1,236 research outputs found


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    Jesus Christ inaugurated and commissioned his church to be a missionary until the end of the world. Thus, the church is missionary by her very nature. The modern mission paradigm was from the West to the rest. But, in this 21st century, the mission has shifted from the global North to the global South; this massive shift has anchored the global South as the heartland of Christianity and the force of mission. This mission shift also demands the paradigm shift of both global north and south. Although the African church has played a pivotal role in the church history, and the largest Christian continent is still a mission field for most missionary-sending churches and organizations. Its missionary endeavors and role is limited only to the continent of Africa. The thesis attempted to understand the factors which have limited the African church’s mission role within the continent and impede its role for the 21st-century global mission and expected paradigm shift

    Applying Bourdieu’s capital-field-habitus framework to migrant careers: Taking stock and adding a transnational perspective

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    HRM and Migration scholars increasingly employ Bourdieu’s concepts of capitals, fields and habitus to explain the interrelationships between migrant careers and context. Both literatures employ a Bourdieusean framework to examine devaluation of migrant capitals in host nations and migrant responses to such devaluation. However, their explanations are based on different assumptions of context. HRM literature regards migrants as confined to the host nation context, whereas Migration literature places them in a transnational context, spanning both originating and host nations. In this conceptual paper, we argue for integrating transnational perspectives into HRM literature to offer a more accurate portrayal of contemporary migrant lives, and to capture greater nuance in migrant career experiences. We seek to expand the conceptual lexicon to support new conceptualisations of transnational context, and to explore how locating a Bourdieusean framework in transnational contexts enhances its ability to explain migrant career experiences

    Linezolid therapy for infective endocarditis

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    AbstractLinezolid is not yet recognised as a standard therapy for infective endocarditis. This report describes nine patients with endocarditis treated with linezolid and 33 similar cases from the medical literature. The majority of cases involved multiresistant strains, and the reasons for administering linezolid were refractory disease (60%), intolerance (28%), sequential therapy (12%) and a resistant pathogen (1%). Linezolid was administered for a mean of 37 days, with a successful outcome in 79% of cases. Reversible adverse effects were described in ten cases. The mean follow-up period was 8.5 months. Further data from randomised controlled clinical trials are needed to determine the efficacy and safety of linezolid for treating endocarditis

    Improving distress in dialysis (iDiD): a feasibility two-arm parallel randomised controlled trial of an online cognitive behavioural therapy intervention with and without therapist led telephone support for psychological distress in patients undergoing haemodialysis

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    Introduction: Psychological distress is common in end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) and is associated with poorer health outcomes. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is recommended in UK clinical guidelines for the management of depression in people with long-term conditions. Access to skilled therapists competent in managing the competing mental and physical health demands of ESKD is limited. Online CBT treatments tailored to the needs of the ESKD population offers a pragmatic solution for under-resourced services. This study examines the feasibility and acceptability of implementing a two-arm parallel randomised controlled trial of online CBT with (intervention arm) and without (control arm) therapist support to improve psychological distress in patients undergoing haemodialysis. Methods: Patients will be screened for depression and anxiety while attending for their haemodialysis treatments. We aim to recruit 60 adult patients undergoing haemodialysis who meet criteria for mild to moderately severe symptoms of depression and/or anxiety. Patients will be randomised individually (using a 1:1 computerised sequence ratio) to either online CBT with therapist telephone support (intervention arm), or online CBT with no therapist (control arm). Outcomes include feasibility and acceptability descriptive data on rates of recruitment, randomisation, retention and treatment adherence. Self-report outcomes include measures of depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-9), anxiety (Generalised Anxiety Disorder-7), quality of life (Euro-QoL), service use (client service receipt inventory) and illness cognitions (brief illness perception questionnaire). A qualitative process evaluation will also be conducted. The statistician will be blinded to treatment allocation. Ethics and dissemination: A National Health Service (NHS) research ethics committee approved the study. Data from this study will provide essential information for the design and testing of further interventions to ameliorate distress in patients undergoing dialysis. Any amendments to the protocol will be submitted to the NHS committee and study sponsor<br/

    Physical mechanisms relevant to flow resistance in textured microchannels

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    Flow resistance of liquids flowing through microchannels can be reduced by replacing flat, no-slip boundaries with boundaries adjacent to longitudinal grooves containing an inert gas, resulting in apparent slip. With applications of such textured microchannels in areas such as microfluidic systems and direct liquid cooling of microelectronics, there is a need for predictive mathematical models that can be used for design and optimization. In this work, we describe a model that incorporates the physical effects of gas viscosity (interfacial shear), meniscus protrusion (into the grooves), and channel aspect ratio and show how to generate accurate solutions for the laminar flow field using Chebyshev collocation and domain decomposition numerical methods. While the coupling of these effects are often omitted from other models, we show that it plays a significant role in the behavior of such flows. We find that, for example, the presence of gas viscosity may cause meniscus protrusion to have a more negative impact on the flow rate than previously appreciated. Indeed, we show that there are channel geometries for which meniscus protrusion increases the flow rate in the absence of gas viscosity and decreases it in the presence of gas viscosity. In this work, we choose a particular definition of channel height: the distance from the base of one groove to the base of the opposite groove. Practically, such channels are used in constrained geometries and therefore are of prescribed heights consistent with this definition. This choice allows us to easily make meaningful comparisons between textured channels and no-slip channels occupying the same space

    Analyse des délais de prise en charge des cancers thoraciques : étude prospective

