156 research outputs found
Динамика трансформации каждодневных форм в культуре Постмодерна
У статті аналізується стан Постмодерну та його прояви у сучасній культурі. Деталізується людський чинник та ставлення до речей доби Постмодерну.In the article, consisting of Postmodern and his displays is analysed of modern culture. A human factor and attitude goes into detail toward the things of Postmodern.В статье анализируется состояние Постмодерна и его проявления в современной культуре. Детализируется человеческий фактор и отношение к вещам эпохи Постмодерна
Влияние масс-медиа на формирование горизонта жизненного мира человека
У статті обґрунтовується необхідність метаморфози структури повсякденності в постсучасних умовах. Детально розглянуто тенденції становлення постсучасних форм повсякденності.In the article the necessity of metamorphosis of structure of life is shown every day for postmodern terms. In detail the tendencies of becoming of postmodern forms of life are considered every day.В статье показана необходимость метаморфозы структуры каждодневности в постсовременных условиях. Детально рассмотрены тенденции становления постсовременных форм каждодневности
Macroeconomic indicators of economic development undoubtedly affect the development of the industry. For a quantitative analysis of the impact of external macroeconomic factors on the development of agriculture built regression equation. Independent variables chosen main macroeconomic indicators of economic development, dependent variables selected volume of industrial products.For the evaluation and forecasting system of financial security used econometric methods, due to the stochastic nature of the factors of the enterprise and its threats to financial security. Application of methods of correlation–regression analysis makes it possible to evaluate the impact of changing market conditions on the level of financial security, to analyze causal relationships between indicators of financial security, to assess the strength and direction of these relationships, consider several possible futures of the economic system.Research interdependence of external and internal factors of financial security company showed that on financial security of the enterprise impact indicators such as the consumer price index; index growth of public debt; index of growth the original value of fixed assets in Ukraine. Three–dimensional surface of the regression allows to analyze the causal relationships between the studied indicators, to assess the strength and direction of these relationships, consider possible options for the future of financial security. Исследована взаимосвязь внешних и внутренних факторов на финансовую безопасность предприятия. Доказано, что на финансовую безопасность предприятий влияют индекс потребительских цен; индекс роста государственного долга; индекс роста первоначальной стоимости основных средств Украины. Построена трехмерная поверхность регрессии, которая позволяет провести анализ причинно–следственных связей между исследуемыми факторами, оценить силу и направление этих взаимосвязей, рассмотреть возможные варианты будущего уровня финансовой безопасности.Досліджено взаємозалежніть зовнішніх та внутрішніх факторів фінансової безпеки підприємства. Доведено, що на фінансову безпеку підприємств впливають індекс споживчих цін; індекс росту державного боргу; індекс росту первісної вартості основних засобів України. Побудована тривимірна поверхня регресії дозволяє провести аналіз причинно–наслідкових зв’язків між досліджуваними індикаторами, оцінити силу та напрям цих взаємозв’язків, розглянути можливі варіанти майбутнього рівня фінансової безпеки
Substantiation of the need for elevator capacity to ensure the sustainable development of agriculture
The study analyzes the development of agriculture and crop production by determining the dynamics of the gross harvest of basic crops. The gross harvest of basic crops has been determined to increase by 41.87% in 2018 compared to 2014 and it makes the position of Ukraine, as a grain supplier leader of Black Sea Region and the “breadbasket of Europe”, stronger from year to year. As a practical approach of the research, we evaluated the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of creating an elevator in the south of the Kyiv region with a capacity of 40 thousand tons of one-time storage of cereals, initial investment – USD 12 million, internal rate of return – 11%, payback period – 8 years
Data-sharing as a quid pro quo of co-regulation in the EU
The paper focuses on the defining of the co-regulation of national and supranational legal regimes’ features of data-sharing in the digital platforms’ functioning on the example of the EU’s practice with a special attention to the disintegration process of Brexit. Data-sharing is one of the most appropriate spheres to demonstrate specific traits of digital platforms — the cross-border character of their operation. This demands quid pro quo interaction of the national and supranational regulatory regimes, filling the gap associated with the lack of international regulation and the inability to harmonize law. We begin with the theoretical characterization of information and personal data, the right to privacy, and classifications of interventions in private life. The EU has been chosen as an example, acting as a flagship of interaction of national and supranational legal orders in relation to the co-regulation of cross-border data-sharing in digital platforms. Interaction of the EU on the principle of quid pro quo, based on the practice of making decisions on adequacy, is considered in the context of Brexit and the relevant law-making practice of the UK. The discussion is complemented by examples of similar EU relations with South Korea and the United States. Based on the analysis, the authors conclude that the EU supranational legal order has a high degree of influence on the national legislation of third countries, which contributes to the constant development of regulation in the sphere and the strengthening of international integration
Polarization sensitive spectroscopy of charged Quantum Dots
We present an experimental and theoretical study of the polarized
photoluminescence spectrum of single semiconductor quantum dots in various
charge states. We compare our high resolution polarization sensitive spectral
measurements with a new many-carrier theoretical model, which was developed for
this purpose. The model considers both the isotropic and anisotropic exchange
interactions between all participating electron-hole pairs. With this addition,
we calculate both the energies and polarizations of all optical transitions
between collective, quantum dot confined charge carrier states. We succeed in
identifying most of the measured spectral lines. In particular, the lines
resulting from singly-, doubly- and triply- negatively charged excitons and
biexcitons. We demonstrate that lines emanating from evenly charged states are
linearly polarized. Their polarization direction does not necessarily coincide
with the traditional crystallographic direction. It depends on the shells of
the single carriers, which participate in the recombination process.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures. Revised versio
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