2,224 research outputs found

    Kinetic pathways of the Nematic-Isotropic phase transition as studied by confocal microscopy on rod-like viruses

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    We investigate the kinetics of phase separation for a mixture of rodlike viruses (fd) and polymer (dextran), which effectively constitutes a system of attractive rods. This dispersion is quenched from a flow-induced fully nematic state into the region where the nematic and the isotropic phase coexist. We show experimental evidence that the kinetic pathway depends on the overall concentration. When the quench is made at high concentrations, the system is meta-stable and we observe typical nucleation-and-growth. For quenches at low concentration the system is unstable and the system undergoes a spinodal decomposition. At intermediate concentrations we see the transition between both demixing processes, where we locate the spinodal point.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter as symposium paper for the 6th Liquid Matter Conference in Utrech

    Job crafting and its relationships with person-job fit and meaningfulness: A three-wave study

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    Although scholars imply that job crafting contributes to person-job fit and meaningful work, to date, no study examined the relationships between these variables. The present three-wave weekbook study was designed to gain more knowledge about the influence of job crafting on person-job fit and meaningfulness. We collected data among a heterogeneous group of employees (N = 114) during three consecutive weeks (N = 430 occasions). At the end of their working week, employees reported their job crafting behaviors, their person-job fit (demands-abilities fit and needs-supplies fit), and the meaningfulness of their work that week. Results indicated that individuals who crafted their job by increasing their job resources (e.g., support, autonomy) and challenging job demands (e.g., participate in new projects), and by decreasing their hindering job demands (e.g., less emotional job demands) reported higher levels of person-job fit the next week. In turn, demands-abilities fit related to more meaningfulness in the final week. No support was found for alternative causal models. These findings suggest that by crafting their job demands and job resources, individuals can proactively optimize their person-job fit and as a consequence experience their work as meaningful

    Airborne particle deposition in cleanrooms: deposition mechanisms

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    This article discusses the mechanisms of particle deposition onto cleanroom surfaces. The main mechanism for particles above about 0.5μm is gravitational settling. Turbulent deposition and electrostatic attraction can also occur at all particle sizes, and for particles below 0.5μm Brownian diffusion is important. Measurements of particle deposition rates (PDRs) were made of particles ≥ 0μm on witness plates orientated in different directions and exposed in different ventilation conditions, and it was concluded that over 80% of particles were deposited by gravitational sedimentation, and probably more than half of the remainder by turbulent deposition

    Een zorgbestuurder benoemen

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    Een zorgbestuurder benoemen biedt een fascinerend inzicht in een proces van besluitvorming dat normaal achter gesloten deuren plaatsvindt. Het benoemen van een nieuwe zorgbestuurder van een zorgorganisatie is een bijzonder proces. Niet de raad van bestuur maar de raad van toezicht staat aan het roer. Het kiezen van een nieuwe bestuurder is een uiterst gevoelige kwestie, waardoor er maar beperkt informatie naar buiten komt. Benoemingen verlopen niet volgens gebaande paden van reguliere besluitvorming. Dat brengt risico’s met zich mee voor het draagvlak van het besluit. Draagvlak voor de nieuwe bestuurder is essentieel, omdat de uitkomst zo belangrijk is voor velen. In dit boek onderzoeken Maartje Derks en Kor Grit hoe zorginstellingen in de praktijk omgaan met vragen als: Wie zijn gerechtigd te beslissen of mee te praten? Hoe komt de organisatie op een legitieme wijze tot een besluit? Wat is een goede zorgbestuurder? Lastige vragen waarover lang niet altijd overeenstemming bestaat. Het boek is relevant voor toezichthouders, bestuurders en alle andere belanghebbenden bij bestuursbenoemingen. Derks en Grit vermijden de illusie om een blauwdruk voor dit complexe besluitvormingsproces te willen leveren, maar zij bieden wel praktische handvatten om het proces van besluitvorming te verbeteren

    Airborne particle deposition in cleanrooms: relationship between deposition rate and airborne concentration

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    This article is the second of a series that discusses the deposition of airborne particles onto cleanroom surfaces. It investigates the relationship between the airborne concentration of a range of cumulative sizes of particles and the particle deposition rate (PDR) onto cleanroom surfaces, through knowledge of the deposition velocity of particles in air. The deposition velocity of a range of cumulative particle sizes was obtained by means of experiments, theoretical calculations, and literature search and the influence of a number of variables found in cleanrooms on the deposition velocity was investigated. The use of the deposition velocity to calculate the amount of deposition on cleanroom surfaces, such as manufactured products, is discussed, along with its use in deciding the required ISO 14644-1 class of cleanroom; these subjects will be discussed in more depth in the final article of this series

    Airborne particle deposition in cleanrooms: calculation of product contamination and required cleanroom class

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    This is the third and final article in a series that discusses the deposition of airborne particles onto critical surfaces in cleanrooms. This article explains a method for calculating the amount of particle or microbe-carrying particle deposition onto critical cleanroom surfaces, such as product, and a method for calculating the airborne particle cleanliness class, or airborne microbial concentration that is required to obtain a specified and acceptable amount of product contamination

    In silico predictions of variant deleteriousness in the genomes of pig species

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    Predicting the deleteriousness of observed genomic variants has taken a step forward with the development of the Combined Annotation Dependent Depletion (CADD) [1] methodology, as it allows for comparable evaluations of variants on a genome-wide scale for coding and non-coding variants respectively. ..
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