3,551 research outputs found

    Visual adaptation to convexity in macaque area V4

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    Aftereffects are perceptual illusions caused by visual adaptation to one or more stimulus attribute, such as orientation, motion, or shape. Neurophysiological studies seeking to understand the basis of visual adaptation have observed firing rate reduction and changes in tuning of stimulus-selective neurons following periods of prolonged visual stimulation. In the domain of shape, recent psychophysical work has shown that adaptation to a convex pattern induces a subsequently seen rectangle to appear slightly concave. In the present study, we investigate the possible contribution of V4 neurons of rhesus monkeys, which are thought to be involved in the coding of convexity, to shape-specific adaptation. Visually responsive neurons were monitored during the brief presentation of simple shapes varying in their convexity level. Each test presentation was preceded by either a blank period or several seconds of adaptation to a convex or concave stimulus, presented in two different sizes. Adaptation consistently shifted the tuning of neurons away from the convex or concave adapter, including shifting response to the neutral rectangle in the direction of the opposite convexity. This repulsive shift resembled the known perceptual distortion associated with adaptation to such stimuli. In addition, adaptation caused a nonspecific response decrease, as well as a specific decrease for repeated stimuli. The latter effects were observed whether or not the adapting and test stimuli matched closely in their size. Taken together, these results provide evidence for shape-specific adaptation of neurons in area V4, which may contribute to the perception of the convexity aftereffect

    On quasilinear parabolic evolution equations in weighted Lp-spaces II

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    Our study of abstract quasi-linear parabolic problems in time-weighted L_p-spaces, begun in [17], is extended in this paper to include singular lower order terms, while keeping low initial regularity. The results are applied to reaction-diffusion problems, including Maxwell-Stefan diffusion, and to geometric evolution equations like the surface-diffusion flow or the Willmore flow. The method presented here will be applicable to other parabolic systems, including free boundary problems.Comment: 21 page

    The Error and Repair Catastrophes: A Two-Dimensional Phase Diagram in the Quasispecies Model

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    This paper develops a two gene, single fitness peak model for determining the equilibrium distribution of genotypes in a unicellular population which is capable of genetic damage repair. The first gene, denoted by σvia \sigma_{via} , yields a viable organism with first order growth rate constant k>1 k > 1 if it is equal to some target ``master'' sequence σvia,0 \sigma_{via, 0} . The second gene, denoted by σrep \sigma_{rep} , yields an organism capable of genetic repair if it is equal to some target ``master'' sequence σrep,0 \sigma_{rep, 0} . This model is analytically solvable in the limit of infinite sequence length, and gives an equilibrium distribution which depends on \mu \equiv L\eps , the product of sequence length and per base pair replication error probability, and \eps_r , the probability of repair failure per base pair. The equilibrium distribution is shown to exist in one of three possible ``phases.'' In the first phase, the population is localized about the viability and repairing master sequences. As \eps_r exceeds the fraction of deleterious mutations, the population undergoes a ``repair'' catastrophe, in which the equilibrium distribution is still localized about the viability master sequence, but is spread ergodically over the sequence subspace defined by the repair gene. Below the repair catastrophe, the distribution undergoes the error catastrophe when ÎŒ \mu exceeds \ln k/\eps_r , while above the repair catastrophe, the distribution undergoes the error catastrophe when ÎŒ \mu exceeds ln⁥k/fdel \ln k/f_{del} , where fdel f_{del} denotes the fraction of deleterious mutations.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Physical Review

    Comment on "Antilocalization in a 2D Electron Gas in a Random Magnetic Field"

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    In a recent Letter, Taras-Semchuk and Efetov reconsider the problem of electron localization in a random magnetic field in two dimensions. They claim that due to the long-range nature of the vector potential correlations an additional term appears in the effective field theory (σ\sigma-model) of the problem, leading to delocalization at the one-loop level. This calls into question the results of earlier analytical studies, where the random magnetic field problem was mapped onto the conventional unitary-class σ\sigma-model, implying that the leading quantum correction is of two-loop order and of a localizing nature. We show in this Comment, however, that the new term in fact does not exist and was erroneously obtained by Taras-Semchuk and Efetov because of an inconsistent treatment violating gauge invariance.Comment: 1 page, 2 figure

