterm birth. Results: The study reviewed data from 11 433 live births. There were 484 (4.2%) preterm births. The incidence of preterm births increased by 38% between 2009 and 2012, from 37.5 to 51.7 per 1000 live births. Unadjusted risk factors for preterm birth included young or advanced maternal age, normal body mass index, nulliparity, no prenatal care, no vitamins or supplements during pregnancy, multiple gestation, and maternal hypertension or prepartum hemorrhage. The prevalence of many risk factors increased over the study period, but variations in these factors explained less than 1% of the increasing trend in preterm birth. Conclusion: The incidence of preterm births insix small cities in northern Argentina increased greatly between 2009 and 2012. This trend was unexplained by the risk factors measured. Other factors should be assessed in future studies.Fil: Weaver, Emily H.. University of North Carolina School at Chapel Hill; Estados UnidosFil: Gibbons, Luz. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: Belizan, Jose. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Althabe, Fernando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; Argentin