7,469 research outputs found

    Editor’s Note

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    Syftet med detta konsumtionsarbete Àr att genom granskning av litteratur undersöka den formativa bedömningens effekter för elevers lÀrande i matematik. För att ta reda pÄ effekterna har förklaringar pÄ hur elevers prestationer pÄverkas, vilka kunskaper i matematik eleven utvecklar och hur sjÀlvbedömning kan utveckla elevers lÀrande i matematik genom bedömning i formativt syfte undersökts. Undersökningen har genomförts genom att samla in, granska och bearbeta litteratur för att besvara arbetets syfte. Det som undersökningen visar Àr att bedömning i formativt syfte har en positiv effekt för elevers lÀrande i matematik. I de studier som funnit en positiv effekt av formativ bedömning har interventionen haft mÄttlig till mycket hög effekt för elevers prestationer i matematik. Resultatet stÀmmer alltsÄ överens med den mer generella forskningen som visar att bedömning i formativt syfte har goda effekter för elevers prestationer. Det finns alltsÄ skÀl att tro att formativ bedömning har en positiv inverkan för elevers lÀrande i matematik och Àr dÀrmed Àr ett viktigt redskap i undervisningen

    Editor’s Note

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    Tracking of Salmonella through the Pork Slaughter Process

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    End of project reportTo help address the problem of salmonellosis in the Republic of Ireland (RoI), a national Salmonella control programme was introduced in 1997 with a view to reducing the prevalence of Salmonella in pigs on the farm and on pig carcasses. The primary objective of this present study was to determine the correlation between the Salmonella serological and bacteriological status of pigs presented for slaughter and the Salmonella status of pork cuts following slaughter, dressing and chilling. Two additional studies investigated the prevalence and numbers of Salmonella spp. in the boning halls of four commercial pork abattoirs and at retail level in butcher shops and supermarkets in the RoI. The results indicated that categorisation of pig herds on the basis of a historical serological test for Salmonella was not a good predictor of the bacteriological Salmonella status of individual pigs at time of slaughter. However, it is acknowledged that serological testing does help in giving a rough estimate of the overall Salmonella status of a pig herd. There was a linear correlation between prevalence of Salmonella in caecal contents and on pork cuts at factory level; therefore, if the number of herds presented for slaughter with high levels of Salmonella (category 3) was reduced, there would be less potential for contamination of the lairage, equipment etc. and so less likelihood of Salmonella contamination on pork. The impact of crosscontamination during transport, lairage, processing and distribution cannot be ignored and measures to diminish this would significantly reduce the dissemination of Salmonella in the chain and the consequent risk posed. A key finding was the considerable variation in the incidence of Salmonella on different sampling days and in different slaughter plants.National Development Plan 2007-201

    The military occupation of Richmond, 1865-1870

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    It has been my hope to present this paper as a part of the historical portrayal of the U. S. Amy\u27s experience with \u27\u27military government and civil affairs. With this view in mind, I have devoted the first chapter to a brief history of the army\u27s occupation experiences, especially through the Civil War. Additionally, I have attempted to define and clarify several terms used to differentiate the use of military authority. More specifically, the purpose of this thesis is to determine the extent of military control affecting the govermant of Richmond during the 1865-1870 period following the Civil War. l have not attempted to evaluate the motives of Congress or the Presidents for their actions which established and continued military occupation in Richmond for almost five years. Nor have I sought to justify or defend Congressional Reconstruction, but only to explain it so far as it affected Richmond. I have been primarily concerned with the orders, letters, and actions of military commanders which dealt with the operation and management of the city\u27s government. One signtficant research problem encountered was that of the Freedmen\u27s Bureau. Although scattered Bureau records have been used, l have made no attempt to assess the local Bureau records deposited in the National Archives in Washington. Any total evaluation of the federal government\u27s activity in Richmond for this period would necessitate extensive research in these records