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    RésuméIntroductionLe cancer broncho-pulmonaire est la première cause de décès par cancer en France. Son diagnostic est le plus souvent tardif, alors que le délai entre le début des symptômes et la prise en charge est considéré comme un facteur aggravant.Matériel et méthodesNotre étude prospective a recueilli les différentes dates de prise en charge de 139 patients consécutifs bénéficiant d’un traitement primaire pour un cancer thoracique dans notre hôpital entre novembre 2008 et mai 2009. L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer différents délais de prise en charge des patients porteurs d’un cancer thoracique quelle que soit sa prise en charge thérapeutique (médicale ou chirurgicale) et de déterminer la cause de ces délais.RésultatsLe délai médian entre la première imagerie pathologique et le traitement est de 9,6 semaines. Les délais étaient significativement plus courts dans les stades tardifs et les carcinomes à petites cellules (p=0,001). Il existait une tendance à des délais plus courts pour les femmes et des délais plus longs pour les classes d’âge les plus élevées.ConclusionL’évaluation des délais de prise en charge, en particulier pour les stades précoces, s’intègre dans le contrôle de la qualité de prise en charge de ces pathologies.SummaryIntroductionLung cancer is the main cause of cancer death in France. The diagnosis is often late and the delay between the onset of symptoms and management is considered an aggravating factor.Material and methodsOur prospective study collected the dates of the start of management of 139 consecutive patients receiving first line treatment for thoracic cancer in our hospital between November 2008 and May 2009. The aim of this study was to evaluate the delays in medical or surgical treatments in patients with thoracic cancer and to determine the cause of these delays.ResultsThe median delay between the first abnormal chest X-ray and treatment was 9.6 weeks. The delays were significantly shorter in the late stages and in small cell cancer (P=0.001). There was a tendency for shorter delays in women and for longer delays in older patients.ConclusionEvaluation of the delays in treatment, particularly in the early stages, is part of the quality control of management of these diseases

    Epidermal growth factor and transforming growth factor alpha characteristics of human oral carcinoma cell lines.

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    This study examined the expression of epidermal growth factor (EGF) cell-surface receptors, the response to exogenous ligand and the autocrine production of transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha) in normal and carcinoma-derived human oral keratinocytes. One of eight malignant cell lines overexpressed EGF receptors, while the remainder expressed receptor numbers similar to normal cells. Exogenous EGF stimulated incorporation of tritiated thymidine in a dose-dependent manner. In keratinocytes expressing normal numbers of EGF receptors, the cellular response to exogenous EGF correlated positively with total EGF receptor number. SCC-derived keratinocytes produced more TGF-alpha than normal cells. There was no statistical correlation between the autocrine production of TGF-alpha, EGF cell-surface receptor expression and cellular response to exogenous EGF. While the growth-stimulatory effects of exogenous TGF-alpha were inhibited by the addition of a neutralising antibody, the presence of this antibody in conditioned medium failed to produce a similar decrease in growth. The results indicate that overexpression of EGF receptors is not an invariable characteristic of human oral squamous carcinoma-derived cell lines. Further, the contribution of TGF-alpha to the growth of normal and carcinoma-derived human oral keratinocytes in vitro may be less significant than previously documented

    Social support for and through exercise and sport in a sample of men with serious mental illness.

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    Social support is important for people experiencing serious mental illness and is also important during the initiation and maintenance of exercise. In this article we draw on interpretive research into the experiences of 11 men with serious mental illness to explore four dimensions of social support both for and through exercise. Our findings suggest that informational, tangible, esteem, and emotional support were both provided for and given by participants through exercise. We conclude that experiences of both receiving and giving diverse forms of support in this way are significant for some people living with and recovering from serious mental illness

    The role of childhood social position in adult type 2 diabetes: Evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing

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    Copyright @ 2014 Pikhartova et al. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Background: Socioeconomic circumstances in childhood and early adulthood may influence the later onset of chronic disease, although such research is limited for type 2 diabetes and its risk factors at the different stages of life. The main aim of the present study is to examine the role of childhood social position and later inflammatory markers and health behaviours in developing type 2 diabetes at older ages using a pathway analytic approach. Methods. Data on childhood and adult life circumstances of 2,994 men and 4,021 women from English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) were used to evaluate their association with diabetes at age 50 years and more. The cases of diabetes were based on having increased blood levels of glycated haemoglobin and/or self-reported medication for diabetes and/or being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Father's job when ELSA participants were aged 14 years was used as the measure of childhood social position. Current social characteristics, health behaviours and inflammatory biomarkers were used as potential mediators in the statistical analysis to assess direct and indirect effects of childhood circumstances on diabetes in later life. Results: 12.6 per cent of participants were classified as having diabetes. A disadvantaged social position in childhood, as measured by father's manual occupation, was associated at conventional levels of statistical significance with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes in adulthood, both directly and indirectly through inflammation, adulthood social position and a risk score constructed from adult health behaviours including tobacco smoking and limited physical activity. The direct effect of childhood social position was reduced by mediation analysis (standardised coefficient decreased from 0.089 to 0.043) but remained statistically significant (p = 0.035). All three indirect pathways made a statistically significantly contribution to the overall effect of childhood social position on adulthood type 2 diabetes. Conclusions: Childhood social position influences adult diabetes directly and indirectly through inflammatory markers, adulthood social position and adult health behaviours. © 2014Pikhartova et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.Economic and Social Research Council-funded International Centre for Life Course Studies in Society and Health (RES-596-28-0001)
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