255 research outputs found

    The importance of non‐diffusional factors in determining photosynthesis of two contrasting quinoa ecotypes (Chenopodium quinoa willd.) subjected to salinity conditions

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    The broad distribution of quinoa in saline and non‐saline environments is reflected in variations in the photosynthesis‐associated mechanisms of different ecotypes. The aim of this study was to characterize the photosynthetic response to high salinity (0.4 M NaCl) of two contrasting Chilean genotypes, Amarilla (salt‐tolerant, salares ecotype) and Hueque (salt‐sensitive, coastal ecotype). Our results show that saline stress induced a significant decrease in the K+/Na+ ratio in roots and an increase in glycine betaine in leaves, particularly in the sensitive genotype (Hueque). Measurement of the photosynthesis‐related parameters showed that maximum CO2 assimilation (Amax) in control plants was comparable between genotypes (ca. 9–10 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1). However, salt treatment produced different responses, with Amax values decreasing by 65.1% in the sensitive ecotype and 37.7% in the tolerant one. Although both genotypes maintained mesophyll conductance when stomatal restrictions were removed, the biochemical components of Amarilla were impaired to a lesser extent under salt stress conditions: for example, the maximum rate of ribulose‐1,5‐ bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO; Vcmax) was not as affected in Amarilla, revealing that this enzyme has a higher affinity for its substrate in this genotype and, thus, a better carboxylation efficiency. The present results show that the higher salinity tolerance of Amarilla was also due to its ability to control non‐diffusional components, indicating its superior photosynthetic capacity compared to Hueque, particularly under salt stress conditions

    Producción, circulación y reproducción académicas en el campo de la comunicación en México

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    Libro que contribuye a disminuir la brecha que separa a los distintos trabajos de investigación sobre la comunicación en México, para propiciar un trabajo reflexivo e incluyente en el campo académico de la materia. Se repasa la historia epistemológica de la investigación de comunicación y se proponen líneas de discución y acción en el campo de la enseñanza. En el texto también se perfilan las características generales de la investigación y su enseñanza a partir del análisis de tres revistas académicas mexicanas y las tesis de maestría de las tres universidades más importantes del país.ITESO, A.C

    Comunicación, sentido y vida cotidiana

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    La pregunta por la vida cotidiana, su estructura, su funcionamiento, no es una novedad en el ámbito de las ciencias sociales. Se han ocupado de esta problemática pensadores de la talla de Heller, Habermas, Goffman, Freiré, Wolf, por citar sólo algunos. Diferentes enfoques, teorías y preocupaciones han derivado en un vasto campo de estudio que observa y rescata lo que era considerado como "materiales secundarios", indagando cómo los pequeñísimos actos cotidianos realzan temas muy importantes (Wolf, 1979). En el campo de la comunicación cobran fuerza en cantidad y calidad, a partir de 1980 (Fuentes, 1991) los estudios que abordan diferentes aspectos de la cotidianidad para indagar por ejemplo, en un cambio de perspectiva, no ya lo que los medios hacen a la gente, sino lo que la gente hace con y a partir de los medios, haciendo aparecer en primer plano al actor de la comunicación.ITESO, A.C

    Simulación y análisis de desempeño del nuevo sistema de distribución de Calzado Andrea

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    Con el proyecto de aplicación profesional, la empresa Calzado Andrea planea facilitar la toma de decisiones en diferentes áreas concernientes a su centro de distribución en Silao. El proceso completo de sorteo es nuevo, resultado de un proyecto realizado por la empresa en su centro de distribución, además de ser el primero en el país, siendo así pioneros en el proceso de manejo de inventario. El objetivo del proyecto fue realizar un modelo simulado en el programa Flexsim para tener un panorama más claro del funcionamiento del sistema y capacidades. Gracias a su conocimiento en distribución, es de interés para la empresa el mantener la eficiencia lo más alto posible, por lo que al contar con un modelo simulado se facilita la toma de decisiones al poder experimentar con distintos escenarios y sus resultados. Los resultados que se buscaron encontrar fueron concernientes a la elección correcta del número de operarios, evaluando las capacidades del sistema, tanto en espacio como en tiempo y el número de equipo funcionales que se debieron considerar. Una vez terminado el modelo en el programa, se busca dejar en funcionamiento por un determinado periodo de tiempo para ver el comportamiento de este modelo.ITESO, A.C

    Demographics and serological profile of blood donors who opt for the confidential unit exclusion in a blood bank in Sao Paulo, Brazil

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    Blood transfusion is still an irreplaceable therapeutic modality, widely applied to medical care. Clinical interviews and laboratory testing for transfusion-transmitted infections (TTI) are routinely performed to prevent TTI among the recipients. However, there is still a residual risk of TTI, and some blood banks have adopted the confidential unit exclusion (CUE) as an additional safety strategy. In this study, we investigated the demographic characteristics and laboratory results of the screening of TTI among blood donors who opted for the CUE, compared to blood donors who did not opt for the CUE. In this study, we included 32,261 blood donations collected in a single blood bank in Sao Paulo, Brazil. A very small proportion of donors (0.25%) opted for the CUE. They were mainly single males and were more likely to have HBV, syphilis, and other positive results in the combined screening for TTI, in comparison with those who did not opt for the CUE. This difference was statistically significant in both the univariable and the multivariable analysis adjusted for age, gender , marital status and years of schooling. Our findings highlight that CUE may be a useful tool to improve the safety for blood recipients, but its efficiency is context-dependent

    Cognitive stimulation as alternative treatment to improve psychological disorders in patients with mild cognitive impairment

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    (1) Background: Mild cognitive impairment is becoming one of the most common clinical manifestations affecting older people. For this reason, developing non-pharmacological strategies to help improve or maintain the physical condition of patients with mild dementia has become a priority. Therefore, the objective of this study is to provide evidence about the effects of a cognitive stimulation program on cognitive performance, anxiety, depression, and quality of life in people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and aged > 70. (2) Methods: This study is a randomized clinical trial. A total of 72 elderly people with MCI participated: 35 in the control group who did not receive any intervention and 36 in the experimental group who received a cognitive stimulation program for 12 weeks. Cognitive performance, depression, anxiety and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) were measured using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), the Yesavage Geriatric Depression Scale, the Hamilton Rating Scale, and the SF-12, respectively. (3) Results: In the experimental group, significant results were obtained on cognitive performance, depression, anxiety and general health, emotional role, social functioning, vitality, mental health and mental component summary domains of the SF-12. (4) Conclusions: a cognitive stimulation program of 12 weeks improves cognitive performance, anxiety, depression, and HRQoL in people with MCI aged > 70