43,505 research outputs found

    Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the production of fermented beverages

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    Alcoholic beverages are produced following the fermentation of sugars by yeasts, mainly (but not exclusively) strains of the species, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The sugary starting materials may emanate from cereal starches (which require enzymatic pre‐hydrolysis) in the case of beers and whiskies, sucrose‐rich plants (molasses or sugar juice from sugarcane) in the case of rums, or from fruits (which do not require pre‐hydrolysis) in the case of wines and brandies. In the presence of sugars, together with other essential nutrients such as amino acids, minerals and vitamins, S. cerevisiae will conduct fermentative metabolism to ethanol and carbon dioxide (as the primary fermentation metabolites) as the cells strive to make energy and regenerate the coenzyme NAD+ under anaerobic conditions. Yeasts will also produce numerous secondary metabolites which act as important beverage flavour congeners, including higher alcohols, esters, carbonyls and sulphur compounds. These are very important in dictating the final flavour and aroma characteristics of beverages such as beer and wine, but also in distilled beverages such as whisky, rum and brandy. Therefore, yeasts are of vital importance in providing the alcohol content and the sensory profiles of beverages. This Introductory Chapter reviews, in general, the growth, physiology and metabolism of S. cerevisiae in alcoholic beverage fermentations

    Bootstrap Approximations in Contractor Renormalization

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    We propose a bootstrap method for approximating the long-range terms in the Contractor Renormalization (CORE) method. The idea is tested on the 2-D Heisenberg antiferromagnet and the frustrated J_2-J_1 model. We obtain renormalization group flows that directly reveal the Neel phase of the unfrustrated HAF and the existence of a phase transition in the J_2-J_1 model for weak frustration. However, we find that this bootstrap method is dependent on blocking and truncation schemes. For this reason, we discuss these dependencies and unresolved issues that researchers who use this approach must consider.Comment: Some clarifications added for Phys Rev submissio

    The XMM-Newton spectral-fit database

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    The XMM-Newton spectral-fit database is an ongoing ESA funded project aimed to construct a catalogue of spectral-fitting results for all the sources within the XMM-Newton serendipitous source catalogue for which spectral data products have been pipeline-extracted (~ 120,000 X-ray source detections). The fundamental goal of this project is to provide the astronomical community with a tool to construct large and representative samples of X-ray sources by allowing source selection according to spectral properties.Comment: Conference proceedings of IAU Symposium 304: Multiwavelength AGN surveys and studie

    The population of propellers in Saturn's A Ring

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    We present an extensive data set of ~150 localized features from Cassini images of Saturn's Ring A, a third of which are demonstrated to be persistent by their appearance in multiple images, and half of which are resolved well enough to reveal a characteristic "propeller" shape. We interpret these features as the signatures of small moonlets embedded within the ring, with diameters between 40 and 500 meters. The lack of significant brightening at high phase angle indicates that they are likely composed primarily of macroscopic particles, rather than dust. With the exception of two features found exterior to the Encke Gap, these objects are concentrated entirely within three narrow (~1000 km) bands in the mid-A Ring that happen to be free from local disturbances from strong density waves. However, other nearby regions are similarly free of major disturbances but contain no propellers. It is unclear whether these bands are due to specific events in which a parent body or bodies broke up into the current moonlets, or whether a larger initial moonlet population has been sculpted into bands by other ring processes.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures; Accepted at A

    SCATS: SRB Cost Accounting and Tracking System handbook

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    The Solid Rocket Booster Cost Accounting and Tracking System (SCATS) which is an automatic data processing system designed to keep a running account of the number, description, and estimated cost of Level 2, 3, and 4 changes is described. Although designed specifically for the Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster Program, the ADP system can be used for any other program that has a similar structure for recording, reporting, and summing numbers and costs of changes. The program stores the alpha-numeric designators for changes, government estimated costs, proposed costs, and negotiated value in a MIRADS (Marshall Information Retrieval and Display System) format which permits rapid access, manipulation, and reporting of current change status. Output reports listing all changes, totals of each level, and totals of all levels, can be derived for any calendar interval period

    New tests of the pp-wave correspondence.

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    The pp-wave/SYM correspondence is an equivalence relation, H string = Δ-J , between the hamiltonian H string of string field theory in the pp-wave background and the dilatation operator Δ in = 4 Super Yang-Mills in the double scaling limit. We calculate matrix elements of these operators in string field theory and in gauge theory. In the string theory Hilbert space we use the natural string basis, and in the gauge theory we use the basis which is isomorphic to it. States in this basis are specific linear combinations of the original BMN operators, and were constructed previously for the case of two scalar impurities. We extend this construction to incorporate BMN operators with vector and mixed impurities. This enables us to verify from the gauge theory perspective two key properties of the three-string interaction vertex of Spradlin and Volovich: (1) the vanishing of the three-string amplitude for string states with one vector and one scalar impurity; and (2) the relative minus sign in the string amplitude involving states with two vector impurities compared to that with two scalar impurities. This implies a spontaneous breaking of the 2 symmetry of the string field theory in the pp-wave background. Furthermore, we calculate the gauge theory matrix elements of Δ-J for states with an arbitrary number of scalar impurities. In all cases we find perfect agreement with the corresponding string amplitudes derived from the three-string vertex

    Hiding the complexity: building a distributed ATLAS Tier-2 with a single resource interface using ARC middleware

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    Since their inception, Grids for high energy physics have found management of data to be the most challenging aspect of operations. This problem has generally been tackled by the experiment's data management framework controlling in fine detail the distribution of data around the grid and the careful brokering of jobs to sites with co-located data. This approach, however, presents experiments with a difficult and complex system to manage as well as introducing a rigidity into the framework which is very far from the original conception of the grid.<p></p> In this paper we describe how the ScotGrid distributed Tier-2, which has sites in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Durham, was presented to ATLAS as a single, unified resource using the ARC middleware stack. In this model the ScotGrid 'data store' is hosted at Glasgow and presented as a single ATLAS storage resource. As jobs are taken from the ATLAS PanDA framework, they are dispatched to the computing cluster with the fastest response time. An ARC compute element at each site then asynchronously stages the data from the data store into a local cache hosted at each site. The job is then launched in the batch system and accesses data locally.<p></p> We discuss the merits of this system compared to other operational models and consider, from the point of view of the resource providers (sites), and from the resource consumers (experiments); and consider issues involved in transitions to this model