12,592 research outputs found

    Technology transfer and cultural exchange: Western scientists and engineers encounter late Tokugawa and Meiji Japan

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    [FIRST PARAGRAPH] During the last decade of the nineteenth century, the Engineer was only one of many British and American publications that took an avid interest in the rapid rise of Japan to the status of a fully industrialized imperial power on a par with major European nations. In December 1897 this journal published a photographic montage of "Pioneers of Modem Engineering Education in Japan" (Figure I), showing a selection of the Japanese and Western teachers who had worked to bring about this singular transformation.' The predominance of Japanese figures in this representation is highly significant: it is an acknowledgment by British observers that the industrialization of Japan-the "Britain of the East"-was not a feat accomplished solely by Western experts who transferred their science and technology to passive Japanese recipients. Yet in focusing primarily on native teachers active in Japan after 1880, this image excludes several of the very foreigners who had trained this indigenous workforce in the preceding decade. Rather than attempting to assess the careers of each of the many international experts involved in Western encounters with Japan before and after the Meiji restoration in 1868, we will focus on disaggregating the highly individualized responses of just some of the Englishspeaking characters. In documenting their diverse encounters with Japanese people and technologies, we will look at the complex phenomena of cultural exchange in which they participated, not always without chauvinism or resistance

    Autonomous spacecraft maintenance study group

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    A plan to incorporate autonomous spacecraft maintenance (ASM) capabilities into Air Force spacecraft by 1989 is outlined. It includes the successful operation of the spacecraft without ground operator intervention for extended periods of time. Mechanisms, along with a fault tolerant data processing system (including a nonvolatile backup memory) and an autonomous navigation capability, are needed to replace the routine servicing that is presently performed by the ground system. The state of the art fault handling capabilities of various spacecraft and computers are described, and a set conceptual design requirements needed to achieve ASM is established. Implementations for near term technology development needed for an ASM proof of concept demonstration by 1985, and a research agenda addressing long range academic research for an advanced ASM system for 1990s are established

    Reciprocal relativity of noninertial frames and the quaplectic group

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    Newtonian mechanics has the concept of an absolute inertial rest frame. Special relativity eliminates the absolute rest frame but continues to require the absolute inertial frame. General relativity solves this for gravity by requiring particles to have locally inertial frames on a curved position-time manifold. The problem of the absolute inertial frame for other forces remains. We look again at the transformations of frames on an extended phase space with position, time, energy and momentum degrees of freedom. Under nonrelativistic assumptions, there is an invariant symplectic metric and a line element dt^2. Under special relativistic assumptions the symplectic metric continues to be invariant but the line elements are now -dt^2+dq^2/c^2 and dp^2-de^2/c^2. Max Born conjectured that the line element should be generalized to the pseudo- orthogonal metric -dt^2+dq^2/c^2+ (1/b^2)(dp^2-de^2/c^2). The group leaving these two metrics invariant is the pseudo-unitary group of transformations between noninertial frames. We show that these transformations eliminate the need for an absolute inertial frame by making forces relative and bounded by b and so embodies a relativity that is 'reciprocal' in the sense of Born. The inhomogeneous version of this group is naturally the semidirect product of the pseudo-unitary group with the nonabelian Heisenberg group. This is the quaplectic group. The Heisenberg group itself is the semidirect product of two translation groups. This provides the noncommutative properties of position and momentum and also time and energy that are required for the quantum mechanics that results from considering the unitary representations of the quaplectic group.Comment: Substantial revision, Publicon LaTe

    Wolf-Rayet and LBV Nebulae as the Result of Variable and Non-Spherical Stellar Winds

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    The physical basis for interpreting observations of nebular morphology around massive stars in terms of the evolution of the central stars is reviewed, and examples are discussed, including NGC 6888, OMC-1, and eta Carinae.Comment: To be published in the Proceedings of IAU Colloquium 169 on Variable and Non-Spherical Stellar Winds in Luminous Hot Stars, ed. B. Wolf (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg). 7 pages, including 5 figures. A full-resolution version of fig 4 is available in the version at http://www.mpia-hd.mpg.de/theory/preprints.html#maclo

    Representations of the Canonical group, (the semi-direct product of the Unitary and Weyl-Heisenberg groups), acting as a dynamical group on noncommuting extended phase space

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    The unitary irreducible representations of the covering group of the Poincare group P define the framework for much of particle physics on the physical Minkowski space P/L, where L is the Lorentz group. While extraordinarily successful, it does not provide a large enough group of symmetries to encompass observed particles with a SU(3) classification. Born proposed the reciprocity principle that states physics must be invariant under the reciprocity transform that is heuristically {t,e,q,p}->{t,e,p,-q} where {t,e,q,p} are the time, energy, position, and momentum degrees of freedom. This implies that there is reciprocally conjugate relativity principle such that the rates of change of momentum must be bounded by b, where b is a universal constant. The appropriate group of dynamical symmetries that embodies this is the Canonical group C(1,3) = U(1,3) *s H(1,3) and in this theory the non-commuting space Q= C(1,3)/ SU(1,3) is the physical quantum space endowed with a metric that is the second Casimir invariant of the Canonical group, T^2 + E^2 - Q^2/c^2-P^2/b^2 +(2h I/bc)(Y/bc -2) where {T,E,Q,P,I,Y} are the generators of the algebra of Os(1,3). The idea is to study the representations of the Canonical dynamical group using Mackey's theory to determine whether the representations can encompass the spectrum of particle states. The unitary irreducible representations of the Canonical group contain a direct product term that is a representation of U(1,3) that Kalman has studied as a dynamical group for hadrons. The U(1,3) representations contain discrete series that may be decomposed into infinite ladders where the rungs are representations of U(3) (finite dimensional) or C(2) (with degenerate U(1)* SU(2) finite dimensional representations) corresponding to the rest or null frames.Comment: 25 pages; V2.3, PDF (Mathematica 4.1 source removed due to technical problems); Submitted to J.Phys.

