517 research outputs found

    Process Development for the Fabrication of Spheroidal Microdevice Packages Utilizing MEMS Technologies

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    Sub-mm3 spherical microrobots are being researched as a path towards reconfigurable wireless networks and programmable matter. The microrobot design requires a spheroidal microdevice package compatible with solar energy collection, wireless sensing, and electrostatic actuation mechanisms to be developed. Throughout this research, a variety of MEMS fabrication techniques were evaluated with regards to their applicability to the packaging process. SF6-based plasma was determined to be a preferable alternative to wet HNA etching when producing repeatable bulk isotropic etches in silicon. The effect of silicon crystal orientation on etch variance and anisotropy was also investigated. HNA polishing was demonstrated as an effective method of reducing undercutting, surface roughness, and anisotropy. MatLab image processing routines were developed and incorporated into etch analysis, providing an efficient method of data collection. A method of performing sophisticated wafer alignment and photolithography processes by leveraging existing cleanroom devices was proposed. This research established a path forward for an advanced packaging scheme designed to move microelectronics packages away from the planar circuit board configurations of the past and into the autonomous architectures of the future. The proposed design is applicable to a wide variety of microelectronics applications while meeting the requirements of the sub-mm3 spherical microrobot system

    Building academic resilience: A longitudinal study of Master of Teaching studentsā€™ perceptions of written feedback on high stakes assessment

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    This paper reports on a two-year study of tertiary education students&rsquo; perceptions of written feedback on assessment. Contextualised in a regional Australian university and drawing on a cohort of Master of Teaching pre-service teachers, a survey approach was used to collect data from participants in both years of their graduate-level entry program. The paper contributes to the emerging body of literature on students&rsquo; perceptions of written feedback on assessment by discussing four themes that emerged from the study. It concludes with a number of recommendations for teacher educators to enhance current feedback practices.<br /

    Gut Microbiota Contribute to Exercise Capacity and Metabolic Profile in a Wildtype and Longevity Model Mouse

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    Development and preliminary testing of the psychosocial adjustment to hereditary diseases scale

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    Background: The presence of Lynch syndrome (LS) can bring a lifetime of uncertainty to an entire family as members adjust to living with a high lifetime cancer risk. The research base on how individuals and families adjust to genetic-linked diseases following predictive genetic testing has increased our understanding of short-term impacts but gaps continue to exist in knowledge of important factors that facilitate or impede long-term adjustment. The failure of existing scales to detect psychosocial adjustment challenges in this population has led researchers to question the adequate sensitivity of these instruments. Furthermore, we have limited insight into the role of the family in promoting adjustment. Methods: The purpose of this study was to develop and initially validate the Psychosocial Adjustment to Hereditary Diseases (PAHD) scale. This scale consists of two subscales, the Burden of Knowing (BK) and Family Connectedness (FC). Items for the two subscales were generated from a qualitative data base and tested in a sample of 243 participants from families with LS. Results: The Multitrait/Multi-Item Analysis Program-Revised (MAP-R) was used to evaluate the psychometric properties of the PAHD. The findings support the convergent and discriminant validity of the subscales. Construct validity was confirmed by factor analysis and Cronbachā€™s alpha supported a strong internal consistency for BK (0.83) and FC (0.84). Conclusion: Preliminary testing suggests that the PAHD is a psychometrically sound scale capable of assessing psychosocial adjustment. We conclude that the PAHD may be a valuable monitoring tool to identify individuals and families who may require therapeutic interventions

    The Acute Effect of Exposure to Barefoot Running on VO2 Peak, Fatigue, and Time to Exhaustion in Recreational Runners

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    Alterations in endogenous progesterone metabolism associated with spontaneous very preterm delivery

