220 research outputs found

    Comparación de la cinética de la infección de ovas de trucha arcoíris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) con dos cepas de Piscirickettsia salmonis detectada mediante dot-blot#

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    En un estudio previo, se comprobó mediante microscopía de barrido, que la cepa LF-89 se adhiere a la pared de la ovamediante prolongaciones de su membrana externa, estructuras que han sido denominadas "Complejo de AdhesiónPiscirickettsial" o CAP, lo que facilitaría la posterior penetración de la bacteria al interior de la ova. Sin embargo,existen otras cepas aisladas, como la SLGO-95, que es más virulenta y resistente a antibióticos que la LF-89 y que no seha estudiado la posibilidad de unión a ovas. Por lo anterior, en el presente trabajo se comparó la cinética de infección deovas de trucha arcoíris, entre ambas cepas, utilizando como metodología la técnica de dot-blot. El método de "dot-blot"se realizó mediante la retención de proteínas en una membrana de polivinildifluoruro (PVDF), incubación conanticuerpos oligoclonales anti-P. salmonis y posteriormente con un segundo anticuerpo anti inmunoglobulina G deratón conjugado con peroxidasa. La reacción antígeno-anticuerpo se evidenció mediante un sustratoquimioluminiscente, utilizando una película autorradiográfica. La evaluación de la reacción se realizó mediantedensitometría utilizando un "software" computacional. Para estandarizar el método se realizaron diluciones seriadas dela suspensión de P. salmonis, desde 0,02 a 56 μg de proteína total. Para aumentar la sensibilidad se centrifugaron lasmuestras a 11.000 x g por 60 min. Además, se probaron diferentes concentraciones de anticuerpo primario, 1:1000,1:5000 y 1:10.000 y muestras de ovas y bacteria fueron sometidas a desnaturalización por ebullición. Se utilizaron ovasde reproductores libres de infecciones virales, Renibacterium salmoninarum y P. salmonis. Las ovas fueron incubadas(en duplicado) con 500 μL de una suspensión de P. salmonis, ya sea con la cepa LF-89 o SLGO-95 por 1,3, 10 y 60min. Luego, cada ova fue congelada a -70°C hasta ser procesada para la técnica de "dot blot". La muestra nocentrifugada de P. salmonis fue detectada como positiva sólo hasta 0,4 μg de proteína total. Cuando fue centrifugada a11.000 g por 1 h, la bacteria fue detectada hasta la última dilución estudiada (0,02 μg). Por otra parte, no hubo grandesdiferencias en la positividad obtenida mediante las tres diluciones de anticuerpos primarios. De acuerdo, al"background" obtenido y nitidez, se consideró como una mejor dilución de trabajo 1:5000. Cuando se realizó la cinéticade infección con la cepa LF-89, los resultados indicaron la aparición de señal positiva desde 1 min de exposición de lasovas a la bacteria. La reacción positiva se mantuvo hasta los 60 min. Con respecto a la cepa SLGO-95, los resultadosfueron similares, sin embargo, la cepa SLGO-95 demostró un mayor número de píxeles, lo que indica que esta cepa seune a la ova en mayor cantidad. Los resultados apoyan los estudios anteriores que indican que P. salmonis es capaz deinfectar verticalmente las ovas y que esta podría ser una de las formas de transmisión del agente en condiciones decultivo. Además, se comprueba que el grado de infección depende del tipo de cepa actuante.  

    The impact of swim training loads on shoulder musculoskeletal physical qualities

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    Competitive swimmers are exposed to high amounts of training loads. With a prevalence reported as high as 91%, shoulder pain is the main cause for missed or modified training in swimmers. The aetiology of injuries in sports is multifactorial including the interaction between multiple risk factors. Within these factors, training loads are considered the major cause of injuries in athletes. Although there is consensus that shoulder pain in swimmers is mainly caused by excessive training loads, there is a lack of research in this area. This might reflect the inefficacy of injury prevention programs and that the prevalence of shoulder pain remains high.Therefore, this thesis aimed to determine the effects of swim training loads on shoulder physical qualities associated with shoulder pain in swimmers. The results showed that the intensity of a swim-training session is an important factor leading to decreases in shoulder external rotation (ER) range of motion (ROM) and shoulder rotation isometric peak torque. Interestingly, we also found that these changes were more pronounced in swimmers of a lower level of competition. Furthermore, the accumulation of training loads over a week negatively impacted shoulder ER ROM and wellness factors (fatigue, sleep quality, and muscular soreness). These results provide information about the complex interaction between training loads and risk factors for shoulder pain in swimmers.Clinically, this study might help coaches and practitioners working with swimmers to know which factors and when they need to be monitored. Monitoring can help to understand swimmers’ response to training to adequately prescribe and manage training loads, minimising the risk of injury and maximising performance. Finally, interventions addressing these factors might also help to reduce the risk of injury

    Image Co-localization by Mimicking a Good Detector's Confidence Score Distribution

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    Given a set of images containing objects from the same category, the task of image co-localization is to identify and localize each instance. This paper shows that this problem can be solved by a simple but intriguing idea, that is, a common object detector can be learnt by making its detection confidence scores distributed like those of a strongly supervised detector. More specifically, we observe that given a set of object proposals extracted from an image that contains the object of interest, an accurate strongly supervised object detector should give high scores to only a small minority of proposals, and low scores to most of them. Thus, we devise an entropy-based objective function to enforce the above property when learning the common object detector. Once the detector is learnt, we resort to a segmentation approach to refine the localization. We show that despite its simplicity, our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods.Comment: Accepted to Proc. European Conf. Computer Vision 201