    Balian-Low Theorems in Several Variables

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    Recently, Nitzan and Olsen showed that Balian-Low theorems (BLTs) hold for discrete Gabor systems defined on Zd\mathbb{Z}_d. Here we extend these results to a multivariable setting. Additionally, we show a variety of applications of the Quantitative BLT, proving in particular nonsymmetric BLTs in both the discrete and continuous setting for functions with more than one argument. Finally, in direct analogy of the continuous setting, we show the Quantitative Finite BLT implies the Finite BLT.Comment: To appear in Approximation Theory 16 conference proceedings volum

    World-line Quantisation of a Reciprocally Invariant System

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    We present the world-line quantisation of a system invariant under the symmetries of reciprocal relativity (pseudo-unitary transformations on ``phase space coordinates" (xμ(τ),pμ(τ))(x^\mu(\tau),p^\mu(\tau)) which preserve the Minkowski metric and the symplectic form, and global shifts in these coordinates, together with coordinate dependent transformations of an additional compact phase coordinate, θ(τ)\theta(\tau)). The action is that of free motion over the corresponding Weyl-Heisenberg group. Imposition of the first class constraint, the generator of local time reparametrisations, on physical states enforces identification of the world-line cosmological constant with a fixed value of the quadratic Casimir of the quaplectic symmetry group Q(D1,1)U(D1,1)H(D)Q(D-1,1)\cong U(D-1,1)\ltimes H(D), the semi-direct product of the pseudo-unitary group with the Weyl-Heisenberg group (the central extension of the global translation group, with central extension associated to the phase variable θ(τ)\theta(\tau)). The spacetime spectrum of physical states is identified. Even though for an appropriate range of values the restriction enforced by the cosmological constant projects out negative norm states from the physical spectrum, leaving over spin zero states only, the mass-squared spectrum is continuous over the entire real line and thus includes a tachyonic branch as well

    Metal Cooling in Simulations of Cosmic Structure Formation

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    The addition of metals to any gas can significantly alter its evolution by increasing the rate of radiative cooling. In star-forming environments, enhanced cooling can potentially lead to fragmentation and the formation of low-mass stars, where metal-free gas-clouds have been shown not to fragment. Adding metal cooling to numerical simulations has traditionally required a choice between speed and accuracy. We introduce a method that uses the sophisticated chemical network of the photoionization software, Cloudy, to include radiative cooling from a complete set of metals up to atomic number 30 (Zn) that can be used with large-scale three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations. Our method is valid over an extremely large temperature range (10 K < T < 10^8 K), up to hydrogen number densities of 10^12 cm^-3. At this density, a sphere of 1 Msun has a radius of roughly 40 AU. We implement our method in the adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) hydrodynamic/N-body code, Enzo. Using cooling rates generated with this method, we study the physical conditions that led to the transition from Population III to Population II star formation. While C, O, Fe, and Si have been previously shown to make the strongest contribution to the cooling in low-metallicity gas, we find that up to 40% of the metal cooling comes from fine-structure emission by S, when solar abundance patterns are present. At metallicities, Z > 10^-4 Zsun, regions of density and temperature exist where gas is both thermally unstable and has a cooling time less than its dynamical time. We identify these doubly unstable regions as the most inducive to fragmentation. At high redshifts, the CMB inhibits efficient cooling at low temperatures and, thus, reduces the size of the doubly unstable regions, making fragmentation more difficult.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, significant revision, including new figure

    Sintering of titanium with yttrium oxide additions for the scavenging of chlorine impurities

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    Chloride impurities in titanium powders are extremely difficult to remove and present a long-standing problem in titanium powder metallurgy. We show that the detrimental effects of chlorides on the sintering of titanium can be mitigated with trace additions of yttrium oxide, which has a high affinity for the normally volatile species and forms highly stable oxychloride reaction products. Compacts that would otherwise exhibit gross swelling and excessive porosity due to chloride impurities can be now sintered to near full density by liquid phase sintering. The potency of yttrium oxide additions is observable at levels as low as 500 ppm. The scavenging of chlorine by YO appears to be independent of alloy composition and sintering regime. It is effective when used with high-chloride powders such as Kroll sponge fines but ineffective when used with powders containing NaCl impurities or during solid-state sintering. The identification of highly potent chlorine scavengers may enable the future development of chloride-tolerant powder metallurgy (PM) alloys aimed at utilizing low-cost, high-chloride powder feedstocks