305 research outputs found

    Numerical study of a slip-link model for polymer melts and nanocomposites

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    We present a numerical study of the slip link model introduced by Likhtman for describing the dy- namics of dense polymer melts. After reviewing the technical aspects associated with the implemen- tation of the model, we extend previous work in several directions. The dependence of the relaxation modulus with the slip link density and the slip link stiffness is reported. Then the nonlinear rheolog- ical properties of the model, for a particular set of parameters, are explored. Finally, we introduce excluded volume interactions in a mean field such as manner in order to describe inhomogeneous systems, and we apply this description to a simple nanocomposite model. With this extension, the slip link model appears as a simple and generic model of a polymer melt, that can be used as an alternative to molecular dynamics for coarse grained simulations of complex polymeric systems

    Comparison of experimental and numerical sloshing loads in partially filled tanks

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    Sloshing phenomenon consists in the movement of liquids inside partially filled tanks, whichgenerates dynamic loads on the tank structure. Resulting impact pressures are of great importance in assessingstructural strength, and their correct evaluation still represents a challenge for the designer due to the highnonlinearities involved, with complex free surface deformations, violent impact phenomena and influence of airtrapping. In the present paper a set of two-dimensional cases for which experimental results are available areconsidered to assess merits and shortcomings of different numerical methods for sloshing evaluation, namely twocommercial RANS solvers (FLOW-3D and LS-DYNA), and two own developed methods (Smoothed ParticleHydrodynamics and RANS). Impact pressures at different critical locations and global moment induced by watermotion for a partially filled tank with rectangular section having a rolling motion have been evaluated and resultsare compared with experiments

    Plant infection by two different viruses induce contrasting changes of vectors fitness and behavior

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    Abstract Insect-vectored plant viruses can induce changes in plant phenotypes, thus influencing plant?vector interactions in a way that may promote their dispersal according to their mode of transmission (i.e., circulative vs. noncirculative). This indirect vector manipulation requires host?virus?vector coevolution and would thus be effective solely in very specific plant?virus?vector species associations. Some studies suggest this manipulation may depend on multiple factors relative to various intrinsic characteristics of vectors such as transmission efficiency. In anintegrative study, we tested the effects of infection of the Brassicaceae Camelina sativa with the noncirculative Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) or the circulative Turnip yellows virus (TuYV) on the host-plant colonization of two aphid species differing in their virus transmission efficiency: the polyphagous Myzus persicae, efficient vector of both viruses, and the Brassicaceae specialist Brevicoryne brassicae, poor vector of TuYV and efficient vector of CaMV. Results confirmed the important role of virus mode of transmission as plant-mediated effects of CaMV on the two aphid species induced negative alterations of feeding behavior (i.e., decreased phloem sap ingestion) and performance that were both conducive for virus fitness by promoting dispersion after a rapid acquisition. In addition, virus transmission efficiency may also play a role in vector manipulation by viruses as only the responses of the efficient vector to plant-mediated effects of TuYV, that is, enhanced feeding behavior and performances, were favorable to their acquisition and further dispersal. Altogether, this work demonstrated that vector transmission efficiency also has to be considered when studying the mechanisms underlying vector manipulation by viruses. Our results also reinforce the idea that vector manipulation requires coevolution between plant, virus and vector

    Granzyme A inhibition reduces inflammation and increases survival during abdominal sepsis

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    Aims: Peritonitis is one of the most common causes of sepsis, a serious syndrome characterized by a dysregulated systemic inflammatory response. Recent evidence suggests that Granzyme A (GzmA), a serine protease mainly expressed by NK and T cells, could act as a proinflammatory mediator and could play an important role in the pathogenesis of sepsis. This work aims to analyze the role and the therapeutic potential of GzmA in the pathogenesis of peritoneal sepsis. Methods: The level of extracellular GzmA as well as GzmA activity were analyzed in serum from healthy volunteers and patients with confirmed peritonitis and were correlated with the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score. Peritonitis was induced in C57Bl/6 (WT) and GzmA-/- mice by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). Mice were treated intraperitoneally with antibiotics alone or in combination serpinb6b, a specific GzmA inhibitor, for 5 days. Mouse survival was monitored during 14 days, levels of some proinflammatory cytokines were measured in serum and bacterial load and diversity was analyzed in blood and spleen at different times. Results: Clinically, elevated GzmA was observed in serum from patients with abdominal sepsis suggesting that GzmA plays an important role in this pathology. In the CLP model GzmA deficient mice, or WT mice treated with an extracellular GzmA inhibitor, showed increased survival, which correlated with a reduction in proinflammatory markers in both serum and peritoneal lavage fluid. GzmA deficiency did not influence bacterial load in blood and spleen and GzmA did not affect bacterial replication in macrophages in vitro, indicating that GzmA has no role in bacterial control. Analysis of GzmA in lymphoid cells following CLP showed that it was mainly expressed by NK cells. Mechanistically, we found that extracellular active GzmA acts as a proinflammatory mediator in macrophages by inducing the TLR4-dependent expression of IL-6 and TNFa. Conclusions: Our findings implicate GzmA as a key regulator of the inflammatory response during abdominal sepsis and provide solid evidences about its therapeutic potential for the treatment of this severe pathology