    Parasitación Pulmonar por Pseudallescheria Boydii

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    Se comunica tres casos de parasitación pulmonar por Pseudallescheria boyii en su fase anamorfa (Sc. apiospermum) en pacientes con daño estructural previo, dos de ellos por tuberculosis.En dos pacientes se aisló el hongo en expectoración; el suero de uno de ellos presentó varias bandas de precipitación en la DDA, CIE e IEF con el antígeno metabólico preparado con su propia cepa. Los sueros de los otros pacientes no reaccionaron.En el tercer paciente se observó el hongo al examen directo del trozo de pulmón obtenido en la lobectomía.Los tres pacientes presentaron hemoptisis a repetición, la que provocó la muerte en el primer caso y lobectomía de urgencia en el tercero.Se destaca el hecho que son los primeros casos de micosis pulmonar por Ps. boydii comunicados en nuestro país

    Comparison of carbon and water fluxes and the drivers of ecosystem water use efficiency in a temperate rainforest and a peatland in southern South America

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    The variability and drivers of carbon and water fluxes and their relationship to ecosystem water use efficiency (WUE) in natural ecosystems of southern South America are still poorly understood. For 8 years (2015–2022), we measured carbon dioxide net ecosystem exchange (NEE) and evapotranspiration (ET) using eddy covariance towers in a temperate rainforest and a peatland in southern Chile. NEE was partitioned into gross primary productivity (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco), while ET was partitioned into evaporation (E) and transpiration (T) and used to estimate different expressions of ecosystem WUE. We then used the correlation between detrended time series and structural equation modelling to identify the main environmental drivers of WUE, GPP, ET, E and T. The results showed that the forest was a consistent carbon sink (−486 ± 23 g C m−2 yr−1), while the peatland was, on average, a small source (33 ± 21 g C m−2 yr−1). WUE is low in both ecosystems and likely explained by the high annual precipitation in this region (∼ 2100 mm). Only expressions of WUE that included atmospheric water demand showed seasonal variation. Variations in WUE were related more to changes in ET than to changes in GPP, while T remained relatively stable, accounting for around 47 % of ET for most of the study period. For both ecosystems, E increased with higher global radiation and higher surface conductance and when the water table was closer to the surface. Higher values for E were also found with increased wind speeds in the forest and higher air temperatures in the peatland. The absence of a close relationship between ET and GPP is likely related to the dominance of plant species that either do not have stomata (i.e. mosses in the peatland or epiphytes in the forest) or have poor stomatal control (i.e. anisohydric tree species in the forest). The observed increase in potential ET in the last 2 decades and the projected drought in this region suggests that WUE could increase in these ecosystems, particularly in the forest, where stomatal control may be more significant.</p

    Microplastics and Their Effect in Horticultural Crops: Food Safety and Plant Stress

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    The presence of micro and nanoplastics in the food chain constitutes an emergent multifactorial food safety and physiological stress problem, which must be approached with a strategic perspective since it affects public health when consuming products that have this pollutant, such as fish and crustaceans, fruits, and vegetables. In this review, the authors present the results by scientists from different disciplines who are dedicated to discovering their chemical constitution and origin, the contents of these microparticles in edible plants, the contamination of water-irrigated soils, the mechanisms that concentrate microplastics in these soils, methods to determine them, contamination of freshwater sources of cities, and the negative effect of nano and microplastics on various food products and their detrimental impact on the environment. Recent findings of plant uptake mechanisms complement this, but more research is needed

    Cycles of Police Reform in Latin America.

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    yesOver the last quarter century post-conflict and post-authoritarian transitions in Latin America have been accompanied by a surge in social violence, acquisitive crime, and insecurity. These phenomena have been driven by an expanding international narcotics trade, by the long-term effects of civil war and counter-insurgency (resulting in, inter alia, an increased availability of small arms and a pervasive grammar of violence), and by structural stresses on society (unemployment, hyper-inflation, widening income inequality). Local police forces proved to be generally ineffective in preventing, resolving, or detecting such crime and forms of “new violence”3 due to corruption, frequent complicity in criminal networks, poor training and low pay, and the routine use of excessive force without due sanction. Why, then, have governments been slow to prioritize police reform and why have reform efforts borne largely “limited or nonexistent” long-term results? This chapter highlights a number of lessons suggested by various efforts to reform the police in Latin America over the period 1995-2010 . It focuses on two clusters of countries in Latin America. One is Brazil and the Southern Cone countries (Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay), which made the transition to democracy from prolonged military authoritarian rule in the mid- to late 1980s. The other is Central America and the Andean region (principally El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru, and Colombia), which emerged/have been emerging from armed conflict since the mid- 1990s. The chapter examines first the long history of international involvement in police and security sector reform in order to identify long-run tropes and path dependencies. It then focuses on a number of recurring themes: cycles of de- and re-militarization of the policing function; the “security gap” and “democratization dilemmas” involved in structural reforms; the opportunities offered by decentralization for more community-oriented police; and police capacity to resist reform and undermine accountability mechanisms

    Patch-level spatial layout for classification and weakly supervised localization

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    International audienceWe propose a discriminative patch-level spatial layout model suitable for training with weak supervision. We start from a block-sparse model of patch appearance based on the normalized Fisher vector representation. The appearance model is responsible for i) selecting a discriminative subset of visual words, and ii) identifying distinctive patches assigned to the selected subset. These patches are further filtered by a sparse spatial model operating on a novel representation of pairwise patch layout. We have evaluated the proposed pipeline in image classification and weakly supervised localization experiments on a public traffic sign dataset. The results show significant advantage of the proposed spatial model over state of the art appearance models