1,071 research outputs found

    Counting Realizations of Laman Graphs on the Sphere

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    We present an algorithm that computes the number of realizations of a Laman graph on a sphere for a general choice of the angles between the vertices. The algorithm is based on the interpretation of such a realization as a point in the moduli space of stable curves of genus zero with marked points, and on the explicit description, due to Keel, of the Chow ring of this space

    Real rank boundaries and loci of forms

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    In this article we study forbidden loci and typical ranks of forms with respect to the embeddings of P1×P1\mathbb P^1\times \mathbb P^1 given by the line bundles (2,2d)(2,2d). We introduce the Ranestad-Schreyer locus corresponding to supports of non-reduced apolar schemes. We show that, in those cases, this is contained in the forbidden locus. Furthermore, for these embeddings, we give a component of the real rank boundary, the hypersurface dividing the minimal typical rank from higher ones. These results generalize to a class of embeddings of Pn×P1\mathbb P^n\times \mathbb P^1. Finally, in connection with real rank boundaries, we give a new interpretation of the 2×n×n2\times n \times n hyperdeterminant.Comment: 17 p

    Relating L-Resilience and Wait-Freedom via Hitting Sets

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    The condition of t-resilience stipulates that an n-process program is only obliged to make progress when at least n-t processes are correct. Put another way, the live sets, the collection of process sets such that progress is required if all the processes in one of these sets are correct, are all sets with at least n-t processes. We show that the ability of arbitrary collection of live sets L to solve distributed tasks is tightly related to the minimum hitting set of L, a minimum cardinality subset of processes that has a non-empty intersection with every live set. Thus, finding the computing power of L is NP-complete. For the special case of colorless tasks that allow participating processes to adopt input or output values of each other, we use a simple simulation to show that a task can be solved L-resiliently if and only if it can be solved (h-1)-resiliently, where h is the size of the minimum hitting set of L. For general tasks, we characterize L-resilient solvability of tasks with respect to a limited notion of weak solvability: in every execution where all processes in some set in L are correct, outputs must be produced for every process in some (possibly different) participating set in L. Given a task T, we construct another task T_L such that T is solvable weakly L-resiliently if and only if T_L is solvable weakly wait-free

    Study of the Impact of Graphite Orientation and Ion Transport on EDLC Performance

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    The article of record as published may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ ma15010155A model study of electric double layer capacitor (EDLC)-style capacitors in which the electrodes were composed of low surface area-oriented flakes of graphite that compressed to form a paper-like morphology has suggested that ion transport rates significantly impact EDLC energy and power density. Twelve capacitors were constructed, each using the same model electrode material and the same aqueous NaCl electrolyte, but differing in relative electrode orientation, degree of electrode compression, and presence/absence of an ionic transport salt bridge. All were tested with a galvanostat over a range of discharge currents. Significant differences in energy and power density and estimated series resistance were found as a function of all the factors listed, indicating that capacitor performance is not simply a function of the electrode surface area. This simple postulation was advanced and tested against data: net ion (Na+, Cl?) ‘velocity’ during both charge and discharge significantly impacts capacitive performance

    Combinatorics of Bricard's octahedra

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    We re-prove the classification of motions of an octahedron — obtained by Bricard at the beginning of the XX century — by means of combinatorial objects satisfying some elementary rules. The explanations of these rules rely on the use of a well-known creation of modern algebraic geometry, the moduli space of stable rational curves with marked points, for the description of configurations of graphs on the sphere. Once one accepts the objects and the rules, the classification becomes elementary (though not trivial) and can be enjoyed without the need of a very deep background on the topic

    A Superstabilizing log⁥(n)\log(n)-Approximation Algorithm for Dynamic Steiner Trees

