14 research outputs found

    Color display for multiwavelength astronomical images

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    This paper proposes a new approach for the color display of multispectral/hyperspectral images. The color representation of such data becomes problematic when the number of bands is higher than three, i.e. the basic RGB (Red, Green, Blue) representation is not straightforward. Here we employ a technique that uses a segmentation map, like an a priori information, and then compute a Factorial Discriminant Analysis (Fischer analysis) in order to allow, at best, a distribution of the information in the color space HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value). The information collected from the segmentation map (where each pixel is associated with class) has been shown to be advantages in the representation of the images through the results obtained on increasing size image collections in the framework of astronomical images. This method can easily be applied to other domains such as polarimetric or remote sensing imagery.Cet article propose une nouvelle méthode de représentation et de visualisation en couleur d'images multispectrales ou hyperspectrales. Le problème de la visualisation de telles données est en effet problématique dès que le nombre de bandes spectrales est supérieur à trois, i.e., la représentation triviale RVB (Rouge, Vert, Bleu) n'est plus directe. Le principe consiste ici à utiliser une carte de segmentation préalablement obtenue, a priori, et à réaliser une analyse factorielle discriminante permettant de distribuer au mieux l'information dans l'espace des couleurs TSL (Teinte, Saturation, Luminance). L'information apportée par la carte de segmentation (chaque site est associé à une classe) peut se révéler judicieuse comme le montrent les résultats obtenus sur des lots d'images de tailles croissantes dans le cadre de l'imagerie astronomique. Cette méthode est générale et s'applique également à d'autres domaines manipulant des images multicomposantes ou multivariées comme en télédétection ou en imagerie polarimétrique

    Experimental study of electromagnetic disturbances in common and differential modes in a circuit based on two DC/DC boost static converter in parallel

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    Introduction. An electronic control and closing control at the switch (MOSFET) will allow a parallel connection of two DC/DC boost converters. The reason for paralleling converters is to increase the efficiency of the power conversion process. This means that the overall power loss on the main switches is half the power loss on the main switch of a converter. It has been proven that DC-DC converters operating in parallel have different dynamics than a single converter. In this paper, the study is based on a system of two boost converters operating in parallel under current mode control. Although two converters operating in parallel increase the efficiency of the system, if the control parameters are not chosen correctly, the system becomes unstable and starts to oscillate. Purpose of this work is to present the analysis of high frequency electromagnetic disturbances caused by the switching of power switches in DC/DC boost static converters mounted in parallel in the presence of cables. We will study the improvement of the electromagnetic compatibility performances which can be brought by the choice of a static converters for industrial use. Methods. For the study of the path of the currents in common mode and in differential mode, it was possible to evaluate experimentally the electromagnetic compatibility impact in common mode and in differential mode of two boost converters connected in parallel in an electric circuit in connection with the source through a printed circuit board of connection between the source and the load, while using the two basic methods, namely the prediction of the conducted electromagnetic interference, the temporal simulation and the frequency simulation. Results. All the obtained results are validated by experimental measurements carried out at the Djillali Liabes University Sidi-Bel-Abbes in Laboratory of Applications of Plasma, Electrostatics and Electromagnetic Compatibility (APELEC). The experimental results obtained in common mode and in differential mode at low, medium and high frequencies are compared between the parallel boost test with and without electromagnetic compatibility filter

    Probabilistic satellite image fusion

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    Remote sensing satellite images play an important role in many applications such as environment and agriculture lands monitoring. In such images the scene is usually observed with different modalities, e.g. wavelengths. Image Fusion is an important analysis tool that summarizes the available information in a unique composite image. This paper proposes a new transform domain image fusion (IF) algorithm based on a hierarchical vector hidden Markov model (HHMM) and the mixture of probabilistic principal component analysers. Results on real Landsat images, quantified subjectively and using objective measures, are very satisfactory. © 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg

    Wide area monitoring system operations in modern power grids: A median regression function-based state estimation approach towards cyber attacks

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    Modern power grid is a generation mix of conventional generation facilities and variable renewable energy resources (VRES). The complexity of such a power grid with generation mix has routed the utilization of infrastructures involving phasor measurement units (PMUs). This is to have access to real-time grid information. However, the traffic of digital information and communication is potentially vulnerable to data-injection and cyber attacks. To address this issue, a median regression function (MRF)-based state estimation is presented in this paper. The algorithm was stationed at each monitoring node using interacting multiple model (IMM)-based fusion architecture. An exogenous variable-driven representation of the state is considered for the system. A mapping function-based initial regression analysis is made to depict the margins of state estimate in the presence of data-injection. A median regression function is built on top of it while generating and evaluating the residuals. The tests were conducted on a revisited New England 39-Bus system with large scale photovoltaic (PV) power plant. The system was affected with multiple system disturbances and severe data-injection attacks. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed MRF method against the mainstream and regression methods. The proposed scheme can accurately estimate the states and evaluate the contaminated measurements while improving the situation awareness of wide area monitoring systems (WAMS) operations in modern power grids 2023 The Author(s)The publication of this article was funded by Qatar National Library .Scopu

    Parameter Estimation of Vehicle Batteries in V2G Systems: An Exogenous Function-Based Approach

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    The rapid introduction of electric vehicles (EVs) in the transportation market has initiated the concept of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology in smart grids. However, where V2G technology is intended to facilitate the power grid ancillary services, it could also have an adverse effect on the aging of battery packs in EVs. This is due to the instant depletion of power during the charge and discharge cycles, which could eventually impact the structural complexity and electrochemical operations in the battery pack. To address this situation, a median expectation-based regression approach is proposed for parameter estimation of vehicle batteries in V2G systems. The proposed method is built on the property of uncertainty prediction of Gaussian processes for parameter estimation while considering the cell variations as an exogenous function. First, a median expectation-based Gaussian process model is derived to predict the fused and individual cell variations of a battery pack. Second, a magnitude-squared coherence model is developed by the error matrix to detect and isolate each variation. This is obtained by extracting the cross-spectral densities for the measurements. The proposed regression-based approach is evaluated using experimental measurements collected from lithium-ion battery pack in EVs. The parametric analysis of the battery pack has been verified using D-SAT Chroma 8000ATS hardware platform. Performance evaluation shows an accurate estimation of these dynamics even in the presence of injected faults. 1982-2012 IEEE.Scopu