66 research outputs found

    The influence of non-ideal phase flow on the extraction efficiency for the case of a linear equilibrium distribution

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    The influence of the fundamental parameters of non-ideal phase flow and the extraction parameters on the number of equilibrium stages - ND, theoretical stages - NT, as well as the number of stages (ND - NT), the existence of which is a consequence of the backflow in extractors, was investigated. The calculated number of stages (ND - NT) served as a measure of the influence of the denoted parameters on the extraction efficiency. The results of the investigation indicate that the number of stages (ND - NT) considerably increased with increasing backmixing coefficients and that the dependence was linear. It was established that the increase of the ratio of the flow rate of the heavy and light phase and the decrease of the equilibrium distribution coefficient, as well as the increase of the total separation factor, led to an exponential increase of the number of stages in the extractor, which consequently caused a decrease in the extraction efficiency

    Interface solitons in locally linked two-dimensional lattices

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    Existence, stability and dynamics of soliton complexes, centered at the site of a single transverse link connecting two parallel 2D (two-dimensional) lattices, are investigated. The system with the on-site cubic self-focusing nonlinearity is modeled by the pair of discrete nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equations linearly coupled at the single site. Symmetric, antisymmetric and asymmetric complexes are constructed by means of the variational approximation (VA) and numerical methods. The VA demonstrates that the antisymmetric soliton complexes exist in the entire parameter space, while the symmetric and asymmetric modes can be found below a critical value of the coupling parameter. Numerical results confirm these predictions. The symmetric complexes are destabilized via a supercritical symmetry-breaking pitchfork bifurcation, which gives rise to stable asymmetric modes. The antisymmetric complexes are subject to oscillatory and exponentially instabilities in narrow parametric regions. In bistability areas, stable antisymmetric solitons coexist with either symmetric or asymmetric ones.Comment: 9 figure

    Influence of boundary conditions on quantum escape

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    It has recently been established that quantum statistics can play a crucial role in quantum escape. Here we demonstrate that boundary conditions can be equally important - moreover, in certain cases, may lead to a complete suppression of the escape. Our results are exact and hold for arbitrarily many particles.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Dynamics of quasi-one-dimensional bright and vortex solitons of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate with repulsive atomic interaction

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    By numerical and variational analysis of the three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation we study the formation and dynamics of bright and vortex-bright solitons in a cigar-shaped dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate for large repulsive atomic interactions. Phase diagram showing the region of stability of the solitons is obtained. We also study the dynamics of breathing oscillation of the solitons as well as the collision dynamics of two solitons at large velocities. Two solitons placed side-by-side at rest coalesce to form a stable bound soliton molecule due to dipolar attraction.Comment: To obtain the included video clips S1, S2, S3 and S4, please download sourc

    Savremeni oblici povrede dostojanstva ličnosti na radu – osnovne sličnosti i razlike

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    U radu se primenom sociološkog, normativnog i uporednopravnog metoda teorijski analiziraju različiti pojmovi koji se često povezuju i razmatraju u okvirima koncepta dostojanstvenog rada kao savremeni oblici povrede takvog rada. Na tim osnovama se teži konceptualno-aplikativnom razgraničenju pojmova diskriminacije, zlostavljanja, kao i seksualnog uznemiravanja na radu u smislu ostvarivanja i zaštite osnovnih prava. Povreda dostojanstva ljudskog bića, odnosno radnika jeste opšta pravna kategorija koja u osnovi ima značajnu moralno-etičku dimenziju, dok se normiranjem pojmova diskriminacije, zlostavljanja i seksualnog uznemiravanja i njihovom jasnom konkretizacijom obezbeđuje potpunija zaštita osnovnih prava. Posebno se ukazuje na rešenja domaćeg prava i potrebu da se de lege ferenda izvrši potrebno usklađivanje različitih normativnih rešenja u ovoj oblasti

    Effects of the acrylic polyol structure and the selectivity of the employed catalyst on the performance of two-component aqueous polyurethane coatings

