45 research outputs found

    Frailty assessment in an unselected population admitted to an intensive cardiac care unit

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    Abstract Background Although interest in frailty has expanded among cardiology experts over the past 2 decades, its integration, as part of cardiovascular disease management, is still lacking, above all in the acute cardiac care setting. The Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) is a brief guided tool to assess frailty in hospital settings without specialist equipment. Purpose Our objective was to test the performance of the CFS in an older, unselected population, admitted to an Intensive Cardiac Care Unit (ICCU) during the year 2019. Methods The study sample included 431 patients ≥65 years old, admitted to an ICCU of a tertiary cardiac center in Italy. The CFS ranged from "very fit: 1" to "terminally ill: 9", but it was considered present at a score ≥5. Our primary endpoint was defined by a combination of severe complications requiring critical care and in-hospital death. The data were collected from the hospital discharge summary and the electronic chart records. Results 158 patients (36.7%) were frail. These individuals had greater comorbidity and higher in-hospital mortality (Table 1). After a multivariable logistic regression analysis, 4 predictors were identified: signs of congestive heart failure (OR: 8.51, 95% Confidence Interval-CI: 4.63–14.6; p<0,001), systolic blood pressure (OR per 1 mmHg increasing: 0.98, 95% CI: 0.97–0.99; p<0,001), smoking habit (OR: 0.49, 95% CI: 0.22–1.11; p=0.09) and the CFS ≥5 (OR: 1.86, 95% CI: 1.08–3.23: p=0,026). Conclusions The CFS is a simple guided frailty tool that may enhance outcome prediction in the acute cardiac care setting. These findings merit evaluation in larger cohorts of unselected patients. Funding Acknowledgement Type of funding sources: None

    Divalent cations modulate membrane binding and pore formation of a potent antibiotic peptide analog of alamethicin

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    The Ca2+ modulation of pore formation (and disaggregation) kinetics of a synthetic analog of alamethicin F50/5 ([l-Glu(OMe)7,18,19]), a potent antibiotic peptide, was investigated in situ and in vitro. The in situ experiments consisted in whole-cell recording from isolated retinal rod outer segments (OS), because once blocking the only OS endogenous conductance with saturating light, the current flows entirely through the (exogenous) channels formed by the peptide. The kinetics of current change induced by peptide application and removal (in 3c50 ms) on the OS extracellular side was measured in the presence of divalent cations at different concentrations. The in vitro experiments consisted on the divalent cations modulation of [l-Glu(OMe)7,18,19] binding to a mimetic OS membrane immobilized on a sensor chip surface, employing surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy (SPR). The presence of even low mM Ca2+ or Mg2+ sufficed to increase the [l-Glu(OMe)7,18,19] apparent affinity for the mimetic OS membrane up to 3c4-fold, which accelerated the activation of the peptide-induced current in OS by 3c10-fold with respect to low Ca2+. In situ and in vitro experiments indicate that high concentrations of divalent cations increased also membrane rigidity, contrasting their effect on increasing the pore formation rate

    Cianosis después del cierre quirúrgico de una comunicación interauricular

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    El cierre en el momento oportuno de las comunicaciones interauriculares (CIA) del tipo defecto de fosa oval, ostium secundum en la nomenclatura anglosajona, garantiza una vida normal y el riesgo quirúrgico tiende a cero. Pero existe una variedad de estas malformaciones congénitas que induce a errores quirúrgicos que, aunque raros, se siguen repitiendo desde el inicio de la cirugía cardíaca. Se trata de las CIA con limbo incompleto situadas en la parte inferior del septo, que se extienden hasta la desembocadura de la vena cava inferior y coinciden con una válvula de Eustaquio grande. En estos casos se puede producir una desviación inadvertida de la vena cava inferior hacia la aurícula izquierda al suturar erróneamente los bordes del limbo a la válvula de Eustaquio. Informamos de un niño de 7 años, operado 2 años antes de una CIA, que presentaba cianosis y disnea de esfuerzo, y del tratamiento quirúrgico seguido para su corrección. Para prevenir esta complicación es importante prestar atención a la anatomía y comenzar el cierre de las CIA por su extremo inferior

    Recurrence of Bcl-2/IgH polymerase chain reaction positivity following a prolonged molecular remission can be unrelated to the original follicular lymphoma clone

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate whether reappearance of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) positivity for the Bcl-2/IgH translocation following a phase of molecular remission in autografted follicular lymphoma (FL) patients is always associated with reappearance of the original neoplastic clone. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The molecular follow-up of 119 autografted Bcl-2/IgH positive patients was evaluated by nested PCR. In case of molecular recurrence, direct sequencing of involved rearrangements has been performed both at diagnosis and at the time of recurrence. The two sequences then were compared in terms of breakpoints, N insertions, and JH usage. RESULTS: Seventy-five patients achieving molecular remission were identified in our patient sample (63%). Of these patients, eight (10.6%) experienced molecular recurrence. Direct sequencing of the Bcl-2/IgH translocation performed at diagnosis and recurrence showed identical rearrangements in six subjects and unrelated rearrangements in two. As opposed to most true molecular relapses, unrelated rearrangements always occurred several years after transplantation. To date, the two subjects carrying unrelated rearrangements show no signs of active lymphoproliferative disease. CONCLUSIONS: This report is the first evidence that Bcl-2/IgH rearrangements unrelated to the original tumor clone can lead to false-positive results during the molecular follow-up of autografted FL patients. Based on these results, we recommend confirmation by direct sequencing, at least for patients experiencing molecular relapse 2 or more years after the end of treatment. This will be particularly important for patients enrolled in clinical trials that schedule additional treatment in case of molecular evidence of persistent disease activity