10,154 research outputs found

    Seed beetles (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) associated with Acacia cornigera (L.) Willd., with description of a new species of Acanthoscelides Schilsky

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    Presented herein is a key to identify species of Bruchidae associated with Acacia cornigera (L.). For each species, host records, distributions and bionomics are given. A new species of Acanthoscelides Schilsky is described and figured; Acanthoscelides sauli Romero, Cruz, and Kingsolver

    Diagnosis of bronchial hyperresponsiveness in sport by PC20 value

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    En este trabajo se exponen los criterios de positividad del Comité Olímpico Internacional versus a la Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica. Participaron en este estudio ochenta deportistas de alto rendimiento, realizando una historia clínica, una espirometría de reposo y un test de metacolina. Se analiza la sensibilidad y especificidad del test de metacolina mediante curvas ROC. El comité Internacional antidopaje (WADA) requiere que la disminución sea con un PC20 < a 4mg/ml, mientras que para la práctica clínica este descenso debe presentar un PC20 < 8mg/ml. Los resultados fueron: 25% tuvieron un PC20 > de 8mg/ml; el 61% obtuvieron un PC20 < 4mg/ml y un 14% presentaron un PC20 entre 4 y 8mg/ml, correspondiendo el mejor punto de corte a PC20 de 7,6mg/ml con especificidad de 98,3 y sensibilidad de 100%. Se tendría que determinar los mismos criterios para el diagnóstico de los deportistas y los que no lo son.In this work criteria of the International Olympic Committee versus the Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery are exposed. A study was conducted in eighty high performance athletes of several sports . Who underwent a medical history, resting spirometry and a methacholine challenge test. You get the sensitivity and specificity of methacholine challenge test using Receiver Operating Curves (ROC curves). International anti-doping Committee requires that the decline is a PC20 < 4mg/ml, while clinical practice this fall must submit a PC20 < 8mg/ml. Twenty five percent of those studied had a PC20 > of 8mg/ml, 61% had a PC20 < 4mg/ml and 14% had a 4 to 8mg/ml PC20. The best cutoff point was found for a PC20 of 7.6 mg/ml with a specificity of 98.3 and a sensitivity of 100%. It would have to determine the same criteria for positive diagnosis of athletes and those who are not

    Inducing charges and currents from extra dimensions

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    In a particular variant of Kaluza-Klein theory, the so-called induced-matter theory (IMT), it is shown that any configuration of matter may be geometrically induced from a five-dimensional vacuum space. By using a similar approach we show that any distribution of charges and currents may also be induced from a five-dimensional vacuum space. Whereas in the case of IMT the geometry is Riemannian and the fundamental equations are the five-dimensional Einstein equations in vacuum, here we consider a Minkowskian geometry and the five-dimensional Maxwell equations in vacuum.Comment: 8 pages. Accepted for publication in Modern Physics Letters

    Development and Evaluation of \u3cem\u3ePennisetum Purpureum\u3c/em\u3e Mutants Through Irradiation With \u3csup\u3e60\u3c/sup\u3eCo

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    The development of plant mutants is a commonly used procedure nowadays. One way of obtaining mutant plants has been seed irradiation with gamma rays. As these studies are not common in tropical pasture species (Micke et al., 1993, Herrera, 2001), the objective of this study was the development and evaluation of Pennisetum purpureum mutants through irradiation with 60Co

    Comparative effect of different cooking methods on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of high pressure processed marinated pork chops

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    peer-reviewedThe objective of this study was to assess the effect of griddle and steam cooking on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of high pressure processed (HPP) piri-piri marinated pork chops (MPC). Raw MPC that were HPP at 400 MPa had higher (P < 0.05) marinade absorption compared to untreated samples. After cooking, griddled MPC were significantly (P < 0.05) darker, less red, less yellow, tougher and had higher cook loss compared to steam cooked samples. The appearance of the griddled MPC was preferred while the texture, tenderness, juiciness and overall sensory acceptability (OSA) were preferred in steam cooked MPC. The increased marinade absorption in MPC that were HPP modified the fatty acid composition resulting in increased (P < 0.05) levels of oleic acid (C18:1c). Steam cooked MPC had a lower (P < 0.05) n-6: n-3 PUFA ratio and were preferred by the sensory panel compared to griddled MPC. Overall, from the cooking methods assessed steam cooking was the best cooking method for untreated and MPC that were HPP. Industrial relevance: Processed meat manufacturers are constantly looking for new ways to increase yield, safety and shelf life of meat products. While high pressure processing (HPP) of raw meat has been shown to increase the safety and shelf life of these products; however, negative effects on the physicochemical characteristics of raw meat products have been reported. For example, HPP of raw meat products causes a whitening effect which may negatively affect consumers' acceptance of these products. In this study, we used a novel approach (a combination of HPP, marinade and a mix of organic acids Inbac™) which showed great potential not only for enhancing the yield of marinated pork chops but also enhancement of the sensory properties, safety and shelf life and particularly the piri-piri marinade masked the discoloration of raw pork meat caused by HPP. This study also provides consumers, retailers and caterers with information on how to best prepare HPP meat products and showed that steam cooked HPP marinated pork chops had the best physicochemical and sensory characteristics compared to griddled marinated pork chops

    Ischemic Stroke and Epilepsy in a Patient with Tourette´s Syndrome: Association with the Antiphospholipid Syndrome and Good Response to Levetiracetam

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    The role played by different humoral factors, including antiphospholipid antibodies, in the pathogenesis of Tourette syndrome (TS) is still presently unclear. We present a patient with chronic and severe TS who, at the age of 16 years, presented an ischemic stroke in the left posterior cerebral artery and/or postero-inferior temporal branch of the left medial cerebral artery. A complete study was negative with the exception of a positive lupus anticoagulant. The stroke was related with the primary antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). The stroke manifested visual abnormalities and thereafter by secondary generalized complex partial seizures. The epileptic syndrome was initially difficult to control but responded dramatically to levetiracetam. With this therapy, the manifestations of TS, especially the tics, improved. We conclude that some TS cases may present APS. In addition, levetiracetam may be useful in the management of TS. Further investigations should pursue both these facts

    CaracterizaciĂłn estructural del sistema ovino-caprino de la regiĂłn noroeste de RepĂşblica Dominicana (Structural characterization of sheep and goat farming systems in Northwest Dominican Republic)

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    The aim of this study was to analyze structural aspects of goat and ovine livestock farming systems located in the Norwest of Dominican Republic. The sample (94 farms) was randomly selected with proportional allocation by region. Forty-four variables related to structural and productive aspects were analyzed. The average size of farms was 96 ha and 165 animals. Their facilities are simple, nonspecific and barely functional, with a mean of 2 pens per farm. Farms generally do not have perimeter fences, facilities for breeding, feeding or watering points. The reproductive strategy is the natural breeding throughout the year on most farms, with a ratio of one sire for every 36 females, and there are no breeding records. The first mating takes place with an average weight of 17 kg at 6.5 months of age. Feeding is based on grazing of natural pastures and forests (94%), reaching a stocking density of 0.83 LU/ha. Food supplementation is used in 37% of farms, mainly in sheep and mixed farms. The lambs and goats are sold when they reach 23 kg in weight, around 7 months of age. The farms do not receive technical advice, although 94% of them apply preventive treatments on a regular basis. The mortality rate reached 12%. In general, farms are very heterogeneous in their production structure, management, nutrition and health. Thus, a group of farms developed a traditional system (goats), while the most efficient and technified correspond to sheep and mixed farms
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