    Adaptive Dispersion Compensation for Remote Fiber Delivery of NIR Femtosecond Pulses

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    We report on remote delivery of 25 pJ broadband near-infrared femtosecond light pulses from a Ti:sapphire laser through 150 meters of single-mode optical fiber. Pulse distortion due to dispersion is overcome with pre-compensation using adaptive pulse shaping techniques, while nonlinearities are mitigated using an SF10 rod for the final stage of pulse compression. Near transform limited pulse duration of 130 fs is measured after the final compression.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Nanoscale grains, high irreversibility field, and large critical current density as a function of high energy ball milling time in C-doped magnesium diboride

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    Magnesium diboride (MgB2) powder was mechanically alloyed by high energy ball milling with C to a composition of Mg(B0.95C0.05)2 and then sintered at 1000 C in a hot isostatic press. Milling times varied from 1 minute to 3000 minutes. Full C incorporation required only 30-60 min of milling. Grain size of sintered samples decreased with increased milling time to less than 30 nm for 20-50 hrs of milling. Milling had a weak detrimental effect on connectivity. Strong irreversibility field (H*) increase (from 13.3 T to 17.2 T at 4.2 K) due to increased milling time was observed and correlated linearly with inverse grain size (1/d). As a result, high field Jc benefited greatly from lengthy powder milling. Jc(8 T, 4.2 K) peaked at > 80,000 A/cm2 with 1200 min of milling compared with only ~ 26,000 A/cm2 for 60 min of milling. This non-compositional performance increase is attributed to grain refinement of the unsintered powder by milling, and to the probable suppression of grain growth by milling-induced MgO nano-dispersions.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Potential, core-level and d band shifts at transition metal surfaces

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    We have extended the validity of the correlation between the surface 3d-core-level shift (SCLS) and the surface d band shift (SDBS) to the entire 4d transition metal series and to the neighboring elements Sr and Ag via accurate first-principles calculations. We find that the correlation is quasilinear and robust with respect to the differencies both between initial and final-state calculations of the SCLS's and two distinct measures of the SDBS's. We show that despite the complex spatial dependence of the surface potential shift (SPS) and the location of the 3d and 4d orbitals in different regions of space, the correlation exists because the sampling of the SPS by the 3d and 4d orbitals remains similar. We show further that the sign change of the SCLS's across the transition series does indeed arise from the d band-narrowing mechanism previously proposed. However, while in the heavier transition metals the predicted increase of d electrons in the surface layer relative to the bulk arises primarily from transfers from s and p states to d states within the surface layer, in the lighter transition metals the predicted decrease of surface d electrons arises primarily from flow out into the vacuum.Comment: RevTex, 22 pages, 5 figures in uufiles form, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Crossover to Non-universal Microscopic Spectral Fluctuations in Lattice Gauge Theory

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    The spectrum of the Dirac operator near zero virtuality obtained in lattice gauge simulations is known to be universally described by chiral random matrix theory. We address the question of the maximum energy for which this universality persists. For this purpose, we analyze large ensembles of complete spectra of the Euclidean Dirac operator for staggered fermions. We calculate the disconnected scalar susceptibility and the microscopic number variance for the chiral symplectic ensemble of random matrices and compare the results with lattice Dirac spectra for quenched SU(2). The crossover to a non-universal regime is clearly identified and found to scale with the square of the linear lattice size and with fπ2f_{\pi}^2, in agreement with theoretical expectations.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, misprint in Eq. (13) corrected, minor modifications, to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Robustness and epistasis in mutation-selection models

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    We investigate the fitness advantage associated with the robustness of a phenotype against deleterious mutations using deterministic mutation-selection models of quasispecies type equipped with a mesa shaped fitness landscape. We obtain analytic results for the robustness effect which become exact in the limit of infinite sequence length. Thereby, we are able to clarify a seeming contradiction between recent rigorous work and an earlier heuristic treatment based on a mapping to a Schr\"odinger equation. We exploit the quantum mechanical analogy to calculate a correction term for finite sequence lengths and verify our analytic results by numerical studies. In addition, we investigate the occurrence of an error threshold for a general class of epistatic landscape and show that diminishing epistasis is a necessary but not sufficient condition for error threshold behavior.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figure