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    Study question: Do maternal serum levels of progesterone metabolites early in pregnancy correspond to an increased risk for very preterm delivery prior to 32 weeks? Summary answer: Maternal serum levels of 11-deoxycorticosterone (DOC) measured during the late first trimester or early second trimester correlate with an increased risk for preterm delivery prior to 32 weeks, and the correlation becomes stronger when the ratio of DOC to 16-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone was measured. What is known already: Progesterone is a pro-gestational steroid hormone that has been shown to decrease the risk of preterm birth in some pregnant women. Progesterone is metabolized by the body into various metabolites including members of the mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid families. Our group has previously demonstrated that some progesterone metabolites enhance myometrial contractility in an ex vivo system, while others result in myometrial relaxation. The current exploratory study was designed to determine if pre-specified metabolites of progesterone measured early in pregnancy were associated with a woman's risk for delivery prior to 32 weeks, which is referred to as a very preterm delivery. Study design size duration: The Building Blocks of Pregnancy Biobank (BBPB) is a biorepository at Indiana University (IU) that follows women prospectively through their pregnancy. A variety of biospecimens are collected at various time points during a woman's pregnancy. Women participating in the IU BBPB who were enrolled after 8 weeks' gestation with pregnancy outcome data were eligible for participation. Participants/materials setting methods: Women delivering prior to 37 weeks (preterm) and at or after 37 weeks (term) who had blood samples collected during the late first trimester/early second trimester and/or during the early third trimester were identified. These samples were then processed for mass spectroscopy, and the amount of progesterone and progesterone metabolites in the samples were measured. Mean values of each measured steroid metabolite were calculated and compared among women delivering at less than 32 weeks, less than 37 weeks and greater than or equal to 37 weeks. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were constructed and threshold levels determined for each compound to identify a level above or below which best predicted a woman's risk for delivery prior to 32 and prior to 37 weeks. Mann-Whitney U nonparametric testing with Holm-Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons was utilized to identify steroid ratios that could differentiate women delivering spontaneously at less than 32 weeks from all other pregnancies. Main results and the role of chance: Steroid hormone levels and pregnancy outcome data were available for 93 women; 28 delivering prior to 32 weeks, 40 delivering between 32 0/7 and 36 6/7 weeks and 25 delivering at or greater than 37 weeks: the mean gestational age at delivery within the three groups was 27.0, 34.4 and 38.8 weeks, respectively. Among women delivering spontaneously at less than 37 weeks, maternal 11-deoxycorticosterone (DOC) levels drawn in the late first trimester/early second trimester were significantly associated with spontaneous preterm delivery prior to 32 weeks; a threshold level of 47.5 pg/ml had 78% sensitivity, 73% specificity and an AUC of 0.77 (P = 0.044). When DOC levels were analyzed as a ratio with other measured steroid hormones, the ratio of DOC to 16-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone among women delivering spontaneously prior to 37 weeks was able to significantly discriminate women delivering prior to 32 weeks from those delivering at or greater than 32 weeks, with a threshold value of 0.2 with 89% sensitivity, 91% specificity and an AUC of 0.92 (P = 0.002). When the entire study cohort population was considered, including women delivering at term and women having an iatrogenic preterm delivery, the ratio of DOC to 16-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone was able to discriminate women delivering spontaneously prior to 32 weeks from the rest of the population at a threshold of 0.18 and 89% sensitivity, 59% specificity and an AUC of 0.81 (P = 0.003). Limitations reasons for caution: This is a discovery study, and the findings have not been validated on an independent cohort. To mitigate issues with multiple comparisons, we limited our study to pre-specified metabolites that are most representative of the major metabolic pathways for progesterone, and adjustments for multiple comparisons were made. Wider implications of the findings: Spontaneous preterm birth is increasingly being recognized to represent a common end pathway for a number of different disease phenotypes that include infection, inflammation, premature rupture of the membranes, uterine over distension, cervical insufficiency, placental dysfunction and genetic predisposition. In addition to these phenotypes, longitudinal changes in the maternal-fetal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis also likely contribute to a significant proportion of the disease burden of spontaneous preterm birth. Here, we demonstrate that differential production of steroid metabolites is associated with very early preterm birth. The identified biomarkers may hint at a pathophysiologic mechanism and changes in the maternal-fetal dyad that result in preterm delivery. The early identification of abnormal changes in HPA axis metabolites may allow for targeted interventions that reverse the aberrant steroid metabolic profile to a more favorable one, thereby decreasing the risk for early delivery. Further research is therefore required to validate and extend the results presented here. Study funding/competing interests: Funding for this study was provided from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research at IUPUI, 'Funding Opportunities for Research Commercialization and Economic Success (FORCES) grant'.Both A.S.P. and C.A.G. are affiliated with Nixxi, a biotech startup. The remaining authors report no conflict of interest

    A systematic review of scabies transmission models and data to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of scabies interventions

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    Ā© 2019 van der Linden et al. Background: Scabies is a common dermatological condition, affecting more than 130 million people at any time. To evaluate and/or predict the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of scabies interventions, disease transmission modelling can be used. Objective: To review published scabies models and data to inform the design of a comprehensive scabies transmission modelling framework to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of scabies interventions. Methods: Systematic literature search in PubMed, Medline, Embase, CINAHL, and the Cochrane Library identified scabies studies published since the year 2000. Selected papers included modelling studies and studies on the life cycle of scabies mites, patient quality of life and resource use. Reference lists of reviews were used to identify any papers missed through the search strategy. Strengths and limitations of identified scabies models were evaluated and used to design a modelling framework. Potential model inputs were identified and discussed. Findings: Four scabies models were published: a Markov decision tree, two compartmental models, and an agent-based, network-dependent Monte Carlo model. None of the models specifically addressed crusted scabies, which is associated with high morbidity, mortality, and increased transmission. There is a lack of reliable, comprehensive information about scabies biology and the impact this disease has on patients and society. Discussion: Clinicians and health economists working in the field of scabies are encouraged to use the current review to inform disease transmission modelling and economic evaluations on interventions against scabies

    Factors affecting retention and compliance in a longitudinal study of connected, low income, urban, primiparous mothers

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    poster abstractAbstract Background/Aims Longitudinal obstetrics studies are vital to our understanding of the physiological and social changes that occur during pregnancy and the early postpartum period in the mother and baby. Variables collected in a longitudinal obstetrics study were analyzed to identify factors affecting retention and compliance within a low-income, primiparous population. Methods Primiparous women were recruited for a prospective cohort longitudinal study. Two study arms were used. The first collected survey data on mood, sleep, and night time eating and actigraphic data for seven days during weeks 22 and 32 of gestation and one week postpartum. The second was identical but had an additional 24 hour sampling of saliva. In addition, breast fullness surveys were administered each day for the first five days postpartum. Pick up and drop off of study materials at the research site were required for each time point. Results Ninety-two women were recruited; 45% (n=41) were retained and compliant for the entire study. The majority of subjects (88%) had daily internet access, completed surveys on-line (81.4%), and preferred to receive text messages (93.5%) for study reminders over other methods of communication. Longitudinal time (P<0.001), increased number of reminders (P<0.001), and increased length of time to complete surveys (P<0.001) had a significant negative effect on study retention, whereas enrollment in the study arm with greater sampling and communication (P<0.001) and earning a higher percentage of available compensation (P<0.001) had a significant positive effect on study retention. Conclusions The high rate of daily internet access and preference for text messaging for primary means of communication with research staff suggests a high rate of smart-device technology use among young, urban-dwelling, low-income women. Designing studies that can be completed via internet and using text message reminders may be a preferable and practical means of conducting longitudinal obstetrics studies
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