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    In this paper we design and prove correct a fully dynamic distributed algorithm for maintaining an approximate Steiner tree that connects via a minimum-weight spanning tree a subset of nodes of a network (referred as Steiner members or Steiner group) . Steiner trees are good candidates to efficiently implement communication primitives such as publish/subscribe or multicast, essential building blocks for the new emergent networks (e.g. P2P, sensor or adhoc networks). The cost of the solution returned by our algorithm is at most log⁥∣S∣\log |S| times the cost of an optimal solution, where SS is the group of members. Our algorithm improves over existing solutions in several ways. First, it tolerates the dynamism of both the group members and the network. Next, our algorithm is self-stabilizing, that is, it copes with nodes memory corruption. Last but not least, our algorithm is \emph{superstabilizing}. That is, while converging to a correct configuration (i.e., a Steiner tree) after a modification of the network, it keeps offering the Steiner tree service during the stabilization time to all members that have not been affected by this modification

    Strong Equivalence Relations for Iterated Models

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    The Iterated Immediate Snapshot model (IIS), due to its elegant geometrical representation, has become standard for applying topological reasoning to distributed computing. Its modular structure makes it easier to analyze than the more realistic (non-iterated) read-write Atomic-Snapshot memory model (AS). It is known that AS and IIS are equivalent with respect to \emph{wait-free task} computability: a distributed task is solvable in AS if and only if it solvable in IIS. We observe, however, that this equivalence is not sufficient in order to explore solvability of tasks in \emph{sub-models} of AS (i.e. proper subsets of its runs) or computability of \emph{long-lived} objects, and a stronger equivalence relation is needed. In this paper, we consider \emph{adversarial} sub-models of AS and IIS specified by the sets of processes that can be \emph{correct} in a model run. We show that AS and IIS are equivalent in a strong way: a (possibly long-lived) object is implementable in AS under a given adversary if and only if it is implementable in IIS under the same adversary. %This holds whether the object is one-shot or long-lived. Therefore, the computability of any object in shared memory under an adversarial AS scheduler can be equivalently investigated in IIS

    Anonymous Asynchronous Systems: The Case of Failure Detectors

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    Due the multiplicity of loci of control, a main issue distributed systems have to cope with lies in the uncertainty on the system state created by the adversaries that are asynchrony, failures, dynamicity, mobility, etc. Considering message-passing systems, this paper considers the uncertainty created by the net effect of three of these adversaries, namely, asynchrony, failures, and anonymity. This means that, in addition to be asynchronous and crash-prone, the processes have no identity. Trivially, agreement problems (e.g., consensus) that cannot be solved in presence of asynchrony and failures cannot be solved either when adding anonymity. The paper consequently proposes anonymous failure detectors to circumvent these impossibilities. It has several contributions. First it presents three classes of failure detectors (denoted AP, A∩ and A∑) and show that they are the anonymous counterparts of the classes of perfect failure detectors, eventual leader failure detectors and quorum failure detectors, respectively. The class A∑ is new and showing it is the anonymous counterpart of the class ∑ is not trivial. Then, the paper presents and proves correct a genuinely anonymous consensus algorithm based on the pair of anonymous failure detector classes (A∩, A∑) (“genuinely” means that, not only processes have no identity, but no process is aware of the total number of processes). This new algorithm is not a “straightforward extension” of an algorithm designed for non-anonymous systems. To benefit from A∑, it uses a novel message exchange pattern where each phase of every round is made up of sub-rounds in which appropriate control information is exchanged. Finally, the paper discusses the notions of failure detector class hierarchy and weakest failure detector class for a given problem in the context of anonymous systems

    Charge distribution in two-dimensional electrostatics

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    We examine the stability of ringlike configurations of N charges on a plane interacting through the potential V(z1,...,zN)=∑i∣zi∣2−∑i<jln∣zi−zj∣2V(z_1,...,z_N)=\sum_i |z_i|^2-\sum_{i<j} ln|z_i-z_j|^2. We interpret the equilibrium distributions in terms of a shell model and compare predictions of the model with the results of numerical simulations for systems with up to 100 particles.Comment: LaTe