    Ex-Prisoners’ Perspectives on Prison Drug Treatment in Ireland

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    The purpose of this study is to explore ex-prisoners’ perspectives on prison drug treatment in Ireland. Prison drug treatment has increased across Europe over the last 20 years both in availability and modality. However, the delivery of drug treatment services in a prison setting is not without its challenges. The prison population is a multiply disadvantaged group, which experiences a disproportionate level of health inequality and social exclusion. Substance misuse is prevalent for a high proportion of prisoners. This research is based on seven semi-structured qualitative interviews with ex-prisoners who have had experience of prison drug treatment. The perspectives of ex-prisoners add important information to the sparse amount of literature available on prison drug treatment, especially from a user-perspective. The research found that different aspects of prison had a significant impact both on individuals and treatment. These aspects included the following: drugs in prison; prison environment; attitudes; and policies. An interesting feature of the study is the participants’ understanding of the many challenges faced by Irish Prison Service. One important finding is the need for more regular and up-to-date review of prison drug treatment. Accountability emerges as the most pressing need for prison drug treatment. While there are structures in place for complaints to be made, these structures are not fulfilling their function due to a lack of confidence in them. This leaves prisoners in a position of even greater vulnerability. In this study, ex-prisoners claim their voice amongst the voices of other actors in the field such as prison staff, medical staff, and politicians

    General Practitioners and Depression in Older Adult Males : Ageism, Physical Problems and Treatment

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    Depression in older adults can have fatal consequences if undetected and not treated. Comparisons of studies are difficult because of the lack of methodical consistency. The literature is reviewed with regard to the definition, prevalence, consequences, recognition, treatment and prognosis of depression in relation to general practitioners (GPs) and with particularly regard to elderly males. The research indicates poor recognition and treatment of depression in older adults, despite the research indicating that older adults have a similar prognosis as younger adults, when the depression is treated. Factors influencing the detection of depression are included

    Neutron Star Mergers Are the Dominant Source of the r-process in the Early Evolution of Dwarf Galaxies

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    There are many candidate sites of the r-process: core-collapse supernovae (including rare magnetorotational core-collapse supernovae), neutron star mergers, and neutron star/black hole mergers. The chemical enrichment of galaxies---specifically dwarf galaxies---helps distinguish between these sources based on the continual build-up of r-process elements. This technique can distinguish between the r-process candidate sites by the clearest observational difference---how quickly these events occur after the stars are created. The existence of several nearby dwarf galaxies allows us to measure robust chemical abundances for galaxies with different star formation histories. Dwarf galaxies are especially useful because simple chemical evolution models can be used to determine the sources of r-process material. We have measured the r-process element barium with Keck/DEIMOS medium-resolution spectroscopy. We present the largest sample of barium abundances (almost 250 stars) in dwarf galaxies ever assembled. We measure [Ba/Fe] as a function of [Fe/H] in this sample and compare with existing [alpha/Fe] measurements. We have found that a large contribution of barium needs to occur at more delayed timescales than core-collapse supernovae in order to explain our observed abundances, namely the significantly more positive trend of the r-process component of [Ba/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] seen for [Fe/H] <~ -1.6 when compared to the [Mg/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] trend. We conclude that neutron star mergers are the most likely source of r-process enrichment in dwarf galaxies at early times.Comment: Accepted to ApJ on 2018 October 2

    Wild record of an apple snail in the Waikato River, Hamilton, New Zealand and their incidence in freshwater aquaria

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    We report the discovery of a single specimen of a live apple snail Pomacea diffusa Blume 1957 (Ampullariidae: Prosobranchia), from the Waikato River, Hamilton city, central North Island, New Zealand. This species, along with the congeneric P. insularum, is imported for the aquarium trade, and its occurrence in the river likely stemmed from an aquarium release. A survey of 55 aquaria belonging to 43 hobbyists revealed 27 apple snails, with one owner having 22 snails. Assessment of environmental tolerances and impacts of P. diffusa, based largely on studies of the closely related and commonly confused congener P. bridgesii, suggests that direct habitat impacts by this species are likely to be minor. However, there could be indirect influences on native biodiversity through predation on eggs or competition for food supplies with other detritivorous species if densities were to become high. Water temperatures in the Waikato River below Hamilton (10-23˚C in 2009) may enable released individuals to persist for an extended period, and over summer may exceed the threshold required to enable breeding. However, population establishment would be most likely in locations where water is heated through geothermal influences or industrial cooling water discharges
