819 research outputs found

    A two-fluid model describing the finite-collisionality, stationary Alfvén wave in anisotropic plasma

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    The stationary inertial AlfvĂ©n (StIA) wave (Knudsen, 1996) was predicted for cold, collisionless plasma. The model was generalized (Finnegan et al., 2008) to include nonzero values of electron and ion collisional resistivity and thermal pressure. Here, the two-fluid model is further generalized to include anisotropic thermal pressure. A bounded range of values of parallel electron drift velocity is found that excludes periodic stationary AlfvĂ©n wave solutions. This exclusion region depends on the value of the local AlfvĂ©n speed VA, plasma beta perpendicular to the magnetic field ÎČ⊄ and electron temperature anisotropy

    Resonant-to-nonresonant transition in electrostatic ion-cyclotron wave phase velocity

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    Because of the implications for plasmas in the laboratory and in space, attention has been drawn to inhomogeneous energy-density driven (IEDD) waves that are sustained by velocity-shear-induced inhomogeneity in cross-field plasma flow. These waves have a frequency vr in the lab frame within an order of magnitude of the ion gyrofrequency vci, propagate nearly perpendicular to the magnetic field (kz/k^ \u3c\u3c 1), and can be Landau resonant (0 \u3c v1/kz \u3c nd) with a parallel drifting electron population (drift speed nd), where subscripts 1 and r indicate frequency in the frame of flowing ions and in the lab frame, respectively, and kz is the parallel component of the wavevector. A transition in phase velocity from 0 \u3c v1/kz \u3c nd to 0 \u3e v1/kz \u3e nd for a pair of IEDD eigenmodes is observed as the degree of in-homogeneity in the transverse E × B flow is increased in a magnetized plasma column. For weaker velocity shear, both eigenmodes are dissipative, i.e. in Landau resonance, with kz nd \u3e 0. For stronger shear, both eigenmodes become reactive, with one\u27s wavevector component kz remaining parallel, but with v1/kz \u3e nd , and the other\u27s wavevector component kz becoming anti-parallel, so that 0 \u3e v1/kz . For both eigenmodes, the transition (1) involves a small frequency shift and (2) does not involve a sign change in the wave energy density, which is proportional to vr v1, both of which are previously unrecognized aspects of inhomogeneous energy-density driven waves

    Seismicity induced during the development of the Rittershoffen geothermal field, France

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    The development of the Rittershoffen deep geothermal field (Alsace, Upper Rhine Graben) between 2012 and 2014 induced unfelt seismicity with a local magnitude of less than 1.6. This seismicity occurred during two types of operations: (1) mud losses in the Muschelkalk formation during the drilling of both wells of the doublet and (2) thermal and hydraulic stimulations of the GRT-1 well. Seismicity was also observed 4 days after the main hydraulic stimulation, although no specific operation was performed. During chemical stimulation, however, no induced seismicity was detected. In the context of all field development operations and their injection parameters (flow rates, overpressures, volumes), we detail the occurrence or lack of seismicity, its magnitude distribution and its spatial distribution. The observations suggest the presence of the rock stress memory effect (Kaiser effect) of the geothermal reservoir as well as uncritically stressed zones connected to the GRT-1 well and/or rock cohesion. A reduction of the seismic rate concurrent with an increase of injectivity was noticed as well as the reactivation of a couple of faults, including the Rittershoffen fault, which was targeted by the wells. These results are derived from the homogeneous and consistent catalogue of more than 1300 local earthquakes that is provided. This reference catalogue is based on a standard detection method, whose output was manually verified and improved. The given absolute locations have been computed in a calibrated, geologically realistic 3D velocity model. Our work builds on previous analyses addressing the seismicity induced by the GRT-1 hydraulic stimulation and places the results into a historical context, thus considering the full dynamics of the observed phenomena. This paper also complements existing descriptions of the hydrothermal characteristics of the deep reservoir by providing insights separate from the wells
