160 research outputs found

    II. Defining Document in the Digital Landscape of Electronic Discovery

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    Directional solidification of flake and nodular cast iron during KC-135 low-g maneuvers

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    Alloys solidified in a low-gravity environment can, due to the elimination of sedimentation and convection, form unique and often desirable microstructures. One method of studying the effects of low-gravity (low-g) on alloy solidification was the use of the NASA KC-135 aircraft flying repetitive low-g maneuvers. Each maneuver gives from 20 to 30 seconds of low-g which is between about 0.1 and 0.001 gravity. A directional solidification furnace was used to study the behavior of off eutectic composition case irons in a low-g environment. The solidification interface of hypereutectic flake and spheroidal graphite case irons was slowly advanced through a rod sample, 5 mm in diameter. Controlled solidification was continued through a number of aircraft parabolas. The known solidification rate of the sample was then correlated with accelerometer data to determine the gravity level during solidification for any location of the sample. The thermal gradient and solidification rate were controlled independently. Samples run on the KC-135 aircraft exhibited bands of coarser graphite or of larger nodules usually corresponding to the regions solidified under low-g. Samples containing high phosphorous (used in order to determine the eutectic cell) exhibited larger eutectic cells in the low-g zone, followed by a band of coarser graphite

    Preliminary science report on the directional solidification of hypereutectic cast iron during KC-135 low-G maneuvers

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    An ADSS-P directional solidification furnace was reconfigured for operation on the KC-135 low-g aircraft. The system offers many advantages over quench ingot methods for study of the effects of sedimentation and convection on alloy formation. The directional sodification furnace system was first flown during the September 1982 series of flights. The microstructure of the hypereutectic cast iron sample solidified on one of these flights suggests a low-g effect on graphite morphology. Further experiments are needed to ascertain that this effect is due to low-gravity and to deduce which of the possible mechanisms is responsible for it

    Secondary arm coarsening and microsegregation in superalloy PWA-1480 single crystals: Effect of low gravity

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    Single crystal specimens of nickel base superalloy PWA-1480 were directionally solidified on ground and during low gravity (20 sec) and high gravity (90 sec) parabolic maneuver of KC-135 aircraft. Thermal profiles were measured during solidification by two in-situ thermocouples positioned along the sample length. The samples were quenched during either high or low gravity cycles so as to freeze the structures of the mushy zone developing under different gravity levels. Microsegregation was measured by examining the solutal profiles on several transverse cross-sections across primary dendrites along their length in the quenched mushy zone. Effect of gravity level on secondary arm coarsening kinetics and microsegregation have been investigated. The results indicate that there is no appreciable difference in the microsegregation and coarsening kinetics behavior in the specimens grown under high or low gravity. This suggests that short duration changes in gravity/levels (0.02 to 1.7 g) do not influence convection in the interdendritic region. Examination of the role of natural convection, in the melt near the primary dendrite tips, on secondary arm spacings requires low gravity periods longer than presently available on KC-135. Secondary arm coarsening kinetics show a reasonable fit with the predictions from a simple analytical model proposed by Kirkwood for a binary alloy

    Electrical properties of Al-In-Sn alloys directionally solidified in high and low gravitational fields

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    The Al-In-Sn alloys were directionally solidified in the NASA KC-135 aircraft which flies a series of parabolas to generate high (high-g) and low (low-g) gravity forces parallel to the longitudinal growth axis. Thus, for a given sample, successive sections can be identified which were solidified in high-g and low-g. Measurements of the electronic properties of the samples reveal that: the resistivity of the low-g sections is larger (about a factor of 10) than that of the high-g sections; the low-g sections behave conductively like a semi-metal, while the high-g sections are essentially metallic; and both high-g and low-g sections are superconducting but the superconducting transition temperature of the low-g sections is 1 K higher than that of the high-g sections

    Advancement of Solidification Processing Technology Through Real Time X-Ray Transmission Microscopy: Sample Preparation