    Characterization of the Endothelial Cell Cytoskeleton following HLA Class I Ligation

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    Vascular endothelial cells (ECs) are a target of antibody-mediated allograft rejection. In vitro, when the HLA class I molecules on the surface of ECs are ligated by anti-HLA class I antibodies, cell proliferation and survival pathways are activated and this is thought to contribute to the development of antibody-mediated rejection. Crosslinking of HLA class I molecules by anti-HLA antibodies also triggers reorganization of the cytoskeleton, which induces the formation of F-actin stress fibers. HLA class I induced stress fiber formation is not well understood.The present study examines the protein composition of the cytoskeleton fraction of ECs treated with HLA class I antibodies and compares it to other agonists known to induce alterations of the cytoskeleton in endothelial cells. Analysis by tandem mass spectrometry revealed unique cytoskeleton proteomes for each treatment group. Using annotation tools a candidate list was created that revealed 12 proteins, which were unique to the HLA class I stimulated group. Eleven of the candidate proteins were phosphoproteins and exploration of their predicted kinases provided clues as to how these proteins may contribute to the understanding of HLA class I induced antibody-mediated rejection. Three of the candidates, eukaryotic initiation factor 4A1 (eIF4A1), Tropomyosin alpha 4-chain (TPM4) and DDX3X, were further characterized by Western blot and found to be associated with the cytoskeleton. Confocal microscopy analysis showed that class I ligation stimulated increased eIF4A1 co-localization with F-actin and paxillin.Colocalization of eIF4A1 with F-actin and paxillin following HLA class I ligation suggests that this candidate protein could be a target for understanding the mechanism(s) of class I mediated antibody-mediated rejection. This proteomic approach for analyzing the cytoskeleton of ECs can be applied to other agonists and various cells types as a method for uncovering novel regulators of cytoskeleton changes

    Latent KSHV Infection of Endothelial Cells Induces Integrin Beta3 to Activate Angiogenic Phenotypes

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    Kaposi's Sarcoma (KS), the most common tumor of AIDS patients, is a highly vascularized tumor supporting large amounts of angiogenesis. The main cell type of KS tumors is the spindle cell, a cell of endothelial origin, the primary cell type involved in angiogenesis. Kaposi's Sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is the etiologic agent of KS and is likely involved in both tumor formation and the induction of angiogenesis. Integrins, and specifically integrin αVβ3, have known roles in both tumor induction and angiogenesis. αVβ3 is also important for KSHV infection as it has been shown to be involved in KSHV entry into cells. We found that during latent infection of endothelial cells KSHV induces the expression of integrin β3 leading to increased surface levels of αVβ3. Signaling molecules downstream of integrins, including FAK and Src, are activated during viral latency. Integrin activation by KSHV is necessary for the KSHV-associated upregulation of a number of angiogenic phenotypes during latent infection including adhesion and motility. Additionally, KSHV-infected cells become more reliant on αVβ3 for capillary like formation in three dimensional culture. KSHV induction of integrin β3, leading to induction of angiogenic and cancer cell phenotypes during latency, is likely to be important for KS tumor formation and potentially provides a novel target for treating KS tumors

    Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus K7 Induces Viral G Protein-Coupled Receptor Degradation and Reduces Its Tumorigenicity

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    The Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) genome encodes a G protein-coupled receptor (vGPCR). vGPCR is a ligand-independent, constitutively active signaling molecule that promotes cell growth and proliferation; however, it is not clear how vGPCR is negatively regulated. We report here that the KSHV K7 small membrane protein interacts with vGPCR and induces its degradation, thereby dampening vGPCR signaling. K7 interaction with vGPCR is readily detected in transiently transfected human cells. Mutational analyses reveal that the K7 transmembrane domain is necessary and sufficient for this interaction. Biochemical and confocal microscopy studies indicate that K7 retains vGPCR in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and induces vGPCR proteasomeal degradation. Indeed, the knockdown of K7 by shRNA-mediated silencing increases vGPCR protein expression in BCBL-1 cells that are induced for KSHV lytic replication. Interestingly, K7 expression significantly reduces vGPCR tumorigenicity in nude mice. These findings define a viral factor that negatively regulates vGPCR protein expression and reveal a post-translational event that modulates GPCR-dependent transformation and tumorigenicity
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