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    Two kinds of aqueous acrylic polyols (single step and multi step synthesis type) have been investigated for their performance in the two-component aqueous polyurethane application, by using more selective catalysts. The aliphatic polyfunctional isocyanates based on hexamethylen diisocyanates have been employed as suitable hardeners. The complex of zirconium, commercially known as K-KAT(R)XC-6212, and manganese (III) complexes with mixed ligands based on the derivative of maleic acid have been used as catalysts in this study. Both of the aqueous polyols give good results, in terms of application and hardness, when elevated temperatures and more selective catalysts are applied. A more selective catalyst promotes the reaction between the isocyanate and polyol component. This increases the percentage of urethane bonds and the degree of hardness in the films formed from the two components of aqueous polyurethane lacquers. The polyol based on the single step synthesis route is favourable concerning potlife and hardness. The obtained results show that the performance of the two-component aqueous polyurethane coatings depends on the polymer structure of the polyols as well as on the selectivity of the employed catalyst

    The usual suspects: How psychological motives and thinking styles predict the endorsement of well-known and COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs

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    Research on belief in conspiracy theories identified many predictors but often failed to investigate them together. In the present study, we tested how the most important predictors of beliefs in conspiracy theories explain endorsing COVID‐19 and non‐COVID‐19 conspiracy theories and conspiracy mentality. Apart from these three measures of conspiratorial thinking, participants (N = 354) completed several measures of epistemic, existential, and social psychological motives, as well as cognitive processing variables. While many predictors had significant correlations, only three consistently explained conspiratorial beliefs when included in one model: higher spirituality (specifically eco‐awareness factor), higher narcissism, and lower analytical thinking. Compared to the other two conspiratorial measures, predictors less explained belief in COVID‐19 conspiracy theories, but this depended on items' content. We conclude that the same predictors apply to belief in both COVID and non‐COVID conspiracies and identify New Age spirituality as an important contributor to such beliefs

    Real-time chest-wall-motion tracking by a single optical fibre grating:a prospective method for ventilator triggering

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    Objective: The ventilators involved in non-invasive mechanical ventilation commonly provide ventilator support via a facemask. The interface of the mask with a patient promotes air leaks that cause errors in the feedback information provided by a pneumatic sensor and hence patient-ventilator asynchrony with multiple negative consequences. Our objective is to test the possibility of using chest-wall motion measured by an optical fibre-grating sensor as a more accurate non-invasive ventilator triggering mechanism. Approach: The basic premise of our approach is that the measurement accuracy can be improved by using a triggering signal that precedes pneumatic triggering in the neuro-ventilatory coupling sequence. We propose a technique that uses the measurement of chest-wall curvature by a long-period fibre-grating sensor. The sensor was applied externally to the rib-cage and interrogated in the lateral (edge) filtering scheme. The study was performed on 34 healthy volunteers. Statistical data analysis of the time lag between the fibre-grating sensor and the reference pneumotachograph was preceded by the removal of the unwanted heartbeat signal by wavelet transform processing. Main results: The results show a consistent fibre-grating signal advance with respect to the standard pneumatic signal by (230  ±  100) ms in both the inspiratory and expiratory phases. We further show that heart activity removal yields a tremendous improvement in sensor accuracy by reducing it from 60 ml to 0.3 ml. Significance: The results indicate that the proposed measurement technique may lead to a more reliable triggering decision. Its imperviousness to air leaks, non-invasiveness, low-cost and ease of implementation offer good prospects for applications in both clinical and homecare ventilation

    Solitons in Tonks-Girardeau gas with dipolar interactions

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    The existence of bright solitons in the model of the Tonks-Girardeau (TG) gas with dipole-dipole (DD) interactions is reported. The governing equation is taken as the quintic nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation (NLSE) with the nonlocal cubic term accounting for the DD attraction. In different regions of the parameter space (the dipole moment and atom number), matter-wave solitons feature flat-top or compacton-like shapes. For the flat-top states, the NLSE with the local cubic-quintic (CQ) nonlinearity is shown to be a good approximation. Specific dynamical effects are studied assuming that the strength of the DD interactions is ramped up or drops to zero. Generation of dark-soliton pairs in the gas shrinking under the action of the intensifying DD attraction is observed. Dark solitons exhibit the particle-like collision behavior. Peculiarities of dipole solitons in the TG gas are highlighted by comparison with the NLSE including the local CQ terms. Collisions between the solitons are studied too. In many cases, the collisions result in merger of the solitons into a breather, due to strong attraction between them.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, accepted by J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phy