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    Two types of samples were prepared for the real time X-ray transmission microscopy (XTM) characterization. In the first series directional solidification experiments were carried out to evaluate the critical velocity of engulfment of zirconia particles in the Al and Al-Ni eutectic matrix under ground (l-g) conditions. The particle distribution in the samples was recorded on video before and after the samples were directionally solidified. In the second series samples of the above two type of composites were prepared for directional solidification runs to be carried out on the Advanced Gradient Heating Facility (AGHF) aboard the space shuttle during the LMS mission in June 1996. X-ray microscopy proved to be an invaluable tool for characterizing the particle distribution in the metal matrix samples. This kind of analysis helped in determining accurately the critical velocity of engulfment of ceramic particles by the melt interface in the opaque metal matrix composites. The quality of the cast samples with respect to porosity and instrumented thermocouple sheath breakage or shift could be easily viewed and thus helped in selecting samples for the space shuttle experiments. Summarizing the merits of this technique it can be stated that this technique enabled the use of cast metal matrix composite samples since the particle location was known prior to the experiment

    Ceramics for Molten Materials Containment, Transfer and Handling on the Lunar Surface

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    As part of a project on Molten Materials Transfer and Handling on the Lunar Surface, molten materials containment samples of various ceramics were tested to determine their performance in contact with a melt of lunar regolith simulant. The test temperature was 1600 C with contact times ranging from 0 to 12 hours. Regolith simulant was pressed into cylinders with the approximate dimensions of 1.25 dia x 1.25cm height and then melted on ceramic substrates. The regolith-ceramic interface was examined after processing to determine the melt/ceramic interaction. It was found that the molten regolith wetted all oxide ceramics tested extremely well which resulted in chemical reaction between the materials in each case. Alumina substrates were identified which withstood contact at the operating temperature of a molten regolith electrolysis cell (1600 C) for eight hours with little interaction or deformation. This represents an improvement over alumina grades currently in use and will provide a lifetime adequate for electrolysis experiments lasting 24 hours or more. Two types of non-oxide ceramics were also tested. It was found that they interacted to a limited degree with the melt resulting in little corrosion. These ceramics, Sic and BN, were not wetted as well as the oxides by the melt, and so remain possible materials for molten regolith handling. Tests wing longer holding periods and larger volumes of regolith are necessary to determine the ultimate performance of the tested ceramics

    Large Spun Formed Friction-Stir Welded Tank Domes for Liquid Propellant Tanks Made from AA2195: A Technology Demonstration for the Next Generation of Heavy Lift Launchers

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    Improving structural efficiency while reducing manufacturing costs are key objectives when making future heavy-lift launchers more performing and cost efficient. The main enabling technologies are the application of advanced high performance materials as well as cost effective manufacture processes. This paper presents the status and main results of a joint industrial research & development effort to demonstrate TRL 6 of a novel manufacturing process for large liquid propellant tanks for launcher applications. Using high strength aluminium-lithium alloy combined with the spin forming manufacturing technique, this development aims at thinner wall thickness and weight savings up to 25% as well as a significant reduction in manufacturing effort. In this program, the concave spin forming process is used to manufacture tank domes from a single flat plate. Applied to aluminium alloy, this process allows reaching the highest possible material strength status T8, eliminating numerous welding steps which are typically necessary to assemble tank domes from 3D-curved panels. To minimize raw material costs for large diameter tank domes for launchers, the dome blank has been composed from standard plates welded together prior to spin forming by friction stir welding. After welding, the dome blank is contoured in order to meet the required wall thickness distribution. For achieving a material state of T8, also in the welding seams, the applied spin forming process allows the required cold stretching of the 3D-curved dome, with a subsequent ageing in a furnace. This combined manufacturing process has been demonstrated up to TRL 6 for tank domes with a 5.4 m diameter. In this paper, the manufacturing process as well as test results are presented. Plans are shown how this process could be applied to future heavy-lift launch vehicles developments, also for larger dome diameters

    Dendrite Spacings in Directionally Solidified Superalloy PWA-1480

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    Primary dendrite spacings and side-branch coarsening kinetics were examined in specimens of the single-crystal multicomponent commercial superalloy PWA-1480, which were directionally solidified in a positive thermal gradient. The experimentally observed dependence of primary dendrite spacings and side-branch coarsening kinetics on growth rate and thermal gradient were in agreement with the behavior predicted by analytical models developed for binary alloys

    Solutal Partition Coefficients in Nickel-Based Superalloy PWA-1480

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    Solutal profiles in dendritic single-crystal specimens of PWA-1480 nickel-base superalloy, which were directionally solidified and quenched, were examined on several transverse cross-sections to obtain the partition coefficients. Similar to their nickel-base binaries, the partition coefficients of tantalum, titanium, and aluminum were found to be less than unity; those of tungsten and cobalt were greater than unity. The partition coefficients were temperature independent in the range 1584-1608 K. The contribution of solid-state diffusion to microsegregation was observed to be negligible
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